5 research outputs found

    Estudio de la factibilidad del empleo de Hongos Macromicetos como mediadores en el bio-endurecimiento de Plántulas de orquídea

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    En los trópicos las orquídeas encarnan una de las mayores expresiones de la riqueza florística; debido a su belleza, color y por su capacidad para adaptarse a casi cualquier ambiente. En Colombia, son consideradas un producto valioso, haciendo que su explotación se realice a partir la extracción de material vegetal silvestre para su posterior cultivo. Esta práctica y la disminución de su hábitat natural amenazan con su extinción, problema que se puede solucionar mediante la propagación In Vitro. Sin embargo, uno de los grandes inconvenientes es la pérdida de las plántulas cuando pasan de cultivo In vitro al desarrollo Ex vitro. Este proceso puede ser convencional (control de factores físicos y empleo de fungicidas y pesticidas) o de bio-endurecimiento (empleo de hongos y bacterias). En el caso de los hongos, los reportes hacen referencia al empleo de hongos micromicetes (endófitos y HFMO). Con base en las características de los macromicetes, productores de compuestos antimicrobianos, antifúngicos y promotores de crecimiento se planteó la presente investigación, pionera en el área, buscando explorar el empleo de los hongos macromicetes como mediadores en el bio - endurecimiento de plántulas de orquídea. Las tasas de supervivencia obtenidas bajo co-cultivo y la posterior determinación de los exo-metabolitos permitieron determinar el potencial bio-endurecedor del P. ostreatus Var. Columbinus y que son los ácidos palmítico, margárico y linoleíco, el ergosta-5-en-3-ol, el (23)-etilcolesta-5-en-3-ol, junto con los exopolisacáridos y las fitohormonas AIA y AG3 los posibles responsables de la acción, sentando las bases para desarrollar una nueva ecotecnología.Abstract: Orchids are one of the most diverse botanical families and embody a floristic richness, not only for the beauty and colors of the flowers, but also for their capacity to adapt to almost any land ecosystem in the world. In Colombia, orchids are a valuable asset, this generates pressure from illegal extraction of wild plants, the previous in connection to the loss of habitat is reducing natural populations and has proven to be unsustainable. This problem may be addressed by In vitro mass propagation of orchids. One of the main challenges of this technique is the loss of plantlets during the hardening stage. Two main approaches have been developed, one denominated conventional hardening (using physical means and using fungicides and bactericides) and a bio-hardening (by means of beneficial fungi and bacteria). At present all the studies of fungi for hardening have dealt with micromycetes (endophytic and OMF). Based on the characteristics of macromycetes fungi, which are natural producers of antimicrobial, anti-fungal and plant growth regulating (PGR) metabolites this study was presented, pioneer in the area of bio-hardening, proposing macromycetes as mediators in the adaptation process of orchid plantlets. The survival rates during the co-culture trial and the later determination of the exo-metabolites excreted by the fungi enabled to demonstrate the bio-hardening potential of P. ostreatus Var. Columbinus and that palmitic, margaric and linoleic acids, the ergosta-5-en-3-ol, the (23) -etilcolesta-5-en-3-ol, together with the exopolysaccharides and phytohormones AIA and AG3, are the accountable for the action, laying the foundations to develop a new ecotechnology.Maestrí

    Priorización de especies de orquídeas nativas con potencial de aprovechamiento sostenible para productores de los municipios de San Antonio de Tequendama y Fusagasugá: documento metodológico

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    Colombia es uno de los países llamados mega diversos en el planeta, esto se debe principalmente a las condiciones climáticas que presenta y a la cercanía que tiene con el ecuador (Olson et al. 2001). De acuerdo con lo anterior el modelo de desarrollo económico del país debe contemplar dicha biodiversidad como un privilegio, una oportunidad y como un legado que debe conservar, por los beneficios que brinda al país, así como al planeta en general (MMA, DNP y IAVH 1995).BogotáCiencias Básicas de la Biodiversida

    Vermicompost application upregulates morpho-physiological and antioxidant defense to conferring drought tolerance in wheat

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    Drought stress is an ever‐present threat to wheat growth, development, and productivity, especially in arid and semi-arid areas where rainfall is an essential aid to agriculture. The application of vermicompost has been proven to be an efficient approach to combat the drought-induced growth and developmental limitation of wheat plants and to promote cost-effective and sustainable crop production. A wire-house pot experiment was conducted to examine the effects of cow manure vermicompost on morpho-physiological and biochemical attributes of wheat seedlings under different deficit water levels. The treatments were included: three drought levels; control (70 % of field capacity (FC, D0)), mild drought (45 % of FC, D1), and severe drought (30 % of FC, D1), four vermicompost application rates; control, 4, 6 and 8 t ha−1 (designated as VT0, VT1, VT2 and VT3, respectively), and two contrasting wheat cultivars; Faisalabad-08 (drought tolerant) and Galaxy-13 (drought sensitive). Results showed that vermicompost application improved crop performance under control and drought stress conditions where VT2 depicted significantly higher values in both cultivars, particularly under drought stress. Under severe drought, VT2 increased root fresh weight by 6.13 and 10.63 %, shoot fresh weight by 15.62 % and 23.58 %, root dry weight by 40.81 % and 50 % and shoot dry weight by 20.68 and 22.22 % in Faisalabad-08 and Galaxy-13, respectively. Also, VT2-treated seedlings exhibited significantly higher gas exchange attributes, chlorophyll pigments and antioxidative enzyme activities under drought conditions. Among cultivars, Faisalabad-08 was found comparatively more drought tolerant than Galaxy-13. Our findings demonstrated that drought severely affects morphological, physiological, and biochemical attributes of wheat. However, soil applied vermicompost proved beneficial for improved morphophysiological and biochemical traits under the regime of drought stress in wheat