2,739 research outputs found
Using Mobile Devices for Improving Learning Outcomes and Teachers’ Professionalization
Teaching in higher education is changing due to the influence of technology. More and more
technological tools are replacing old teaching methods and strategies. Thus, mobile devices are being
positioned as a key tool for new ways of understanding educational practices. The present paper
responds to a systematic review about the benefits that mobile devices have for university students’
learning. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria in theWeb of Science and Scopus databases, 16 articles
were selected to argue why Mobile learning (Mlearning) has become a modern innovative approach.
The results point to an improvement in students’ learning through Mlearning, factors that encourage
the use of mobile devices in universities have been identified, and e ective mobile applications in
improving teaching and learning processes have been presented. The inclusion of this methodology
requires a new role for teachers, whose characterization is also specified
Dual encoding of muscle tension and eye position by abducens motoneurons
Extraocular muscle tension associated with spontaneous eye movements has a pulse-slide-step profile similar to that of motoneuron firing rate. Existing models only relate motoneuron firing to eye position, velocity and acceleration. We measured and quantitatively compared lateral rectus muscle force and eye position with the firing of abducens motoneurons in the cat to determine fundamental encoding correlations. During fixations (step), muscle force increased exponentially with eccentric eye position, consistent with a model of estimate ensemble motor innervation based on neuronal sensitivities and recruitment order. Moreover, firing rate in all motoneurons tested was better related to eye position than to muscle tension during fixations. In contrast, during the postsaccadic slide phase, the time constant of firing rate decay was closely related to that of muscle force decay, suggesting that all motoneurons encode muscle tension as well. Discharge characteristics of abducens motoneurons formed overlapping clusters of phasic and tonic motoneurons, thus, tonic units recruited earlier and had a larger slide signal. We conclude that the slide signal is a discharge characteristic of the motoneuron that controls muscle tension during the postsaccadic phase and that motoneurons are specialized for both tension and position-related properties. The organization of signal content in the pool of abducens motoneurons from the very phasic to the very tonic units is possibly a result of the differential trophic background received from distinct types of muscle fibers
Axons Giving Rise to the Palisade Endings of Feline Extraocular Muscles Display Motor Features
Palisade endings are nerve specializations found in the extraocular muscles (EOMs) of mammals, including primates. They have long been postulated to be proprioceptors. It was recently demonstrated that palisade endings are cholinergic and that in monkeys they originate from the EOM motor nuclei. Nevertheless, there is considerable difference of opinion concerning the nature of palisade ending function.
Palisade endings in EOMs were examined in cats to test whether they display motor or sensory characteristics. We injected an anterograde tracer into the oculomotor or abducens nuclei and combined tracer visualization with immunohistochemistry and α-bungarotoxin staining. Employing immunohistochemistry, we performed molecular analyses of palisade endings and trigeminal ganglia to determine whether cat palisade endings are a cholinergic trigeminal projection.
We confirmed that palisade endings are cholinergic and showed, for the first time, that they, like extraocular motoneurons, are also immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide. Following tracer injection into the EOM nuclei, we observed tracer-positive palisade endings that exhibited choline acetyl transferase immunoreactivity. The tracer-positive nerve fibers supplying palisade endings also established motor terminals along the muscle fibers, as demonstrated by α-bungarotoxin. Neither the trigeminal ganglion nor the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve contained cholinergic elements.
This study confirms that palisade endings originate in the EOM motor nuclei and further indicates that they are extensions of the axons supplying the muscle fiber related to the palisade. The present work excludes the possibility that they receive cholinergic trigeminal projections. These findings call into doubt the proposed proprioceptive function of palisade endings
Effects of Selective Deafferentation on the Discharge Characteristics of Medial Rectus Motoneurons
Medial rectus motoneurons receive two main pontine inputs: abducens internuclear neurons, whose axons course through the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), and neurons in the lateral vestibular nucleus, whose axons project through the ascending tract of Deiters (ATD). Abducens internuclear neurons are responsible for conjugate gaze in the horizontal plane, whereas ATD neurons provide medial rectus motoneurons with a vestibular input comprising mainly head velocity. To reveal the relative contribution of each input to the oculomotor physiology, single-unit recordings from medial rectus motoneurons were obtained in the control situation and after selective deafferentation from cats with unilateral transection of either the MLF or the ATD. Both MLF and ATD transection produced similar short-term alterations in medial rectus motoneuron firing pattern, which were more drastic in MLF of animals. However, long-term recordings revealed important differences between the two types of lesion. Thus, while the effects of the MLF section were permanent, 2 months after ATD lesioning all motoneuronal firing parameters were similar to the control. These findings indicated a more relevant role of the MLF pathway in driving motoneuronal firing and evidenced compensatory mechanisms following the ATD lesion. Confocal immunocytochemistry revealed that MLF transection produced also a higher loss of synaptic boutons, mainly at the dendritic level. Moreover, 2 months after ATD transection, we observed an increase in synaptic coverage around motoneuron cell bodies compared with short-term data, which is indicative of a synaptogenic compensatory mechanism of the abducens internuclear pathway that could lead to the observed firing and morphological recovery.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Eye movements rely on multiple neuronal circuits for appropriate performance. The abducens internuclear pathway through the medial longitudinal fascicle (MLF) and the vestibular neurons through the ascending tract of Deiters (ATD) are a dual system that supports the firing of medial rectus motoneurons. We report the effect of sectioning the MLF or the ATD pathway on the firing of medial rectus motoneurons, as well as the plastic mechanisms by which one input compensates for the lack of the other. This work shows that while the effects of MLF transection are permanent, the ATD section produces transitory effects. A mechanism based on axonal sprouting and occupancy of the vacant synaptic space due to deafferentation is the base for the mechanism of compensation on the medial rectus motoneuron
Students frequently ask: ‘Yes but...What is the utility of physics?’
Two Teaching Innovation Projects were carried out in the framework of the subjects ‘Physics I’ and ‘Physics II’ for different Degrees on Engineering at the Engineering High School of the University of Cadiz, Spain, during the 2013-2014 course. The aim of these Projects was to catch the interest of first course students on physical phenomena and principles, a matter frequently considered as ‘difficult’ or even ‘boring’ for them when it is approached from an excessively formal scope. The methodology of the two Projects was based on experiments of Recreational Physics, different toys and devices, and other resources as posters, books and online contents. The Projects were conducted during Theory, Laboratory, and Online classes of Physics I and II, and their results were evaluated from questionnaires to the students. Main conclusions derived from them were: i) a significant increment on the interest of students on Physics and Science; ii) the aim of students for learning more about this kind of recreational physical experiments; and iii) a general sensation of enjoying the study and analysis of physical phenomena by students –and teachers as well–. In addition, students manifested their interest in this methodology to be applied to other Engineering subjects of their Degrees
Erratum: De Teresa, J.M. et al. Comparison between Focused Electron/Ion Beam-Induced Deposition at Room Temperature and under Cryogenic Conditions. Micromachines 2019, 10, 799
Erratum of Micromachines 2019, 10(12), 799: In Section 3.1 (page 4) on the fourth line, it says “C/cm2”. It should be changed to “uC/cm2”
El papel del Estado en la prensa: análisis comparativo entre la prensa euromediterránea y la anglosajona
Proceeding of: II Congreso Internacional AE-IC Málaga 2010: Comunicación y desarrollo en la era digital. Estructura y políticas de la comunicación. Málaga 3-5 de febrero de 2010.A lo largo de los siglos el Estado ha ido interviniendo por conductos variados en la evolución y desarrollo de la prensa europea, configurando con el paso del tiempo dos modelos bien diferenciados. Por un lado, el británico (con una importante extensión a los Estados Unidos), y por el otro, el euromediterráneo, éste alrededor de cuatro países: Francia, España, Italia y Portugal. El modelo anglosajón se ha caracterizado por una continuidad sin interrupciones importantes (salvo las dos guerras mundiales) a partir del siglo XVII, mientras que el euromediterráneo ha experimentado un corte muy radical en su proceso evolutivo, como consecuencia de la implantación de sendos regímenes totalitarios entre 1926 y 1976. Se puede afirmar que la prensa anglosajona se inspira en la Primera Enmienda a la Constitución de los EEUU, que impide al Estado legislar en materia de prensa, y la euromediterránea se basa más en la Declaración de los Derechos del hombre y del Ciudadano de 1789, que faculta al Estado para legislar tanto en orden a proteger la libertad de expresión, como para amparar el ejercicio de las otras libertades conexas. Como sustrato de estas posiciones divergentes aparece el debate sobre la manera de entender la prensa, como una actividad empresarial más, o como un servicio público en el que el estado debe intervenir como regulador. La comunicación se centra en tres aspectos que permiten analizar ambos modelos con una sistemática similar: la censura; los factores característicos de ambos modelos; y el control estatal, los impuestos y las ayudas. Conviene resaltar, que las salidas de los cuatro países euromediterráneos a sus respectivos sistemas totalitarios fueron distintas. A partir de 1946-47 Francia e Italia se dotaron de regímenes democráticos vinculados al Estado de Bienestar. España y Portugal acometieron sus propias transiciones en 1974 y 1976 con planteamientos diferentes.Publicad
Press-State relations in the Nordic model
Aunque cada país ha seguido una evolución histórica distinta en su sistema de prensa, existen características comunes entre Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia y Dinamarca, y en menor medida Islandia, que permiten hablar de un modelo nórdico, que algunos han calificado como corporativista democrático. Por ejemplo, el peso de la prensa de partido, entendidos éstos como defensores de intereses más que como expresión de ideologías, aleja dicho modelo del euromediterráneo, mucho más ideologizado, y del anglosajón, mucho más desregulado. La política educativa en medios de comunicación constituye otro rasgo diferencial importante, así como sus sistemas de ayuda.Mesmo que cada país tenha seguido uma evolução histórica distinta em seu sistema de imprensa, existem características comuns entre Suécia, Noruega, Finlândia e Dinamarca, e em menor medida na Islândia, que permitem falar de um modelo nórdico, que alguns têm qualificado como corporativista-democrático. Por exemplo, o peso da imprensa de partido, entendida como defensora de interesses mais que como expressão de ideologias, distancia do modelo dito o euromediterrâneo, muito mais ideologizado, e o anglo-saxão, muito mais desregulado. A política educativa em meios de comunicação constitui outro traço diferencial importante, assim como seus sistemas de ajuda.Although each country has followed a different historical development in its press
system, there are common characteristics between Sweden, Norway, Finland and
Denmark and in a less way Iceland. These similarities allow to speak of a Nordic model,
which some scholars have described as democratic corporatist. For instance, the weight
of the partisan press, understood as defenders of interests rather than as an expression of
ideology, opposite the model to the Euro-Mediterranean model, much more ideological,or to the Anglo-Saxon model, much more deregulated. Education policy in the media and their support systems are other important distinguishing feature.Publicad
Press-State Relations: A Comparative Analysis of Euro-Mediterranean and British Models
The objective of this article is to compare the State’s role in the progress and development of the press system in relation to the Euro-Mediterranean model and that of English-speaking countries. Within this framework, we will discuss historic moments that may be considered decisive in the configuration of both systems today, and that have influenced how they came about. Additionally, we will examine legislative measures that have been most noteworthy in the progress of the press market in recent years. The State’s influence on the transformation of the newspaper business is studied from the following perspectives: censorship, control systems, regulation of the figure of the journalist, aid to the press, pluralism of information and limits on concentration. These aspects were selected because they have been observed to be key points to understanding Press-State relations. In the four Euro- Mediterranean countries studied, a radical break took place in the information systems as a consequence of the implementation of their respective totalitarian regimes between 1926 and 1976; a situation which did not occur in Great Britain, a major figure of democratic and business continuity. Whereas the disappearance of aid to the press in the British model was understood to be a means of guaranteeing the independence of the journalism profession from those in political power, in the Euro-Mediterranean model the aim of aid for press distribution is to consolidate the cooperative distribution system, preserve the pluralism of newspapers reporting political and general news, and guarantee the development necessary for the effective exercise of liberty proclaimed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 1789.Publicad
España, Francia, Italia y Portugal: cuatro modelos diferenciados de prensa euromediterránea
En el presente artículo se analizan los contextos sociopolíticos y los marcos legales que configuran
la prensa española, francesa, italiana y portuguesa. Se examinan, con especial interés, las
repercusiones que tuvieron en la creación de modelos diferenciados de prensa la Segunda Guerra
Mundial en Francia e Italia y las Dictaduras, y posteriores Transiciones a la democracia, en España y
Desde esta perspectiva, el objetivo final es describir las características más determinantes que
conforman cuatro modelos de prensa y que, dentro del marco singular que se establece en torno a
la prensa euromediterránea, permiten explicar su desarrollo en la actualidad.Publicad
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