146 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Inference System for fault detection in internal combustion engines in Thermoelectric Power Generating Plants

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    In this work, an approach to implement a simplified fuzzy inference model for monitoring the conditions of workings of power generators through the pressure values ​​of combustion temperature and engine water pressure is displayed. The model helps the supervisory system, through real-time evaluation of the operating conditions of the engine in percentage rates. The application of tools based on computational intelligence, have shown efficiency in various areas of industrial engineering

    Acupuncture at “Zusanli” (St.36) and “Sanyinjiao” (SP.6) Points on the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Study of the Bioavailability of 99mTc-Sodium Pertechnetate in Rats

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the differences of acupuncture effect between the Zusanli (St.36) and Sanyinjiao (SP.6) points on the gastrointestinal-tract (GIT) segment performed by the bioavailability of 99mTc-sodium-pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4) in rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 21) were allocated into three groups of seven each. Group 1 was treated by acupuncture bilaterally at St.36; Group 2 at SP.6; and Group 3 was untreated (control). After 10 min of needle insertion in anesthetized rats, 0.3 mL of Na99mTcO4 (7.4 MBq) was injected via ocular-plexus. After 20 min, the exitus of animals was induced by cervical-dislocation and GIT organs isolated. However, immediately before the exitus procedure, blood was collected by cardiac-puncture for blood radio-labeling (BRL). The radioactivity uptake of the blood constituents was calculated together with the GIT organs by a well gamma counter. The percentage of injected dose per gram of tissue (%ID/g) of Na99mTcO4 was calculated for each GIT organs, while BRL was calculated in %ID. According to the one-way ANOVA, the stomach, jejunum, ileum from the treated groups (Group 1 and Group 2) had significant differences compared to the controls (Group 3). However, between the treated groups (Group 1 and Group 2), there were significant differences (P < .05) in the stomach, jejunum, ileum, cecum, transverse and rectum. In BRL analysis, Group 2 showed significant increase and decrease of the insoluble and soluble fractions of the blood cells, respectively (P < .0001). The authors suggest that St.36 may have a tendency of up-regulation effect on GIT, whereas SP.6, down-regulation effect. However, further rigorous experimental studies to examine the effectiveness of acupuncture in either acupuncture points need to be carried out

    Produtividade, estabilidade e adaptabilidade em progênies de Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemão - Anacardiaceae.

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    A utilização de forma extrativista e inadequada dos recursos naturais vem restringindo a ocorrência da aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemão), constando, inclusive, na lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção da FAO. Assim, a restrição da ocorrência, acarreta diminuição na base genética das populações de M. urundeuva, o que torna mais difícil encontrar genótipos com estabilidade e adaptabilidade para as diferentes condições de plantio. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a variação genética e estudar a produtividade, estabilidade e adaptabilidade em progênies de uma população natural de M. urundeuva em diferentes sistemas de plantio. Para tanto, avaliou-se o DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito) em quatro testes de progênies de M. urundeuva: i) consorciada com Anandenanthera falcata e Guazuma ulmifolia (TP-AMA); ii) a pleno sol (TP-ASO); iii) ,em consórcio com culturas anuais (TP-SAF) e iv) consorciada com Corymbia citriodora (TP-EUCA), instalados em Selvíria, MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições e número variável de plantas por parcela em cada um dos quatro sistemas de plantio. A partir da análise conjunta dos sistemas de plantio estudados, verificou-se que: i) houve variação entre os sistemas de plantio com destaque para o TP-SAF; ii) apenas no TP-EUCA foi possível detectar variação entre as progênies; iii) os efeitos da interação genótipo x ambiente não foram significativos. A média harmônica dos valores genotípicos (MHVG), o desempenho relativo dos valores genotípicos em relação à média de cada local (PRVG) e a média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genotípicos (MHPRVG) para o caráter DAP evidenciaram, respectivamente, as progênies com maior estabilidade, adaptabilidade, e estabilidade e adaptabilidade simultaneamente nos diferentes sistemas de plantio. Assim, a utilização destes critérios de seleção proporcionou um refinamento a mais na seleção das melhores progênies de M. urundeuva nos diferentes sistemas de plantios estudados

    Novel 2-(R-phenyl)amino-3-(2-methylpropenyl)-[1,4]-naphthoquinones: synthesis, characterization, electrochemical behavior and antitumor activity

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    Novel 2-(R-phenyl)amino-3-(2-methyl-propenyl)-[1,4]-naphthoquinones (R = H, 4-OMe, 4-Ferrocenyl, 4-Me, 3-Me, 4-I, 3-I, 4-CN, 3-CN, 4-NO2 and 3-NO2) derived from nor-lapachol [2-hydroxy-3-(2-methylpropenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone] were obtained in good yields. Their structures were proposed on the basis of a single crystal X-ray diffraction study (R = OMe, 2b), ¹H and 13C NMR studies and calculations using the B3LYP functional and the 6-311+G(2d,p) basis set. The half-wave potentials of the aminonaphthoquinones and ¹H NMR chemical shifts of the 3-propenyl hydrogen in 2a-k show good correlation with the substituent Hammett constants on the phenylamino ring. The antitumor assays showed promising activity for substrate methoxy-nor-lapachol 1 and the 4-ferrocenyl derivative 2c.Novas 2-(R-fenil)amino-3-(2-metilpropenil)-[1,4]-naftoquinonas (R = H, 4-OMe, 4-Ferrocenil, 4-Me, 3-Me, 4-I, 3-I, 4-CN, 3-CN, 4-NO2 e 3-NO2) derivadas do nor-lapachol [2-hidroxi-3-(2-metilpropenil)-1,4-naftoquinona] foram obtidas em bons rendimentos. A estrutura dos compostos foi proposta com base em estudos de difração de raios-X (R = OMe, 2b), dados de RMN de ¹H e 13C e cálculos teóricos utilizando o funcional B3LYP e a base 6-311+G(2d,p). Os potenciais de meia-onda das aminonaftoquinonas e o deslocamento químico do hidrogênio da cadeia 3-propenil dos compostos 2a-k mostraram boa correlação com as constantes de Hammett dos substituintes presentes no anel fenileno. A avaliação da citotoxicidade evidenciou atividade antitumoral promissora para o substrato metóxi-nor-lapachol 1 e o derivado 4-ferrocenil 2c.169178Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Variação sazonal na riqueza e na abundância de pequenos mamíferos, na estrutura da floresta e na disponibilidade de artrópodes em fragmentos florestais no Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    We captured small mammals in eight forest fragments (43 a 1.411 ha.) during the dry and wet seasons, in southwest Mato Grosso, Brazil, and investigated the variation in small mammal richness and abundance, as well as in forest structure variables (litter volume and canopy openness) and arthropod availability, between the two seasons. Sampling was carried out during the wet season between 2002 and 2003 and in the dry season of 2003. In each fragment, we used Sherman, Tomahawk, snap, and pitfall traps during 10 consecutive days per season, totaling 17,600 trap x nights. In total, we obtained 379 captures of 20 species, seven of marsupials and 13 of rodents. Overall capture success was 2.2% (1.6% during the wet season and 2.7% during the dry season). Total richness, richness of rodents, richness of marsupials, total abundance and abundance of rodents did not varied significantly between seasons. However, marsupial abundance was significantly lower in the dry season, when rainfall is high. Litter volume was significantly higher during the dry season, while arthropod availability was significantly higher during the wet season. Therefore, higher food availability during the wet season may have made trap baits less attractive. In general, the observed variations between dry and wet seasons are in accordance with patterns described in other studies