261 research outputs found

    Evidencias empíricas del desbordamiento de estrés en trabajadores sanitarios e incidencia sobre su calidad de vida

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    El traspaso de estrés entre los ámbitos del trabajo y la familia fue analizado en una muestra de 58 trabajadores. Se hipotetizó que las experiencias de estrés vividas en el trabajo serían contagiadas al ámbito familiar, afectando a la calidad de vida familiar del propio trabajador. Antecedentes y consecuentes del conflicto trabajo-familia fueron registrados mediante una serie de instrumentos de medida. Los datos apoyan la evidencia empírica de efectos spillover o traspaso de estrés entre los dos ámbitos. El contagio de experiencias estresantes fue más evidente en el plano evaluativo (nivel de calidad de vida) que en el cognitivo (percepción de interferencias interámbito). Los resultados se analizan bajo nuevas teorías que tratan de recoger toda la complejidad de las relaciones trabajo-familia.Spillover effects between work and family domains were studied in a sample of 58 workers. It was hypothesised that stressful experiences emerged at work would spillover to the family domain and would eventually affects the quality of family life. Therefore, inputs and outcomes variables of work-family conflict were measured using self-report instruments. Results reveal that workers suffer from spillover effects between work and family domains. This effect was more evident in the evaluation field (amount of quality of life) rather than in the cognitive field (woks and family perceptions) of incompatibilities across domains. These results are discussed in contrast with new theories that bring to light all the complexity of work-family relations


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    [EN] The design of a simple activity so students can begin in the course of video art, threw up some interesting artistic results. The random video editing, with content belonging to two totally different concepts, without apparent connection, has potential to create an unexpected and synergic poetic which are not suggested in the original media. In this paper, we describe the guidelines used to carry out that process and we present some surprising results. The implicit reflection take us to theoretical studies of Kushelov, which added to Duchamp's readymade, or object-based poetry of Brossa, and appropriationist concept, become an inexhaustible source from which to extract conceptual resources capable of stimulating the students' creativity.[ES] El diseño de una actividad sencilla para que los estudiantes pudieran iniciarse técnicamente en la asignatura de videoarte, deparó unos resultados artísticos de gran interés. La edición azarosa de videos con contenido perteneciente a dos conceptos o ideas totalmente dispares entre sí, sin relación aparente, tiene el potencial de crear poéticas inesperadas y sinérgicas que no estaban sugeridas en los medios originales. En esta comunicación, describimos las pautas usadas para realizar ese proceso y mostramos alguno de los sorprendentes resultados obtenidos. La reflexión implícita nos retrotrae hasta los estudios teóricos de Kushelov, que sumados al readymade de Duchamp o a la poesía objetual de Brossa, y al concepto apropiacionista, se convierten en una inagotable fuente de la que extraer recursos conceptuales capaces de estimular la creatividad de los estudiantes.Marín Sánchez, E. (2015). SEMÁNTICAS IMPREVISTAS EN LA YUXTAPOSICIÓN DE IMÁGENES EN MOVIMIENTO SIN RELACIÓN APARENTE. En II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN ARTE VISUALES. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 442-452. https://doi.org/10.4995/ANIAV2015.1154OCS44245

    El fracaso académico en la universidad: aspectos motivacionales e intereses profesionales

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    Un total de 103 alumnos con una edad promedio de 21 años fracasado en sus estudios universitarios, se evaluaron a través de una serie de cuestionarios, pruebas objetivas de inteligencia y personalidad, y entrevistas individuales. La investigación pretende describir la relación entre aspectos actitudinales (motivaciones e intereses profesionales) y fracaso académico, independientemente del nivel de inteligencia. Asimismo, se elaboró el perfil vocacional de los alumnos fracasados y se determinó su congruencia con respecto a la elección de estudios universitarios. Los resultados indican que los aspectos motivacionales y actitudinales poseen un potencial predictor del fracaso académico igualo mayor que los aspectos cognoscitivos o intelectuales. Los alumnos mostraron claros síntomas de indefensión aprendida, baja motivación intrínseca y pobres tendencias a la realización personal (aprendizajes) y/o laboral. Por otra parte, los resultados animan a considerar la importancia de la compatibilidad entre vocación y elección universitaria.A total of 103 students with a mean age of 21 years, who had failed their university course, were evaluated via a series of questionnaires, objective personality and intelligence tests, and individual interviews. This study intends to describe the relationship between attitudinal aspects (motivational aspects and professional interests) and academic failure, irrespective of the level of intelligence. The vocational profile ofthe failing students was also drawn up, and its congruence determined with respect to the choice of course studied. Results indicate that the attitudinal and motivational aspects have a potential to predict academic failure which is equal or superior to that of the cognitive and intellectual aspects. These students showed clear symptoms of learned helplessness, low intrinsic motivation and poor tendencies to personal and/or professional fulfillment (learning behaviours). On the other hand, these results these results emphasize the consideration of the importance of compatibility between vocation and professional selection in order to guarantee academic success

    Onset age of drug abuse as a variable predicting drug abuse trajectory

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    Las relaciones existentes entre el tipo de abuso de droga y el tipo de comportamiento violento manifestado en poblaciones jóvenes son variadas y complejas. El objetivo de esta investigación de ámbito autonómico es determinar el grado en el que el abuso de alcohol, bien solo o combinado con otras drogas (marihuana, cocaína, heroína), está asociado a conductas violentas en jóvenes. Un total de 816 jóvenes andaluces comenzaron a consumir alcohol hasta 3 años antes (14.5 años) que el resto de la muestra. Finalmente, el grupo control, es decir, los jóvenes abstinentes, mostró 28% de conductas violentas, como insultar o golpear a otros, lo que nos alerta del bajo umbral sociocultural asociado a los actos agresivos.Relationships between different types of drug abuse and specific type of violent behavior are varied and complex among youngsters. The purpose of this regional investigation is to determine whether the level of drug abuse, both alone or in combination with other drugs, is associated with violent behaviors in youngsters. A sample of 816 andalusian youngsters between 15 and 29 years old took part in a self-reported data collection process. Results indicated that the forms of drug comsumption that are most related to violent behaviors are found in those who relapse into and combine (policonsumption) drugs

    Knowledge and Practice of Health Professionals in the Management of Dysphagia

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    Background: Dysphagia is associated with poor outcome in stroke patients. Studies investigating the association of dysphagia and early dysphagia screening (EDS) with outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) are rare. The aims of our study are to investigate the association of dysphagia and EDS within 24 h with stroke-related pneumonia and outcomes. Methods: Over a 4.5-year period (starting November 2007), all consecutive AIS patients from 15 hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, were prospectively evaluated. The primary outcomes were stroke-related pneumonia during hospitalization, mortality, and disability measured on the modified Rankin Scale >= 2-5, in which 2 indicates an independence/slight disability to 5 severe disability. Results: Of 12,276 patients (mean age 73 +/- 13; 49% women), 9,164 patients (74%) underwent dysphagia screening; of these patients, 55, 39, 4.7, and 1.5% of patients had been screened for dysphagia within 3, 3 to 72 h following admission. Patients who underwent dysphagia screening were likely to be older, more affected on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, and to have higher rates of neurological symptoms and risk factors than patients who were not screened. A total of 3,083 patients (25.1%; 95% CI 24.4-25.8) had dysphagia. The frequency of dysphagia was higher in patients who had undergone dysphagia screening than in those who had not (30 vs. 11.1%; p < 0.001). During hospitalization (mean 9 days), 1,271 patients (10.2%; 95% CI 9.7-10.8) suffered from stroke-related pneumonia. Patients with dysphagia had a higher rate of pneumonia than those without dysphagia (29.7 vs. 3.7%; p < 0.001). Logistic regression revealed that dysphagia was associated with increased risk of stroke-related pneumonia (OR 3.4; 95% CI 2.8-4.2; p < 0.001), case fatality during hospitalization (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.1-3.7; p < 0.001) and disability at discharge (OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.6-2.3; p < 0.001). EDS within 24 h of admission appeared to be associated with decreased risk of stroke-related pneumonia (OR 0.68; 95% CI 0.52-0.89; p = 0.006) and disability at discharge (OR 0.60; 95% CI 0.46-0.77; p < 0.001). Furthermore, dysphagia was independently correlated with an increase in mortality (OR 3.2; 95% CI 2.4-4.2; p < 0.001) and disability (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.8-3.0; p < 0.001) at 3 months after stroke. The rate of 3-month disability was lower in patients who had received EDS (52 vs. 40.7%; p = 0.003), albeit an association in the logistic regression was not found (OR 0.78; 95% CI 0.51-1.2; p = 0.2). Conclusions: Dysphagia exposes stroke patients to a higher risk of pneumonia, disability, and death, whereas an EDS seems to be associated with reduced risk of stroke-related pneumonia and disability. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Base

    Characterization of 3d printing filaments applied in restoration of sensitive archaeological objects using rapid prototyping

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    [EN] Purpose The purpose of this paper is to characterize three-dimensional (3D) printing filaments commonly used in fused deposition modeling (FDM) to determine their viability for restoration and conservation treatments. Design/methodology/approach Eight current filaments for FDM from six polymeric materials have been characterized to determine their suitability for restoration and conservation treatments. For testing these filaments, specimens are printed with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene; polylactic acid; polylactic acid with CaCO3 (E.P.); polyethylene terephthalate glycol; polypropylene; and high-impact polystyrene. Suitability of a filament was verified using the Oddy test by detecting the action of volatile pollutants released from the filaments. The morphological and color changes were observed after allowing them to degrade under the exposure of UV radiation. The samples were then analyzed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In addition, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy technique was applied to complete the characterization of the printed filaments. Findings Materials investigated are suitable for restoration purposes ensuring long-term stability. Rapid prototyping using FDM is appropriate for restoring sensitive archaeological objects allowing reconstruction of parts and decreasing risk while manipulating delicate artifacts. Originality/value Rapid prototyping using FDM was chosen for the restoration of a fragile and sensitive archaeological glass bowl from Manises Ceramic Museum.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the context of the research project "Desarrollo de un Sistema Integrado de Restauracion, Recomposicion, Restitucion y Representacion de Fragmentos Arqueologicos": HAR2015-69408-R (MINECO-FEDER).Aura-Castro, E.; Díaz-Marín, C.; Mas-Barberà, X.; Sánchez López, M.; Vendrell Vidal, E. (2021). Characterization of 3d printing filaments applied in restoration of sensitive archaeological objects using rapid prototyping. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 27(4):645-657. https://doi.org/10.1108/RPJ-06-2019-0153S64565727

    Unravelling the impact of courtyard geometry on cooling energy consumption in buildings

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    At present, the energy used for air conditioning in buildings in urban areas accounts for over 36% of total global energy consumption. Energy efficiency has become a critical factor in the urban planning of cities worldwide. Courtyard buildings in hot cities are a prime example of the approach used in traditional vernacular architecture to mitigate the effects of extreme weather. However, given the challenge of guaranteeing accurate modelling of microclimates within these courtyards, their impact on energy demand in buildings has been routinely over-looked by energy certification tools. This work examines three empirical case studies selected in Seville city (Spain), where temperatures during the summer months are extreme. The case studies selected display distinct geometric variations, and the primary objective of the research is to assess the influence of this geometric factor on the cooling energy demand of the building indoors. To achieve this, a validated methodology combining experimental and numerical data was implemented to evaluate the energy performance of buildings with courtyards. Different simulations were conducted to detect the impact of individual courtyard features. The results show a reduction in cooling demand of 8-18% depending on the geometry of the courtyard. Analysis was also carried out on the influence of the floor level and the orientation of adjacent rooms, revealing differences of 15% and 22%, respectively. The main conclusion of the research is that the use of courtyards as functional devices, paying particular attention to their geometry, is a key factor in the cooling energy demand of buildings.13 página

    Factores de riesgo maternos presentes en el recien nacido prematuro.

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    Introducción: El parto prematuro es la causa única más importante de morbilidad y mortalidad perinatal. Según la OMS, el parto prematuro es aquel que ocurre antes de las 37 semanas de gestación. El propósito de la siguiente revisión bibliográfica es conocer los factores maternos presentes en la aparición de los partos prematuro en la región latinoamericana. Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo maternos presentes en el recién nacido prematuro. Metodología: La investigación se realizará con el eje principal de la lectura crítica, realizando una revisión de diversos artículos científicos con el objetivo de rescatar aquellos que aporten mayor riqueza científica, estos se recopilaran a través de motores de búsqueda como SCieLo Google académico BVS, empleando el descriptor DeCS, con operadores boléanos AND, recuperándose un total de 17, retomándose 10 encontradas a texto completo que cumplieron con cada uno de los criterios de inclusión

    The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on tourist evaluation and behavioural intentions in Spain: Implications for market segmentation analysis

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    This research aims to examine consumers’ evaluation and expected behaviour changes that may arise in the wake of COVID-19 and to develop a market segmentation. Rooted in the prospect theory, after reviewing health crises, data were collected from a Spanish sample (n = 1,000) relating to changes in consumers’ evaluations of tourism products due to COVID-19 and their subsequent behavioural intentions. Findings indicate that conventional tourism may be undergoing a downturn as component of the leisure basket. Beyond a heterogeneous repercussion on tourism types and products, changes in relevance of purchase stages together with a reorganization of consumer planning are expected, with more local and individual holidays, more convenient dates, less use of vendors, more insurance contracting, and lower use of public transport and shared services. Moreover, the study provides evidence of the need of linking health risk and tourist behaviour as another behavioural segmentation base, identifying three different response behaviours. Finally, we outline improvements to hospitality and tourism management to face up to this situation

    Boletín informativo del sector arrocero Colombia 2005-2018

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    Según información de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), la tasa de crecimiento del valor de la producción del arroz para 2005 fue superior a la tasa de crecimiento del PIB agropecuario e incluso al PIB nacional. Sin embargo, en los años siguientes, el crecimiento del valor de la producción del arroz fue más lento con respecto al PIB nacional e incluso para el año 2014 decreció. A partir de este año, ha crecido a una tasa menor que el PIB agrícola, lo que podría mostrar que otros cultivos son los que están impulsando este sector