39 research outputs found

    The perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) Casimir piston in d+1 dimensions

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    Perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) boundary conditions are dual to the more familiar perfect electric conductor (PEC) conditions and can be viewed as the electromagnetic analog of the boundary conditions in the bag model for hadrons in QCD. Recent advances and requirements in communication technologies have attracted great interest in PMC's and Casimir experiments involving structures that approximate PMC's may be carried out in the not too distant future. In this paper, we make a study of the zero-temperature PMC Casimir piston in d+1d+1 dimensions. The PMC Casimir energy is explicitly evaluated by summing over p+1p+1-dimensional Dirichlet energies where p ranges from 2 to dd inclusively. We derive two exact dd-dimensional expressions for the Casimir force on the piston and find that the force is negative (attractive) in all dimensions. Both expressions are applied to the case of 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. A spin-off from our work is a contribution to the PEC literature: we obtain a useful alternative expression for the PEC Casimir piston in 3+1 dimensions and also evaluate the Casimir force per unit area on an infinite strip, a geometry of experimental interest.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Casimir interaction: pistons and cavity

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    The energy of a perfectly conducting rectangular cavity is studied by making use of pistons' interactions. The exact solution for a 3D perfectly conducting piston with an arbitrary cross section is being discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, latex2

    A thick shell Casimir effect

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    We consider the Casimir energy of a thick dielectric-diamagnetic shell under a uniform velocity light condition, as a function of the radii and the permeabilities. We show that there is a range of parameters in which the stress on the outer shell is inward, and a range where the stress on the outer shell is outward. We examine the possibility of obtaining an energetically stable configuration of a thick shell made of a material with a fixed volume

    Demonstration of the asymmetric lateral Casimir force between corrugated surfaces in the nonadditive regime

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    The measurement of the lateral Casimir force between two aligned sinusoidally corrugated Au-coated surfaces has been performed in the nonadditive regime. The use of deeper corrugations also allowed to demonstrate an asymmetry in the phase dependences of the lateral Casimir force, as predicted earlier. The measurement data are found to be in excellent agreement with the exact theoretical results computed at T=300 K including effect of real material properties. The deviations between the exact theory and the proximity force approximation are quantified. The obtained results are topical for applications in nanomachines.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Finite temperature Casimir pistons for electromagnetic field with mixed boundary conditions and its classical limit

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    In this paper, the finite temperature Casimir force acting on a two-dimensional Casimir piston due to electromagnetic field is computed. It was found that if mixed boundary conditions are assumed on the piston and its opposite wall, then the Casimir force always tends to restore the piston towards the equilibrium position, regardless of the boundary conditions assumed on the walls transverse to the piston. In contrary, if pure boundary conditions are assumed on the piston and the opposite wall, then the Casimir force always tend to pull the piston towards the closer wall and away from the equilibrium position. The nature of the force is not affected by temperature. However, in the high temperature regime, the magnitude of the Casimir force grows linearly with respect to temperature. This shows that the Casimir effect has a classical limit as has been observed in other literatures.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Journal of Physics

    Pistons modeled by potentials

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    In this article we consider a piston modelled by a potential in the presence of extra dimensions. We analyze the functional determinant and the Casimir effect for this configuration. In order to compute the determinant and Casimir force we employ the zeta function scheme. Essentially, the computation reduces to the analysis of the zeta function associated with a scalar field living on an interval [0,L][0,L] in a background potential. Although, as a model for a piston, it seems reasonable to assume a potential having compact support within [0,L][0,L], we provide a formalism that can be applied to any sufficiently smooth potential.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX. A typo in eq. (3.5) has been corrected. In "Cosmology, Quantum Vacuum and Zeta Functions: In Honour of Emilio Elizalde", Eds. S.D. Odintsov, D. Saez-Gomez, and S. Xambo-Descamps. (Springer 2011) pp 31

    Diffeomorphism invariant eigenvalue problem for metric perturbations in a bounded region

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    We suggest a method of construction of general diffeomorphism invariant boundary conditions for metric fluctuations. The case of d+1d+1 dimensional Euclidean disk is studied in detail. The eigenvalue problem for the Laplace operator on metric perturbations is reduced to that on dd-dimensional vector, tensor and scalar fields. Explicit form of the eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator is derived. We also study restrictions on boundary conditions which are imposed by hermiticity of the Laplace operator.Comment: LATeX file, no figures, no special macro

    Non-Local Boundary Conditions in Euclidean Quantum Gravity

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    Non-local boundary conditions for Euclidean quantum gravity are proposed, consisting of an integro-differential boundary operator acting on metric perturbations. In this case, the operator P on metric perturbations is of Laplace type, subject to non-local boundary conditions; by contrast, its adjoint is the sum of a Laplacian and of a singular Green operator, subject to local boundary conditions. Self-adjointness of the boundary-value problem is correctly formulated by looking at Dirichlet-type and Neumann-type realizations of the operator P, following recent results in the literature. The set of non-local boundary conditions for perturbative modes of the gravitational field is written in general form on the Euclidean four-ball. For a particular choice of the non-local boundary operator, explicit formulae for the boundary-value problem are obtained in terms of a finite number of unknown functions, but subject to some consistency conditions. Among the related issues, the problem arises of whether non-local symmetries exist in Euclidean quantum gravity.Comment: 23 pages, plain Tex. The revised version is much longer, and new original calculations are presented in section

    Lack of strong ellipticity in Euclidean quantum gravity

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    Recent work in Euclidean quantum gravity has studied boundary conditions which are completely invariant under infinitesimal diffeomorphisms on metric perturbations. On using the de Donder gauge-averaging functional, this scheme leads to both normal and tangential derivatives in the boundary conditions. In the present paper, it is proved that the corresponding boundary value problem fails to be strongly elliptic. The result raises deep interpretative issues for Euclidean quantum gravity on manifolds with boundary.Comment: 14 pages, Plain Tex, 33 KB, no figure

    Finite temperature Casimir effect for graphene

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    We adopt the Dirac model for quasiparticles in graphene and calculate the finite temperature Casimir interaction between a suspended graphene layer and a parallel conducting surface. We find that at high temperature the Casimir interaction in such system is just one half of that for two ideal conductors separated by the same distance. In this limit single graphene layer behaves exactly as a Drude metal. In particular, the contribution of the TE mode is suppressed, while one of the TM mode saturates the ideal metal value. Behaviour of the Casimir interaction for intermediate temperatures and separations accessible for an experiment is studied in some detail. We also find an interesting interplay between two fundamental constants of graphene physics: the fine structure constant and the Fermi velocity.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physical Review