5,254 research outputs found

    Packaging design: learning through fictional cases or real cases? Comparative study of student performance over 8 academic years

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    Comunicació presentada a EDULEARN2019, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 1-3, 2019, Palma, Mallorca, Spain).In the practical subjects of the Degrees in Industrial Design students usually apply theoretical knowledge to solve complex cases, but in many occasions these cases are only fictional. However, it is also possible to provide students with cases that respond to real needs, and on many occasions it is the companies that propose them through contests. Numerous experiences endorse the Competition-Based Learning (CBL) as a working methodology that improves the motivation of the students. But it is worth asking to what extent this motivation achieves a significant improvement in student performance. This paper hypothesizes that the performance of industrial design students is higher when they work to solve real cases than when they have to solve fictional cases. To demonstrate it, the average grades obtained during 8 academic years in a subject related to packaging are compared. Between 2011 and 2014, students were presented with a fictional case in which it was necessary to solve a specific need for a new type of packaging. Between 2015 and 2018 a similar exercise was planned, but based on real cases proposed by companies in the sector. In both cases, the exercise was planned during the central weeks of the semester, the students were given a similar period of time to develop them (around 4 weeks), and they were evaluated according to similar criteria. The results of this study show that the orientation of the exercises towards real cases through participation in contests seems to have a slight positive influence on student performance (+3.25%), so it is possible to demonstrate that the incorporation of CBL as a teaching methodology is generally positive for design students, given that it improves both their motivation and the quality of their proposals and has a positive impact on their performance

    La ocupación del territorio navarro en la Época Romana

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    Patrimonio cultural y natural: procesos y dinámicas en la región turística de Puerto Vallarta

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    La globalización de los mercados, la exigencia de mayor flexibilidad de los distintos procesos urbanos territoriales, así como la sustentabilidad ambiental y sociocultural, se convierten en las nuevas condiciones estructurales del desarrollo turístico. Esto obliga promover una mayor competitividad entre los enclaves turísticos. En este contexto el patrimonio cultural y natural en zonas turísticas se convierte en un valor añadido a la oferta del turismo de sol y playa. Puerto Vallarta como polo turístico reconocido a nivel nacional e internacional, se encuentra así ante un panorama de opciones y escenarios posibles. Panorama crucial para determinar y construir las bases de su desarrollo, para tener vigencia y competitividad en el esquema de procesos que establece el siglo XXI.The globalization of markets, the need for greater flexibility of the various urban-territorial processes and environmental and socio-cultural sustainability, become the new structural conditions of tourism development. This forces promote greater competition among tourist spots. The cultural and natural heritage in tourist areas becomes an added value to the offer of sun and beach tourism. . Puerto Vallarta as a tourist destination renowned national and international, is thus confronted with an overview of options and scenarios. Panorama crucial to identify and build the foundation of its development, to be effective and competitive in the scheme of processes that establishes the XXI centuryPeer Reviewe

    Los medios de comunicación a distancia

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    Vivimos un interesante momento en cuanto al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y las oportunidades que estas abren para el almacenamiento, distribución, actualización, manejo y presentación de información. Para las Universidades a Distancia, el desafío consiste en proporcionar oportunidades para aprender a entender y a utilizar de manera eficaz las grandes cantidades de información que caracterizan a nuestras sociedades. El público plantea una variedad de demandas de educación dependiendo de su situación y circunstancias particulares. La Educación a Distancia representa una realidad mundial en constante crecimiento cuantitativo y cualitativo potenciada últimamente CON NUEVOS MEDIOS de comunicación. Esto es yá un hecho de indudable significación social, económica, cultural, política, cada día alcanza a mayor número de países, centros, alumnos. Por esta razón se multiplican los experimentos, las innovaciones para mejorar el sistema y su presencia en instituciones especializadas en Educación a Distanci

    Derecho a la salud y violencia de género

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Igualtat i Gènere en l'Àmbit Públic i Privat. Codi: SRM042. Curs acadèmic 2015-201

    Realización y difusión de un Massive Open Online Course de narrativa audiovisual avanzada: el alumnado como creador de recursos educativos abiertos

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    El objetivo fundamental es continuar con la creación de un Massive Open OnlineCourse (MOOC) de narrativa audiovisual diseñado por profesorado y alumnado elaborando materiales videográficos e hipermedia innovadores para su difusión abierta

    Reasons and Objectives Integrating Press into the Curriculum: An Empirical Study

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    Our study is partly based on the UNESCO’ General Assemblies Recommendations, and its guidelines considered by many countries. Moreover, is based on the current legal Spanish regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture relating the curricular integration of the communication media into teaching. The law does not ensure the results expected right away, but provides guidelines and stimulus to start the process with some guarantees. On the other hand, our study wants to answer to the new situation created by the massive expansion of communication media and new technologies, and also their uncontrolled effects and the necessity of relating teaching with the new realities. Motivation, didactic possibilities, relationship with the press among others is present when teachers start working with press, showing similar scores. More that half of teachers finds these new resources as feelings enhancers, what is new and very valuable. If this is true, we will be in front of a more humanist and humanizing model. Training of the global man is important, not only reasoning but also feelings. There is also post experiment evidence that press generates a creative attitude in students, and at the same time it provides them with new knowledge, which is very important. Because of these and other reasons there must be training for a new type of teacher that integrates media to attain new learning and new attitudes towards media and new knowledge without forgetting a critical and analytical attitude to design a new model of student

    Los notarios apostólicos de Granada a través de las legislaciones civil y eclesial

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    El estudio de cualquier Institución debe partir, necesariamente, de las normas legales que la han configurado en el tiempo. Por ello, el estudio del origen del notariado apostólico del arzobispado de Granada debe iniciarse con los estudios de los antecedentes más remotos para ver su génesis y evolución, pasando por las características intrínsecas que constituyen la estructura eclesial granadina y su evolución a lo largo del siglo XVI. Este estudio lo hacemos a través de tres aspectos diferentes: las normas emanadas de la Cancillería real, las generadas por la vaticana y sus aplicaciones directas al arzobispado de Granada.The study of any Institution must necessarily begin with the study of its legal situation over time. For this reason, to study the Apostolic Notaries of the Archbishopric of Granada we must begin by looking at its remotest past in order to appreciate its genesis and evolution, and we must also look at the intrinsic characteristics that constitute the structure of the Church in Granada and its evolution throughout the 16th century. This study is undertaken from three perspectives: the regulations published by the Royal Chancellery, those published by the Vatican Chancellery and their direct application to the Archbishopric of Granada.the study of any Insti- The study of any Institution must necessarily begin with the study of its legal situation over time. For this reason, to study the Apostolic Notaries of the Archbishopric of Granada we must begin by looking at its remotest past in order to appreciate its genesis and evolution, and we must also look at the intrinsic characteristics that constitute the structure of the Church in Granada and its evolution throughout the 16th century. This study is undertaken from three perspectives: the regulations published by the Royal Chancellery, those published by the Vatican Chancellery and their direct application to the Archbishopric of Granada