195 research outputs found

    Hemilability of phosphine-thioether ligands coordinated to trinuclear Mo3S4 cluster and its effect on hydrogenation catalysis

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    Ligand-exchange reactions of [Mo3S4(tu)8(H2O)]Cl44H2O (tu = thiourea) with (PhCH2CH2)2PCH2CH2SR ligands, where R = Ph (PS1), pentyl (PS2) or Pr (PS3) afford new complexes isolated as [Mo3S4Cl3(PS1)3]PF6 ([1]PF6), [Mo3S4Cl3(PS2)3]PF6 ([2]PF6) and [Mo3S4Cl3(PS3)3]PF6 ([3]PF6) salts in 30-50% yields as the major reaction products. The crystal structures of [1]PF6 and [2]PF6 were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Each of the three phosphine-thioether ligands is coordinated in a bidentate chelating mode to a different molybdenum atom of the Mo3S4 trinuclear cluster, herewith all the phosphorus atoms of the phosphino-thioether ligand are located trans to the capping sulfur (3-S). A second product that forms in the reaction of [Mo3S4(tu)8(H2O)]Cl44H2O with PS1 corresponds to the neutral [Mo3S4Cl4(PS1)2(PS1*)] complex. Its XRD analysis reveals both bidentate (PS1) and monodentate (PS1*) coordinating modes of the same ligand. In the latter mode the phosphinethioether is coordinated to a Mo atom only via the P atom. All compounds were characterized by 1H, 31P{1H} NMR, electrospray-ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Reactions of [1]PF6, [2]PF6 and [3]PF6 with an excess of Bu4NCl in CD2Cl2 were followed by 31P{1H} NMR. The spectra indicate equilibrium between cationic [Mo3S4Cl3(PSn)3] + and neutral [Mo3S4Cl4(PSn)2(PSn*)] (n = 1, 2) species. The equilibrium constants were determined as 2.5 ± 0.2103 , 43 ± 2 М -1 and 30 ± 2 М -1 (at 25°C) for [1]PF6, [2]PF6 and [3]PF6, indicating quantitative differences in hemilabile behavior of the phosphino-thioether ligands, depending on the substituent at sulfur. Clusters [1]PF6, [2]PF6 and [3]PF6 were tested as catalysts in reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline with Ph2SiH2 under mild conditions. Significant differencies in the catalytic activity were observed, which can be attributed to different hemilabile behavior of the PS1 and PS2/PS3 ligands

    IrI(η4-diene) precatalyst activation by strong bases: formation of an anionic IrIII tetrahydride

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    The reaction between [IrCl(COD)]2 and dppe in a 1:2 ratio was investigated in detail under three different conditions. [IrCl(COD)(dppe)], 1, is formed at room temperature in the absence of base. In the presence of a strong base at room temperarture, hydride complexes that retain the carbocyclic ligand in the coordination sphere are generated. In isopropanol, 1 is converted into [IrH(1,2,5,6-η2:η2-COD)(dppe)] (2) on addition of KOtBu, with k12 = (1.11±0.02)·10-4 s-1, followed by reversible isomerisation to [IrH(1-κ-4,5,6-η3-C8H12)(dppe)] (3) with k23 = (3.4±0.2)·10-4 s-1 and k32 = (1.1±0.3)·10-5 s-1 to yield an equilibrium 5:95 mixture of 2 and 3. However, when no hydride source is present in the strong base (KOtBu in benzene or toluene), the COD ligand in 1 is deprotonated, followed by β-H elimination of an IrI-C8H11 intermediate, which leads to complex [IrH(1-κ-4,5,6-η3-C8H10)(dppe)] (4) selectively. This is followed by its reversible isomerisation to 5, which features a different relative orientation of the same ligands (k45 = (3.92±0.11)·10-4 s-1; k54 = (1.39±0.12)·10-4 s-1 in C6D6), to yield an equilibrated 32:68 mixture of 4 and 5. DFT calculations assisted in the full rationalization of the selectivity and mechanism of the reactions, yielding thermodynamic (equilibrium) and kinetic (isomerization barriers) parameters in excellent agreement with the experimental values. Finally, in the presence of KOtBu and isopropanol at 80 °C, 1 is tranformed selectively to K[IrH4(dppe)] (6), a salt of an anionic tetrahydride complex of IrIII. This product is also selectively generated from 2, 3, 4 and 5 and H2 at room temperature, but only when a strong base is present. These results provide an insight into the catalytic action of [IrCl(LL)(COD)] complexes in the hydrogenation of polar substrates in the presence of a base

    Conditionally controlling human TLR2 activity via Trans-Cyclooctene Caged Ligands

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are key pathogen sensors of the immune system. Their activation results in the production of cytokines, chemokines, and costimulatory molecules that are crucial for innate and adaptive immune responses. In recent years, specific (sub)-cellular location and timing of TLR activation have emerged as parameters for defining the signaling outcome and magnitude. To study the subtlety of this signaling, we here report a new molecular tool to control the activation of TLR2 via "click-to-release"-chemistry. We conjugated a bioorthogonal trans-cyclooctene (TCO) protecting group via solid support to a critical position within a synthetic TLR2/6 ligand to render the compound unable to initiate signaling. The TCO-group could then be conditionally removed upon addition of a tetrazine, resulting in restored agonist activity and TLR2 activation. This approach was validated on RAW264.7 macrophages and various murine primary immune cells as well as human cell line systems, demonstrating that TCO-caging constitutes a versatile approach for generating chemically controllable TLR2 agonists.Bio-organic Synthesi

    Deletion of parasite immune modulatory sequences combined with immune activating signals enhances vaccine mediated protection against filarial nematodes

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    <p>Background: Filarial nematodes are tissue-dwelling parasites that can be killed by Th2-driven immune effectors, but that have evolved to withstand immune attack and establish chronic infections by suppressing host immunity. As a consequence, the efficacy of a vaccine against filariasis may depend on its capacity to counter parasite-driven immunomodulation.</p> <p>Methodology and Principal Findings: We immunised mice with DNA plasmids expressing functionally-inactivated forms of two immunomodulatory molecules expressed by the filarial parasite Litomosoides sigmodontis: the abundant larval transcript-1 (LsALT) and cysteine protease inhibitor-2 (LsCPI). The mutant proteins enhanced antibody and cytokine responses to live parasite challenge, and led to more leukocyte recruitment to the site of infection than their native forms. The immune response was further enhanced when the antigens were targeted to dendritic cells using a single chain Fv-αDEC205 antibody and co-administered with plasmids that enhance T helper 2 immunity (IL-4) and antigen-presenting cell recruitment (Flt3L, MIP-1α). Mice immunised simultaneously against the mutated forms of LsALT and LsCPI eliminated adult parasites faster and consistently reduced peripheral microfilaraemia. A multifactorial analysis of the immune response revealed that protection was strongly correlated with the production of parasite-specific IgG1 and with the numbers of leukocytes present at the site of infection.</p> <p>Conclusions: We have developed a successful strategy for DNA vaccination against a nematode infection that specifically targets parasite-driven immunosuppression while simultaneously enhancing Th2 immune responses and parasite antigen presentation by dendritic cells.</p&gt

    B-cell Zone Reticular Cell Microenvironments Shape CXCL13 Gradient Formation

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    Through the formation of concentration gradients, morphogens drive graded responses to extracellular signals, thereby fine-tuning cell behaviors in complex tissues. Here we show that the chemokine CXCL13 forms both soluble and immobilized gradients. Specifically, CXCL13+ follicular reticular cells form a small-world network of guidance structures, with computer simulations and optimization analysis predicting that immobilized gradients created by this network promote B-cell trafficking. Consistent with this prediction, imaging analysis show that CXCL13 binds to extracellular matrix components in situ, constraining its diffusion. CXCL13 solubilization requires the protease cathepsin B that cleaves CXCL13 into a stable product. Mice lacking cathepsin B display aberrant follicular architecture, a phenotype associated with effective B cell homing to but not within lymph nodes. Our data thus suggest that reticular cells of the B cell zone generate microenvironments that shape both immobilized and soluble CXCL13 gradient

    Mouse antibody of IgM class is prone to non-enzymatic cleavage between CH1 and CH2 domains

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    Abstract IgM is a multivalent antibody which evolved as a first line defense of adaptive immunity. It consists of heavy and light chains assembled into a complex oligomer. In mouse serum there are two forms of IgM, a full-length and a truncated one. The latter contains μ’ chain, which lacks a variable region. Although μ’ chain was discovered many years ago, its origin has not yet been elucidated. Our results indicate that μ’ chain is generated from a full-length heavy chain by non-enzymatic cleavage of the protein backbone. The cleavage occurred specifically after Asn209 and is prevented by mutating this residue into any other amino acid. The process requires the presence of other proteins, preferentially with an acidic isoelectric point, and is facilitated by neutral or alkaline pH. This unique characteristic of the investigated phenomenon distinguishes it from other, already described, Asn-dependent protein reactions. A single IgM molecule is able to bind up to 12 epitopes via its antigen binding fragments (Fabs). The cleavage at Asn209 generates truncated IgM molecules and free Fabs, resulting in a reduced IgM valence and probably affecting IgM functionality in vivo

    Attenuation of lung inflammation and fibrosis in CD69-deficient mice after intratracheal bleomycin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cluster of differentiation 69 (CD69), an early activation marker antigen on T and B cells, is also expressed on activated macrophages and neutrophils, suggesting that CD69 may play a role in inflammatory diseases. To determine the effect of CD69 deficiency on bleomycin(BLM)-induced lung injury, we evaluated the inflammatory response following intratracheal BLM administration and the subsequent fibrotic changes in wild type (WT) and CD69-deficient (CD69<sup>-/-</sup>) mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The mice received a single dose of 3 mg/kg body weight of BLM and were sacrificed at 7 or 14 days post-instillation (dpi). Lung inflammation in the acute phase (7 dpi) was investigated by differential cell counts and cytokine array analyses of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. In addition, lung fibrotic changes were evaluated at 14 dpi by histopathology and collagen assays. We also used reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction to measure the mRNA expression level of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) in the lungs of BLM-treated mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CD69<sup>-/- </sup>mice exhibited less lung damage than WT mice, as shown by reductions in the following indices: (1) loss of body weight, (2) wet/dry ratio of lung, (3) cytokine levels in BALF, (4) histological evidence of lung injury, (5) lung collagen deposition, and (6) TGF-β1 mRNA expression in the lung.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study clearly demonstrates that CD69 plays an important role in the progression of lung injury induced by BLM.</p

    Three dimensional structure directs T-cell epitope dominance associated with allergy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CD4+ T-cell epitope immunodominance is not adequately explained by peptide selectivity in class II major histocompatibility proteins, but it has been correlated with adjacent segments of conformational flexibility in several antigens.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The published T-cell responses to two venom allergens and two aeroallergens were used to construct profiles of epitope dominance, which were correlated with the distribution of conformational flexibility, as measured by crystallographic B factors, solvent-accessible surface, COREX residue stability, and sequence entropy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Epitopes associated with allergy tended to be excluded from and lie adjacent to flexible segments of the allergen.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>During the initiation of allergy, the N- and/or C-terminal ends of proteolytic processing intermediates were preferentially loaded into antigen presenting proteins for the priming of CD4+ T cells.</p