30 research outputs found

    Laboratory and field evaluation for the resistance of commonly used woods against _Coptotermes heimi_ (Wasmann).

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    The current study was conducted to evaluate the resistance of four wood species (_Azadirachta indica_, _Pinus roxberghii_, _Dalbergia sissoo_ and _Populus deltoides_) against subterranean termite species _Coptotermes heimi_ by choice and no choice field and laboratory trials. Of these four wood species _P. roxberghii_ and _D. sissoo_ proved to be most resistant to termite attack. Taken together these results we can conclude that _D. sissoo_ is the least preferred and _P. deltoides_ is the most preferred wood by the _C. heimi_. The data obtained from the field choice and no-choice the woods are arranged in order of preference DS>PR>AI>PD whereas in laboratory choice and no-choice trials the order of preference was PD>AI>PR>DS

    Relationship Of Academic, Physical And Social Self-Concepts Of Students With Their Academic Achievement

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    This study investigated relationship between self-concept and academic achievement of bachelor degree students. Female students at bacholar were considered the target population. A sample of 1500 students was selected by using two stage cluster sampling technique. An amended form of Self-Descriptive Questionnaire developed by Marsh (1985) was used as tool of research. Factor analysis was employed to explore the pattern of inter-item correlations of the questionnaire. Kendall’s-Tau-b technique of corrrelation was applied to correlate responses obtained on academic, physical and social self concepts related items with the academic achievement scores of students  Physical self-concept and social self-concepts were found unrelated to academic achievement. However, a significant but weak correlation was found between academic self-concept and academic achievement

    Psychological disorders and personality characteristics of with gastro-esophageal reflux disease

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    Background: Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be traced back to disorders of the gastro-esophageal junction but several psychological factors interact to affect treatment outcomes. There is sparse literature from India regarding psychological co-morbidity and personality characteristics in patients with GERD.Aim and Objectives: To study the co-morbid psychological disorders and personality profiles in patients suffering from GERD.Methods: Two hundred patients with GERD-related symptoms were randomly screened for psychological disorders and personality characteristics using 30-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) respectively. Patients who screened positive for presence of co-morbid psychological disorders were further interviewed using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1 Disorders (SCID-1) to find out the type of psychological disorder. Results:The prevalenceofpsychological co-morbidity in patients with GERD-related symptoms in our sample was foundto be 40%. Major depressive disorder was the most common psychological disorder found co-morbid in these patients. Alcohol dependence was significantly observed in males; while in females, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder was more commonly seen. Regarding personality characteristics, a higher degree of neuroticism and risk-taking attitudes was found in patients of GERD with associated psychological co-morbidity Conclusions:This study suggests that the management of GERD may include psychological evaluations and possibly interventions in standard treatment protocols.

    Isolation and characterization of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) from Salmonella Gallinarum in chicken and antibiogram of the isolates

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    Salmonella isolates should be distinguished as it may assist in tracing the source of an outbreak and monitoring trends in antimicrobial resistance associated with a particular type. The specific detection of these Salmonella serotypes is therefore extremely important in order to attribute an isolate to a previously known epidemic outbreak. The present investigation was to isolate and identify S. Gallinarum, to study variation in the profile of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and to determine in vitro antibiogram of S. Gallinarum in poultry. A total of 228 faecal samples and 22 visceral samples suspected for Salmonellosis were collected, of these 15 samples (6.0%) were found positive for S. Gallinarum. In the present study, rfbS gene sequence was helpful in the serotype-specific detection of S. Gallinarum giving a 187 bp product. Salmonella Gallinarum crude protein extracts determined by SDSPAGE showed migration of OMPs as several bands at approximate moleculer weights of appx. 45 kDa, 55 kDa, 64 kDa, 65 kDa, 74 kDa, 110 kDa, 120 kDa, 135 kDa, 150 kDa,155 kDa, 200 kDa and above 200 kDa. The study indicated a definite variation in the profile of OMPs of various Salmonella Gallinarum strains with major OMPs in the range of appx 80-100 kDa which could be the target for vaccine production. All the isolates tested against 14 antimicrobial agents showed variable susceptibility pattern with highest resistance to nalidixic acid, ampicillin and sulphadiazine and sensitivity to chloramphenicol, gentamicin and enrofloxacin


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    Solanum nigrum is a medicinal plant commonly known as black night shade and Makoi, it is found in two varieties. One has black colored fruits while the other has reddish brown colored fruit. Traditionally Solanum nigrum possesses a number of active compounds which are responsible for its diverse pharmacological properties. The current study aims to investigate the diethyl ether extract of Solanum nigrum leaves activity on the liver acute toxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride in rabbits. The rabbits were allocated randomly into two groups (n=6). The hepatic damage intensity and protection was observed by biochemically investigating the serum levels of Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), bilirubin, Alanine transaminase (ALT), Asparate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total protein (TP) and tissue histopathology analysis. The results showed that the diethylether extract of Solanum nigrum leaves have significant (p < 0.05) shielding effect on all hepatic enzymes and protein. Histopathological evaluation also confirmed that diethyl ether extract of leaves has potential to protect the liver against chemical (CCL4) induced injury.&nbsp

    Prevalence, serodiversity and antibiogram of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in diarrhoeic calves and lambs of Kashmir valley (J&K), India

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    Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) is the major cause of diarrhoea in neonatal animals. This study determined the prevalence, serological diversity, virulence gene profile and in-vitro antibiogram of ETEC isolates from diarrhoeic faeces of calves and lambs. The prevalence rate of ETEC in lambs was recorded 18.46 % with O8 as predominant serotype. However, in calves the prevalence rate was recorded 8.57 % with O15 and O26 as predominant serotypes. The antibiogram screening showed differential susceptibility pattern among ETEC isolates with highest resistance to ampicillin and highest sensitivity to enrofloxacin. In the present study, for the first time it was reported that the diarrhoea in calves and lambs occur due to virulent gene est not due to elt gene, which was absent in all the isolates

    The impact of governance and institutions on education and poverty alleviation: a panel study of SAARC economies

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    The present study examines the impacts of governance and institutions on education and poverty alleviation in South Asia. Poverty, illiteracy and poor quality education are the major problems of developing world. As depraved education and poverty are the main problems of developing nations. Good governance provides a platform for inquiring the long menu of institutional changes and proper initiatives which are currently considered as essential for development. Institutions affect both poverty and education directly and indirectly through number of channels which in turn affect government policies for making decisions regarding poverty reduction and quality education. However, poor governance and weak institutional structure also remained the pressing issue of developing economies. This study endeavors to identify the relationship between these two areas and try to dig out the impacts of governance and institutions on education and poverty in the south Asian economies through econometric techniques

    The impact of governance and institutions on education and poverty alleviation: a panel study of SAARC economies

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    The present study examines the impacts of governance and institutions on education and poverty alleviation in South Asia. Poverty, illiteracy and poor quality education are the major problems of developing world. As depraved education and poverty are the main problems of developing nations. Good governance provides a platform for inquiring the long menu of institutional changes and proper initiatives which are currently considered as essential for development. Institutions affect both poverty and education directly and indirectly through number of channels which in turn affect government policies for making decisions regarding poverty reduction and quality education. However, poor governance and weak institutional structure also remained the pressing issue of developing economies. This study endeavors to identify the relationship between these two areas and try to dig out the impacts of governance and institutions on education and poverty in the south Asian economies through econometric techniques

    First Report of the Molecular Characterization of the Endosymbiont Candidatus portiera aleyrodidarum from Cotton Whiteflies Collected from Pakistan

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    Abstract Candidatus portiera aleyrodidarum is an obligate primary endosymbiont harboured by whiteflies including the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). A survey of C. portiere endosymbionts was conducted by using polymerase chain reaction with universal primers for 16SrDNA within Pakistani whitefly population collected from different cotton growing areas of the Punjab, further analysed by cloning of the PCR products, RFLP analysis. Finally sequences were obtained from commercial labs and phylogenetic analysis were done of all the detected C. portiera clones. This is the first report regarding the identification of C. protiera from the Pakistan. The C. portiera was detected almost in all the samples of whiteflies from 16 different locations of Punjab, Pakistan. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the primary endosymbionts, their host specificity and their diversity across the world

    Harnessing Soil Potential: Innovation in Strategic Tillage and Management - New Perspectives

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    The sustainability of the environment and the productivity of agriculture are both critically dependent on soil. Maximizing agricultural yields while reducing agriculture’s negative environmental effects is becoming more and more important as the world’s population continues to expand. Innovating tillage and management techniques to harness the potential of the soil is a topic that is explored in this chapter. The first section of the chapter describes the difficulties that contemporary agriculture faces, such as soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and water shortages. The part new technology has played in managing soil. Making educated management decisions is made easier by using precision agricultural technology like soil sensors, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS). These technologies provide useful insights into soil variability. It emphasizes how crucial it is to implement sustainable soil management techniques in order to guarantee long-term agricultural output and ecological harmony. The chapter’s conclusion emphasizes the need of maximizing soil potential through creative methods of tactical tillage and management. Agricultural systems may raise crop yield, lessen their environmental effect, and become more resilient to climate change by using sustainable soil practises, assuring a more sustainable and food-secure future