2,058 research outputs found

    Usos del reforzador social en la atención temprana del niño con síndrome de Down

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    El presente trabajo muestra los resultados de un estudio realizado con niños síndrome de Down en un contexto de sistematización de la intervención temprana y su principal objetivo consistió en comprobar si se producían diferencias en las adquisiciones de los niños en función del refuerzo social recibido. Dado que es aceptado que esta población presenta un desarrollo social por encima del intelectual, convirtiéndose dicho hecho en un rasgo central de su personalidad, se utilizó un refuerzo social con dos variantes: en interacción con el sujeto y sin interacción, para averiguar su efecto sobre sus aprendizajes. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que los niños que habían recibido el refuerzo social en interacción presentaban mejores ejecuciones en unos objetivos previamente establecidos.This report shows the results of a study carried out about early intervention of Down’ syndrome babies. Its main objective was to test if there were differences in the acquisition of children depending on the social reinforcement received. As this population presents a social quotient higher than its intelligence quotient, main characteristic of its personality, we used as reward a social reinforcement with two variants: administered in physical interaction with the subject and without interaction, to see his effect on their learning. According to the obtained data, we proved an upper level of acquisitions in the eight objectives proposed in the group which had received the reinforcement in the interaction

    Evaluación integral de un proyecto energético europeo desde una perspectiva sostenible

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    El proyecto europeo ENERGY 21 ha sido un programa plurianual "Intelligent Energy-Europe" (IEE) adoptado por la Decisión 1230/2003/EC en el Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo de la UE para la actuación en el campo de la energía, y cuyos principales objetivos han sido la definición de una estrategia basada en la sostenibilidad energética y el fortalecimiento de las Agendas Locales 21. En el marco de trabajo de este proyecto, la Universidad de Huelva ha adquirido un rol determinante tanto a nivel europeo como a nivel local por ser responsable del diseño final de la metodología común europea a seguir por los socios -tanto en la fase de diagnóstico, como en la de Plan de Acción-, y por facilitar la ejecución de las tareas comprometidas por el socio local implicado en el proyecto (la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Huelva). En este trabajo presentamos la metodología diseñada a fin de alcanzar los objetivos tanto del conjunto de socios europeos como, específicamente, de los locales. Así, La analizaremos comprobando los resultados alcanzados con la redacción del diagnóstico y el plan de acción energético posterior. Resulta interesante destacar cómo , a pesar de que los siete socios participantes en el proyecto no se localizan en la zona transfronteriza de Andalucía-Algarve-Alentejo, las pautas de comportamiento de los mismos ante los procesos de sostenibilidad local y las conclusiones extraídas del análisis de este caso resultan totalmente extrapolables a la zona objeto de estudio de este congreso

    Art and gesture in the Libro del acedrex, dados e tablas by Alfonso X the Wise

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    El Libro de los Juegos de Alfonso X es una de las producciones más originales del scriptorium alfonsí. A la necesidad de codificar el juego en el siglo XIII, se une la valiosa aportación artística de las miniaturas que ilustran el desarrollo de sus diferentes partidas. Este trabajo profundiza en un aspecto no tratado por la historiografía de la obra: el análisis de la gestualidad, como recurso visual y artístico, con la que se muestran sus protagonistas y la interpretación que los miniaturistas alfonsíes hacen de este lenguaje codificado no verbal. De esta manera, gestos, actitudes y expresiones son adoptados de manera discrecional, en función de la naturaleza de juegos tan diversos como el ajedrez, los dados y las tablasThe Book of Games by Alfonso X is one of the most original works in the Alphonsine scriptorium. The need to develop an encoding system for games in the 13th century is compounded with the invaluable artistic contribution of the miniatures that illustrate the progression in each game. This manuscript studies in depth two aspects that are not dealt with in the historiography of this work: the analysis of gesture, as a visual and artistic resource, through which players are depicted and Alphonsine miniaturists’ interpretation of this non-verbal, encoded language. Thus, gestures, attitudes and expressions are adopted in a discretional manner according to the nature of the game, which may vary widely to include chess, dice or checker

    Policy instruments to promote electro-mobilityiIn the Eu28: A comprehensive review

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    Despite its environmental benefits, the amount of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in use within the European Union 28 is still very limited. Poor penetration might be explained by certain factors that dissuade potential buyers. To balance these factors and promote electro-mobility, Member States have established incentives to increase demand. However, the various measures are scattered. This paper contributes to fill the gap in the literature by offering an overall view of the main measures. The authors will focus on measures to promote electro-mobility within the EU28 until 2014. After an in-depth and comprehensive review of the relevant measures, the authors conclude that the most important policy instruments to promote EVs are tax and infrastructure measures in addition to financial incentives for purchasing and supporting R&D projects. Regardless of the scarcity of EV registration data, the available information allows us to conclude that higher EV penetration levels appear in countries where the registration tax, the ownership tax, or both taxes have developed a partial green tax by including CO2 emissions in the calculation of the final invoice.Junta de Andalucía proyecto SEJ-132Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente (Cátedra de Energía y Economía Ambiental) ECO2014-56399-RUniversidad Autónoma de Chil

    In vitro digestibility of highly concentrated methylcellulose O/W emulsions: Rheological and structural changes

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    The changes in structure during the digestion of highly concentrated methyl cellulose (MC) O/W emulsions and of hydrated MC were investigated. The effect of human saliva and in vitro stomach digestion was attributed to a dilution effect, rather than to pH or pepsin activity. After in vitro intestine incubation, a decrease in viscoelasticity and an increase in fat globule size were observed. The fat released after the digestion of the MC emulsion was 49.8% of the initial fat, indicating the existence of a big physical impediment. In comparison with an O/W whey protein emulsion with fat content equal to the fat released during the MC emulsion digestion, a 12% reduction in free fatty acid formation was found, which indicates that the decrease in fat bioaccessibility in the MC emulsion should be attributed not only to a physical effect against fat release but also to a further impediment related to the fat digestion process. Fat released quantification informs about the physical retention of fat in the emulsion matrix structure. Enzymes may not act if fat is not released and solubilized. Free fatty acid quantification is the real indicator of fat digestion, but contrary to the total fat released, it is affected by a wide variety of enzymatic factors, which should be considered for the correct comparison of systems of different properties, for example systems where the amount of fat release during the digestion may be different or initially unknown.Ministerio Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government for financial support (project AGL2015-68923-C2-1-R)Peer reviewe

    Analysis of energy end-use efficiency policy in Spain

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    The implementation of saving measures and energy efficiency entails the need to evaluate achievements in terms of energy saving and spending. This paper aims at analysing the effectiveness and economic efficiency of energy saving measures implemented in the Energy Savings and Efficiency Action Plan (2008-2012) (EAP4 +) in Spain for 2010. The lack of assessment related to energy savings achieved and public spending allocated by the EAP4 + justifies the need of this analysis. The results show that the transport and building sectors seem to be the most important, from the energy efficiency perspective. Although they did not reach the direct energy savings that were expected, there is scope for reduction with the appropriate energy measures. For the effectiveness indicator, the best performance are achieved by public service, agricultural and fisheries and building sectors, while in terms of energy efficiency per monetary unit, the best results are achieved by transport, industry and agriculture sectors. Authors conclude that it is necessary that central, regional and local administrations will get involved, in order to get better estimates of the energy savings achieved and thus to affect the design of future energy efficiency measures at the lowest possible cost to the citizens.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2014-56399-RMinisterio de Educación de Chile Proyecto FONDECYT 1150025Junta de Andalucía proyecto SEJ-132Fundación Roger Torné, Universidad de Sevilla, Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambient

    A New Approach for Measurement of The Efficiency of Cpm and Cpmk Control Charts

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    [EN] Process capability analysis is a very effective way for improving process quality by relating process variation to customer requirements. It compares the output of a process to the specification limits by using process capability indices (PCIs). PCIs provide numerical measures on whether aprocess conforms to the defined manufacturing capability prerequisite. In this paper, a new approach based on non-central Chi-Square, ¿ and ¿ distributions is presented to design the capability control charts. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the efficiency of the proposed control charts comparing with the traditional control charts. The advantage of using the proposed capability control charts is that, the practitioner can monitor the process mean and the process variability by looking at one chart. Moreover the proposed capability control charts are easily appended to X-R control chart and provide judgments considering the ability of a process to meet requirements. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach an illustrative example is conducted.Carot Sánchez, MT.; Sagbas, A.; Sanz Juan, JM. (2013). A New Approach for Measurement of The Efficiency of Cpm and Cpmk Control Charts. International Journal for Quality Research. 7(4):605-622. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99672S6056227