38 research outputs found

    Relativistic Hartree approach including both positive- and negative-energy bound states

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    We develop a relativistic model to describe the bound states of positive energy and negative energy in finite nuclei at the same time. Instead of searching for the negative-energy solution of the nucleon's Dirac equation, we solve the Dirac equations for the nucleon and the anti-nucleon simultaneously. The single-particle energies of negative-energy nucleons are obtained through changing the sign of the single-particle energies of positive-energy anti-nucleons. The contributions of the Dirac sea to the source terms of the meson fields are evaluated by means of the derivative expansion up to the leading derivative order for the one-meson loop and one-nucleon loop. After refitting the parameters of the model to the properties of spherical nuclei, the results of positive-energy sector are similar to that calculated within the commonly used relativistic mean field theory under the no-sea approximation. However, the bound levels of negative-energy nucleons vary drastically when the vacuum contributions are taken into account. It implies that the negative-energy spectra deserve a sensitive probe to the effective interactions in addition to the positive-energy spectra

    Relativistic transport theory for N, Delta and N*(1440) system

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    A self-consistent relativistic Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation for the N (1440) resonance is developed based on an effective Lagrangian of baryons interacting through mesons. The equation is consistent with that of nucleon s and delta s which we derived before. Thus, we obtain a set of coupled equations for the N, Delta and N (1440) distribution functions. All the N (1440)-relevant in-medium two-body scattering cross sections within the N, Delta and N (1440) system are derived from the same effective Lagrangian in addition to the mean field and presented analytically. Medium effects on the cross sections are discussed

    Transition to delta matter from hot, dense nuclear matter within a relativistic mean field formulation of the nonlinear sigma and omega model

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    An investigation of the transition to delta matter is performed based on a relativistic mean field formulation of the nonlinear sigma and omega model. We demonstrate that in addition to the Delta-meson coupling, the occurrence of the baryon resonance isomer also depends on the nucleon-meson coupling. Our results show that for the favored phenomenological value of m* and K, the Delta isomer exists at baryon density ~ 2–3 p0 if beta=1.31 is adopted. For universal coupling of the nucleon and Delta, the Delta density at baryon density ~ 2–3 p0 and temperature ~ 0.4–0.5 fm-1 is about normal nuclear matter density, which is in accord with a recent experimental finding

    Relativistic quantum transport theory of hadronic matter : the coupled nucleon, Delta, and pion system

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    We derive the relativistic quantum transport equation for the pion distribution function based on an effective Lagrangian of the QHD-II model. The closed-time-path Green s function technique and the semiclassical, quasiparticle, and Born approximations are employed in the derivation. Both the mean field and collision term are derived from the same Lagrangian and presented analytically. The dynamical equation for the pions is consistent with that for the nucleons and Delta's which we developed before. Thus, we obtain a relativistic transport model which describes the hadronic matter with N,Delta, and pi degrees of freedom simultaneously. Within this approach, we investigate the medium effects on the pion dispersion relation as well as the pion absorption and pion production channels in cold nuclear matter. In contrast to the results of the nonrelativistic model, the pion dispersion relation becomes harder at low momenta and softer at high momenta as compared to the free one, which is mainly caused by the relativistic kinetics. The theoretically predicted free piN->Delta cross section is in agreement with the experimental data. Medium effects on the piN->Delta cross section and momentum-dependent Delta-decay width are shown to be substantial. PACS-numbers: 24.10.Jv, 13.75.Cs, 21.65.1f, 25.75.2

    Self-consistent relativistic quantum transport theory of hadronic matter : the coupled nucleon, delta and pion system

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    We derive the self-consistent relativistic quantum transport equation for the pion distribution function based on an effective Lagrangian of the QHD-II model. The closed time-path Green's function technique, the semi-classical, quasi-particle and Born approximation are employed in the derivation. Both the mean field and collision term are derived from the same Lagrangian and presented analytically. The dynamical equation for the pions is consistent with that for the nucleons and deltas which we developed before. Thus, we obtain a self-consistent relativistic transport model which describes the hadronic matter with N, Delta and pi degrees of freedom simultaneously. Within this approach, we investigate the medium effects on the pion dispersion relation as well as the pion absorption and pion production channels in cold nuclear matter. In contrast to the results of the non-relativistic model, the pion dispersion relation becomes harder at low momenta and softer at high momenta as compared to the free one. The theoretically predicted free pi N to Delta cross section is in agreement with the experimental data. Medium effects on the pi N to Delta cross section and momentum-dependent Delta-decay width are shown to be substantial

    Relativistic transport theory of N, Delta and N* (1440) interacting through sigma, omega and pi mesons.

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    A self-consistent relativistic integral-di erential equation of the Boltzmann- Uehling-Uhlenbeck-type for the N*(1440) resonance is developed based on an effective Lagrangian of baryons interacting through mesons. The closed time-path Green s function technique and semi-classical, quasi-particle and Born approxima- tions are employed in the derivation. The non-equilibrium RBUU-type equation for the N*(1440) is consistent with that of nucleon s and delta s which we derived before. Thus, we obtain a set of coupled equations for the N,Delta and N*(1440) distribution functions. All the N (1440)-relevant in-medium two-body scattering cross sections within the N,Delta and N*(1440) system are derived from the same effective Lagrangian in addition to the mean field and presented analytically, which can be directly used in the study of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The theoreticalprediction of the free pp - pp* (1440) cross section is in good agreement with the experimental data. We calculate the in-medium N+N - N+N* , N* +N - N+N and N*+N - N* +N cross sections in cold nuclear matter up to twice the nuclear matter density. The influence of different choices of the N* N* coupling strengths, which can not be obtained through fitting certain experimental data, are discussed. The results show that the density dependence of predicted in-medium cross sections are sensitive to the N* N* coupling strengths used. An evident density dependence will appear when a large scalar coupling strength of g^(sigma) N*N* is assumed. PACS number(s): 24.10.Cn; 25.70.-z; 21.65.+

    Isospin Dependence of Nucleon-Nucleon Elastic Cross Section

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    The in-medium neutron-proton, proton-proton(neutron-neutron) scattering cross sections(σnp\sigma_{np}^{*}, σpp(nn)\sigma_{pp(nn)}^{*}) are studied based on QHD-II type Lagrangian within the framework of the microscopic transport theory. The results demonstrate that, for free nucleon-nucleon scattering cross sections, the isospin dependence is dominantly caused by ρ\rho meson field. The medium correction of nucleon-nucleon scattering cross sections is also isospin dependent, σnp\sigma_{np}^{*} depends on the baryon density weakly and σpp(nn)\sigma_{pp(nn)}^{*} depends on the baryon density significantly, which is due to the different effects of the medium correction of nucleon mass and ρ\rho meson mass on σnp\sigma_{np} and σpp(nn)\sigma_{pp(nn)}, respectivelyComment: PDF fil

    Effective kaon energy from a novel chiral SU(3) model

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    A new chiral SU(3) Lagrangian is proposed to describe the properties of kaons and anti-kaons in the nuclear medium. The saturation properties of nuclear matter are reproduced as well as the results of the Dirac-Brückner theory. After introducing the coupling between the omega meson and the kaon, our results for e ective kaon and anti-kaon energy are quite similar as calculated in the one-boson-exchange model

    Kaon effective mass and energy from a novel chiral SU(3) symmetric Lagrangian

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    A new chiral SU(3) Lagrangian is proposed to describe the properties of kaons and antikaons in the nuclear medium, the ground state of dense matter and the kaon-nuclear interactions consistently. The saturation properties of nuclear matter are reproduced as well as the results of the Dirac-Brückner theory. After taking into account the coupling between the omega meson and the kaon, we obtain similar results for the e ective kaon and antikaon energies as calculated in the one-boson-exchange model while in our model the parameters of the kaon-nuclear interactions are constrained by the SU(3) chiral symmetry. PACS number(s): 14.40.Aq, 12.39.Fe, 21.30.F