891 research outputs found
Modular Planar Antenna at X-band for satellite communications
An antenna which has been conceived as a portable system for satellite communications based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 [1] and ITU-R S.465-5 [2] for small antennas, i.e., with a diameter lower than 50 wavelengths, is introduced. It is a planar and a compact structure with a size of 40×40×2 cm. The antenna is formed by an array of 256 printed elements covering a large bandwidth (14.7%) at X-Band. The specification includes transmission (Tx) and reception (Rx) bands simultaneously. The printed antenna has a radiation pattern with a 3dB beamwidth of 5°, over a 31dBi gain, and a dual and an interchangeable circular polarizatio
Portable low profile antenna at X-band
An antenna which has been conceived as a portable system for satellite communications based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 and ITU-R S.465-5 for small antennas, i.e., with a diameter lower than 50 wavelengths, is introduced. It is a planar and a compact structure with a size of 40×40×2 cm. The antenna is formed by an array of 256 printed elements covering a large bandwidth (14.7%) at X-Band with a VSWR of 1.4:1. The specification includes transmission (Tx) and reception (Rx) bands simultaneously. The printed antenna has a radiation pattern with a 3dB beamwidth of 5°, over a 31dBi gain, and a dual and an interchangeable circular polarization
Desarrollo y evaluación de KIT NAPPA Array para su uso como plataforma de secreening de fármacos
Comunicaciones a congreso
Radiation damping for rigid foundations. Approximate expressions
The dynamic response of machine foundations was one of the first problems studied in soil dynamics with results going back to the 1930s. A number of approximations and graphical results were proposed in the 60s. In this paper we present a series of approximate expressions for the natural frequencies and effective damping of rigid masses on the surface of an elastic half space subjected to both vertical and coupled horizontal-rocking harmonic excitations. The formulas are obtained using the approximate expressions for the dynamic stiffness of circular foundations suggested by Veletsos et al [1, 2] for two different values of Poisson’s ratio of the soil. For the vertical case the expressions are only a function of the mass ratio (ratio of the mass of the foundation to an effective mass of soil) and of Poisson’s ratio. For the horizontal-rocking case they depend also on the ratio of the height of the foundation to its equivalent radius (a slenderness ratio)
Analysis of the economic feasibility and reduction of a building’s energy consumption and emissions when integrating hybrid solar thermal/PV/micro-CHP systems
The aim of this paper is to assess the performance of several designs of hybrid systems composed of solar thermal collectors, photovoltaic panels and natural gas internal combustion engines. The software TRNSYS 17 has been used to perform all the calculations and data processing, as well as an optimisation of the tank volumes through an add-in coupled with the GENOPT® software. The study is carried out by analysing the behaviour of the designed systems and the conventional case in five different locations of Spain with diverse climatic characteristics, evaluating the same building in all cases. Regulators, manufacturers and energy service engineers are the most interested in these results.
Two major contributions in this paper are the calculations of primary energy consumption and emissions and the inclusion of a Life Cycle Cost analysis. A table which shows the order of preference regarding those criteria for each considered case study is also included. This was fulfilled in the interest of comparing between the different configurations and climatic zones so as to obtain conclusions on each of them. The study also illustrates a sensibility analysis regarding energy prices. Finally, the exhaustive literature review, the novel electricity consumption profile of the building and the illustration of the influence of the cogeneration engine working hours are also valuable outputs of this paper, developed in order to address the knowledge gap and the ongoing challenges in the field of distributed generation
Influencia del Sistema de Control Interno en la gestión de inventarios en la Municipalidad Distrital de Huaro de la provincia de Quispicanchis región Cusco – período 2017
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo que las entidades municipales de nuestro país posean un adecuado control interno como una herramienta de gestión que puede favorecer la mejora de los procesos y las operaciones internas de la entidad, a partir del establecimiento de controles puntuales en los aspectos más críticos de la gestión pues gracias a este se evitan riesgos y fraudes, se protegen y cuidan los activos y los intereses de las empresas, así como también se logra evaluar la eficiencia de la misma en cuanto a su organización. Las municipalidades de nuestro país en su mayoría no cuentan con el control interno adecuado, debido a que gran parte de ellas son gestionadas por personal no capacitado para el cargo, en la mayoría de los casos, especialmente en las zonas no urbanas carecen de formalidad, de una organización adecuada y falta de manuales de procedimientos y de políticas que sean conocidas por todos los integrantes de las entidades ediles en nuestra región fundamentalmente. Se encontraron distintos trabajos de investigación en universidades peruanas y extranjeras, que abordaron el mismo problema, con matices distintos, lo que le da mayor valor al presente trabajo. Igualmente se encontró sustento en teorías sobre las variables independientes y dependientes que se están considerando en el presente trabajo de investigación. El Control Interno debe ser empleado por todas las entidades públicas como también en empresas independientemente de su tamaño, estructura y naturaleza de sus operaciones, y diseñado de tal manera, que permita proporcionar una razonable seguridad en lo referente a: La efectividad y eficiencia de las operaciones, la confiabilidad de la información financiera, y el acatamiento de las leyes y regulaciones aplicables. Es así que tomando estas consideraciones generales a nivel del país y de la región de Cusco se ha optado por resaltar la influencia que tiene un sistema de control interno en especial para la municipalidad distrital de Huaro que está ubicada en la Provincia de Quispicanchis de la región de Cusco donde aún no se cuenta con una gestión eficiente ni eficaz en cuanto al manejo de inventarios
O modelo antropológico-médico de Barahona Fernandes e a psicopatologia
Barahona Fernandes The work keeps current value, responding to the needs of further clinical psychiatry, equipped to a fuller knowledge of the sick person and psychiatric disease. See, hear and understand the person in distress, assess psychopathology and diagnose the disease in its complexity, requires a method and theoretical and practical knowledge of different but integrated areas.
For Barahona Fernandes is necessary to make a careful analysis of the mental state of the sick person familiar with the knowledge of the history of life and personality in its evolution. The reductionist temptations resulting from one-sided views, taking part for the whole, are psychological, psychoanalytic, sociological or biological (neuroscientific), lead to a partial knowledge and parcel of disturbed human being and his illness.A obra de Barahona Fernandes mantém valor actual, respondendo às necessidades de uma psiquiatria clínica mais aprofundada, apetrechada para um conhecimento mais completo da pessoa doente e da doença psiquiatrica. Observar, ouvir e compreender a pessoa em sofrimento, apurar a psicopatologia e diagnosticar a doença na sua complexidade, requer um método e um conhecimento teórico e prático de domínios diferentes mas integrados.
Para Barahona Fernandes há que proceder a uma cuidadosa análise do estado mental da pessoa enferma a par do conhecimento da história de vida e da personalidade na sua evolução. As tentações reducionistas, resultantes de visões unilaterais, que tomam a parte pelo todo, sejam psicológicas, psicanalíticas, sociológicas ou biológicas (neurocientíficas), levam a um conhecimento parcial e parcelar do ser humano perturbado e da sua doenç
Los derechos procesales fundamentales en los procesos penales en la Unión Europea
[ES] El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de la regulación de los derechos y garantías procesales penales que la Unión Europea está llevando a cabo, fundamentalmente, a partir del Plan de trabajo de 2009 asumido por el Consejo e incorporado al Plan de Estocolmo de 2009 que establecía el calendario plurianual (2010-2014) de las medias para avanzar en la consecución de un verdadero espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia en la UE. El Plan de trabajo recogía una serie de medidas –derechos y garantías procesales- sobre los que se debía incidir con carácter prioritario. Transcurrido el período fijado, se han dictado tres Directivas en desarrollo del Plan, existiendo otras tres en tramitación, por lo que puede ya examinarse el grado de éxito o fracaso en el desarrollo del Plan y en la consecución de los objetivos perseguidos, así como determinar cuáles han sido los principales obstáculos para ello[EN] The present essay aims to study the regulation of rights and criminal procedural guarantees which the European Union is carrying out, principally, as of the 2009 Roadmap assumed by the Council and incorporated to the 2009 Stockholm’s Roadmap which established the multi-year measure’s calendar (2010-2014) to progress in a true area of freedom, security and justice in the EU. The Roadmap joined together a series of measures –rights and procedural guarantees- in which an influence was mainly required. At the end of the set period, three directives in the Roadmap’s development have been dictated, when another three were already being processed. However, it could then be examined the extent of the success or failure in the Roadmap’s development and in the progression of the pursued objectives, as in determine which have been the principal obstacles to it.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Derecho Público y Común Europeo, leída el 17 de noviembre de 201
Requisitos para que el testimonio del menor, víctima de delitos de naturaleza sexual, constituya prueba de cargo para la condena del acusado
Ejemplar dedicado a la situación de los menores en juicioPara que el testimonio del menor, víctima de delitos de naturaleza sexual, pueda por sí solo ser prueba de cargo suficiente para la condena del acusado ha de practicarse observando determinados presupuestos y requisitos cuya ausencia puede suponer la vulneración de los derechos y garantías procesales del acusado y su absolución. En el proceso deben conciliarse estos derechos y garantías con los derechos del menor (intimidad, comparecencia adecuada a su edad, evitar victimización secundaria, etc.). Se trata de una prueba indispensable y, por tanto, la comparecencia del menor no puede evitarse, aunque nuestro Ordenamiento prevé determinadas medidas para que la exploración del menor se lleve a cabo con el mínimo perjuicio para éste. Se trata de que en el proceso se concilien los derechos de protección al menor con los derechos y garantías procesales del acusado que no pueden verse mermadasIn order for the testimony of the minor, victim of offences of a sexual nature, to be able only in itself to be sufficient incriminating evidence for the conviction of the accused has to be taken by observing certain scenarios and requirements whose absence can mean the violation of the rights and procedural safeguards of the accused and his/her acquittal. In the process these rights and guarantees must be reconciled with the rights of the minor (privacy, appearance appropriate to their age, prevention of a secondary victimisation, etc.). It's an indispensable evidence and, therefore, the appearance of the minor cannot be avoided, although our legal system provides for certain measures so that the interrogation/exploration of the minor is carried out with minimum damage for that minor. What is important is that the protection rights of the minor are reconciled in the proceedings with the rights and procedural safeguards of the accused, which may not be depleted.Fac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu
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