362 research outputs found

    Στα ίχνη των κλεμμένων ελληνικών αρχαιοτήτων απο τις κατοχικές δυνάμεις (1940-1945): η συμβολή του Σπύρου Μαρινάτου

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    After a short introduction referring to the most significant characteristics of the late Professor Spyros Marinatos’s personality as an excavator, an academic and in general as a public persona of his times, this paper deals with his contribution to the repatriation of Greek antiquities to their homeland. The antiquities under discussion were stolen from Crete by the German occupation forces during the 2nd World War. The paper is mainly based on documents kept in the Archives of the Greek Ministry of Culture, namely The Directorate of the National Archive of Monuments. These documents include the correspondence between various public services, regarding, among other matters, the preparation of Spyros Marinatos’s trip to Austria, Italy and Germany, as well as catalogues of the stolen and repatriated antiquities. The whole undertaking, which was adventurous, highlights his persistence and devotion to duty and his country as well as his love for archaeology

    Modality in Greek Art Music: Theory and Praxis

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     The term mode (modus) appears in the history and theory of European music at different historical periods. Taking the term in its modern sense, mode has been defined as either a “particularized scale” or a “generalized tune”, or both, depending on the particular musical and cultural context (Grove-Music-Online). In Greek art music of the twentieth century, composers use either authentic traditional melodies or invent new melodies that to some extent evoke or refer to the Greek national character; this is partly achieved by the incorporation of modes, that is, scales that differ from the major and minor.The aim of this study is to reconsider and delineate the term “mode” as used in Greek art music, through the identification and analytical description of modes (in terms of their types/species, and application) in Greek art music compositions. In particular, with reference to the work of Greek composers, such as Manolis Kalomiris, Yiannis Constantinidis and Nikos Skalkottas, the study makes a comparison between the modes used in the musical texts and those referred to or catalogued in the theoretical writings of Greek composers. This identification and comparison of the modes in various musical works, reveals the possible incongruence between theory and practice, and contributes to the reconsideration of the term “mode” in Greek art music

    Role-emerging placements in pharmacy undergraduate education: perceptions of students

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    Context: Role-emerging placements (REPs) can be a unique opportunity for pharmacy students to understand patient care issues and see the value of a multi-disciplinary team. Description: Optional REPs were piloted in an MPharm degree course, in a range of day hospitals and patient groups. This project aimed to evaluate students’ perceptions on the placement’s contribution to their professional development. Evaluation: Twenty percent of the 59 students who attended the placement participated in two focus groups. High satisfaction with their REP was reported, with an emphasis on increased understanding of the role of multidisciplinary teams, patient perceptions and impact on pharmaceutical care. Although introducing a new scheme brought some challenges, these are not insurmountable. As such, the benefits of REPs are likely to be ongoing and the results are therefore encouraging for other Schools of Pharmacy. Future plans: REPs will become an integral part of this University’s MPharm syllabus

    Unwinding the thread: interdisciplinary research on early wool craft in Greek prehistory

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    Ξετυλίγοντας το νήμα. Διεπιστημονική έρευνα για την πρώιμη εριουργία στην ελληνική προϊστορία.Στο άρθρο συζητούνται τα αποτελέσματα διεπιστημονικής έρευνας για την πρώιμη εριουργία στην ηπειρωτική και νησιωτική Ελλάδα στο διάστημα από την Αρχαιότερη Νεολιθική έως την Πρώιμη Χαλκοκρατία (7η – 3η χιλιετία π.Χ.), μία περίοδο χωρίς αρχαιολογικά τεκμήρια υφασμάτων. Η εφαρμοσθείσα διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση συνδυάζει τη ζωοαρχαιολογία και την τεχνολογική ανάλυση εργαλείων νηματουργίας. Η ζωοαρχαιολογική μελέτη αναζητεί τη δημογραφική σύνθεση των προϊστορικών κοπαδιών, μέσω μιας συνθετικής επανεξέτασης των ηλικιών θανάτωσης των αιγοπροβάτων και τις αναλογίες αρσενικών και θηλυκών προβάτων από δημοσιεύσεις θέσεων του υπό εξέταση διαστήματος. Υπολογίζονται οι συντελεστές μεταβλητότητας από δημοσιευμένες μετρήσεις οστών προβάτων, προκειμένου να διαπιστωθούν αυξομειώσεις του σκελετού του προβάτου στην υπό εξέταση περίοδο, ως αποτέλεσμα βελτίωσης του κοπαδιού. Τέλος, για να ανιχνευθούν τυχόν αλλαγές στο σχήμα του σκελετού του προβάτου, αναλύονται με γεωμετρική μορφομετρία αστράγαλοι προβάτων από δύο περιπτώσεις μελέτης, τους Σιταγρούς Δράμας στη βόρεια Ελλάδα και την Αλεπότρυπα Λακωνίας στην Πελοπόννησο, στη νότια Ελλάδα. Στην τεχνολογική προσέγγιση, γίνεται επισκόπηση των αντικειμένων που έχουν ερμηνευθεί ως σφονδύλια αδραχτιού στις αρχαιολογικές δημοσιεύσεις που αφορούν στο υπό διερεύνηση χρονολογικό πλαίσιο, με σκοπό την αναζήτηση ενδείξεων σημαντικών τεχνολογικών αλλαγών. Τα αποτελέσματα της βιβλιογραφικής έρευνας αλλά και της επιτόπιας εξέτασης των εργαλείων από τους Σιταγρούς και την Αλεπότρυπα συζητούνται μέσα στο πλαίσιο της ανθρωπολογίας της τεχνολογίας. Η τεχνολογική προσέγγιση λαμβάνει υπόψη τόσο τα εθνογραφικά δεδομένα όσο και τα δημοσιευμένα αποτελέσματα της πειραματικής αρχαιολογίας. Η μελέτη καταλήγει στην πρόταση/υπόθεση ότι η εριουργία στην ελληνική προϊστορία ενδεχομένως είχε αρχίσει ήδη από τη Μέση Νεολιθική. Αναμφίβολα, περαιτέρω έρευνα είναι απαραίτητη για τον έλεγχο αυτής της πρότασης/υπόθεσης.This paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary research on the beginnings of wool craft in continental and insular Greece between the 7th millennium (Early Neolithic) and the 3rd millennium BC (Early Bronze Age), a period from which no woolen textile remains are preserved. In the zooarchaeological component, a synthetic reassessment of published caprine mortality profiles and sex ratios from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age sites is presented in order to detect patterns of flock construction supporting wool harvest. Furthermore, a statistical reevaluation of published sheep bone measurements from the same contexts is attempted in order to trace skeleton size fluctuations due to sheep improvement efforts. Also, geometric morphometrics analysis was applied to sheep astragali from two case studies, Sitagroi and Alepotrypa, to identify changes in the sheep skeleton shape. In the technological component, spindle whorls from published Neolithic sites and from the better-known Early Bronze Age record were surveyed to detect significant shifts in the technological apparatus of yarn production in the period under study. Data on surface-wear of spindle whorls from the two case-studies, Sitagroi and Alepotrypa, were collected to evaluate the potential of use-wear analysis in the identification of wool spinning. The archaeological data on spindle whorls is discussed in the light of spinning experiments published in the last ten years and with the perspective of ethnographic testimonies on wool spinning. Finally, the experimental activities of wool processing initiated with this project is presented. The combined outcomes of the two research approaches indicate the Middle Neolithic (mid-6th millennium BC) as the earliest horizon in which wool draft may be detected in the region of Greece

    Pharmacy students' reflections on a 'mock medicines' activity: Exploring intentional and unintentional nonadherence

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    Objective. To engage pharmacy students in a ‘mock medicines’ teaching activity to increase their understanding of the patients’ perspectives of medicine-taking. To explore students’ awareness of intentional reasons for non-adherence. Methods. Students were given one of five different dosing regimes and asked to take the mock medicine (TicTacs©) over a one-week period. They completed a data capture form to log each dose taken or missed and provide reasons for this. An adherence score was calculated and all feedback transcribed for further analysis. Results. Seventy-six out of 115 students submitted forms, where adherence ranged from 4 to 100% (mean 88.7, SD=19.77). Nine factors relating to unintentional non-adherence were identified compared to only one for intentional non-adherence. Conclusions. Students engaged well with this activity showing a high percentage adherence but this was not related to the complexity of dosing schedule. Students demonstrated more awareness of the unintentional reasons for non-adherence than intentional

    Strontium isotopes and human mobility in Ceramic Neolithic-Middle Chalcolithic Cyprus (ca. 5200/5000–3000/2800 BC): a pilot study

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    The present study discusses aspects of human mobility in Ceramic Neolithic (ca. 5200/5000–4000 BC) and Middle Chalcolithic Cyprus (ca. 3500–2800 BC) through the application of strontium isotope analysis. Small-scale intra-island movement in prehistoric Cypriot contexts is usually inferred by the circulation of finished artefacts and raw materials, while several researchers in the past supported large-scale migrations based exclusively on the ostensibly abrupt changes in the material culture. Focusing on the strontium isotopic values of sampled human teeth from sites of the Limassol district, this pilot study attempts to demonstrate the potential of this methodology for the identification of non-local individuals and/or groups. The results provide fresh insights on prehistoric mobility patterns in Cyprus, while also discussing some of the methodological limitations in archaeological contexts

    Pictorial Pottery of the LMIA Period on Crete and Thera

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    The present study examines the pictorial style of pottery made in Thera and Crete in the LCI/LMIA period. The work is in two volumes. Volume I is divided into three parts. Part I comprises the introductory chapter in which there is a summary of previous research on the subject and the aims of the thesis are set out. In Chapter II the context of the pictorial style of pottery is examined. Chapter III contains analysis of the forms of vases with pictorial decoration. Part II includes three chapters dealing with the Analysis of Motifs. The plants are analysed in Chapter IV, the living creatures in Chapter V and the sacred symbols in Chapter VI. Part III comprises the Synthesis. In Chapter VII an attempt is made to identify pottery workshops specializing in different vase forms and decoration. Chapter VIII examines the origin and character of the pictorial style of pottery in the Cyclades and Crete. Finally in the last Chapter IX, conclusions regarding the character, context, forms and motifs, workshops and development of the pictorial style pottery are presented. A possible ritual function of the pottery is discussed. Interrelations and influences between the cultures of Thera and Crete on various levels are demonstrated. Volume II contains a Catalogue of the available pottery, presented in two groups: the first from Thera and the second from Crete. The illustrations---figures and photographic plates---come at the end of Volume II.<p

    Αλλοδαποί μαθητές: Σχολική φοίτηση και σχολική διαρροή

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    Μελετά τη σχολική φοίτηση των αλλοδαπών μαθητών και τη σχολική διαρροή των αλλοδαπών μαθητώνIt studies the school attendance of foreign students and the school dropout of foreign student

    Refinement of the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor I homology model by applying molecular dynamics

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    Sexual maturation of human cells in ovaries and prostate is linked to the biochemical cascade initiated by the activation of cell receptors through the binding of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). The GnRH receptors (GnRHR) are part of the rhodopsin G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family and consist of seven trans–membrane helical domains connected via extra– and intra–cellular segments. The GnRH–GnRHR complex has been implicated in various forms of prostate and ovarian cancer. The lack of any structural data about the GnRH receptor impedes the design of antagonists for use in cancer treatment. The aim of the study is to devise a model of GnRHR to be used further for the design of improved peptide/non-peptide GnRH analogues and, to our knowledge provide new structural information regarding the extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) that acts a regulator of ligand entry to GnRHR. The common structural characteristics, of the members of the rhodopsin family of GPCRs, have been employed for the construction of a homology model for GnRHR. Structural information from the human β2–adrenergic receptor, as well as rhodopsins have been used in order to create a theoretical model for GnRHR. Furthermore, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been employed for the refinement of the model and to explore the impact of the bilayer membrane in GnRHR conformation