55 research outputs found

    Precipitation regimes in South America: a bibliography review

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    Como a América do Sul se estende por diferentes latitudes e possui formas de relevo variadas, proporciona a atuação e o desenvolvimento de diferentes sistemas atmosféricos, os quais contribuem para a não homogeneidade climática da região. Portanto o objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão dos sistemas atmosféricos que atuam nos diferentes setores do continente sul-americano e que contribuem para a precipitação.The distribution of South American lands on different latitudes and its diversified topography can influence the development and action of many atmospheric systems contributing to a non-homogeneous climate in this region. This work presents a review on the atmospheric systems present in the different sectors of South America contributing to the precipitation variability in these regions


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    Comments on Climatology of Cyclogenesis for the Southern Hemisphere

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    In a recent paper Sinclair (1995, hereafter SI) made a climatological study of cyclogenesis in the Southern Hemisphere using seven years (.1980-86) of European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF) data. Geostrophic yorticity at 1000 hPa is used to locate cy- clones and determine their intensity. In an earlier study Gan and Rao (1991, hereafter GR91) also exarnined the cyclogenesis using the surface pressure charts for four hours an each day for the period January 1979- December 1988. Their study was for South America (the area enclosed by 15\ub0-50\ub0S and 30\ub0-90\ub0W). In GR91, the method used to manually identify surface cyclogenesis was that at least oneclosed isobar around a low pressure center should be found for an analysis of 2-hPa intervals. The purpose of this comment is to compare the results of these two studies for the South American region.Pages: 2614-261

    Variabilidade Intrasazonal da Precipitação da América do sul

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    The intra-seasonal variability of the precipitation associated with the South America monsoon system (SAMS) are investigated for a 30-yr period. The active and break periods of the monsoon were determined by the criterion based on a monsoon rainfall index (MRI) for the three wettest months applied to the West-Central Brazil region. Using the MRI 71 (46) cases of monsoon break (active) were identified. For active cases the precipitation composite shows a similar pattern to average summer rainfall, but with values exceeding 16mm over some areas of West-Central Brazil region and the wind circulation composite present a strong northwesterly flow from the western Amazon to southeastern Brazil. Composite anomaly pattern shown that active period is associated with 850-hPa northwesterly wind anomalies which converge in central Brazil. However, break periods are associated with wind anomalies from east to west over central Brazil

    The Influence of the Andes Cordillera on Transient Disturbances

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