311 research outputs found

    Econometrics and Free Software: A Fruitful Binomial Teaching

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    En el Grado en Economía, en tercer curso, se imparten dos asignaturas relacionadas con la Econometría. La que aparece en segundo lugar, Métodos Avanzados de Econometría, tiene un enfoque eminentemente práctico que exige el uso de material informático sofisticado y que, hasta hace poco, tenía alto coste en el mercado, y por tanto, prohibitivo para nuestros estudian - tes. El hecho de disponer ahora de un software libre econométrico, GRETL, nos ha permitido desarrollar con total naturalidad todos los objetivos de la asignatura, consiguiendo para los estu- diantes un aprendizaje práctico a partir de datos reales, proporcionando a los mismos una visión global, eficaz y útil, de una disciplina que para el profesional de la Economía se convertirá en un instrumento fundamental para sus investigaciones futuras. Los resultados obtenidos entre nuestros alumnos son completamente satisfactorios.We teach two subjects related to Econometrics within the third year of the Degree in Eco- nomics. The second of them, Advanced Methods in Econometrics, has a practical approach and therefore it is necessary the use of specific software which until now had a prohibitive price for our students. However, we could carry out all the objectives of the subject using the free software GRETL. It has allowed our students learn practicing from real data, providing them a global, effective and useful overview of a subject that will be essential for their coming research in Economics. The results obtained with our students have been entirely satisfactor

    Midiendo la variabilidad en caracteres cualitativos

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    The study of variability in categorical characteristics is rarely discussed. From a less used viewpoint of variability in quantitative variables, as it is the one of dissimilarity, which is different from the dispersion that, for example, the variance provides, we propose the construction of two coefficients that measure the variability in qualitative or categorical variables, which we call coefficients of dissimilarity. Simple examples are provided to introduce the measures, so that the teacher can also evaluate the idea students have about variability, dispersion and dissimilarityEl estudio de la variabilidad en caracteres categóricos rara vez es abordado. A partir de un enfoque menos usado de la variabilidad en variables cuantitativas, el de la disparidad, distinto al de la dispersión que, por ejemplo, proporciona la varianza, se propone la construcción de dos coeficientes de medida de la variabilidad en variables cualitativas o categóricas a los que llamamos coeficientes de disparidad. La sencillez y proximidad de los mismos permiten que sean abordados en un curso introductorio de estadística descriptiva. Ejemplos sencillos son ofrecidos para introducir las medidas y para, también, que el profesor constate la idea que el alumno tiene sobre variabilidad, dispersión y disparidad

    Regresando al pasado: otra forma de introducir la Regresión Estadística

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    Para iniciar al estudiante en el concepto de Regresión Lineal, y en el de Correlación asociado, en un curso introductorio de Estadística Descriptiva se propone el uso de problemas históricos relacionados con la materia, en particular, de los problemas abordados por Galton a finales del siglo XIX, asociados a la herencia genética. Además de trasladar al alumno al contexto histórico en el que surgieron, dándoles a conocer nombres de científicos pioneros, se procede con la resolución de esos problemas de manera intuitiva, visualizándolos gráficamente, probando con diferentes medidas de la estadística descriptiva ya conocidas por ellos, con ensayo y error, con el apoyo de calculadora y hoja de cálculo. Para el final dejamos la formalización de la teoría. La experiencia propone, pues, un recorrido inverso al que suele ser habitual. Los resultados de la misma, valorados por tres vías, resolución de ejercicios prácticos, encuesta a los alumnos y nota del examen, muestran que el proceso ha sido positivo para el objetivo último del aprendizaje.In an introductory course in Descriptive Statistics, to initiate students into the concept of linear regression and the associated correlation, we suggest the use of historical problems related to the subject, specially, the problems addressed by Galton in the late of the 19th century, associated with genetic inheritance. Besides moving the student to the historical context in which they emerged and announcing names of leading scientists, we proceed with the resolution of these problems in an intuitive way, graphically visualizing them, trying with different measures of descriptive statistics already known by students, through trial and mistake, with the support of calculator and spreadsheet. Finally, we formalize the theory. The experience suggests, therefore, a reverse path than currently. The results, measured in three ways (solving exercises, surveying students and qualifying exam) show that the process has been positive for the ultimate goal of learning

    Software libre en Econometría o la universalización del empirismo a los estudiantes

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    En el Grado en Economía, en tercer curso, se imparten dos asignaturas relacionadas con la Econometría. La que aparece en segundo lugar, Métodos Avanzados de Econometría, tiene un enfoque eminentemente práctico que exige el uso de material informático sofisticado y que, hasta hace poco, tenía alto coste en el mercado, y por tanto, prohibitivo para nuestros estudiantes. El hecho de disponer ahora de un software libre econométrico, GRETL, nos ha permitido desarrollar con total naturalidad todos los objetivos de la asignatura, consiguiendo para los estudiantes un aprendizaje práctico a partir de datos reales, proporcionando a los mismos una visión global, eficaz y útil, de una disciplina que para el profesional de la Economía se convertirá en un instrumento fundamental para sus investigaciones futuras. Los resultados obtenidos entre nuestros alumnos son completamente satisfactorios

    Global and practical vision of the Econometrics by means of use of royal information

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    Una experiencia desarrollada con alumnos de 4º curso de la licenciatura en Economía, en la asignatura Econometría II, asignatura eminentemente práctica, es descrita en este trabajo. Con una muestra conteniendo datos reales proporcionados por un organismo oficial, y con la suficiente amplitud como para individualizar los trabajos, los alumnos de esta asignatura desarrollan durante las dos últimas semanas del curso un trabajo descriptivo e inferencial, individualizado, usando todo el instrumental adquirido a lo largo del curso, con el objetivo de conseguir una visión lo más global posible de esta disciplina. Todos los conceptos importantes de la asignatura son empleados en dicho trabajo. El mismo es evaluado y, también, correlacionado con la calificación del examen final. Los resultados positivos hacen pensar en el refuerzo de la idea.Developed experience with students of 4 th year of the degree in Economics, Econometrics II in the subject, a subject eminently practical, is described in this paper. With a sample containing actual data provided by an official body, and broad enough to identify the work, students in this course develop during the last two weeks of the course a descriptive and inferential, individualized, using all instruments acquired throughout the course, with the aim of achieving a global picture as possible of this discipline. All the important concepts of the course are employed in such work. The same is assessed and also correlated with final exam score. The positive results suggest reinforcing the idea

    Un acercamiento a la comprensión de la psicología del deporte en espana. Análisis de la revista de psicología del deporte 1992-1999

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    En este trabajo abordamos la trayectoria científica de la Revista de Psicología del Deporte desde sus orígenes en el año 1992. Su análisis resulta de especial relevancia dado que en nuestro país esta disciplina aún mantiene un desarrollo creciente por su juventud y, sobre todo, porque tras unas pocas décadas de trabajo intenso, las perspectivas de futuro son las de una consolidación cada vez más clara de los tópicos científicos que aborda. Desde este planteamiento se ha realizado un análisis bibliométrico de diferentes aspectos, que nos ayudarán a comprender mejor el desarrollo mencionado. Para ello hemos descrito aspectos esenciales en cualquier análisis de este tipo, como son los autores más productivos, las instituciones donde se genera mayor producción científica, y las temáticas fundamentales de estudio, entre otros. Los resultados apoyan la primera afirmación de que efectivamente la consolidación de esta disciplina es un hecho.In the present work we approach the scientistic trayectory of the Revista de Psicología del Deporte (Journal of the Psychology of Sport) from its origins in the year of 1992. It research becomes to special outstanding because in our country this discipline still keeps its growing development due to its youth and, specially, because after a few decades of intense work, the future perspectives are a more consolidation of the scientistic topics approached. From this view it has been made an bibliometic analysis of different sides, that will help to a better understanding of the mentioned development. For this aim it has been described the essential aspects in every kind of analysis, as the most productive authors, the institutions where the major scientistic production is made, the fundamental subjects of study, among others. The results are supporting the first confirmation that, in fact, the consolidation of this discipline is real

    Social capital and results published by research, technological development, and innovation groups from Atlántico state, Colombia

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la relación entre el capital social (bonding y bridging) y los resultados de los grupos de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación de las instituciones de educación superior (IES) en el Departamento del Atlántico, Colombia. Se analizó la literatura existente (Scielo, Scopus, Elsevier y Emerald) entre el año 2010 y 2020. Se compararon los referentes bibliográficos de capital social con los indicadores del perfil de colaboración de los grupos de investigación categorizados por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología del Departamento del Atlántico. Los principales hallazgos destacan que las relaciones que los investigadores establecen, permiten generar valor institucional porque promueven el aprendizaje y responden a necesidades del entono. Se concluye que siendo las IES generadoras de nuevo conocimiento, parte de sus resultados se ven representados por la relación interna y externa de los grupos de investigación, los cuales facilitan y fortalecen el trabajo en la medida que establecen conexiones de cohesión y cooperación.The objective of the present study is to determine the relationship between social capital (bonding and bridging) and results published by research, technological development, and innovation groups at higher education institutions (HEIs) from the state of Atlántico, Colombia. A literature review (Scielo, Scopus, Elsevier, and Emerald) between the years 2010 and 2020 is performed. Social capital references are compared to collaboration profile indicators for research groups ranked by the Ministry of Science and Technology from the state of Atlántico. The results show and highlight that the relationships that researchers establish allow generating institutional value since they promote learning and respond to surrounding needs. It is concluded that as HEIs generate new knowledge, a part of this can be seen represented by their research groups’ internal and external relationships, which facilitates and strengthens their work as they establish cohesive and collaborative connections

    Abordaje de pacientes con diabetes y obesidad en atención primaria

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    Aims: The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment on weight control in patients with diabetes and obesity. Design: Epidemiological, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Site: Primary care. In 11 health centres in Málaga and Cádiz during April and October 2022. Participants: 281 patients over 18 years old with type 2 diabetes and obesity are included. Main measurements: Socio-demographics, clinical, treatment and lifestyle habits variables were obtained from medical records and personal interview. Descriptive statistics were obtained for continuous variables. Statistical tests were performed based on the nature of the variables. Results: Variables like marital status, level of education and occupation, and smoking habit, shows differences regarding the sex ( p < 0.05). 82.3% of those who received education lost weight, compared to 67.5% of lost weight who received no health education ( p = 0.004). GLP1 and SGLT2 were more commonly prescribed for women ( p = 0.048), and SGLT2 more commonly prescribed for men ( p = 0.047). Patients taking GLP1, SGLT2 or both, regardless of sex, weight loss during the study period was − 3.1 kg (SE: 0.60), while the loss of those who took other medications was − 1.33 kg (SE: 0.62). The mean difference was 1.75 kg ( p = 0.046). Conclusions: In terms of weight loss, obese diabetics who took GLP1, SGLT2 or both were 2.5 times more likely to lose weight than those who did not. Healthy lifestyle choices are key to weight loss in obese diabetic patientsPartial funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Efficacy and safety of trabectedin in metastatic uterine leiomyosarcoma: A retrospective multicenter study of the Spanish ovarian cancer research group (GEICO)

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    Objective: We assessed trabectedin in patients with advanced uterine leiomyosarcoma (uLMS) in real-life clinical practice given according to the marketing authorization. Methods: Thirty-six women from 11 tertiary hospitals across Spain who received trabectedin after anthracyclinecontaining regimen/s were retrospectively analyzed. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Results: Median PFS and overall survival (OS) since starting trabectedin treatment were 5.4 (95%CI: 3.5–7.3) and 18.5 months (95%CI: 11.5–25.6), respectively. Median OS was significantly higher (P = 0.028) in patients receiving trabectedin in ≤ 2nd line (25.3 months) than in ≥ 3rd (15.1 months) and with ECOG performance status ≤ 1 at trabectedin start (19.8 months) than ECOG 2–3 (6.0 months, P = 0.013). When calculating OS since diagnosis, patients had longer OS with localized disease at diagnosis (87.4 months) vs. locally advanced (30.0 months) or metastatic (44.0 months, P = 0.041); and patients who received adjuvant therapy (87.4 months) compared with those who did not (30.0 months, P = 0.003), especially when receiving radiochemotherapy (106.7 months, P = 0.027). One patient (2.8%) had a complete response (CR) and nine patients (25.0%) achieved a partial response (PR) for an objective response rate of 27.8% with median response duration of 11 months (range: 4–93). Eighteen patients (50.0%) had disease stabilization for a disease control rate (DCR) of 77.8%. More patients receiving trabectedin in 1st-line of advanced disease achieved CR (16.7%) and PR (50.0%) than those in ≥ 2nd line/s (0.0% and 20.0%), whereas the DCR was similar across treatment lines. Reversible neutropenia was the most common grade 3/4 laboratory abnormality (19.4%). Conclusions: Trabectedin confers clinical benefit in patients with recurrent/metastatic uLMS, given after failure to an anthracycline-based regimen being comparable to those reported in clinical trials and with a manageable safety profile
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