337 research outputs found

    El aprendizaje-servicio en el curriculo oficial del Grado de Medicina de la Universidad de Málaga

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    Los futuros médicos deben adquirir un amplio currículo de conocimientos, habilidades y competencias que supera al científico-tecnológico. Las facultades de medicina han basado su enseñanza en un modelo tradicional académico que debe actualizarse según las necesidades de la sociedad global, centrada en el paciente y su entorno y de educar en libertad en un marco democrático de derechos ciudadanos y de diversidad, no solo cultural sino también étnica y económica. Para ello es necesario realizar una transición hacia un modelo más centrado en la comunidad y los valores de justicia, que la sociedad demanda, actualizando el estilo del cuidado de la salud. Para conseguir este objetivo propusimos la inclusión en el plan de estudios de Medicina de una asignatura optativa basada en la metodología pedagógica aprendizaje-servicio (ApS). El ApS es una metodología en la que el estudiante se compromete en las necesidades reales de la comunidad, implicándose, prestando un servicio directamente relacionado con su currículo oficial. Entre los principales objetivos está la formación en valores mediante la adquisición de competencias no sólo específicas del área de estudio, sino fundamentalmente la generales y básicas de la titulación y las transversales. Se ha impartido por primera vez durante el curso académico 2017-2018, con la implicación de instituciones académicas y extracadémicas como son la UMA y ONGs como Médicos del Mundo y Farmamundi, para crear sinergias. Y con la actuación directa en distintos colectivos socialmente deprimidos. Entre los retos planteados están: -Inmersión de los estudiantes en realidades sociales totalmente diferentes a las de su entorno habitual colaborando con otras instituciones cuyos objetivos principales son de servicio social. -Participación de la Facultad de Medicina de Málaga en la realidad social más deprimida, comprometiéndose con ellos en un deseo de mejorarlos, aportando tanto conocimientos como recursos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Origin and Control Strategies of Biofilms in the Cultural Heritage

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    Biodeterioration is defined as the undesirable change in the properties of materials caused by the activity of biological agents. This process is complex and involves alterations in the physicochemical and mechanical properties by the action of organisms and depends on the microorganisms involved, type of substrate, and environmental conditions. The biodeterioration of cultural heritage is the physical or chemical damage caused by microorganisms on objects, monuments, or buildings that belong to the cultural heritage. Among the main materials that can be affected are: stone, metal, ceramic, polymers, and other materials. Among the main undesirable effects to these materials are: discoloration, dissolution, rupture, and efflorescence among others. Biofilms represent the usual form of growth of bacteria and consist of communities of microorganisms that grow attached to an inert surface or a living tissue, surrounded by an extracellular matrix that they themselves synthesize. The importance of biodeterioration by biofilms is mainly related to changes in pH values, ionic concentrations, oxide-reduction reactions in the biofilm thickness, and in the interface with the substrate and enzymatic degradation. This chapter presents evidence of the participation of biofilms and associated mechanisms in biodeterioration as well as the main prevention and control strategies

    Identification and functional analysis of novel phosphorylation sites in the RNA surveillance protein Upf1.

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    One third of inherited genetic diseases are caused by mRNAs harboring premature termination codons as a result of nonsense mutations. These aberrant mRNAs are degraded by the Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) pathway. A central component of the NMD pathway is Upf1, an RNA-dependent ATPase and helicase. Upf1 is a known phosphorylated protein, but only portions of this large protein have been examined for phosphorylation sites and the functional relevance of its phosphorylation has not been elucidated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using tandem mass spectrometry analyses, we report the identification of 11 putative phosphorylated sites in S. cerevisiae Upf1. Five of these phosphorylated residues are located within the ATPase and helicase domains and are conserved in higher eukaryotes, suggesting a biological significance for their phosphorylation. Indeed, functional analysis demonstrated that a small carboxy-terminal motif harboring at least three phosphorylated amino acids is important for three Upf1 functions: ATPase activity, NMD activity and the ability to promote translation termination efficiency. We provide evidence that two tyrosines within this phospho-motif (Y-738 and Y-742) act redundantly to promote ATP hydrolysis, NMD efficiency and translation termination fidelity

    Body schema plasticity after stroke: Subjective and neurophysiological correlates of the rubber hand illusion

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    [EN] Stroke can lead to motor impairments that can affect the body structure and restraint mobility. We hypothesize that brain lesions and their motor sequelae can distort the body schema, a sensorimotor map of body parts and elements in the peripersonal space through which human beings embody the reachable space and ready the body for forthcoming movements. Two main constructs have been identified in the embodiment mechanism: body-ownership, the sense that the body that one inhabits is his/her own, and agency, the sense that one can move and control his/her body. To test this, the present study simultaneously investigated different embodiment subcomponents (body-ownership, localization, and agency) and different neurophysiological measures (galvanic skin response, skin temperature, and surface electromyographic activity), and the interaction between them, in clinically-controlled hemiparetic individuals with stroke and in healthy subjects after the rubber hand illusion. Individuals with stroke reported significantly stronger body-ownership and agency and reduced increase of galvanic skin response, skin temperature, and muscular activity in the stimulated hand. We suggest that differences in embodiment could have been motivated by increased plasticity of the body schema and pathological predominance of the visual input over proprioception. We also suggest that differences in neurophysiological responses could have been promoted by a suppression of the reflex activity of the sympathetic nervous system and by the involvement of the premotor cortex in the reconfiguration of the body schema. These results could evidence a body schema plasticity promoted by the brain lesion and a main role of the premotor cortex in this mechanism.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (Project NeuroVR, TIN2013-44741-R, Project REACT, TIN2014-61975-EXP, and Grant BES-2014-068218), and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Grant PAID-10-14).Llorens Rodríguez, R.; Borrego, A.; Palomo, P.; Cebolla, A.; Noé-Sebastián, E.; Bermúdez I Badia, S.; Baños Rivera, RM. (2017). Body schema plasticity after stroke: Subjective and neurophysiological correlates of the rubber hand illusion. Neuropsychologia. 96:61-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.01.00761699

    Visual data mining with self-organizing maps for ''self-monitoring'' data analysis

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    Data collected in psychological studies are mainly characterized by containing a large number of variables (multidimensional data sets). Analyzing multidimensional data can be a difficult task, especially if only classical approaches are used (hypothesis tests, analyses of variance, linear models, etc.). Regarding multidimensional models, visual techniques play an important role because they can show the relationships among variables in a data set. Parallel coordinates and Chernoff faces are good examples of this. This article presents self-organizing maps (SOM), a multivariate visual data mining technique used to provide global visualizations of all the data. This technique is presented as a tutorial with the aim of showing its capabilities, how it works, and how to interpret its results. Specifically, SOM analysis has been applied to analyze the data collected in a study on the efficacy of a cognitive and behavioral treatment (CBT) for childhood obesity. The objective of the CBT was to modify the eating habits and level of physical activity in a sample of children with overweight and obesity. Children were randomized into two treatment conditions: CBT traditional procedure (face-to-face sessions) and CBT supported by a web platform. In order to analyze their progress in the acquisition of healthier habits, self-register techniques were used to record dietary behavior and physical activity. In the traditional CBT condition, children completed the self-register using a paper-and-pencil procedure, while in the web platform condition, participants completed the self-register using an electronic personal digital assistant. Results showed the potential of SOM for analyzing the large amount of data necessary to study the acquisition of new habits in a childhood obesity treatment. Currently, the high prevalence of childhood obesity points to the need to develop strategies to manage a large number of data in order to design procedures adapted to personal characteristics and increase treatment efficacy

    Perivellosa disease massive fibrin deposition, association with Down syndrome: case report and literature review

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    The disease perivellosa massive fibrin deposition (MPFD), is a condition characterized by uncontrolled mainly fibrin deposition intervillous space. The incidence worldwide is 0.028% per 1000 live births, there is only one case report where this condition is associated with trisomy 21, in our country there are no reports of this disease. The MPFD has high morbidity, obstetric mortality, recurrence, as well as neurodevelopmental significance of newborns. The etiology until the moment is unknown, difficult diagnosis and management for the obstetrician. The aim is to report MPFD association with trisomy 21 (T21) and a review of the medical literature regarding this condition


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    There are many community-based studies on the prevalence of diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG). However, studies on the prevalence of IGT and diabetes unknown in patients with IFG, by 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), are few and small.CIBEROBN is an Instituto de Salud Carlos III initiative. This work has been co-financied by CIBEROBN, Research Grants of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Instituto de Salud Carlos III: PI10/00913), and Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía of Spain (PI-0037/2008 and PI-0112-2013).Peer Reviewe

    Optimal Design of Multilayer Fog Collectors.

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    The growing concerns over desertification have spurred research into technologies aimed at acquiring water from nontraditional sources such as dew, fog, and water vapor. Some of the most promising developments have focused on improving designs to collect water from fog. However, the absence of a shared framework to predict, measure, and compare the water collection efficiencies of new prototypes is becoming a major obstacle to progress in the field. We address this problem by providing a general theory to design efficient fog collectors as well as a concrete experimental protocol to furnish our theory with all the necessary parameters to quantify the effective water collection efficiency. We show in particular that multilayer collectors are required for high fog collection efficiency and that all efficient designs are found within a narrow range of mesh porosity. We support our conclusions with measurements on simple multilayer harp collectors.EPSR

    Demographically-adjusted norms for selected tests of verbal fluency: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for the US-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) project

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    ObjectiveVerbal fluency tests are sensitive to various disorders affecting the central nervous system and are commonly included in neuropsychological evaluations. We aimed to develop normative data for two verbal fluency tests in a sample of native Spanish-speakers living in the US-Mexico border region.MethodParticipants included 254 adults from the Neuropsychological Norms for the US-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project (Age: range = 19-60; Education: range = 0-20, 59% female). Participants completed two verbal fluency tests (i.e., letter [PMR] and semantic/category fluency [Animal Naming]) as part of a larger neuropsychological test battery. We examined linear and nonlinear effects of demographic factors (age, education, and gender) on verbal fluency raw scores, and developed T-scores using fractional polynomial equations controlling for demographics. We also calculated the rates of "impairment" (T-scores < 40) that would be obtained by applying the newly developed norms and available norms for non-Hispanic English-speakers on comparable tests.ResultsThere were positive small effects of age and medium effects of education on verbal fluency raw scores. The normalized distribution of T-scores with the new norms showed expected psychometric properties. However, rates of impairment for both letter and semantic fluency were significantly higher when applying non-Hispanic White norms, and significantly lower when applying non-Hispanic Black norms.ConclusionsWe provide norms for Spanish-speakers living along the US-Mexico border region for two verbal fluency tests that are co-normed with a more extensive neuropsychological battery. These regional norms will improve interpretation of verbal fluency test performance in Spanish-speakers living in the US-Mexico borderland