25 research outputs found

    Clinical summary of 8 patients with chronic isosporiasis despite immunological and virological response to ART.

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    §<p>Represents measurements approximately every 6 months after ART initiation according to South African public sector guidelines applicable at the time</p>*<p>All sample examined by modified acid-fast staining</p><p>CTX  =  co-trimoxazole, CPN  =  ciprofloxacin, D  =  stavudine, 3  =  lamivudine, A  =  zidovudine, E  =  efavirenz, N  =  nevirapine L<sup>r</sup>  =  lopinovir/ritonavir,</p><p>Tru  = tenovovir/emtracitabine, At<sup>r</sup>  =  atazanavir/ritonavir</p

    Additional file 1: of Government policy interventions to reduce human antimicrobial use: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    PRISMA-P (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols) checklist: recommended items to address in a systematic review protocol*. (DOCX 31 kb

    Causes of clinical deterioration.

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    *<p>Patients commonly had more that one episode of clinical deterioration, in total 144 episodes of deterioration were recorded.</p><p>n = 144*.</p

    Learners’ access to tools and experience with technology at the University of the South Pacific: readiness for e-learning

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    Technology in higher education has become exceedingly popular and useful; however, a digital divide generally applies to the use of technology in education in many developing countries. The Pacific Island countries differ in their technological capacities and infrastructure, with the Fijian capital Suva being most technologically and infrastructurally advanced compared with other towns in Fiji and in other Pacific Island countries. This led the researchers to investigate access to e-learning tools and experience with technology amongst a group of 92 students, ranging from 18 to over 55 years of age, enrolled in postgraduate courses in education at the University of the South Pacific. A survey consisting of questions on age, gender, qualification, professional experience, ethnicity and access to and experience with technology was carried out for one cohort. The findings indicate an encouraging level of readiness for e-learning

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Prolonged tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: characteristics and risk factors

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    Distribution of TB-IRIS duration. This graph shows the number and proportion of patients who had a duration of TB-IRIS symptoms within each of the specified duration categories (in days) displayed on the x-axis. The graph includes only the 172 patients who had a known TB-IRIS start and end date, and thus excludes 2 patients who had a duration >365 days but in whom IRIS was ongoing at last visit. (DOCX 174 kb