3 research outputs found

    Mouvements de masse par solifluxion et dynamique syngénétique du pergélisol du Haut-Arctique

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    Le Haut-Arctique est caractérisé par de nombreux phénomènes climatiques et géomorphologiques extrêmes. Les températures très froides, les faibles précipitations et la couverture végétale disparate permettent une pénétration en profondeur du froid dans le sol. Ceci, combiné à un grand nombre de cycles de gel et de dégel, donne naissance à différentes formes de surface qui affectent les dynamiques d’évolution du pergélisol et induisent une variabilité verticale et latérale de la distribution des teneurs en glace dans le sol. Ce mémoire porte sur l’influence d’un lobe de solifluxion de type rocheux sur les dynamiques d’évolution du pergélisol sur l’île Ward Hunt, Nunavut (Canada). En utilisant une approche cryostratigraphique, les objectifs sont de caractériser la cryostratigraphie d’un lobe de solifluxion, ce qui permettra de proposer un modèle d’évolution du pergélisol en lien avec le déplacement de matériel par solifluxion. L’analyse cryostratigraphique a révélé que la formation du lobe de solifluxion a mené au développement syngénétique d’une couche de pergélisol avec une teneur en glace variant en fonction de la morphologie du lobe, et à l’enfouissement et la préservation d’un corps de glace massive préexistant en bas de pente. La succession verticale et latérale des cryofaciès fait état du déplacement du lobe et de l’impact que ce dernier a sur la variabilité spatiale et temporelle du pergélisol, et ce, tant sur les aspects d’aggradation liés à l’accumulation de matériel en surface que sur les aspects de dégradation associés aux réchauffements climatiques actuels.The high Arctic is characterized by many extreme climatic and geomorphologic phenomena. Very cold temperatures, low precipitation and sparse vegetation cover, permit a deep penetration of cold in the soil. The latter, combined with a great number of freeze-thaw cycles, give rise to different surface features which in turn affect permafrost evolution dynamics and induce a vertical and lateral variability of the ice content distributions in the soil. This thesis focusses on the influence of a stone-banked solifluction lobe on permafrost evolution dynamics on Ward Hunt Island, Nunvut (Canada). By using a cryostratigraphic approach, the objectives are first, to characterize the cryostratigraphy of a solifluction lobe and second, to propose an evolution model of permafrost in reaction to the downslope displacement of material by solifluction. The cryostratigraphic analysis revealed that the solifluction lobes formation lead to the development of a syngenetic layer of permafrost with an ice content that varied according to the morphology of the lobe, and to the burial and preservation of a pre-existing body of massive ice at the base of the slope. The vertical and lateral sequence of the cryofacies presents the displacement of the lobe and its impact on spatial and temporal variability of the permafrost, that being, the aspects of aggradation related to the accumulation of material at the surface as well as degradation due to the actual climatic warming

    Syngenetic dynamic of permafrost of a polar desert solifluction lobe, Ward Hunt Island, Nunavut

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    Repeated freeze-thaw cycles on slopes trigger sorting and solifluction mass movements, while subsequent displacement of material modifies the geomorphology of slopes as well as permafrost dynamics. This study focuses on the geomorphology and the cryostratigraphy of a polar desert stone-banked solifluction lobe with the objective to clarify the impact of slow mass movements on ground ice aggradation. The morphology of the solifluction lobe was characterized by peripheral ridges of coarse gravel, partially surrounding a depression filled with finer sediments saturated with water and covered by organics. Cryostratigraphic analysis demonstrated that the solifluction lobeâ s formation lead to the development of a syngenetic layer of permafrost with an ice content that varied according to the location in the lobe. The ice-rich cryofacies formed in the central depression of the lobe should act as a buffer to potential active layer deepening, slowing down its thawing, whereas the ice-poor cryofacies formed under the ridges is expected to thaw faster than the central depression under climate warming scenarios. Thawing of the ice-rich zone in the future will result in differential thaw subsidence between the ridges and the central depression of solifluction lobes, along with increased drainage through the ridges and subsequent changes in hydrology.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author