9 research outputs found

    Static Simulation on Speed bumps Made of Foam Concrete Foam with Durian Skin Fibers Using Ansys Software

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    Motorcyclists find speed bumps problematic because they require them to slow down. A concept comes to create a technology and can use a power plant with a generator driving source from speed bumps in its application. The product is designed and made on a big scale to allow all cars going through speed bumps. Because it is important to handle the kinetic energy generated from the vehicle in order for it to be transformed into electricity and connected to the load. Several tests, such as static and impact testing, are performed on the speed bump to get a material that is resistant to structural integrity. Simulation was used to perform static and impact testing using ansys software. As for the material, durian skin is very suitable as a mixture of materials, because it contains fibers that can be used for concrete reinforcement. Also obtained the equivalent stress of 0.05 MPa. The x-Axis voltage is 0.01MPa. The y-axis stress is 0.04 MPa. The results of this study can be concluded that the concrete composite reinforced with durian skin fiber also has the potential to be used as a speed bump power generator


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) yang dilakukan bekerja sama dengan mitra Usaha Produksi Tahu di Desa Karang Rejo, Dusun Pelita, Stabat, Kabupaten langkat. Proses produksi sari pati dari kacang kedelai masih menggunakan jasa penggilingan, sehingga mitra terkendala pada biaya jasa dalam proses penggilingan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk membantu mitra dalam meningkatkan produktivitas usaha tahu. Melalui kegiatan PKM ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kinerja mitra dalam produksi tahu. Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu: survei terhadap permasalahan mitra, pengadaan mesin penggiling kedelai, dan pelatihan singkat tentang pengoperasian dan perawatan mesin. Program ini berjalan baik dan lancar dimana mitra sudah dapat menggiling kedelai sendiri dengan kapasitas penggilingan 20 Kg/Jam dan juga dengan adanya pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra, mitra sudah paham dalam proses pemeliharaan mesin, pemasaran, Administrasi, dan juga manajemen keuangan


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    SMK TIK Darussalam adalah lembaga pendidikan yang diakui untuk menghasilkan siswa yang profesional dan berbasis IT untuk bersaing di pasar kerja global. adalah salah satu bagian dari Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Miftahussalam. Oleh karena itu, sejarah SMK TIK Darussalam Medan ini berfokus pada aspek kelembagaan secara periodisasi, sementara pembahasan tentang status kelembagaan, lokasi sekolah, dan kurikulum yang dibatasi. Hasil dari wawancara yang dilakukan oleh tim PKM dengan sekolah tersebut menunjukkan bahwa SMK TIK Darussalam Medan belum pernah menggunakan teknologi Internet of Things. Siswa Kelas X SMK TIK Darussalam Medan, yang terdiri dari 17 orang, ditargetkan. PKM ini menggunakan metode dalam bentuk seminar atau ceramah. Tempat pengabdian ini terletak di lingkungan SMK TIK Darussalam Medan, yang berlangsung selama 7 jam. karena nilai post test cenderung mengalami kenaikan dari nilai pre test&nbsp

    The Design And Responses Of Horses On Polimeric Composite Horseshoes

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    Horseshoe is used to avoid the failures of horse's hooves due to extreme impact and wear loads. The horse's hooves are repeatedly subjected to loadings during walking, trotting, running and jumping. In this research, we introduce a newly developed horseshoes made of polymeric composite materials. The horseshoes are placed inside the leather boot; it is a specially designed for horse. The process of making horseshoes and horse boots were discussed and the responses of the horse shoes as well as horses were analyzed. The horses were subjected to a series of testing, e.g., walking, trotting, and running. The result of the tests indicate that horseshoes and horse boots are quite strong, light, and safe to be used on horses. The response of horses shows that the horseshoe and boots are quite comfortable for them. This can be seen because there are no significant behavioral changes of the horse before and after wearing the boot. After being used to, it was shown that there is no damage or crack of the horseshoe. Therefore, it can be concluded that the composite horseshoe is safe and good to be used as horseshoe material


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    The chain is a series of links or rings that are connected or fixed so that they form vertically. Chains are used to move luggage or as a substitute for additional strength. One of the most commonly used chains is made of the hardest metal, steel. One is a chain roller mounted on an empty coil conveyor. This conveyor serves to carry empty coils to the shelter. The chain also plays a role in the distribution of materials from one place to another to make it more efficient. In this study, the authors tested five chain materials to determine the breaking stress and the factors that influence chain breaking. After the authors tested the steel chain material, the value of the chain tensile stress (σB), based on the test results after averaged was 880 Kgf/cm2, and the chain fracture stress (σF) after averaged was 764. is Kgf/. the average strain on the chain (ԑ) is 8.9°. Causes of chain breaks are overload, fatigue, improper heat treatment, improper design and manufacture, and lack of maintenance

    The application of empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers of oil palm for the development of light structure materials and products

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    We have been involved in developing the use of EFB fibers for several light structural products, such as speed bumps, parking stoppers, helmets, and horse shoes. This paper presents our current research work on parking bumper made of EFB fibers to be utilized for power generation. The products are designed and produced in full scale covering the whole width of vehicles passing over the bumpers. The ideas are how to reserve kinetic energy harvested from the vehicles to convert into electricity to be stored in a battery. To obtain a structural integrity-proof material, the speed bumps were subjected several tests, e.g. static and impact tests as well as live body test using the kinetic energy obtained from vehicles pass over the speed bumps. For this, a speed bump station parallel to street zebra-cross was prepared. It was obtained that A-5 concrete foam type is suitable for 3B class road. The structural response of speed bumps were checked using ANSYS 17.0


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    Pegas ulir adalah salah satu komponen elastis, biasa dibuat dari lilitan kawat baja dengan sifat pegas yang elastis, pegas berfungsi untuk menerima getaran dan memberikan gaya akibat dari beban yang di berikan seperti pegas yang terpasang pada vibrating screen di stasiun pemurnian. Gaya yang di hasilkan sebuah pegas biasa tarikan atau tekanan. Pegas merupakan salah satu komponen penting pada alat vibrating screen karena pegas digunakan untuk menopang beban dan juga menghasilkan getaran yang di teruskan dari getaran bandu pada elektromotor vibrating screen. Karena pegas menerima beban tekan dan juga beban tarik maka haruslah di perhitungkan kekuatan pegas yang di gunakan sesuai dengan beban yang di terima dan dilakukan perawatan agar menghindari dari kerusakan pada pegas. Pada penelitian ini di lakukan pengujian pada pegas ulir vibrating screen bahan baja AISI 1045 dengan kategori baja karbon menengah menggunakan metode uji kekerasan dan uji tarik. Pada uji kekerasan besarnya vickers hardness rata-rata (Hv) pada pegas yang terjadi pada bahan I, II dan III adalah 274,5866 Hv, 120,8289 Hv dan 326,6700 Hv. Pada uji Tarik besarnya tegangan tarik (σB) pada pegas yang terjadi pada bahan I, II dan III adalah 101,48 Kgf/ , 105,49 Kgf/ dan 109,47 Kgf/

    The application of empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers of oil palm for the development of light structure materials and products

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    We have been involved in developing the use of EFB fibers for several light structural products, such as speed bumps, parking stoppers, helmets, and horse shoes. This paper presents our current research work on parking bumper made of EFB fibers to be utilized for power generation. The products are designed and produced in full scale covering the whole width of vehicles passing over the bumpers. The ideas are how to reserve kinetic energy harvested from the vehicles to convert into electricity to be stored in a battery. To obtain a structural integrity-proof material, the speed bumps were subjected several tests, e.g. static and impact tests as well as live body test using the kinetic energy obtained from vehicles pass over the speed bumps. For this, a speed bump station parallel to street zebra-cross was prepared. It was obtained that A-5 concrete foam type is suitable for 3B class road. The structural response of speed bumps were checked using ANSYS 17.0


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    Pengertian K3 merupakan bidang yang berhubungan dengan keselamatan, kesehatan, dan kesejahteraan manusia yang bekerja pada sebuah institusi ataupun lokasi proyek. Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 Tentang Keselamatan Kerja mengatur dengan jelas pelaksanaan K3 di semua tempat kerja dimana terdapat tenaga kerja, hubungan kerja atau kegiatan usaha dan sumber bahaya baik di darat, didalam tanah, di permukaan air, di dalam air maupun di udara yang berada di dalam wilayah Indonesia. Tujuan K3 tidak hanya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja dan orang lain yang berada di tempat kerja agar terjamin keselamatannya, tetapi juga untuk mengendalikan risiko terhadap peralatan, aset, dan sumber produksi sehingga dapat digunakan secara aman dan efisien agar terhindar dari kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja. Perlindungan K3 yang efektif dan efisien dapat mendorong produktivitas jika di laksanakan dan di terapkan melalui sistem manajemen K3 sebagaimana amanat pasal 83 Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Untuk itu, tema peringatan bulan K3 Nasional tahun ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong semua pihak berpartisipasi aktif membudayakan K3 yang diharapkan menjadi bagian integral dalam pembangunan nasional untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kesejahteraan masyarakat