10 research outputs found

    Thermoplastic Starch (TPS)‐Cellulosic Fibers Composites: Mechanical Properties and Water Vapor Barrier: A Review

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    Current research studies have been focusing on the procurement of environmentally friendly materials, with the aim of resolving the problems created by materials derived from petroleum. Starch is a promising biopolymer for producing biocomposite materials because it is renewable, completely biodegradable, and easily available at a low cost. Thermoplastic starch (TPS), by itself, exhibits poor mechanical properties such as low tensile strength and severe deformations, which limits its application in packaging or films. In addition, TPS presents high hygroscopicity. The use of reinforcing agents in the starch matrix is an effective means to overcome these drawbacks and several types of biodegradable reinforcements, such as cellulosic fibers, whiskers, and nanofibers, have been utilized to develop new and inexpensive starch biocomposites. This chapter provides the latest advances in green composite materials based on TPS and cellulose fibers and includes information on compositions, preparations, and the properties of “green” composite materials elaborated from TPS and cellulose fibers, with the focus on using undervalued natural resources

    Effects of the inclusion of ground Pouteria sapota kernel on intake, digestibility, and growth performance in lambs

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    Simple Summary: The concept of sustainable diets that are profitable, ethical, socioculturally acceptable, and environmentally beneficial is emerging as one of the key solutions to ensure the efficiency of livestock production systems. In this regard, agro-industrial by-products obtained from fruit processing have emerged as an alternative. Mamey pulp generates residual biomass from which the kernel is the main by-product that, due to its composition, can be used as ruminant feed. This study determined the effects of the inclusion of ground mamey kernel on intake, digestibility, and growth performance in lambs. No effects on nutrient intake or productive performance were observed. However, protein and fiber digestibility were reduced by ground mamey kernel inclusion. These findings suggest that mamey kernels can be included in ruminant diets. Abstract: This study determined the effect of replacing ground corn and soybean meal with ground Pouteria sapota kernel (PSSM) in lamb diets on nutrient intake and digestibility, performance, and carcass traits. Twenty-one male hair sheep lambs with an average body weight of 22 ± 3.5 kg were randomly assigned to three treatment diets containing PSSM at 0, 10, and 20% of the total dry matter (DM) inclusion. The study lasted 60 days, which included 15 days for adaption and 45 days for sample collection. The PSSM inclusion did not affect intake or performance (p > 0.05). However, ether extract (EE) digestibility linearly increased (p < 0.0001), while crude protein (CP) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) linearly decreased. Final body weight, total weight gain, average daily weight gain, feeding efficiency, and carcass traits were not affected by PSSM inclusion. In conclusion, these results suggest that PSSM can replace up to 200 g/kg DM of ground corn and soybean meal without affecting intake or animal performance

    Aprovechamiento de cáscaras de frutas: análisis nutricional y compuestos bioactivos

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    The main of this work was to analyze the bromatological and bioactive content of agroindustrial waste from fruits and vegetables in order to give it an added value. For that, the papaya, carrot, eggplant and lime peel were used, which were previously dried, ground and sie ved to then determine the humidity, ash, fiber, protein, ether extract, as well as the extraction and quantification of compounds such as carotenes, total polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity. The results indicated that the papaya and eggplant peel presented the best bromatological quality characteristics for ash (10.45 and 9.2% respectively), protein (2.23 and 13.50%) and fiber (.643 and 1.88%) and antioxidant capacity (99.63 and 97.90% respectively) with which useful products could be developed in the food or pharmaceutical industry.Se analiza el contenido bromatológico y bioactivo de residuos agroindustriales provenientes de frutas y vegetales con el fin de darle un valor agregado. Se utilizaron cáscaras de papaya, zanahoria, berenjena y lima, las cuales fueron secadas previamente, molidas y tamizadas para luego determinar la humedad, cenizas, fibra, proteína, extracto etéreo, así como la extracción y cuantificación de compuestos tales como carotenos, polifenoles totales, flavonoides, antocianinas y la capacidad antioxidante. Los resultados indicaron que las cáscaras de papaya y de berenjena presentaron las mejores características de calidad bromatológicas para cenizas (10.45 y 9.2%), proteína (2.23 y 13.50%), fibra (0.643 y 1.88%) y capacidad antioxidante (99.63 y 97.90%) con las que se podrían desarrollar productos de utilidad en la industria alimentaria o farmacéutica

    Aprovechamiento de cáscaras de frutas: análisis nutricional y compuestos bioactivos

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    The main of this work was to analyze the bromatological and bioactive content of agroindustrial waste from fruits and vegetables in order to give it an added value. For that, the papaya, carrot, eggplant and lime peel were used, which were previously dried, ground and sie ved to then determine the humidity, ash, fiber, protein, ether extract, as well as the extraction and quantification of compounds such as carotenes, total polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity. The results indicated that the papaya and eggplant peel presented the best bromatological quality characteristics for ash (10.45 and 9.2% respectively), protein (2.23 and 13.50%) and fiber (.643 and 1.88%) and antioxidant capacity (99.63 and 97.90% respectively) with which useful products could be developed in the food or pharmaceutical industry.Se analiza el contenido bromatológico y bioactivo de residuos agroindustriales provenientes de frutas y vegetales con el fin de darle un valor agregado. Se utilizaron cáscaras de papaya, zanahoria, berenjena y lima, las cuales fueron secadas previamente, molidas y tamizadas para luego determinar la humedad, cenizas, fibra, proteína, extracto etéreo, así como la extracción y cuantificación de compuestos tales como carotenos, polifenoles totales, flavonoides, antocianinas y la capacidad antioxidante. Los resultados indicaron que las cáscaras de papaya y de berenjena presentaron las mejores características de calidad bromatológicas para cenizas (10.45 y 9.2%), proteína (2.23 y 13.50%), fibra (0.643 y 1.88%) y capacidad antioxidante (99.63 y 97.90%) con las que se podrían desarrollar productos de utilidad en la industria alimentaria o farmacéutica

    Características fisicoquímicas asociadas a calidad de carne en ovinos de pelo del sureste de México

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    Objective. To quantify some meat quality physicochemical traits in Longissimus thoracis from hair sheep in southeast Mexico, and test if any of these traits effectively distinguish between genotypes. Materials and methods. Animals were 18 male lambs from the Dorper (Dp,n=6) and Katahdin (Kt,n=6) breeds, and F1 Dorper sire x Katahdin dam (DpxKt,n=6) crosses. They were slaughtered at 29.5±4.2 kg average weight, at 6.2±0.2 months. Proximate composition and physicochemical analyses were run of Longissimus thoracis samples, and a canonical discriminant analysis run to identify traits that distinguished between breeds. Results. Genetic group had no effect (p&gt;0.05) on moisture (%), crude protein (%CP) and myoglobin content. It did affect (p&lt;0.05) intramuscular crude fat (%IMF), ash (%) and cholesterol content. IMF (4.05%) and cholesterol (92.63 mg/100 g) were highest in Kt. Ash content (1.01%) was lowest in DpxKt. Values for pH did not differ between genetic groups and were within normal limits. Cooking and drip losses were highest in DpxKt. Chroma, L* and a* values were highest in Kt, providing fresh meat from this genotype a desirable bright red color. The distinction analysis identified drip loss, IMF, Chroma and a* as effectively separating the genotypes. Conclusions. Genetic group influenced intramuscular fat, cholesterol and ash contents, and four traits served to distinguish between genotypes. These are important data for producers and marketers as they aim to create fresh meat products with specific meat quality physicochemical traits that meet demand in a diversifying market that includes grilling and gourmet cuts.Objetivo. Determinar el efecto del grupo genético sobre algunas características físico químicas asociadas a la calidad de carne en lomos (Longissimus thoracis) de ovinos de pelo del sureste mexicano. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron corderos machos del genotipo Dorper (Dp,n=6), Katahdin (Kt,n=6) y la cruza F1 semental Dorper x madres Katahdin (DpxKt,n=6), sacrificados con un peso promedio de 29.5±4.2 kg, a una edad de 6.2±0.2 meses. Las muestras L. thoracis fueron analizadas para determinar su composición proximal y sus características físicas. Resultados. El grupo genético no tuvo efecto (p&gt;0.05) sobre % de humedad, % proteína cruda (%PC) y el contenido de mioglobina, por el contrario, afectó (p&lt;0.05) al % de grasa intramuscular (%GCI), % de cenizas (%Cen) y el contenido de colesterol, siendo Kt, la que presentó un mayor contenido con 4.05% de GCI y 92.63 mg/100 g de Colesterol y DpxKt con la menor cantidad de cenizas (1.01%). Los valores de pH no mostraron diferencias estadísticas entre grupos genéticos y se encontraron dentro del rango normal. Las mayores pérdidas por cocción y pérdidas por goteo fueron para DpxKt, pero al igual que Kt tuvieron valores mayores de luminosidad (L*), rojo-verde (a*) y Cromaticidad, lo que confiere a la carne un color rojo brillante más deseable. Conclusiones. Algunas de las características fisicoquímicas estuvieron influenciadas por el grupo genético y los resultados deben ser considerados por la industria cárnica para incursionar en mercados que demanden cortes (para carne asada o platillos gourmet) con ciertas características fisicoquímicas asociadas a calidad

    Tortilla de maíz adicionado con harina de Brosimum alicastrum: propiedades fisicoquímicas y actividad antioxidante

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    Tortillas were obtained using nixtamalized corn flour with B. alicastrum flour at different proportions (0, 10, 20 y 30%, w/w on a dry basis). Tortillas were analyzed in relation to the chemical composition, amino acid profile, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and physical properties. The addition of B. alicastrum flour in tortillas increased the antioxidant activity, ash content, soluble dietary fiber, total proteins, tryptophan, phenolic compounds and total flavonoids compared to the control tortilla. The results suggest that the addition of B. alicastrum flour (10 and 2%) to corn flour increased the nutritional and functional value in tortillas while maintai-ning their quality (rollability, puffiness and cooking loss).Se obtienen tortillas a partir de harina de maíz nixtamalizado, al cual se le adicionaron diferentes proporciones de harina de B. alicastrum (0, 10, 20 y 30% p/p en base seca). Se analizan las tortillas en relación con la composición química, perfil de aminoácidos, com-puestos fenólicos, actividad antioxidante y propiedades físicas. La adición de harina de B. alicastrum en tortillas aumentó la actividad antioxidante, el contenido de minerales, fibra soluble, proteína, triptófano, compuestos fenólicos totales y flavonoides totales compa-rado con la tortilla control. Los resultados sugieren que la adición de harina de B. alicastrum (10 y 20%) a la harina de maíz mejoró el valor nutricional y funcional de tortillas sin afectar su calidad (rolabilidad, grado de inflado y pérdida por cocción)

    Tortilla de maíz adicionado con harina de Brosimum alicastrum: propiedades fisicoquímicas y actividad antioxidante

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    Tortillas were obtained using nixtamalized corn flour with B. alicastrum flour at different proportions (0, 10, 20 y 30%, w/w on a dry basis). Tortillas were analyzed in relation to the chemical composition, amino acid profile, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and physical properties. The addition of B. alicastrum flour in tortillas increased the antioxidant activity, ash content, soluble dietary fiber, total proteins, tryptophan, phenolic compounds and total flavonoids compared to the control tortilla. The results suggest that the addition of B. alicastrum flour (10 and 2%) to corn flour increased the nutritional and functional value in tortillas while maintaining their quality (rollability, puffiness and cooking loss)Se obtienen tortillas a partir de harina de maíz nixtamalizado, al cual se le adicionaron diferentes proporciones de harina de B. alicastrum (0, 10, 20 y 30% p/p en base seca). Se analizan las tortillas en relación con la composición química, perfil de aminoácidos, compuestos fenólicos, actividad antioxidante y propiedades físicas. La adición de harina de B. alicastrum en tortillas aumentó la actividad antioxidante, el contenido de minerales, fibra soluble, proteína, triptófano, compuestos fenólicos totales y flavonoides totales comparado con la tortilla control. Los resultados sugieren que la adición de harina de B. alicastrum (10 y 20%) a la harina de maíz mejoró el valor nutricional y funcional de tortillas sin afectar su calidad (rolabilidad, grado de inflado y pérdida por cocción)

    Kéfir, fuente de enzimas hidrolasas y bacterias con potencial para degradar plásticos tipo pet

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    Kefir is a fermented milk product that contains a symbiotic microbiota that generates health benefits by synthesizing different metabolites and enzymes with diverse metabolic capacities. For their part, synthetic plastics used in the home and industrial sectors have caused an environmental problem around the world due to excessive use, their high durability and lack of recycling. For this reason, Kefir consortia are studied as a source of hydrolytic enzymes and microorganisms capable of degrading plastics. For this, two kefir metagenomes (NCBI under the BioProject PRJNA704713) were analyzed, using bioinformatic tools, aimed at the search for sequences homologous to hydrolases, as well as the isolation of microorganisms that degrade PET-type plastics. The results obtained allowed the identification of two kefir sequences homologous to the dienelactone hydrolase enzyme (DLH-1 and DHL-2), which can participate in the degradation of plastic compounds. Both sequences presented a shared domain with the alpha/beta hydrolase superfamily; this type of motif has been observed in PET hydrolases obtained from different species of actinomycetes. Likewise, microorganisms with the capacity to degrade PLC plastics were isolated, suggesting that they possess enzymes with hydrolytic activity of industrial compounds for the manufacture of PET. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that kefirs are sources of hydrolytic enzymes of PET hydrolases and that it is possible to isolate PET-degrading microorganisms from themEl kéfir es un producto de leche fermentada que contiene una microbiota simbiótica que genera beneficios para la salud al sintetizar diferentes metabolitos y enzimas con diversas capacidades metabólicas. Por otra parte, los plásticos sintéticos utilizados en sectores del hogar e industrial, han originado un problema ambiental alrededor del mundo debido a su uso desmedido, su alta durabilidad y la falta de reciclado. Por tal motivo, el estudio de los consorcios de kéfir representa una fuente para la obtención de microorganismos productores de enzimas hidrolíticas capaces de degradar plásticos. En este estudio, se analizaron dos metagenomas de kéfir (NCBI proyecto PRJNA704713), mediante herramientas bioinformáticas, dirigidos a la búsqueda de secuencias homólogas a hidrolasas, así como el aislamiento de microorganismos relacionados con la degradación de plásticos tipo PET. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron la identificación de dos secuencias de kéfir homólogas a las enzimas dienolactona hidrolasa (DLH-1 y DLH-2) que han sido relacionadas con la degradación de compuestos plásticos. Ambas secuencias presentan un dominio compartido con la superfamilia alfa/beta hidrolasas; este tipo de motivo se ha observado en las PET hidrolasas obtenidas en diferentes especies de actinomicetos. Así mismo, se aislaron seis bacterias que mostraron diferentes características y capacidades para degradar plásticos PLC. En conclusión, los metagenomas del kéfir presentan secuencias de enzimas asociadas a la degradación de plásticos tipo PET y los microorganismos aislados del kéfir fueron capaces de degradar PLC, lo que sugiere que representan un potencial para la degradación de plásticos PET