731 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling of ciliary propulsion of an electrically conducting Johnson-Segalman physiological fluid in a channel with slip

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    Bionic systems frequently feature electromagnetic pumping and offer significant advantages over conventional designs via intelligent bio-inspired properties. Complex wall features observed in nature also provide efficient mechanisms which can be utilized in biomimetic designs. The characteristics of biological fluids are frequently non-Newtonian in nature. In many natural systems super-hydrophobic slip is witnessed. Motivated by these phenomena, in the present article, we present a mathematical model for the cilia-generated propulsion of an electrically-conducting viscoelastic physiological fluid in a ciliated channel under the action of an externally applied static magnetic field. The rheological behavior of the fluid is simulated with the Johnson-Segalman constitutive model which allows internal wall slip. The regular or coordinated movement of the ciliated edges (which line the internal walls of the channel) is represented by a metachronal wave motion in the horizontal direction which generate a two-dimensional velocity profile with the parabolic profile in the vertical direction. This mechanism is imposed as a periodic moving velocity boundary condition which generates propulsion in the channel flow. Under the classical lubrication approximation (long wavelength and low Reynolds' number), the boundary value problem is rendered non-dimensional and solved analytically with a perturbation technique. The influence of the geometric, rheological (slip and Weissenberg number) and magnetic parameters on the velocity, pressure gradient and the pressure rise (evaluated via the stream function in symbolic software) are presented graphically and interpreted at length

    Ab-initio study of the bandgap engineering of Al(1-x)Ga(x)N for optoelectronic applications

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    A theoretical study of Al(1-x)Ga(x)N, based on full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method, is used to investigate the variations in the bandgap, optical properties and non-linear behavior of the compound with the variation of Ga concentration. It is found that the bandgap decreases with the increase of Ga in Al(1-x)Ga(x)N. A maximum value of 5.5 eV is determined for the bandgap of pure AlN which reaches to minimum value of 3.0 eV when Al is completely replaced by Ga. The static index of refraction and dielectric constant decreases with the increase in bandgap of the material, assigning a high index of refraction to pure GaN when compared to pure AlN. The refractive index drops below 1 for photon energies larger than 14 eV results group velocity of the incident radiation higher than the vacuum velocity of light. This astonishing result shows that at higher energies the optical properties of the material shifts from linear to non-linear. Furthermore, frequency dependent reflectivity and absorption coefficients show that peak value of the absorption coefficient and reflectivity shifts towards lower energy in the UV spectrum with the increase in Ga concentration. This comprehensive theoretical study of the optoelectronic properties of the alloys is presented for the first time which predicts that the material can be effectively used in the optical devices working in the visible and UV spectrum.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges

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    Precision Medicine (PM) is an emerging approach that appears with the impression of changing the existing paradigm of medical practice. Recent advances in technological innovations and genetics, and the growing availability of health data have set a new pace of the research and imposes a set of new requirements on different stakeholders. To date, some studies are available that discuss about different aspects of PM. Nevertheless, a holistic representation of those aspects deemed to confer the technological perspective, in relation to applications and challenges, is mostly ignored. In this context, this paper surveys advances in PM from informatics viewpoint and reviews the enabling tools and techniques in a categorized manner. In addition, the study discusses how other technological paradigms including big data, artificial intelligence, and internet of things can be exploited to advance the potentials of PM. Furthermore, the paper provides some guidelines for future research for seamless implementation and wide-scale deployment of PM based on identified open issues and associated challenges. To this end, the paper proposes an integrated holistic framework for PM motivating informatics researchers to design their relevant research works in an appropriate context.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, journal pape

    Key Features of SARS-CoV-2 and Available Therapies for COVID-19

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    The disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV2) is highly pathogenic and communicable infection, progressed in Wuhan city of China and then goes viral around the globe. The Genomic investigations exposed that Phylogenetically SARS-CoV2 resembles the other SARS-like bat viruses, therefore bats were also considered as the possible potential reservoir for SARS-CoV2. There are 2 prevalent types of SARS-CoV2, L type (~70%) and S type (~30%).The L strains are considered more infectious and virulent than the ancestral S strain. The positive senseĀ single-stranded RNA genetic material contains 29891 nucleotides which codes for 9860 amino acids. The ORF1a/b is involved in carrying the translation of two (2) polyproteins, pp1a and pp1ab as well as the encoding of 16 NSPs (Non-structural proteins), and the leftover ORFS can bring about the encoding of non-essential and structural proteins. The origination source and transmission to humankinds is still not clear, but the intermediate hosts are supposed to have a significant role in the transfer and emergence of SARS-CoV2 from bats to humans. There is still no approved drug or vaccine available for Covid-19. In the current review, we condense and fairly evaluate the emergence and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV2, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Moreover, we also discuss the treatment and vaccine developments strategies for Covid-19

    Physico-Chemical Characterization Of Sweet Chestnut (Castanea Sativa L.) Starch Grown In Temperate Climate Of Kashmir, India

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    Studies were conducted to characterize the chestnut starch for physico-chemical properties. Chemical composition of chestnut starch showed low levels of protein and ash indicating purity of starch. The results revealed low water and oil absorption capacity of chestnut starch. Starch showed high swelling power and low solubility index. Swelling power and solubility index of chestnut starch increased with increase in temperature (50ā€“90 Ā°C). The results revealed high initial, peak, setback, breakdown, and final viscosity but low paste development temperature. Transmittance (%) of the starch gel was low and decreased with increasing storage period. The chestnut starch gel showed increase in % water release (syneresis) with increase in time of storage but was less susceptible to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. Starch was also characterized for granule morphology. Starch granules were of round and oval shapes, some granules showed irregular shape

    Rank Set Sampling in Improving the Estimates of Simple Regression Model

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    <p>In this paper Rank set sampling (RSS) is introduced with a view of increasing the efficiency of estimates of Simple regression model. Regression model is considered with respect to samples taken from sampling techniques like Simple random sampling (SRS), Systematic sampling (SYS) and Rank set sampling (RSS). It is found that R<sup>2</sup> and Adj R<sup>2 </sup>obtained from regression model based on Rank set sample is higher than rest of two sampling schemes. Similarly Root mean square error, p-values, coefficient of variation are much lower in Rank set based regression model, also under validation technique (Jackknifing) there is consistency in the measure of R<sup>2</sup>, Adj R<sup>2</sup> and RMSE in case of RSS as compared to SRS and SYS. Results are supported with an empirical study involving a real data set generated of <em>Pinus Wallichiana</em> taken from block Langate of district Kupwara.Ā </p

    Unraveling the Pharmacokinetic Interaction of Ticagrelor and MEDI2452 (Ticagrelor Antidote) by Mathematical Modeling

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    The investigational ticagrelor-neutralizing antibody fragment, MEDI2452, is developed to rapidly and specifically reverse the antiplatelet effects of ticagrelor. However, the dynamic interaction of ticagrelor, the ticagrelor active metabolite (TAM), and MEDI2452, makes pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis nontrivial and mathematical modeling becomes essential to unravel the complex behavior of this system. We propose a mechanistic PK model, including a special observation model for post-sampling equilibration, which is validated and refined using mouse in vivo data from four studies of combined ticagrelor-MEDI2452 treatment. Model predictions of free ticagrelor and TAM plasma concentrations are subsequently used to drive a pharmacodynamic (PD) model that successfully describes platelet aggregation data. Furthermore, the model indicates that MEDI2452-bound ticagrelor is primarily eliminated together with MEDI2452 in the kidneys, and not recycled to the plasma, thereby providing a possible scenario for the extrapolation to humans. We anticipate the modeling work to improve PK and PD understanding, experimental design, and translational confidence
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