19 research outputs found

    Mosca de las riberas (Diptera: Ephydridae) asociadas a plantines de lechuga en invernaderos

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    Mosca de las riberas (Diptera: Ephydridae) asociadas a plantines de lechuga en invernaderosFil: Lietti, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Effect of two tillage systems on the abundance of soil-dwelling arthropods

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    En Argentina, la producción de cultivos mediante labranzas conservacionistas fue rápidamente adoptada por los productores durante la década del noventa. El tipo y grado de labranza producen modificaciones en el ambiente edáfico que influyen en el comportamiento, desarrollo y sobrevivencia de los artrópodos que habitan en el suelo. Evaluamos el efecto de dos tipos de labranza, labranza cero (SD) y labranza convencional (LC), sobre la densidad y actividad de los artrópodos que habitan en el suelo en distintos momentos, en dos cultivos de soja (vegetativo y reproductivo), un cultivo de maíz (reproductivo) y un rastrojo de soja. Utilizamos dos técnicas de muestreo, trampas de caída para artrópodos epígeos de la superficie del suelo y quadrat samples para artrópodos hipógeos. En general, la densidad de los artrópodos fitófagos-detritívoros y predadores, las arañas y las larvas fitófagas-detritívoras (Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) fue significativamente mayor en cultivos con SD. El tipo de labranza no afectó la actividad de la mayoría de los grupos de artrópodos de la superficie del suelo, pero la actividad de los predadores fue generalmente mayor en LC y la frecuencia de arañas fue superior en SD. La densidad de carábidos no fue afectada por el tipo de labranza, mientras que su actividad y especialmente la de Calosoma spp. fue mayor en LC. Las especies de carábidos mostraron diferencias en su respuesta al tipo de labranza. La tribu Pterostichini (Carabidae) predominó en SD y dentro de ella, Argutoridius bonariensis Dejean estuvo presente sólo en cultivos de soja con SD a través de quadrat samples. Selenophorus alternans Dejean (Carabidae: Harpalini) fue más abundante en LC por ambas técnicas de muestreo. Las diferencias documentadas para las distintas técnicas de muestreo empleadas demuestran la importancia de utilizar métodos relativos y absolutos para evaluar el efecto del manejo del suelo en agroecosistemas sobre las poblaciones de artrópodos. La abundancia relativa de las especies de carábidos colectadas en trampas de caída con respecto a muestras de suelo fue explicada en función del ritmo circadiano y el tamaño de las especies. La evaluación de todas las especies de artrópodos de un ensamble y su clasificación en grupos tróficos brindan información amplia, no sesgada y funcional sobre los efectos del manejo del suelo en agroecosistemas a largo plazo.Crop production by conservation tillage was readily adopted by farmers during the 1990's in Argentina. The type and degree of tillage cause modifications in the soil environment that affect the behavior, development and survival of soil-dwelling arthropods. The effect of conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT) on density and activity of soil-inhabiting arthropods was evaluated on different dates, on two soybean crops (vegetative and reproductive stages), one maize crop (reproductive stage) and one soybean fallow. Two sampling methods, pitfall traps, with a preservative solution, for soil surface epigeous arthropods and quadrat samples for hypogeous arthropods, were used. In general, the density of phytophagous-detritivorous and predaceous arthropods, spiders and phitophagous-detritivorous larvae (Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) was significantly higher in NT crops. The type of tillage did not affect the activity of most epigeous arthropods; but predator activity was generally higher in CT crops and spider frequency was superior in NT. Carabid density was not affected by the type of tillage, whereas their activity and particularly that of Calosoma spp. was greater under CT. Carabids species responded differently to both tillage systems. Pterostichini tribe (Carabidae) predominated in density in SD treatments, while its activity was low under both tillage systems. Argutoridius bonariensis Dejean (Carabidae: Ptrostichini) was only observed on NT soybean crops by quadrat samples. Selenophorus alternans Dejean (Carabidae: Harpalini) was more abundant under CT with both sampling methods. The different results obtained with different sampling methods, show the importance of using absolute and relative methods for assessing the effect of soil management in agroecosystems on arthropods populations. Relative abundance of carabids species in pitfall traps with respect to soil samples was explained by their sizes and circadian rhythms. The evaluation of all arthropods species of an ensemble and their classification in trophic groups provide unbiased, broad and functional information about the long time effects of soil management in agroecosystems

    Colza, algo nuevo en la región

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    Presencia de Bemisia tabaci en el Cinturón Hortícola de Rosario: primeros registros

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    La polilla de las coles : principal plaga de la colza en el sur de Santa Fe

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    Predation of amaranthus quitensis H.B.H. seeds in soybean crops: influence of the tillage system

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    El objetivo fue evaluar las pérdidas del banco superficial de semillas de Amaranthus quitensis H.B.K. (yuyo colorado) debidas a la predación por insectos en un cultivo de soja y en el barbecho posterior, en dos sistemas de laboreo. Los experimentos se realizaron durante las campañas 94/95 y 95/96. Para calcular la tasa de predación se emplearon bandejas cubiertas con tejido para evitar el ingreso de roedores y con tela de tul en los tratamientos testigos; en cada una se sembraron 100 semillas de la maleza y cada 15 días se registró el número de semillas remanentes. Para determinar los insectos presentes y su abundancia se emplearon trampas "pitfall". Entre los insectos capturados se encontró el carábido Notiobia cupripennis, su mayor abundancia se registró en marzo (4,5 y 5,8 insectos/trampa en convencional y 2,7 y 3,3 insectos/trampa en siembra directa), coincidiendo con las tasas de predación más altas (5,6% y 8% en convencional y 2,7% y 3,8% en siembra directa); tanto en abundancia como en predación se observaron diferencias significativas entre ambos sistemas. A partir de este mes, las diferencias no fueron significativas, el número de insectos y la tasa de predación disminuyeron. En ambos años existió una correlación positiva entre estas variables.The objective was to evaluate the losses of the superficial bank of Amaranthus quitensis seeds, due to insect predation, in a soybean crop and in the subsequent fallow, in two tillage systems. Experiments were conducted during 1994/95 and 1995/96. To estimate predation rates, trays covered with wire meshes to prevent rodent predation, and with fine sheer net (tulle) in the control treatment were used; 100 weed seeds were sown in each tray, and the number of remaining seeds was registered every 15 days. Pitfall traps were used to identify insects species occurring in the field and to estimate their abundance. The carabid Notiobia cupripennis was captured in pitfall traps, the higher population found during March (4.5 and 5.8 insect/trap in conventional tillage and 2.7 and 3.3 insect/trap in no-tillage). The highest predation rates was also registered in March (5.6% and 8% in conventional tillage and 2.7% and 3.8% in no-tillage) and both systems were significantly different as to abundance and predation. No significant differences were found from April to June, and the number of insects and predation rates decreased. There was a positive correlation between the predation rates and the values of insect abundance in both years

    Resistência a Inseticidas em Populações Argentinas de Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

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    The tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), is one of the key pests of tomato in Argentina. Since its dispersal in the 1970s, chemical control has been the main method of controlling it. However, reduced efficacy of some of the recommended insecticides has been observed since the 1980s. The aim of this work was to study the toxicity of three insecticides widely used in chemical control of T. absoluta (abamectin, deltamethrin and methamidophos) on larvae from a laboratory susceptible population (CASTELAR) and two greenhouse populations (ROSARIO and BELLA VISTA). Insecticides were dissolved in acetone and topically applied to the mid-dorsal abdominal region of two-day old 4th instar larvae. LD50 values were estimated and the Resistance Ratio (RR) for each insecticide was calculated (RR = LD50 value of each greenhouse population/LD50 value of the susceptible population). ROSARIO and BELLA VISTA populations showed the following RRs values: > 68.38 for deltamethrin; 2.48 and 3.49 for abamectin, respectively; and 0.79 and 0.86 for metamidophos, respectively. Deltamethrin resistance observed in ROSARIO could be due to the high selective pressure exerted by pyrethroids in this location. Deltamethrin resistance in BELLA VISTA is more difficult to explain, because pyrethroids were scarcely used in the greenhouse where the insects were sampled. The incipient abamectin resistance detected in the BELLA VISTA population could result from the frequent use of this insecticide in this location, although natural variation can not be discarded.A traça-do-tomateiro, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), é uma das pragas chaves no tomateiro na Argentina. O controle químico tem sido o principal método de controle empregado a partir da sua dispersão nos anos 70. Contudo, tem-se observado uma redução na eficácia de alguns dos inseticidas recomendados a partir da década de 80. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a toxicidade de três inseticidas amplamente usados no controle químico de T. absoluta (abamectina, deltametrina e metamidofós) em larvas de uma população susceptível de laboratório (CASTELAR) e duas populações colectadas em casa de vegetação (ROSARIO e BELLA VISTA). Inseticidas foram diluídos em acetona e aplicados topicamente na região dorsal mediana do abdome de larvas no segundo dia do quarto estágio larval. Para cada inseticida estimou-se o LD50 e calculou-se o Nível de Resistência (NR = LD50 de cada população de casa de vegetação/LD50 população de laboratório). As populações de ROSARIO e BELLA VISTA mostraram os seguintes NRs: > 68.38 para deltametrina; 2.48 e 3.49 para abamectina, respetivamente; e 0.79 e 0.86 para metamidofós, respetivamente. A resistência a deltametrina observada em ROSARIO pode ser resultante da alta pressão seletiva exercida pelos piretróides nessa localidade. A resistência incipiente a abamectina detectada em BELLA VISTA pode ter sido causado pelo uso freqüente do inseticida nessa localidade ou pode estar associada à variação natural.Fil: Lietti, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Botto, Eduardo Norberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Alzogaray, Raúl Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa. Centro de Investigación de Plagas e Insecticidas; Argentin