142 research outputs found

    An Ibero-American inter-laboratory trial to evaluate serological tests for the detection of anti-<i>Neospora caninum</i> antibodies in cattle

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    We carried out an inter-laboratory trial to compare the serological tests commonly used for the detection of specific Neospora caninum antibodies in cattle in Ibero- American countries. A total of eight laboratories participated from the following countries: Argentina (n = 4), Brazil (n = 1), Peru (n = 1), Mexico (n = 1), and Spain (n = 1). A blind panel of well-characterized cattle sera (n = 143) and sera representative of the target population (n = 351) was tested by seven in-house indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs 1–7) and three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs 1–3; two in-house and one commercial). Diagnostic performance of the serological tests was calculated and compared according to the following criteria: (1) the BPre-test information,^ which uses previous epidemiological and serological data; (2) the BMajority of tests,^ which classifies a serumas positive or negative according to the results obtained by most tests evaluated. Unexpectedly, six tests showed either sensitivity (Se) or specificity (Sp) values lower than 90%. In contrast, the best tests in terms of Se, Sp, and area under the ROC curve (AUC) values were IFAT 1 and optimized ELISA 1 and ELISA 2. We evaluated a high number of IFATs, which are the most widely used tests in Ibero-America. The significant discordances observed among the tests regardless of the criteria employed hinder control programs and urge the use of a common test or with similar performances to either the optimized IFAT 1 and ELISAs 1 and 2.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Spatial and temporal dynamics of pathogenic Leptospira in surface waters from the urban slum environment

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    Leptospirosis has emerged as an important urban health problem as slum settlements have expanded worldwide. Yet the dynamics of the environmentally transmitted Leptospira pathogen has not been well characterized in these settings. We used a stratified dense sampling scheme to study the dynamics of Leptospira abundance in surface waters from a Brazilian urban slum community. We collected surface water samples during the dry, intermediate and rainy seasons within a seven-month period and quantified pathogenic Leptospira by quantitative PCR (qPCR). We used logistic and linear mixed models to identify factors that explained variation for the presence and concentration of Leptospira DNA. Among 335 sewage and 250 standing water samples, Leptospira DNA were detected in 36% and 34%, respectively. Among the 236 samples with positive results geometric mean Leptospira concentrations were 152 GEq/mL. The probability of finding Leptospira DNA was higher in sewage samples collected during the rainy season when increased leptospirosis incidence occurred, than during the dry season (47.2% vs 12.5%, respectively, p = 0.0002). There was a marked spatial and temporal heterogeneity in Leptospira DNA distribution, for which type of water, elevation, and time of day that samples were collected, in addition to season, were significant predictors. Together, these findings indicate that Leptospira are ubiquitous in the slum environment and that the water-related risk to which inhabitants are exposed is low. Seasonal increases in Leptospira presence may explain the timing of leptospirosis outbreaks. Effective prevention will need to consider the spatial and temporal dynamics of pathogenic Leptospira in surface waters to reduce the burden of the disease

    Avian influenza virus (H11N9) in migratory shorebirds wintering in the Amazon region, Brazil

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    Aquatic birds are the natural reservoir for avian influenza viruses (AIV). Habitats in Brazil provide stopover and wintering sites for water birds that migrate between North and South America. The current study was conducted to elucidate the possibility of the transport of influenza A viruses by birds that migrate annually between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In total, 556 orotracheal/cloacal swab samples were collected for influenza A virus screening using real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR). The influenza A virus-positive samples were subjected to viral isolation. Four samples were positive for the influenza A matrix gene by rRT-PCR. From these samples, three viruses were isolated, sequenced and characterized. All positive samples originated from a single bird species, the ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), that was caught in the Amazon region at Caeté Bay, Northeast Pará, at Ilha de Canelas. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation of H11N9 in the ruddy turnstone in South America. (Résumé d'auteur

    Anthropometric cranial measurements of normal newborn in Sergipe - Northeast of Brazil

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    O estudo antropométrico do crânio é fundamental para a avaliação do recém-nascido. As medidas antropométricas usadas na atualidade são baseadas em resultados obtidos há mais de cinco décadas, os quais não são capazes de determinar um padrão nacional em decorrência de possíveis influências de algumas etnias. Realizamos estudo descritivo analítico em uma Maternidade em Aracaju-SE, com medidas de perímetro cefálico, distancia biauricular e anteroposterior, índice cefálico e medida da fontanela; foram examinadas 450 recém-nascidos com idade gestacional entre 37 e 42 semanas; 49,3% era do gênero masculino e 50,6% do feminino. O perímetro cefálico variou entre 30,0 cm e 39,8 cm com média de 34,14±2,48 com P50 34 cm. O índice cefálico variou entre 0,69 e 1,13 com média de 0,98±0,06 com P50 1. Foi feito uma comparação entre os estudos estrangeiros e brasileiros; o recém-nascido sergipano aproxima-se mais dos resultados obtidos nos estudos da região sudeste do que dos resultados da região nordeste, geograficamente semelhante. A possibilidade de influencias étnicas foi levantada, como também a necessidade de realizar um estudo multicêntrico para criar um perfil antropométrico do recém-nascido brasileiro. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The anthropometric mesureaments of the skull is essential for the evaluation of the newborn. The anthropometrics measureaments utilized at the present time are based in the results obtained for more than five decades, which are not able to determine a national pattern mostly likely due to some ethnic influences. We carried out an analytical descriptive study in a maternity hospital in Aracaju-Sergipe, Northeast of Brazil. Measurements of cephalic perimeter, biauricular and anteroposterior distances, cephalic index and fontanels were obtained from 450 newborns with gestacional age from 37 and 42 weeks; 49.3% were male and 50.6% female. The cephalic perimeter ranged from 30.0 cm to 39.8 cm with mean value of 34.14±2.48 P50 34 cm, and cephalic index ranged from 0.69 and 1.13 with mean value of 0.98±0.06 P50 1. A comparison was made between brazilian and foreign studies; the results of the newborn from Sergipe were closer to results obtained in the southeast region than the ones obtained in the northeast region itself. The possibility of ethnical influences was raised as well as the need to design a multicentric study in order to define an anthropometric profile of the brazilian newborn

    An Ibero-American inter-laboratory trial to evaluate serological tests for the detection of anti-<i>Neospora caninum</i> antibodies in cattle

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    We carried out an inter-laboratory trial to compare the serological tests commonly used for the detection of specific Neospora caninum antibodies in cattle in Ibero- American countries. A total of eight laboratories participated from the following countries: Argentina (n = 4), Brazil (n = 1), Peru (n = 1), Mexico (n = 1), and Spain (n = 1). A blind panel of well-characterized cattle sera (n = 143) and sera representative of the target population (n = 351) was tested by seven in-house indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs 1–7) and three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs 1–3; two in-house and one commercial). Diagnostic performance of the serological tests was calculated and compared according to the following criteria: (1) the BPre-test information,^ which uses previous epidemiological and serological data; (2) the BMajority of tests,^ which classifies a serumas positive or negative according to the results obtained by most tests evaluated. Unexpectedly, six tests showed either sensitivity (Se) or specificity (Sp) values lower than 90%. In contrast, the best tests in terms of Se, Sp, and area under the ROC curve (AUC) values were IFAT 1 and optimized ELISA 1 and ELISA 2. We evaluated a high number of IFATs, which are the most widely used tests in Ibero-America. The significant discordances observed among the tests regardless of the criteria employed hinder control programs and urge the use of a common test or with similar performances to either the optimized IFAT 1 and ELISAs 1 and 2.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria