53 research outputs found

    Los manuales de convivencia escolar : Una apuesta por una sana convivencia

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    73 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta investigaci?n tiene como prop?sito compartir y socializar el proceso, los resultados y las conclusiones derivados de la revisi?n y an?lisis descriptivo de 21 manuales de convivencia escolar, que equivalen al 10% de las instituciones educativas oficiales del departamento del Tolima, frente al cumplimiento de la normatividad para la garant?a de derechos de la comunidad educativa. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyeron variables de los aspectos m?nimos que debe contener un manual de convivencia, como el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, los derechos y deberes de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa; mecanismos de elecci?n de gobierno escolar; acuerdos de convivencia e implementaci?n de la Ley 1620 de 2013, entre otros. Se realiz? una revisi?n extensiva de cada uno de los manuales y las recomendaciones para que las IE adelanten el proceso de ajuste y cualificaci?n de los MCE. A partir de la revisi?n, se evidencio en los Manuales de Convivencia Escolar aspectos relacionados con disposiciones que afectan el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, como el corte del cabello, la prohibici?n del uso del maquillaje, los tatuajes, los piercing, otros accesorios; el uso del informe el cual se encuentra discriminado por g?nero que no es garante del derecho a la identidad de g?nero. No promueven los contenidos m?nimos de la norma legal relacionada con el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, participaci?n y responsabilidad democr?tica, enfoque poblacional y respeto por la diversidad y aborda el ambiente escolar con medidas pedag?gicas desde una perspectiva de castigo y sanciones que conllevan a suspensi?n, exclusi?n o expulsi?n de los estudiantes de las IE. As? mismo, se incluyen contenidos que no corresponden con la naturaleza de los MCE en virtud de las directrices y normatividad que regula la materia.This resarch has the pourpose of share and socialice the processes, results and conclussions based on the review and descriptive analysis of 21 coexistence school manuals, that are equivalent of the 10% of the total of schools in the departament of Tolima, facing to the accomplishment of the regulation for the warranty of the education community. The resources used in this investigation included variables of the minimmun requirements that a coexistence manual should include, such as the gender approach, Human rights, the rights and duties of the education community, Mechanisms of choice of school government; Agreements of coexistence and implementation of Law 1620 of 2013, among others. An extensive review of each of the manuals and recommendations was made for educational institutions to advance the process of adjustment and qualification of the schoolar coexistence manuals. Based on the research, it was possible to determined that the coexistences manuals often included rules that affect the free development of the personality, like the cut of the hair, the prohibition of the use of makeup, tattoos, piercing, other accessories; The use of the uniform which is discriminated by gender and does not guarantee the right to gender identity. Nor do they promote the minimmun content of the general regulation regarding gender approach, human rights, participation and responsabilities in democracy, poblational focus and respect for the diversity and Addresses the school environment with pedagogical measures from a perspective of punishment and sanctions that lead to suspension, exclusion or expulsion of students. Also, they include contents that do not correspond with the nature of the schools coexistence manuals under the guidelines and regulation that conduct the subject. Keywords: manual, coexistence, educational institutions, school climate, rights and duties

    Proyecto de novela gr?fica: Las cuatro fases de Eva

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    55 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas cuatro fases de Eva es un proyecto de novela gr?fica que se divide en cuatro cap?tulos, una luna por cada cual (luna nueva, luna creciente, luna llena y luna menguante). A partir de una pregunta base se empiezan a establecer diversos cuestionamientos sobre el lugar que ocupo dentro de esta sociedad, asimismo el ejercicio me abastece de m?ltiples posibilidades que voy desarrollando a lo largo del proceso de creaci?n e investigaci?n para construir una propuesta pl?stica. Palabras claves: SociedadThe four phases of Eve is a project of graphic novel that is divided into four chapters, a moon for each (new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon). From a question base begin to establish various inquiries about the place I occupy in this society, also the exercise supplies me many possibilities that I developed throughout the process of creation and research to build a proposal plastic. Keywords: Societ

    Articulaci?n de la gesti?n acad?mica en los procesos de ense?anza del colegio Campestre San Diego

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    83 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n permiti? identificar y precisar aspectos, conceptos y din?micas fundamentales sobre la Gesti?n Acad?mica que a partir de la determinaci?n de un modelo de gesti?n acad?mica se optimicen los procesos propios de la gesti?n escolar, Para as? implementar estrategias que lleven el aseguramiento de la calidad educativa, mediante la articulaci?n de la gesti?n en los procesos de ense?anza de la instituci?n educativa colegio campestre San Diego. Esta investigaci?n permiti? diagnosticar este proceso propio del sistema educativo que esta dinamizado en cada una de las Instituciones Educativas del pa?s, mediante el desarrollo de competencias, aprendizajes y estrategias que facilito la especializaci?n en Gerencia de Instituciones Educativas. Como una herramienta fundamental para el logro y funcionamiento efectivo de la estructura organizativa, administrativa y coherente a todo un sistema que obedece a una pol?tica educativa estatal. El problema de investigaci?n surge en la instituci?n educativa, pues, no se encuentra la gesti?n acad?mica cono eje central para una mejora continua dentro de la organizaci?n, implantando un proyecto de innovaci?n que ayudara a la instituci?n educativa a dise?ar estrategias , Por lo tanto la gerencia educativa y la Gesti?n Acad?mica es proceso organizado que permite asegurar la participaci?n de toda la comunidad en todas las instancias y el empleo de recursos para lograr los objetivos preestablecidos mediante la identificaci?n de procesos acompa?ados de una planeaci?n coherente , en el que el gerente educativo debe dirigir su equipo hacia el logro de los objetivos, durante una continua motivaci?n donde estimule inspeccione oriente y premie constantemente la labor desarrollada a la vez de ejecutar la acci?n y funci?n de gerencia, La investigaci?n se realiz? con base a la metodolog?a de marco l?gico, aporta una terminolog?a uniforme que facilita la comunicaci?n y que sirve para reducir ambigu?edades. Palabras Clave: Gesti?n Acad?mica, Gesti?n Escolar, Calidad educativa, Competencias, Aprendizaje, Gerencia Educativa.The present research work allowed us to identify and specify aspects, concepts and fundamental dynamics about Academic Management that, based on the determination of an academic management model, optimize the processes of school management, in order to implement strategies that take the assurance of the educational quality, through the articulation of the management in the teaching processes of the San Diego country school educational institution. This investigation allowed to diagnose this process of the educational system that is dynamized in each of the Educational Institutions of the country, through the development of competences, learning and strategies that facilitated the specialization in Management of Educational Institutions. As a fundamental tool for the achievement and effective functioning of the organizational structure, administrative and coherent to an entire system that obeys a state educational policy. The research problem arises in the educational institution, therefore, academic management is not the central axis for continuous improvement within the organization, implementing an innovation project that will help the educational institution to design strategies, therefore management Education and Academic Management is an organized process that ensures the participation of the entire community in all instances and the use of resources to achieve pre-established objectives by identifying processes accompanied by coherent planning, in which the educational manager must directing its team towards the achievement of the objectives, during a continuous motivation where it stimulates the east and constantly rewards the work carried out while executing the action and management function. The research was carried out based on the logical framework methodology. A uniform terminology that facilitates the communication and that serves to reduce ambiguities. Keywords: Academic Management, School Management, Educational Quality, Competencies, Learning, Educational Management

    Sector medioambiental en el Per? : marco regulatorio, actores y oportunidades de negocio

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    A pesar del creciente inter?s que el tema del medio ambiente despierta en el Per?, poco se ha investigado sobre la estructura propia de este sector. Por ello, el objetivo principal de este libro es explorar la estructura del sector medioambiental en el Per? en t?rminos econ?micos, analizando el marco legal que lo regula, estudiando la oferta y demanda medioambiental, para a partir de ah? identificar las principales oportunidades de negocios que se presentan en la actual coyuntura de discusiones y consensos para enfrentar el cambio clim?tico. Se explora, analiza y describe lo que ser? propiamente el mercado medioambiental peruano; c?mo diversas empresas, instituciones y ONG proveen una oferta de servicios que atienden de alguna u otra forma la demanda, desde simples estudios de impacto ambiental hasta complejas consultor?as para la estructuraci?n de bonos de carbono. Ello genera un 'mercado medioambiental' que muestra indicios de crecimiento, por lo cual tambi?n se identifican las principales oportunidades de negocio que surgen, sobre todo a partir de una serie de mecanismos regulatorios que llevan a empresas y organizaciones a invertir recursos en esta materia. La creciente conciencia ambiental por parte de consumidores que ven en el cuidado del medio ambiente un valor intangible diferenciador, as? como las nuevas formas de financiamiento a trav?s de los proyectos MDL y de las tendencias mundiales y locales de responsabilidad social empresarial, contribuyen a generar oportunidades de negocio y plantear una agenda por desarrollar en este nuevo sector econ?mico

    Lung emphysema and lung cancer: what do we know about it?

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    Emphysema and lung cancer (LC) are two diseases which share common risk factors, e.g., smoking. In recent years, many studies have sought to analyse this association. By way of illustration, we conducted a review of the scientific literature of the studies published to date, whose main designated aim was to demonstrate the relationship between emphysema and LC, and this association's influence on the histology, prognosis and molecular mechanisms responsible. We included over 40 studies (ranging from case-control and cohort studies to systematic reviews and meta-analyses), which highlight the association between emphysema and LC, independently of smoking habit. These studies also report a possible influence on histology, with adenocarcinoma being the most frequent lineage, and an association with poor prognosis, which affects both survival and post-operative complications. Oxidative stress, which generates chronic inflammatory status as well as the presence of certain polymorphisms in various genes (CYP1A1, TERT, CLPTM1L, ERK), gives rise-in the case of patients with emphysema-to alteration of cellular repair mechanisms, which in turn favours the proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells responsible for the origin of LC

    Plan de negocio para la producci?n y comercializaci?n de cubiertos biodegradables y comestibles a base de arroz, kiwicha y semillas de ajonjol?

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    La tendencia en el mercado peruano de productos ecol?gicos es favorable. Los consumidores peruanos, muestran mayor inter?s por el cuidado del medio ambiente; y est?n dispuestos a cambiar sus h?bitos de conducta, a favor de un consumo responsable. As?, han surgido nuevas necesidades por parte de estos consumidores ecol?gicos, quienes demandan productos, alineados a sus patrones de conducta. De esta forma, se propone el desarrollo de un nuevo producto: el menaje comestible biodegradable elaborado, con arroz, kiwicha y semillas de ajonjol? de origen peruano. Se elabor? un plan de negocios, con el prop?sito de determinar la viabilidad econ?mica de la producci?n y comercializaci?n de menaje biodegradable y comestible en los distritos de Lima Moderna. La idea de negocio, surge para resolver una necesidad insatisfecha en el mercado peruano, que permita reemplazar el uso del pl?stico que es da?ino para la salud, la vida animal y el medio ambiente. El producto puede ser consumido como alimento, antes, durante o despu?s de haber sido utilizado. En caso, el producto no se consuma como alimento, se descompone y biodegrada. Por lo cual, se evidencia que el producto no genera residuos en ninguno de las dos alternativas

    Regulatory T cells participate in the recovery of ischemic stroke patients

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    BACKGROUND: Recent preclinical studies have shown that regulatory T cells (Treg) play a key role in the immune response after ischemic stroke (IS). However, the role of Treg in human acute IS has been poorly investigated. Our aim was to study the relationship between circulating Treg and outcome in human IS patients. METHODS: A total of 204 IS patients and 22 control subjects were recruited. The main study variable was good functional outcome at 3 months (modified Rankin scale </=2) considering infarct volume, Early Neurological Deterioration (END) and risk of infections as secondary variables. The percentage of circulating Treg was measured at admission, 48, 72 h and at day 7 after stroke onset. RESULTS: Circulating Treg levels were higher in IS patients compared to control subjects. Treg at 48 h were independently associated with good functional outcome (OR, 3.5; CI: 1.9-7.8) after adjusting by confounding factors. Patients with lower Treg at 48 h showed higher frequency of END and risk of infections. In addition, a negative correlation was found between circulating Treg at 48 h (r = - 0.414) and 72 h (r = - 0.418) and infarct volume. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that Treg may participate in the recovery of IS patients. Therefore, Treg may be considered a potential therapeutic target in acute ischemic stroke

    Evaluaci?n de las relaciones comerciales entre fabricantes y distribuidores del canal de distribuci?n de ladrillos cer?micos en Lima Metropolitana

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    Las relaciones comerciales en el canal de distribuci?n han evolucionado, por ello analizamos los factores que determinan las relaciones comerciales entre fabricantes y distribuidores. El objetivo principal se basa en el estudio de los principales factores que intervienen en las relaciones comerciales entre fabricante y distribuidor, para determinar si existe relaci?n entre ellas y su implicancia en el entorno empresarial. Esta es una tesis cuantitativa descriptiva y correlacional, nuestra poblaci?n de estudio fueron los fabricantes de ladrillos cer?micos en Lima Metropolitana y los due?os de dep?sitos que venden agregados de construcci?n. Los resultados confirman muchas de las hip?tesis del modelo, validando la relaci?n directa entre los factores: Inversiones en activos espec?ficos y la dependencia, la inversi?n en activos espec?ficos y el comportamiento oportunista, la dependencia y la percepci?n oportunista, la confianza y la satisfacci?n no econ?mica directa, el compromiso y la satisfacci?n no econ?mica y la satisfacci?n econ?mica con la no econ?mica. Adem?s de ello, valid? la relaci?n inversa entre la percepci?n oportunista y la confianza. Finalmente se realizar?n recomendaciones para el fabricante de ladrillos cer?micos, planteando la incursi?n en mercados no explorados, diversificar su producci?n y tomar otras medidas para combatir el incumplimiento de pago y la informalidad

    Sustained blood glutamate scavenging enhances protection in ischemic stroke

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    Stroke is a major cause of morbidity, mortality, and disability. During ischemic stroke, a marked and prolonged rise of glutamate concentration in the brain causes neuronal cell death. This study explores the protective effect of a bioconjugate form of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (hrGOT), which catalyzes the depletion of blood glutamate in the bloodstream for ~6 days following a single administration. When treated with this bioconjugate, a significant reduction of the infarct volume and a better retention of sensorimotor function was observed for ischemic rats compared to those treated with saline. Moreover, the equivalent dose of native hrGOT yielded similar results to the saline treated group for some tests. Targeting the bioconjugate to the blood-brain-barrier did not improve its performance. The data suggest that the bioconjugates draw glutamate out of the brain by displacing homeostasis between the different glutamate pools of the body

    Influence of Sex on Stroke Prognosis: A Demographic, Clinical, and Molecular Analysis

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    Identifying the complexities of the effect of sex on stroke risk, etiology, and lesion progression may lead to advances in the treatment and care of ischemic stroke (IS) and non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage patients (ICH). We studied the sex-related discrepancies on the clinical course of patients with IS and ICH, and we also evaluated possible molecular mechanisms involved. The study's main variable was the patient's functional outcome at 3-months. Logistic regression models were used in order to study the influence of sex on different inflammatory, endothelial and atrial dysfunction markers. We recruited 5,021 patients; 4,060 IS (54.8% male, 45.2% female) and 961 ICH (57.1% male, 42.9% female). Women were on average 5.7 years older than men (6.4 years in IS, 5.1 years in ICH), and more likely to have previous poor functional status, to suffer atrial fibrillation and to be on anticoagulants. IS patients showed sex-related differences at 3-months regarding poorer outcome (55.6% women, 43.6% men, p < 0.0001), but this relationship was not found in ICH (56.8% vs. 61.9%, p = 0.127). In IS, women had higher levels of NT-proBNP and 3-months worse outcome in both cardioembolic and non-cardioembolic stroke patients. Stroke patients showed sex-related differences in pre-hospital data, clinical variables and molecular markers, but only IS patients presented independent sex-related differences in 3-months poor outcome and mortality. There was a relationship between the molecular marker of atrial dysfunction NT-proBNP and worse functional outcome in women, resulting in a possible indicator of increased dysfunction
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