209 research outputs found

    Quick Starting Dialog Systems with Paraphrase Generation

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    Acquiring training data to improve the robustness of dialog systems can be a painstakingly long process. In this work, we propose a method to reduce the cost and effort of creating new conversational agents by artificially generating more data from existing examples, using paraphrase generation. Our proposed approach can kick-start a dialog system with little human effort, and brings its performance to a level satisfactory enough for allowing actual interactions with real end-users. We experimented with two neural paraphrasing approaches, namely Neural Machine Translation and a Transformer-based seq2seq model. We present the results obtained with two datasets in English and in French:~a crowd-sourced public intent classification dataset and our own corporate dialog system dataset. We show that our proposed approach increased the generalization capabilities of the intent classification model on both datasets, reducing the effort required to initialize a new dialog system and helping to deploy this technology at scale within an organization

    Weak lensing analysis of CODEX clusters using dark energy camera legacy survey : mass-richness relation

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    We present the weak-lensing analysis of 279 CODEX clusters using imaging data from 4200 deg(2) of the DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS) Data Release 3. The cluster sample results from a joint selection in X-ray, optical richness in the range 20 proportional to M-0 (lambda/40)(F lambda). By measuring the CODEX cluster sample as an individual cluster, we obtain the best-fitting values, M-0 = 3.24(-0.27)(+0.29) x 10(14)M(circle dot), and F-lambda = 1.00(-0.22)(+0.22) for the richness scaling index, consistent with a power-law relation. Moreover, we separate the cluster sample into three richness groups; lambda = 20-30, 30-50, and 50-110, and measure the stacked excess surface mass density profile in each group. The results show that both methods are consistent. In addition, we find an excellent agreement between our weak lensing based scaling relation and the relation obtained with dynamical masses estimated from cluster member velocity dispersions measured by the SDSS-IV/SPIDERS team. This suggests that the cluster dynamical equilibrium assumption involved in the dynamical mass estimates is statistically robust for a large sample of clusters.Peer reviewe

    Stellar-to-halo mass relation of cluster galaxies

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    In the hierarchical formation model, galaxy clusters grow by accretion of smaller groups or isolated galaxies. During the infall into the centre of a cluster, the properties of accreted galaxies change. In particular, both observations and numerical simulations suggest that its dark matter halo is stripped by the tidal forces of the host. We use galaxy-galaxy weak lensing to measure the average mass of dark matter haloes of satellite galaxies as a function of projected distance to the centre of the host, for different stellar mass bins. Assuming that the stellar component of the galaxy is less disrupted by tidal stripping, stellar mass can be used as a proxy of the infall mass. We study the stellar to halo mass relation of satellites as a function of the cluster-centric distance to measure tidal stripping. We use the shear catalogues of the DES science verification archive, the CFHTLenS and the CFHT Stripe 82 (CS82) surveys, and we select satellites from the redMaPPer catalogue of clusters. For galaxies located in the outskirts of clusters, we find a stellar to halo mass relation in good agreement with the theoretical expectations from \citet{moster2013} for central galaxies. In the centre of the cluster, we find that this relation is shifted to smaller halo mass for a given stellar mass. We interpret this finding as further evidence for tidal stripping of dark matter haloes in high density environments.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Perceval: A Software Platform for Discrete Variable Photonic Quantum Computing

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    We introduce Perceval, an evolutive open-source software platform for simulating and interfacing with discrete variable photonic quantum computers, and describe its main features and components. Its Python front-end allows photonic circuits to be composed from basic photonic building blocks like photon sources, beam splitters, phase shifters and detectors. A variety of computational back-ends are available and optimised for different use-cases. These use state-of-the-art simulation techniques covering both weak simulation, or sampling, and strong simulation. We give examples of Perceval in action by reproducing a variety of photonic experiments and simulating photonic implementations of a range of quantum algorithms, from Grover's and Shor's to examples of quantum machine learning. Perceval is intended to be a useful toolkit both for experimentalists wishing to easily model, design, simulate, or optimise a discrete variable photonic experiment, and for theoreticians wishing to design algorithms and applications for discrete-variable photonic quantum computing platforms

    Beyond the Ultra-deep Frontier Fields And Legacy Observations (BUFFALO): a high-resolution strong + weak-lensing view of Abell 370

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    The HST treasury program BUFFALO provides extended wide-field imaging of the six Hubble Frontier Fields galaxy clusters. Here we present the combined strong and weak-lensing analysis of Abell 370, a massive cluster at z=0.375. From the reconstructed total projected mass distribution in the 6arcmin x 6arcmin BUFFALO field-of-view, we obtain the distribution of massive substructures outside the cluster core and report the presence of a total of seven candidates, each with mass 5×1013M\sim 5 \times 10^{13}M_{\odot}. Combining the total mass distribution derived from lensing with multi-wavelength data, we evaluate the physical significance of each candidate substructure, and conclude that 5 out of the 7 substructure candidates seem reliable, and that the mass distribution in Abell 370 is extended along the North-West and South-East directions. While this finding is in general agreement with previous studies, our detailed spatial reconstruction provides new insights into the complex mass distribution at large cluster-centric radius. We explore the impact of the extended mass reconstruction on the model of the cluster core and in particular, we attempt to physically explain the presence of an important external shear component, necessary to obtain a low root-mean-square separation between the model-predicted and observed positions of the multiple images in the cluster core. The substructures can only account for up to half the amplitude of the external shear, suggesting that more effort is needed to fully replace it by more physically motivated mass components. We provide public access to all the lensing data used as well as the different lens models.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, 3 table

    BUFFALO/Flashlights: Constraints on the abundance of lensed supergiant stars in the Spock galaxy at redshift 1

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    In this work, we present a constraint on the abundance of supergiant (SG) stars at redshift z ≈ 1, based on recent observations of astrongly lensed arc at this redshift. First we derived a free-form model of MACS J0416.1-2403 using data from the Beyond Ultradeep Frontier Fields and Legacy Observations (BUFFALO) program. The new lens model is based on 72 multiply lensed galaxies thatproduce 214 multiple images, making it the largest sample of spectroscopically confirmed lensed galaxies on this cluster. The largercoverage in BUFFALO allowed us to measure the shear up to the outskirts of the cluster, and extend the range of lensing constraintsup to ∼1 Mpc from the central region, providing a mass estimate up to this radius. As an application, we make predictions for thenumber of high-redshift multiply lensed galaxies detected in future observations with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).Then we focus on a previously known lensed galaxy at z = 1.0054, nicknamed Spock, which contains four previously reportedtransients. We interpret these transients as microcaustic crossings of SG stars and explain how we computed the probability of suchevents. Based on simplifications regarding the stellar evolution, we find that microlensing (by stars in the intracluster medium) ofSG stars at z = 1.0054 can fully explain these events. The inferred abundance of SG stars is consistent with either (1) a numberdensity of stars with bolometric luminosities beyond the Humphreys-Davidson (HD) limit (Lmax ≈ 6 × 105 L for red stars), whichis below ∼400 stars kpc−2, or (2) the absence of stars beyond the HD limit but with a SG number density of ∼9000 kpc−2 for starswith luminosities between 105 L and 6 × 105 L. This is equivalent to one SG star per 10 × 10 pc2. Finally, we make predictions forfuture observations with JWST’s NIRcam. We find that in observations made with the F200W filter that reach 29 mag AB, if cool red SG stars exist at z ≈ 1 beyond the HD limit, they should be easily detected in this arc

    BUFFALO/Flashlights: Constraints on the abundance of lensed supergiant stars in the Spock galaxy at redshift 1

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    We present a constraint on the abundance of supergiant (SG) stars at redshift z approx. 1, based on recent observations of a strongly lensed arc at this redshift. First we derive a free-form model of MACS J0416.1-2403 using data from the BUFFALO program. The new lens model is based on 72 multiply lensed galaxies that produce 214 multiple images, making it the largest sample of spectroscopically confirmed lensed galaxies on this cluster. The larger coverage in BUFFALO allows us to measure the shear up to the outskirts of the cluster, and extend the range of lensing constraints up to ~ 1 Mpc from the central region, providing a mass estimate up to this radius. As an application, we make predictions for the number of high-redshift multiply-lensed galaxies detected in future observations with JWST. Then we focus on a previously known lensed galaxy at z=1.0054, nicknamed Spock, which contains four previously reported transients. We interpret these transients as microcaustic crossings of SG stars and compute the probability of such events. Based on simplifications regarding the stellar evolution, we find that microlensing (by stars in the intracluster medium) of SG stars at z=1.0054 can fully explain these events. The inferred abundance of SG stars is consistent with either (1) a number density of stars with bolometric luminosities beyond the Humphreys-Davidson (HD) limit (L ~ 6×105L6\times10^5 L_{\odot}) that is below 400 stars per sq. kpc, or (2) the absence of stars beyond the HD limit but with a SG number density of ~ 9000 per sq. kpc for stars with luminosities between 10510^5 and 6×1056\times10^5. This is equivalent to one SG star per 10x10 pc2^2. We finally make predictions for future observations with JWST's NIRcam. We find that in observations made with the F200W filter that reach 29 mag AB, if cool red SG stars exist at z~1 beyond the HD limit, they should be easily detected in this arcComment: 24 pages & 18 figure

    Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Detection of Dust Emission in Multiple Images of a Normal Galaxy at z \u3e 4 Lensed by a Frontier Fields Cluster

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    We directly detect dust emission in an optically detected, multiply imaged galaxy lensed by the Frontier Fields cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745. We detect two images of the same galaxy at 1.1 mm with the AzTEC camera on the Large Millimeter Telescope leaving no ambiguity in the counterpart identification. This galaxy, MACS0717_Az9, is at z \u3e 4 and the strong lensing model (μ=7.5) allows us to calculate an intrinsic IR luminosity of 9.7 × 1010 Le and an obscured star formation rate of 14.6 ± 4.5 Me yr−1. The unobscured star formation rate from the UV is only 4.1 ± 0.3 Me yr−1, which means the total star formation rate (18.7 ± 4.5 Me yr−1) is dominated (75%–80%) by the obscured component. With an intrinsic stellar mass of only 6.9 × 109 Me, MACS0717_Az9 is one of only a handful of z \u3e 4 galaxies at these lower masses that is detected in dust emission. This galaxy lies close to the estimated star formation sequence at this epoch. However, it does not lie on the dust obscuration relation (IRX-β) for local starburst galaxies and is instead consistent with the Small Magellanic Cloud attenuation law. This remarkable lower mass galaxy, showing signs of both low metallicity and high dust content, may challenge our picture of dust production in the early universe

    X-ray, lensing and Sunyaev Zel'dovich triaxial analysis of Abell 1835 out to R_{200}

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    Measuring the intrinsic shape and orientation of dark matter (DM) and intracluster (IC) gas in galaxy clusters is crucial to constraining their formation and evolution, and for enhancing the use of clusters as more precise cosmological probes. Extending our previous works, we present for the first time results from a triaxial joint analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 1835, by means of X-ray, strong lensing (SL) and Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) data. We parametrically reconstruct the full three-dimensional structure (triaxial shape and principal axis orientation) of both the DM and the IC gas, and the level of non-thermal pressure of the IC gas. We find that the intermediate-major and minor-major axis ratios of the DM are 0.71+/-0.08 and 0.59+/-0.05, respectively, and the major axis of the DM halo is inclined with respect to the line of sight at 18.3+/-5.2 deg. We present the first observational measurement of the non-thermal pressure out to R_{200}, which has been evaluated to be a few percent of the total energy budget in the internal regions, while reaching approximately 20% in the outer volumes. We discuss the implications of our method for the viability of the CDM scenario, focusing on the concentration parameter C and the inner slope of the DM gamma in order to test the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm for structure formation: we measure gamma=1.01+/-0.06 and C=4.32+/-0.44, values which are close to the predictions of the CDM model. The combination of X-ray/SL data at high spatial resolution, capable of resolving the cluster core, with the SZ data, which are more sensitive to the cluster outer volume, allows us to characterize the level and the gradient of the gas entropy distribution and non-thermal pressure out to R_{200}, breaking the degeneracy among the physical models describing the thermal history of the ICM.Comment: MNRAS in press. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.076