100 research outputs found

    Los hermanos Grimm y la gramática de diseño visual: participantes, procesos y pensamiento crítico

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    La enseñanza de la gramática va más allá de unas simples normas, según Halliday (1987: 101) es un medio de representar estructuras basadas en la experiencia puesto que facilita la representación mental de algún aspecto de la realidad para así conseguir darle sentido. El presente artículo propone el uso de las imágenes incluidas en colección de cuentos de los hermanos Grimm, siguiendo el enfoque de la 'gramática de diseño visual' de Kress y Van Leewen (1996, 2001, 2006), para la enseñanza de la gramática en el aula. Para ser más precisos, se proponen una serie de actividades de aula basadas en los tipos de procesos y los participantes en las ilustraciones incluidas en las distintas versiones de la colección de cuentos de los Grimm. El objetivo sería no solo la identificación de estos procesos, sino tambien que el resultado de esta identificación sirva como base para la segunda etapa de la actividad propuesta: el pensamiento crítico como guía hacia un cambio en el panorama semiótico en cuanto a, por ejemplo, los nuevos modelos de estructuras familiares o las figuras de personajes como las madrastras


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    [EN] The possible harmful effects of advertising in magazines aimed at teenagers have not lost relevance.Thus the aim of this article is to explore the linguistic characteristics used as foregrounding devices in a corpus of English advertisements aimed at teenagers. My underlying premise is that some linguistic messages or images convey information which is picked up by teenagers creating in them the desire to obtain certain products. In my analysis I attempt to ascertain, if any, what kind of linguistic control and what linguistic devices advertisers use to achieve their goal. Additionally, I try to find out to what extent the power of advertising has something to do with social problems related to compulsive consumerism, health disorders and behavior which affect teenagers. Hence, in my research, I gathered linguistic data from four magazine advertisements and identified the strategies used by prestigious brands to create in teenagers artificially constructed necessities on the basis of Donald Gunn's classification of manipulative techniques in advertising.Alcantud Díaz, M. (2011). MANIPULATION OF TEENAGERS THROUGH ADVERTISING: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE APPROACH. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 6:25-38. doi:10.4995/rlyla.2011.879SWORD2538

    Uses of Code-Switching in Four-Year-Old Monolingual Children's Second Language Acquisition

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    Code-Switching is a phenomenon in which ¿speakers rely on juxtaposition of grammatically distinct subsystems to generate conversational inferences¿ according to Gumperz (1982:97). The broad use of code-switching in diverse contexts and with at least two languages in contact has made this linguistic device be one of the most studied behavioural features of bilinguals¿ speech (Gregori and Alcantud.2011). Additionally, code-switching, seems to have an important communicative function, that is why it is a very interesting aspect of sociolinguistics to be researched.Nowadays, the development of educational provision is reaching more and more social strata. This fact, together with a wider use of new technologies and globalization, has ¿served to accentuate our sense of a visibly and audibly multilingual modern world¿ (Milroy and Muysken 1995:1). One of the consequences of this modernization has been the incorporation of second languages in the subject syllabus at earlier and earlier ages and, as a result, some new ways of communication are being created from this contact between two or more languages; this is the case of second languages acquisition. When children are in contact with second language teachers, code switching is one of the natural devices they use in order to communicate. In fact, the ¿equivalence constraint on code-switching may be used to measure degree of bilingual ability¿ (Poplack 1980:581). It is thus the objective of this article to analyze in which situations code-switching is exactly used inside a second language acquisition language beginners¿ classroom. To achieve this objective, I selected, recorded and analyzed a class composed of four-year-old Spanish monolingual children in their first days of English classes in order to study the use that both the teacher and the students made of code-switching. The most remarkable conclusion drawn from the present study is that code-switching is used, on depart of both, the teacher and the students in a very high percentage to call beginners attention and to make communication and language learning easier

    Fighting the Myths and Misconceptions on Evil Stepmothers: Long Life Learning by Means of Digital Storytelling

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    One of the foremost goals of the European Framework of Reference for Language Teaching is the development of professional competences, which requires substantial modifications in the teaching and learning process, even as early as primary and secondary school. The motivation for the conception of this article is to display a report of strategies derived from an innovative use of Digital Storytelling. Namely, it is suggested here a new use of children¿s classic tales in combination with Digital Storytelling as a tool for learning both about language and about life. I will show how Digital Storytelling can help children to be aware of the old values included in the tales and how to bring them up to date. Moreover, this activity could help them to deal with NICTs concerning the five basic competences: listening, writing, reading, speaking and communicating. These are directly involved with the professional world, among other competences related to integrative social traits, for instance, gender equalities and inequalities, and new family structures including the modern role of step-mothers. After some tentative pilot experiences with Digital Storytelling with primary children, I may draw the following conclusions: firstly, that digital storytelling can help and motivate students to carry out their group tasks in primary and secondary education since children are allowed to use a computer and thus achieving positive appraisal in professional competences. Additionally, this activity, which has merged Digital Storytelling, critical thinking and literature, has proved to be a good reason to be given to parents as to why computers could be used for something more constructive than simply playing computer games. In other words, students have learnt by doing

    Intertemporal Choice of Fuzzy Soft Sets

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    This paper first merges two noteworthy aspects of choice. On the one hand, soft sets and fuzzy soft sets are popular models that have been largely applied to decision making problems, such as real estate valuation, medical diagnosis (glaucoma, prostate cancer, etc.), data mining, or international trade. They provide crisp or fuzzy parameterized descriptions of the universe of alternatives. On the other hand, in many decisions, costs and benefits occur at different points in time. This brings about intertemporal choices, which may involve an indefinitely large number of periods. However, the literature does not provide a model, let alone a solution, to the intertemporal problem when the alternatives are described by (fuzzy) parameterizations. In this paper, we propose a novel soft set inspired model that applies to the intertemporal framework, hence it fills an important gap in the development of fuzzy soft set theory. An algorithm allows the selection of the optimal option in intertemporal choice problems with an infinite time horizon. We illustrate its application with a numerical example involving alternative portfolios of projects that a public administration may undertake. This allows us to establish a pioneering intertemporal model of choice in the framework of extended fuzzy set theorie

    A comment on "Intergenerational equity: sup, inf, lim sup, and lim inf"

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    We reexamine the analysis of Chambers (Social Choice and Welfare, 2009), that produces a characterization of a family of social welfare functions in the context of intergenerational equity: namely, those that coincide with either the sup, inf, lim sup, or lim inf rule. Reinforcement, ordinal covariance, and monotonicity jointly identify such class of rules. We show that the addition of a suitable axiom to this three properties permits to characterize each particular rule. A discussion of the respective distinctive properties is provided.Social welfare function; Intergenerational equity; Lim sup ; Lim inf

    Rational choice by two sequential criteria

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    This paper contributes to the theory of rational choice under multiple criteria. We perform a preliminary study of the properties of decision made by the sequential application of rational choices. This is then used to obtain a characterization of set-valued choice functions that are rational by two sequential criteria, which follows the approach initiated by Manzini and Mariotti (Amer. Econ. Rev., 2007) for single-valued choice functions. Uniqueness is not guaranteed but our proof is constructive and an explicit solution is provided in terms of approximation choice functions.Choice function; rational choice; compound function.

    Audiolibros: mejorar la fluidez e inculcar habilidades literarias y educación para el desarrollo

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    El objetivo de este artículo es doble: en primer lugar ofrecer una revisión crítica de una serie de artículos y páginas web en las que se hace referencia al uso de audio libros, su contribución al aprendizaje de lenguas, la manera en la que promueven la creatividad y la imaginación del alumnado y su papel en la literatura infantil contemporánea. En segundo lugar, presentar dos proyectos de innovación educativa relacionados con la solidaridad y las competencias cívicas e interculturales y que usan audio libros como herramienta para el aprendizaje de lenguas. Como conclusión podemos adelantar que el uso de audio libros en educación primaria tiene un impacto positivo en el alumnado, que mejora su competencia en lenguas y sus habilidades literarias.The objective of this article is twofold: firstly, to provide a critical review of an assortment of articles and web pages that report on the use of literary audio books, their contribution towards language learning, the way in which they promote children’s creativity and imagination and their role in contemporary children’s literature. Secondly, to bring in two innovative educational projects related to solidarity and civic and intercultural competences, which use audio books as a tool for language learning. The conclusions indicate that using audio books in primary education may have a positive impact on the learners, and help students improve their language competence and their literary skills.peerReviewe

    Audiobooks: Improving Fluency and Instilling Literary Skills and Education for Development

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    The objective of this article is twofold: firstly, to provide a critical review of an assortment of articles and web pages that report on the use of literary audio books, their contribution towards language learning, the way in which they promote children¿s creativity and imagination and their role in contemporary children¿s literature. Secondly, to bring in two innovative educational projects related to solidarity and civic and intercultural competences, which use audio books as a tool for language learning. The conclusions indicate that using audio books in primary education may have a positive impact on the learners, and help students improve their language competence and their literary skills

    Multi-intelligence Empowerment in EFL Teaching. The CELSIP Programme for autonomous Learning with Pre-service Teachers

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    This article presents the design and evaluation processes of a new inclusive and technology-and-autonomous mediated tool named the Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme (CELSIP). This project was originally designed to help all kinds of learners to achieve better communicative competencies in English. An empirical mixed-method data collection process was conducted involving 49 students in their fourth year of the Teaching of English in Primary Education Degree. To this end, a semi-structured questionnaire and partipants' one-course-work self-assessment written testimony were analyzed in depth. The findings were significant in that the levels of motivation reported by the students were reflected in their English language oral skills since the use of technology affected their stimulus in multifaceted ways. This endeavour provided an enhanced version of the CELSIP, a more fitted-to-different-learners online didactic toolset based on the gathered data. The CELSIP has proven to be a useful source of materials for online learning and could play an important role in addressing the issue of how technology can be used to overcome the existing problems derived from diversity with regards to different types of learning styles . The pedagogical implications suggest that these students could 'learn to learn' following the 21st Century Education long-life-learning guidelines after having used the CELSIP