1,981 research outputs found

    MonetĂŞre beheer oor die probleem van inflasie*

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    Gedurende 1965 is ons ekonomie gekenmerk deur: a) ’n Skerp styging in invoere, soos weerspieël in die feit dat gedurende die eerste sewe maande van 1965 invoere Rl,055 miljoen bedra het vergeleke met R856.8 miljoen die ooreenstemmende tydperk verlede jaar — ’n styging van byna R200 miljoen. In die afwesigheid van beperkende invoerbe- heermaatreëls sou invoere gedurende 1965 in totaal waarskyn- lik die ontsettende syfer van byna R2.000 miljoen bereik het. b) Ten tweede is ons ekonomie gekenmerk deur ’n da­ ting in uitvoere. Die uitvoer van goedere (goud en her-uitvoere uitgesluit) het in die eerste sewe maande van 1965 slegs R537.5 miljoen bedra vergeleke met R559.2 miljoen in die ooreen­ stemmende tydperk verlede jaar — ’n daling van ongeveer R22 miljoen. Dié daling kan hoofsaaklik toegeskryf word aan die volgende faktore: (i) Die droogte-toestande oor wye dele van ons land. (ii) Dalende pryse vir grondstowwe op wêreldmarkte; en (iii) Maklike en winsgewende afset vir plaaslike nywerheids- produkte op die tuismark wat veroorsaak het dat daar by te veel nyweraars ’n mate van traagheid ontstaan het om die moeiliker en meer mededingende buite- landse markte te betree of uit te bou

    Small and micro enterprises – aspects of knowledge, attitudes and practices of managers\' and food handlers\' knowledge of food safety in the proximity of Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Western Cape

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    Objective. This study determined hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) awareness among managers of food-producing small and micro enterprises (SMEs) as well as selected aspects of the knowledge, attitude and practices of respective food handlers regarding food safety. Setting. SMEs within a 30 km range of Tygerberg Academic Hospital. Methods. SMEs were divided into two categories: those providing food to clients at risk of illness (N = 64) and to clients free of illness (N = 81). SMEs were randomly selected and managers/employees completed validated questionnaires regarding HACCP (145 managers) and food safety (159 food handlers). Results. Only 6% of managers reported awareness of HACCP being mandatory in South Africa. More than 70% of managers and food handlers had received no formal training regarding food safety. The perception that food safety control should focus on general cleanliness still prevailed among 57.2% of managers. Food handlers achieved an unsatisfactory score (46.0%) on the basic principles of food safety. Ignorance among food handlers regarding important risk factors was as follows: ways of identifying contaminated food likely to cause food poisoning (77.5%), period of keeping prepared food safe (50.9%), correct way of cooling food (63.1%) or reheating food (84.9%), reason for checking date codes (68.1%) and use of a thermometer (90.6%). There was no significant difference in the results obtained between food handlers in SMEs providing food to healthy clients or clients at risk of illness. Conclusion. Creating awareness and understanding of HACCP among managers of SMEs and education regarding the control of risk factors remain crucial.South African Journal Clinical Nutrition Vol. 20 (2) 2007: pp. 50-6

    Screening for gestational diabetes: examining a breakfast meal test

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    Objective: This study was performed to analyse the carbohydrate quantity of the non-standardised breakfast meal test consumed as part of a screening test for gestational diabetes.Design: A prospective descriptive design was utilised.Setting: Screening for gestational diabetes was performed in the High-Risk Antenatal Clinic at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa.Subjects: Fifty pregnant women who met the local selection criteria for diabetes screening.Outcome measures: The contents of the patient-provided breakfast meal tests were evaluated individually for total carbohydrate amount and compared with the 75 grams of carbohydrate provided by the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).Results: The median carbohydrate amount was 71 g but the range (55–145 g) was wide. Only seven meals (14%) fell within 10% of the 75 g carbohydrate target.Conclusion: The patient-provided breakfast meal showed wide variation in carbohydrate amount. If a meal test is to be used instead of the formal OGTT a carefully measured, prepared, palatable, readily available product would need to be sourced and provided.Layman’s summary: It is necessary to screen for the development of diabetes during pregnancy. The standard test with 75 g of glucose is unpalatable and is sometimes replaced by a meal test. However, when this meal test is provided by the women themselves without standardisation, the sugar and starch quantities are too variable. Careful consideration needs to be given to an alternative screening test if it is to be reliable.Strong lay message: Non-standardised screening meal tests for gestational diabetes should not be used.Keywords: gestational diabetes, meal test, screenin

    Maceration Before and During Fermentation: Effect on Pinotage Wine Phenolic Composition, Total Antioxidant Capacity and Objective Colour Parameters

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    Low-temperature maceration treatments (1, 2 and 4 days at 10 and 15°C) before fermentation and juice/skin mixing treatments (punching-down, pumping-over and rotor action every hour and every 3 hours) duringfermentation were investigated in terms of their effects on Pinotage wine phenolic composition, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and colour over three vintages (2000 to 2002). Results for pre-fermentation maceration were notconsistent between vintages. Very few significant differences in the phenolic content, TAC and objective colour parameters were observed between the control wines and wines subjected to different pre-fermentation macerationtreatments. Pre-fermentation maceration, especially at 15°C, resulted in wines with increased vitisin A content.  Improvement of wine quality when using pre-fermentation maceration treatments at 10°C was noted previously, while no detrimental effect on the wine TAC was observed. The pumping-over treatment yielded wines with lower TAC and phenol content, as well as less favourable objective colour values, indicating that the punching-down or rotor treatment would be preferred. Although mixing at hourly intervals yielded a higher content of some phenolic compounds compared to the 3-hour interval mixing, mixing frequency did not affect the TAC of the wine. The objective colour parameters, h* and b*, were slightly lower at the higher mixing frequency in 2002 indicating a shift in the direction of a magenta hue

    Climatic Region and Vine Structure: Effect on Pinotage Wine Phenolic Composition, Total Antioxidant Capacity and Colour

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    The phenolic composition, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and colour of Pinotage wines of the 2001, 2002 and 2003 vintages were investigated, using spectrophotometric, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), free radical scavenging and objective colour analyses. Grapes were harvested from grapevines in three climatic regions ranging from cool to warm, with bush (20- and 30-cm trunk height) and trellised (30- and 60-cm trunk heights) vine treatments, on several vineyard sites in each climatic area. Climatic region had a significant effect on the content of several phenolic compounds; the concentration of anthocyanin monoglucosides, flavonols, flavan-3-ols and tartaric acid esters of hydroxycinnamic acids generally increased as the climatic region becomes cooler, while concentrations of acylated derivatives and free hydroxycinnamic acids decreased. Wines made from bush vines contained higher concentrations of flavonols, gallic acid and flavan-3-ols than those from trellised vines, but lower concentrations of some anthocyanin monoglucosides and acylated derivatives, as well as non-coloured polymers.  These trends resulted in differences in TAC and objective colour parameters, although the different vintages did not show the same trends in all cases. More vintages should therefore be investigated to clarify these effects. Wines from the cool climatic regions and from bush vines were generally darker coloured, with higher TAC than those from the warm climatic regions and bush vines, respectively. High TAC, therefore, coincided with higher colour quality. Variations in TAC were partly explained by trends for individual phenolic compounds, although unknown compounds played a major role

    Alcohol - foe or friend?

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    In the same month that this manuscript was prepared, newspapers had twice warned the public about the negative aspects of alcohol consumption. South African drinkers consume among the highest volumes of alcoholic beverages in the world, at approximately 50 ml ethanol per drinker per day, making alcohol abuse one of South Africa’s top ten health and social problems

    Critical Values for Yen’s Q3: Identification of Local Dependence in the Rasch model using Residual Correlations

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    The assumption of local independence is central to all IRT models. Violations can lead to inflated estimates of reliability and problems with construct validity. For the most widely used fit statistic Q3 there are currently no well-documented suggestions of the critical values which should be used to indicate local dependence, and for this reason a variety of arbitrary rules of thumb are used. In this study, we used an empirical data example and Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the different factors that can influence the null distribution of residual correlations, with the objective of proposing guidelines that researchers and practitioners can follow when making decisions about local dependence during scale development and validation. We propose that a parametric bootstrapping procedure should be implemented in each separate situation in order to obtain the critical value of local dependence applicable to the data set, and provide example critical values for a number of data structure situations. The results show that for the Q3 fit statistic no single critical value is appropriate for all situations, as the percentiles in the empirical null distribution are influenced by the number of items, the sample size, and the number of response categories. Furthermore, our results show that local dependence should be considered relative to the average observed residual correlation, rather than to a uniform value, as this results in more stable percentiles for the null distribution of an adjusted fit statistic

    Functional foods with added plant sterols for treatment of hypercholesterolaemia and prevention of ischaemic heart disease

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    Background. A spread with added plant sterols, Pro-activ, is marketed in South Africa as an adjunct to low-fat diets for lowering of total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations and to decrease risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). Objectives. The need for this functional food in South Africa, its efficacy, safety and target market, are evaluated in this review. Results. The high, and probably increasing incidence of hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovascular disease in South Africa motivates the need for appropriate functional foods. There is convincing evidence in the literature that an average daily intake of about 2 g plant sterols in about 20 g of spread significantly lowers total and LDL cholesterol concentrations by approximately 10 - 15%, without influencing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. There is some concern about the effects on absorption of lipid-soluble vitamins and pro-vitamins, but safety tests lasting for up to 3 years found no serious adverse effects. Conclusions. The target market for this spread should be nonpregnant, non-lactating adults with hypercholesterolaemia and/or increased risk of IHD. If it is considered for use in hypercholesterolaemic children, fat-soluble vitamin status should be monitored. It is recommended that post-marketing surveillance should be established to determine long-term effects and safety

    Characterisation of Pinotage Wine During Maturation on Different Oak Products

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    The effect of oak contact on the phenolic composition, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and colour of Pinotage wineswas investigated during maturation. Oak maturation included traditional treatments, such as new, second-fill andthird-fill barrels, as well as alternative treatments (oak chips, staves, extract and dust) applied in old barrels over aperiod of 28 weeks. Oak maturation using traditional and alternative treatments improved the objective colour ofPinotage wine by decreasing the L* value. Losses in TAC caused by decreased concentrations of monomeric phenoliccompounds (most anthocyanins, flavan-3-ols, flavonols and hydroxycinnamic acids) during oak maturation werenegated by increased concentrations of gallic acid and the formation of new oligomeric and polymeric pigments.Wine maturation in stainless steel containers also resulted in a decrease in anthocyanin content. The decreasein phenolic acid content for wines matured in stainless steel was less pronounced, while their flavan-3-ol contentremained stable. The new-barrel treatment had the most pronounced effect on all parameters. Oak maturation canbe used for the production of Pinotage wine when the retention of TAC is a high priority
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