44 research outputs found
La generosidad como arte. Identidad, fraternidad y jerarquĂa entre los gitanos de dos pueblos andaluces
Para los Gitanos de Morote y San Juan (AndalucĂa), no tiene sentido acumular bienes.
De hecho, el don ordena en primer lugar individuos y grupos en categorĂas jerárquicas
“naturales” (heredadas al nacer) donde el donante, percibido como “naturalmente”
generoso, está considerado como superior al recipiente. Aquà la reciprocidad es
impensable. De esta manera, los seres humanos son superiores a los animales, los Gitanos
a los Payos, hombres y mujeres, etc. Por lo tanto, la acumulaciĂłn de dinero, podrĂa poner
en peligro la jerarquĂa, y entonces la gitanidad de cada uno.
Dentro de cada categorĂa “natural”, los estatutos se reajustan periĂłdicamente por medio
de transacciones recĂprocas (contradon). Esto permite una especie de reequilibrio de la
riqueza (simbĂłlica o material) que favorece la igualdad de estatus entre pares.
Esta falta de capitalización se puede también observar en la evitación de la transmisión
de los bienes después de la muerte de su posesor: todo lo que recuerda a los muertos se
“olvida”, se quema o se entierra. Por lo tanto, el estatus y la riqueza de los Gitanos no se
pueden heredar: en este contexto, la jerarquĂa gitana en estos pueblos tiene pies firmes.For the Gypsies of San Juan y Morote (Andalusia), there is no point in accumulating
goods. In fact, gift orders in a first place individuals and groups in “natural” hierarchical
categories (inherited at birth) where the donor, perceived as “naturally” generous, is
considered to be superior to the recipient. Thus, reciprocity is unthinkable. In this case
humans are superior to animals, Payos to Gypsies, men to women and so on. Therefore,
the accumulation of money, could endanger the hierarchy and then each gypsyness.
Within each “natural” category, the statutes is periodically reset through reciprocal
transactions (counter-gift). This allows a kind of rebalancing of (symbolic or material)
wealth that favors equality of status among peers.
This lack of capitalization can also be observed in the avoidance of the transfer of property
after the death of its possessor: everything which reminds the dead is “forgotten”, burned
or buried. Therefore, Gypsies’ status and wealth cannot be inherited: in this context,
gypsy hierarchy has strong feet in these towns
Paloma Gay y Blasco, Gypsies in Madrid. Sex, Gender and the Performance of Identity
“My aim in this book is to explore some of the key processes through which the Spanish Gypsies or Gitanos construct their distinctive way of life and their understanding of themselves as a group different from the non-Gypsies – whom they call Payos” (p. 3). Par la première phrase de son introduction, Paloma Gay y Blasco s’inscrit parmi les chercheurs qui s’interrogent sur la nature des facteurs créateurs de pérennité, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la distinction identitaire. L’étude des..
Un vocabulaire de parenté gitan
La terminologie espagnole de type eskimo est le modèle de référence utilisé par la communauté gitane de Morote et de San Juan (Andalousie) pour désigner les membres de la parenté. Elle renvoie généralement aux mêmes positions généalogiques (consanguines et affines) que les vocables castillans. Cependant, les usages des termes castillans par ces Gitans peuvent parfois sembler incongrus aux non-Gitans (Payos). En outre, les comportements associés à ces mêmes termes diffèrent parfois de manière significative de ceux que les Payos adoptent. Par ailleurs, un même vocable (chachi et son corollaire féminin chacha) n’apparaît que dans les désignations de la consanguinité et de l’affinité des femmes gitanes. Il met en relief une certaine prépondérance des liens utérins, contrairement à l’idéologie gitane fortement androcentrée. En fait, il ne fait qu’affirmer la prégnance du don masculin (en particulier nourricier) et son pouvoir structurant de l’organisation sociale gitane et de ses représentations.A Gypsy Kinship VocabularySpanish terminology of kinship, which follows the eskimo type, is the model used by the Gypsy community of Morote and San Juan (Andalusia) to designate relatives. It generally refers to the same genealogical positions (consanguine and affine) that the Castilian words do. However, the use of Castilian words by these Gypsies can sometimes seem incongruous to non-Gypsies (Payos). In addition, the behaviour associated with these terms may differ significantly from those that Payos adopt. On the other hand, the same term (chachi and its feminine chacha) appears only in Gypsy women’s designations of consanguinity and affinity. It highlights a certain preponderance of uterine links despite the highly androcentric Gypsy ideology. In fact, it only affirms the pregnancy of male gift (particularly nourishing) and its structuring power of the Gypsy social organization and its representations
Paloma Gay y Blasco, Gypsies in Madrid. Sex, Gender and the Performance of Identity
“My aim in this book is to explore some of the key processes through which the Spanish Gypsies or Gitanos construct their distinctive way of life and their understanding of themselves as a group different from the non-Gypsies – whom they call Payos” (p. 3). Par la première phrase de son introduction, Paloma Gay y Blasco s’inscrit parmi les chercheurs qui s’interrogent sur la nature des facteurs créateurs de pérennité, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la distinction identitaire. L’étude des..
Tratamiento integral de paciente con epidermĂłlisis bullosa
El documento digital no refiere asesorPublicaciĂłn a texto completo no autorizada por el autorBusca impulsar el manejo odontolĂłgico y multidisciplinario de pacientes con EpidermĂłlisis Bulosa. La odontologĂa infantil satisface un propĂłsito muy especial, orientada hacia la salud dental de manera integral e ininterrumpida. De esta manera, la práctica de la OdontopediatrĂa debe regirse por una filosofĂa sencilla, pero fundamental: “tratar al paciente no al diente”. Por esta forma de pensamiento, está la obligaciĂłn de considerar los sentimientos del niño, ganar su confianza y cooperaciĂłn, efectuar el tratamiento de manera amable, y no solo preocuparse de proporcionar la atenciĂłn requerida en ese momento sino, además, promover la futura salud dental del niño, mediante la estimulaciĂłn de actitudes y conductas positivas sobre el tratamiento dental. Los pacientes con algĂşn tipo de padecimiento sistĂ©mico que pone en riesgo o modifica su estilo de vida deben ser abordados y atendidos con una actitud positiva que se debe adaptar hacia ellos por requerir necesidades especiales, considerando siempre el motivar e involucrar a los padres en la atenciĂłn por parte del Odontopediatra
Changes in SK channel expression in the basal ganglia after partial nigrostriatal dopamine lesions in rats: Functional consequences
International audienceParkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease originating from the loss of dopa-mine (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC). The small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels play an essential role in the regulation of midbrain DA neuron activity patterns, as well as excitability of other types of neurons of the basal ganglia. We therefore questioned whether the SK channel expression in the basal ganglia is modified in parkinsonian rats and how this could impact behavioral performance in a reaction time task. We used a rat model of early PD in which the progressive nigrostriatal DA degeneration was produced by bilateral infusions of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the striatum. In situ hybridization of SK2 and SK3 mRNA and binding of iodinated apamin (SK2/SK3 blocker) were performed at 1, 8 or 21 days postsurgery in sham and 6-OHDA lesion groups. A significant decrease of SK3 channel expression was found in the SNC of lesioned animals at the three time points, with no change of SK2 channel expression. Interestingly, an upregulation of SK2 mRNA and apamin binding was found in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) at 21 days postlesion. These results were confirmed using quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) approach. Functionally, the local infusion of apamin into the STN of parkinsonian rats enhanced the akinetic deficits produced by nigrostriatal DA lesions in a reaction time task while apamin infusion into the SNC had an opposite effect. These effects disappear when the positive modulator of SK channels (CyPPA) is co-administered with apamin. These findings suggest that an upregulation of SK2 channels in the STN may underlie the physiological adjustment to increased subthalamic excitability following partial DA denervation
Descrição das notificações de atendimento antirrábico humano para profilaxia pós-exposição no Brasil, 2014-2019
Objective: To analyze human anti-rabies post-exposure prophylaxis notifications in Brazil. Methods: This was a descriptive study of human anti-rabies post-exposure prophylaxis care notified on the Notifiable Health Conditions Information System in Brazil between 2014 and 2019. Results: A total of 4,033,098 anti-rabies medical consultations were notified, averaging 672,183 a year. Percentage care was higher among males (n=2,111,369; 52.4%), those under 19 years old (n=1,423,433; 35.3%), living in urban areas (n=3,386,589; 88.1%), attacked by dogs (n=3,281,190; 81.5%) and bitten (n=3,575,717; 81.9%), mainly on the hands and feet (n=1,541,201; 35.3%). The most frequent prophylactic procedure was observation plus vaccination (n=1,736,036; 44.2%). Prophylactic procedure was appropriate in 57.8% (n=2,169,689) of cases and inappropriate in 42.2% (n=1,582,411) of cases. Conclusion: Although there were appropriate prophylactic procedures, we also found procedures that were inappropriate and which, when insufficient, can result in cases of human rabies and, when unnecessary, can result in waste, including shortage of immunobiological productsObjetivo: Analizar la atenciĂłn antirrábica humana de profilaxis post exposiciĂłn en Brasil, de 2014 a 2019. MĂ©todos: Estudio descriptivo de la atenciĂłn antirrábica humana de profilaxis post exposiciĂłn, notificados en el Sistema de InformaciĂłn de Agravamientos de NotificaciĂłn en Brasil, de 2014 a 2019. Resultados: Se notificaron 4.033.098 atendimientos antirrábicos, con un promedio de 672.183 al año. Hubo mayor porcentual de atenciĂłn a personas del sexo masculino (n=2.111.369; 52,4%), menores de 19 años (n=1.423.433; 35,3%), residentes en área urbana (n=3.386.589; 88,1%), agredidas por perros (n=3.281.190; 81,5%) y con mordidas (n=3.575.717; 81,9%), principalmente en las manos y pies (n=1.541.201; 35,3%). La conducta profiláctica más frecuente fue la observaciĂłn y vacuna (n=1.736.036; 44,2%). La conducta profiláctica fue adecuada en 57,8% (n=2.169.689) e inadecuada en 42,2% (n=1.582.411) de los casos. ConclusiĂłn: A pesar de las conductas profilácticas adecuadas, se observaron indicaciones inadecuadas que, cuando insuficientes, pueden resultar en casos de rabia humana y, cuando desnecesarias, desperdicios, incluso desabastecimiento de inmunobiolĂłgicos.Objetivo: Analisar os atendimentos antirrábicos humanos de profilaxia pĂłs-exposição no Brasil. MĂ©todos: Estudo descritivo dos atendimentos antirrábicos humanos de profilaxia pĂłs-exposição notificados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação no Brasil, de 2014 a 2019. Resultados: Foram notificados 4.033.098 atendimentos antirrábicos, com mĂ©dia de 672.183 ao ano. Houve maior percentual de atendimentos em pessoas do sexo masculino (n=2.111.369; 52,4%), menores de 19 anos de idade (n=1.423.433; 35,3%), residentes em área urbana (n=3.386.589; 88,1%), agredidas por cĂŁes (n=3.281.190; 81,5%) e com mordeduras (n=3.575.717; 81,9%), principalmente em mĂŁos e pĂ©s (n=1.541.201; 35,3%). A conduta profilática mais frequente foi observação e vacina (n=1.736.036; 44,2%). A conduta profilática foi adequada em 57,8% (n=2.169.689) e inadequada em 42,2% (n=1.582.411) dos casos. ConclusĂŁo: Apesar das condutas profiláticas adequadas, foram observadas indicações inadequadas que, quando insuficientes, podem acarretar casos de raiva humana e, quando desnecessárias, desperdĂcios, inclusive desabastecimento de imunobiolĂłgicos
LAS – Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
Salvatore D’Onofrio, professeur à l’Université de Palerme Analyse structurale, sexe et parenté Dans le cours que nous avons tenu dans le second semestre de l’année, nous avons abordé toute une série de problèmes qui sont au croisement de la sexualité et de la parenté. Nous sommes partis de la constatation que la sexualité est au cœur des différentes formes de parenté – anciennes, exotiques et nouvelles – sur lesquelles travaillent les anthropologues. Il s’est agi ainsi, tout d’abord, de réflé..
The identity of the Gypsies of Morote and San Juan (Andalusia) is divided into two facets. First of all, it is the fruit of a long historical process which is subjected to the laws and persecutions. It also rests on a gypsy representation of social organisation founded on the concept of prodigality: the one who gives is superior to the one who receives. Thus, the living beings are classified in categories that are thought to be natural according to their real or potential propensity to give. Among members of the same category, the equality is supposed to reign. Sometimes, the gifts are excessive. They cause then disturbances which can be lethal for the communityL’identité des Gitans de Morote et San Juan (Andalousie) se scinde en deux facettes. Elle est tout d’abord le fruit d’un long processus historique soumis aux lois et persécutions. Elle repose également sur une représentation gitane du social fondée sur la notion de prodigalité : celui qui donne est supérieur à celui qui reçoit. De la sorte, les êtres vivants sont classés dans des catégories pensées comme naturelles en fonction de leur propension réelle ou potentielle à donner. Entre membres d’une même catégorie, l’égalité est censée régner. Parfois, les dons sont excessifs. Ils provoquent alors des perturbations parfois mortifères au sein de la communauté