2,573 research outputs found

    Spain and Portugal: Films and Videorecordings at the University of Pittsburgh

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    This list of the University of Pittsburgh Collection of Spain: films and videorecordings contains materials housed in the following locations: 1) Hillman Library (HILL) - Center for Instructional Development & Distance Education, G-20 2) MUSIC LIBRARY - Music Building at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Tennyson Ave. 3) Greensburg Campus – (GREEN) - Millstein Library 4) Johnstown Campus Library (JOHN) - Owen Library 5) Bradford Campus (BRAD) - Hanley Librar

    Eduardo Lozano 1931-2007 - A biographical note

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    Eduardo Lozano was a legendary figure in his own right. He wore so many interlocked hats. During his life time, his sensibilities and interests were wide, deep, diverse, and well-grounded. Indeed! He was versatile in his social, artistic and intellectual tastes and interests. He loved art, literature, politics, music, plants, traveling, animals, nature, ideas, and above all else, people. All-in-all, he was a legend among legends, especially, but not exclusively, in his field: librarianship

    Portal Asiático de Información: un servicio transcontinental de intercambio de artículos

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    El Portal Asiático de Información de la Universidad de Pittsburgh es un innovador servicio de cooperación entre bibliotecas de Estados Unidos y bibliotecas de la China, Japón, y Corea, que facilita el acceso rápido a artículos publicados en revistas académicas, utilizando tecnología de bajo costo.</jats:p

    Entrevista al Señor Embajador de Bolivia, Mario Gustavo Guzmán Saldaña y llevada a cabo en el marco de la Conferencia: “Globalization, Diversity, and Inequality in Latin America: The Challenges, Opportunities, and Dangers.” Universidad de Pittsburgh, March 23 - 24, 2007

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    Entrevista al Señor Embajador de Bolivia en Estados Unidos, Mario Gustavo Guzmán Saldaña. Interview with Ambassador of Bolivia in the U.S., Mario Gustavo Guzmán Saldaña

    The Shift From a Traditional Centralized Educational System to a Participatory System: The Case of Guatemala

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    This chapter focuses on the shift from traditionally conservative technocratic educational reform to a more vibrant, engaging and inspiring transformation of an educational system. It examines the radical shift that took place in the educational policy formation and implementation within the context of an educational reform. This radical shift was the result of two major interrelated factors. The first one is the active and meaningful participation of the actors at the bottom, mainly rural teachers, in all the different aspects of the educational reform initiative. The second one was the bottom-up approach clearly stated in the reform initiative. This bottom-up approach was radically different from the traditionally top-to-bottom approach utilized in previous educational reforms. The bottom-up approach gave primacy to those actors whose voices and direct participation in policy formation and implementation had traditionally been overlooked in educational reforms. These actors included the rural teachers, the parents, the pupils, and the other members of rural communities. This bottom-up approach is presented here as a critique and replacement of the traditional top-to-bottom view which focuses on the national elites, experts and government officials. The bottom-up approach focuses on the teachers and emphasizes the dialectical interaction of diverse actors from different socio-cultural contexts. First, I give a brief overview of Nueva Escuela Unitaria (NEU). Second, I present a general view of the issue of participation at the local, regional and national level. I also address the issue of participation by diverse actors such as teachers, parents, local authorities and other members of the community, which were involved in and affected by the educational reform. Second, I explore the bottom-up approach explaining its different inter-related dimensions. Finally, I examine the physical space, the mental space, the cultural space and the social space. Here, I give examples of the bottom-up approach using teachers’ experiences and narratives to illustrate how it was carried out in the Guatemala case

    To the Reader / Al Lector

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    To the Reader / Al Lector</jats:p

    Latin American Selected Collections in Microforms at the University of Pittsburgh

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    This list includes collections of Latin American Materials in microforms (microfiche, microfilm, microcards