65 research outputs found

    The transcription factor XBP-1 is essential for the development and survival of dendritic cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) play a critical role in the initiation, maintenance, and resolution of an immune response. DC survival is tightly controlled by extracellular stimuli such as cytokines and Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling, but the intracellular events that translate such extracellular stimuli into life or death for the DC remain poorly understood. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, or unfolded protein response (UPR), is a signaling pathway that is activated when unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER. The most conserved arm of the UPR involves IRE1α, an ER transmembrane kinase and endoribonuclease that activates the transcription factor XBP-1 to maintain ER homeostasis and prevent activation of cell death pathways caused by sustained ER stress. We report that XBP-1 is essential for DC development and survival. Lymphoid chimeras lacking XBP-1 possessed decreased numbers of both conventional and plasmacytoid DCs with reduced survival both at baseline and in response to TLR signaling. Overexpression of XBP-1 in hematopoietic progenitors rescued and enhanced DC development. Remarkably, in contrast to other cell types we have examined, the XBP-1 pathway was constitutively activated in immature DCs

    Vesicles carry most exocyst subunits to exocytic sites marked by the remaining two subunits, Sec3p and Exo70p

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    Exocytosis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs at discrete domains of the plasma membrane. The protein complex that tethers incoming vesicles to sites of secretion is known as the exocyst. We have used photobleaching recovery experiments to characterize the dynamic behavior of the eight subunits that make up the exocyst. One subset (Sec5p, Sec6p, Sec8p, Sec10p, Sec15p, and Exo84p) exhibits mobility similar to that of the vesicle-bound Rab family protein Sec4p, whereas Sec3p and Exo70p exhibit substantially more stability. Disruption of actin assembly abolishes the ability of the first subset of subunits to recover after photobleaching, whereas Sec3p and Exo70p are resistant. Immunogold electron microscopy and epifluorescence video microscopy indicate that all exocyst subunits, except for Sec3p, are associated with secretory vesicles as they arrive at exocytic sites. Assembly of the exocyst occurs when the first subset of subunits, delivered on vesicles, joins Sec3p and Exo70p on the plasma membrane. Exocyst assembly serves to both target and tether vesicles to sites of exocytosis

    The AP-1A and AP-1B clathrin adaptor complexes define biochemically and functionally distinct membrane domains

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    Most epithelial cells contain two AP-1 clathrin adaptor complexes. AP-1A is ubiquitously expressed and involved in transport between the TGN and endosomes. AP-1B is expressed only in epithelia and mediates the polarized targeting of membrane proteins to the basolateral surface. Both AP-1 complexes are heterotetramers and differ only in their 50-kD μ1A or μ1B subunits. Here, we show that AP-1A and AP-1B, together with their respective cargoes, define physically and functionally distinct membrane domains in the perinuclear region. Expression of AP-1B (but not AP-1A) enhanced the recruitment of at least two subunits of the exocyst complex (Sec8 and Exo70) required for basolateral transport. By immunofluorescence and cell fractionation, the exocyst subunits were found to selectively associate with AP-1B–containing membranes that were both distinct from AP-1A–positive TGN elements and more closely apposed to transferrin receptor–positive recycling endosomes. Thus, despite the similarity of the two AP-1 complexes, AP-1A and AP-1B exhibit great specificity for endosomal transport versus cell polarity

    Legionella Subvert the Functions of Rab1 and Sec22b to Create a Replicative Organelle

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    Legionella pneumophila is a bacterial pathogen that infects eukaryotic host cells and replicates inside a specialized organelle that is morphologically similar to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To better understand the molecular mechanisms governing transport of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV), we have identified host proteins that participate in the conversion of the LCV into a replicative organelle. Our data show that Rab1 is recruited to the LCV within minutes of uptake. Rab1 recruitment to the LCV precedes remodeling of this compartment by ER-derived vesicles. Genetic inhibition studies demonstrate that Rab1 is important for the recruitment of ER-derived vesicles to the LCV and that inhibiting Rab1 function abrogates intracellular growth of Legionella. Morphological studies indicate that the Sec22b protein is located on ER-derived vesicles recruited to the LCV and that Sec22b is delivered to the LCV membrane. Sec22b function was found to be important for biogenesis of the specialized organelle that supports Legionella replication. These studies demonstrate that Legionella has the ability to subvert Rab1 and Sec22b function to facilitate the transport and fusion of ER-derived vesicles with the LCV, resulting in the formation of a specialized organelle that can support bacterial replication

    A Salmonella protein causes macrophage cell death by inducing autophagy

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    Salmonella enterica, the causative agent of food poisoning and typhoid fever, induces programmed cell death in macrophages, a process found to be dependent on a type III protein secretion system, and SipB, a protein with membrane fusion activity that is delivered into host cells by this system. When expressed in cultured cells, SipB caused the formation of and localized to unusual multimembrane structures. These structures resembled autophagosomes and contained both mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum markers. A mutant form of SipB devoid of membrane fusion activity localized to mitochondria, but did not induce the formation of membrane structures. Upon Salmonella infection of macrophages, SipB was found in mitochondria, which appeared swollen and devoid of christae. Salmonella-infected macrophages exhibited marked accumulation of autophagic vesicles. We propose that Salmonella, through the action of SipB, kills macrophages by disrupting mitochondria, thereby inducing autophagy and cell death

    Mutants in trs120 disrupt traffic from the early endosome to the late Golgi

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    Transport protein particle (TRAPP), a large complex that mediates membrane traffic, is found in two forms (TRAPPI and -II). Both complexes share seven subunits, whereas three subunits (Trs130p, -120p, and -65p) are specific to TRAPPII. Previous studies have shown that mutations in the TRAPPII-specific gene trs130 block traffic through or from the Golgi. Surprisingly, we report that mutations in trs120 do not block general secretion. Instead, trs120 mutants accumulate aberrant membrane structures that resemble Berkeley bodies and disrupt the traffic of proteins that recycle through the early endosome. Mutants defective in recycling also display a defect in the localization of coat protein I (COPI) subunits, implying that Trs120p may participate in a COPI-dependent trafficking step on the early endosomal pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Trs120p largely colocalizes with the late Golgi marker Sec7p. Our findings imply that Trs120p is required for vesicle traffic from the early endosome to the late Golgi

    The Rab8 GTPase selectively regulates AP-1B–dependent basolateral transport in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells

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    The AP-1B clathrin adaptor complex plays a key role in the recognition and intracellular transport of many membrane proteins destined for the basolateral surface of epithelial cells. However, little is known about other components that act in conjunction with AP-1B. We found that the Rab8 GTPase is one such component. Expression of a constitutively activated GTP hydrolysis mutant selectively inhibited basolateral (but not apical) transport of newly synthesized membrane proteins. Moreover, the effects were limited to AP-1B–dependent basolateral cargo; basolateral transport of proteins containing dileucine targeting motifs that do not interact with AP-1B were targeted normally despite overexpression of mutant Rab8. Similar results were obtained for a dominant-negative allele of the Rho GTPase Cdc42, previously implicated in basolateral transport but now shown to be selective for the AP-1B pathway. Rab8-GFP was localized to membranes in the TGN-recycling endosome, together with AP-1B complexes and the closely related but ubiquitously expressed AP-1A complex. However, expression of active Rab8 caused a selective dissociation of AP-1B complexes, reflecting the specificity of Rab8 for AP-1B–dependent transport

    Actin- and myosin-driven movement of viruses along filopodia precedes their entry into cells

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    Viruses have often been observed in association with the dense microvilli of polarized epithelia as well as the filopodia of nonpolarized cells, yet whether interactions with these structures contribute to infection has remained unknown. Here we show that virus binding to filopodia induces a rapid and highly ordered lateral movement, “surfing” toward the cell body before cell entry. Virus cell surfing along filopodia is mediated by the underlying actin cytoskeleton and depends on functional myosin II. Any disruption of virus cell surfing significantly reduces viral infection. Our results reveal another example of viruses hijacking host machineries for efficient infection by using the inherent ability of filopodia to transport ligands to the cell body