84 research outputs found


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    A superestimulação visando a produção embrionária, em camundongos, é um procedimento multifatorial. Para minimizar o número de animais sacrificados e maximizar o resultado do tratamento superestimulatório, é necessário que haja uma predição do risco de não obter embriões de determinado animal. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar se as variáveis - concentração e horário da administração hormonal, presença de “plug” copulatório e macho utilizado – seriam fatores preditivos na produção embrionária. Camundongas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos (fatorial 2x2), com o tratamento superovulatório iniciado às 13h ou às 17h e os hormônios (eCG e hCG) administrados com 5 ou 10UI. Após o hCG, os animais foram colocados com machos para a cópula. Na manhã seguinte foi verificada a presença de “plug” (D0,5). A recuperação dos embriões foi realizada entre D2,5 e D4,5, mediante lavagem dos ovidutos e cornos uterinos. As estruturas recuperadas (ETO) e os embriões viáveis (EVI) foram morfologicamente classificados. A porcentagem de EVI, em relação às ETO, foi considerada taxa de viabilidade embrionária (TVE). Os grupos foram comparados com a significância sendo considerada quando

    Corrigendum to “Oxidative Stress Alters the Profile of Transcription Factors Related to Early Development on In Vitro

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    High oxygen levels during in vitro culture (IVC) can induce oxidative stress through accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), negatively affecting embryo development. This study evaluated the effect of different O2 tensions during IVC on bovine blastocyst development and transcriptional status, considering transcription factors that play an essential role during early embryo development. For this purpose, embryos were produced in vitro by conventional protocols and cultured in two different oxygen tensions, physiological (5%) and atmospheric (20%). Expanded blastocysts were subjected to transcript quantitation analysis by RT-qPCR with Biomark™ HD System (Fluidigm, US), using 67 TaqMan assays specific for Bos taurus. Differences were observed in genes related to oxidation-reduction processes, DNA-dependent transcription factors, and factors related to important functional pathways for embryo development. Blastocyst rate was higher in the 5% O2 group and the number of cells was assessed, with the 5% O2 group having a higher number of cells. ROS concentration was evaluated, with a higher ROS presence in the 20% O2 group. Taken together, these results allow us to conclude that IVC of embryos at atmospheric O2 tension affects the expression of important transcription factors involved in multiple cell biology pathways that can affect embryo development, quality, and viability

    Can in vitro embryo production be estimated from semen variables in Senepol breed by using artificial intelligence?

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    Thoroughly analyzing the sperm and exploring the information obtained using artificial intelligence (AI) could be the key to improving fertility estimation. Artificial neural networks have already been applied to calculate zootechnical indices in animals and predict fertility in humans. This method of estimating the results of reproductive biotechnologies, such as in vitro embryo production (IVEP) in cattle, could be valuable for livestock production. This study was developed to model IVEP estimates in Senepol animals based on various sperm attributes, through retrospective data from 290 IVEP routines performed using 38 commercial doses of semen from Senepol bulls. All sperm samples that had undergone the same procedure during sperm selection for in vitro fertilization were evaluated using a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system to define sperm subpopulations. Sperm morphology was also analyzed in a wet preparation, and the integrity of the plasma and acrosomal membranes, mitochondrial potential, oxidative status, and chromatin resistance were evaluated using flow cytometry. A previous study identified three sperm subpopulations in such samples and the information used in tandem with other sperm quality variables to perform an AI analysis. AI analysis generated models that estimated IVEP based on the season, donor, percentage of viable oocytes, and 18 other sperm predictor variables. The accuracy of the results obtained for the three best AI models for predicting the IVEP was 90.7, 75.3, and 79.6%, respectively. Therefore, applying this AI technique would enable the estimation of high or low embryo production for individual bulls based on the sperm analysis information

    Expressão gênica do receptor do hormônio luteinizante (LHR), em células da teca e da granulosa de folículos antrais bovinos

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    Em células da teca e da granulosa, de folículos bovinos, foram detectados quatro transcritos alternativos do receptor do hormônio luteinizante (LHR). Apenas dois deles são traduzidos em proteínas funcionais com afinidades distintas em relação aos ligantes. Em humanos e símios, a isoforma completa (full-length) tem afinidade pelo LH e hCG, enquanto que a isoforma que apresenta deleção do exon 10 tem afinidade somente pelo hCG. Além disso, isoformas com deleção do exon 3 foram observadas em ratos, embora nenhum outro estudo tenha investigado essa região do gene bovino. Objetivouse com este trabalho caracterizar o padrão da expressão do gene do LHR nas células da teca e da granulosa de folículos antrais bovinos. Ovários foram coletados em matadouro, os folículos (5-14 mm) foram dissecados e as células da teca e da granulosa separadas para extração de RNA total com Trizol. As concentrações de esteróides no fluido folicular foram determinadas por radioimunoensaio (RIE). A expressão gênica do LHR foi mensurada por RTPCR semiquantitativo com oligonucleotídeos iniciadores (primers) específicos para amplificar o fragmento entre o final da região extracelular e o final da intracelular (LHRBC; primers posicionados nos exons 9 e 11). A ocorrência de transcritos alternativos oriundos do início da região extracelular (LHRA; primers posicionados nos exons 2 e 9) foi investigada mediante amplificação por RT-PCR. Como controle interno no PCR, utilizou-se a expressão da GAPDH. Paralelamente, células da granulosa cultivadas in vitro foram tratadas com 1 ou 10 ng de FSH no meio de cultura. Mediante RT-PCR, foi investigada a expressão das isoformas do LHRBC nas células da granulosa cultivadas e tratadas com FSH...Growth of dominant follicle in the absence of circulating FSH and the events following the LH surge that culminate in ovulation, are dependent on the interaction between LH and its receptor (LHR). Four LHR alternative transcripts were described in theca and granulosa cells from bovine follicles. Only two of them can be translated to functional proteins (receptors coupled with G protein) with different affinities to their ligands. In humans and marmosets, the full-length isoform has affinity to both LH and hCG molecules, whereas the isoform with deletion of only exon 10 has affinity to hCG exclusively. Additionally, isoforms with deletion of exon 3 were observed in rats, although no previous report have investigated this region of the bovine gene. The objective of this study was to characterize the pattern of gene expression of the LHR in theca and granulosa cells from bovine antral follicles. Additionally, LHR expression was determined in cultured granulosa cells under FSH treatment. From ovaries collected in abattoir, antral follicles were dissected (5 to 14mm of diameter), and samples of theca and granulosa cells were obtained to total RNA extraction (Trizol protocol). Steroids concentrations in the follicular fluid were determined by RIA. Gene expression of LHR was measured by semiquantitative RT-PCR with specific primers to amplify part of extracellular region (LHRA; primers annealing on exons 2 and 9) and the fragment from the end of extracellular region, including the transmembrane domain and finishing near the end of intracellular region (LHRBC; primers annealing on exons 9 and 11). As internal control of the PCR, it was used GAPDH expression. Cultured granulosa cells were treated with 0, 1 or 10 ng of FSH (3 replicates each dose). As in vivo and positive control, theca cell sample was utilized to comparison... (Complete abstract, access undermentioned electronic address)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    A method using artificial neural networks to morphologically assess mouse blastocyst quality

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    Morphologically classifying embryos is important for numerous laboratory techniques, which range from basic methods to methods for assisted reproduction. However, the standard method currently used for classification is subjective and depends on an embryologist’s prior training. Thus, our work was aimed at developing software to classify morphological quality for blastocysts based on digital images. Methods The developed methodology is suitable for the assistance of the embryologist on the task of analyzing blastocysts. The software uses artificial neural network techniques as a machine learning technique. These networks analyze both visual variables extracted from an image and biological features for an embryo. Results After the training process the final accuracy of the system using this method was 95%. To aid the end-users in operating this system, we developed a graphical user interface that can be used to produce a quality assessment based on a previously trained artificial neural network. Conclusions This process has a high potential for applicability because it can be adapted to additional species with greater economic appeal (human beings and cattle). Based on an objective assessment (without personal bias from the embryologist) and with high reproducibility between samples or different clinics and laboratories, this method will facilitate such classification in the future as an alternative practice for assessing embryo morphologies.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Heat shock proteins (HSP): dermatological implications and perspectives

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    In recent years, several studies have demonstrated the protective effect of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP) on different organs and tissues under stressful conditions. However, most research explores the performance of those molecular chaperones during immune responses or pathological conditions like cancer, whereas the number of studies related to the performance of HSPs in the skin during diverse natural or physiopathological conditions is very low. Therefore, the aim of this article was to summarize the main concepts concerning the expression and performance of HSPs, from analysis of current medicine and cosmetics publications, as well as exploring the importance of these proteins in the dermatological area in physiological events such as cutaneous aging, skin cancer and wound healing and to present final considerations related to biotechnology performance in this area

    Cluster analysis and artificial neural network on the superovulatory response prediction in mice

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    Complex biological systems require sophisticated approach for analysis, once there are variables with distinct measure levels to be analyzed at the same time in them. The mouse assisted reproduction, e.g. superovulation and viable embryos production, demand a multidisciplinary control of the environment, endocrinologic and physiologic status of the animals, of the stressing factors and the conditions which are favorable to their copulation and subsequently oocyte fertilization. In the past, analyses with a simplified approach of these variables were not well succeeded to predict the situations that viable embryos were obtained in mice. Thereby, we suggest a more complex approach with association of the Cluster Analysis and the Artificial Neural Network to predict embryo production in superovulated mice. A robust prediction could avoid the useless death of animals and would allow an ethic management of them in experiments requiring mouse embryo