45 research outputs found

    Low Absolute Lymphocyte Counts in the Peripheral Blood Predict Inferior Survival and Improve the International Prognostic Index in Testicular Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Low absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) and high absolute monocyte counts (AMC) are associated with poor survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). We studied the prognostic impact of the ALC and AMC in patients with testicular DLBCL (T-DLBCL). T-DLBCL patients were searched using Southern Finland University Hospital databases and the Danish lymphoma registry. The progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were assessed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards methods. We identified 178 T-DLBCL patients, of whom 78 (44%) had a low ALC at diagnosis. The ALC did not correlate with survival in the whole cohort. However, among the patients treated with rituximab (R) containing regimen, a pre-therapeutic low ALC was associated with an increased risk of progression (HR 1.976, 95% CI 1.267–3.086, p = 0.003). Conversely, intravenous (iv) CNS directed chemotherapy translated to favorable outcome. In multivariate analyses, the advantage of an iv CNS directed chemotherapy was sustained (PFS, HR 0.364, 95% CI 0.175–0.757, p = 0.007). The benefit of R and intravenous CNS directed chemotherapy was observed only in non-lymphopenic patients. The AMC did not correlate with survival. A low ALC is an adverse prognostic factor in patients with T-DLBCL. Alternative treatment options for lymphopenic patients are needed

    Low Absolute Lymphocyte Counts in the Peripheral Blood Predict Inferior Survival and Improve the International Prognostic Index in Testicular Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Low absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) and high absolute monocyte counts (AMC) are associated with poor survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). We studied the prognostic impact of the ALC and AMC in patients with testicular DLBCL (T-DLBCL). T-DLBCL patients were searched using Southern Finland University Hospital databases and the Danish lymphoma registry. The progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were assessed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards methods. We identified 178 T-DLBCL patients, of whom 78 (44%) had a low ALC at diagnosis. The ALC did not correlate with survival in the whole cohort. However, among the patients treated with rituximab (R) containing regimen, a pre-therapeutic low ALC was associated with an increased risk of progression (HR 1.976, 95% CI 1.267–3.086, p = 0.003). Conversely, intravenous (iv) CNS directed chemotherapy translated to favorable outcome. In multivariate analyses, the advantage of an iv CNS directed chemotherapy was sustained (PFS, HR 0.364, 95% CI 0.175–0.757, p = 0.007). The benefit of R and intravenous CNS directed chemotherapy was observed only in non-lymphopenic patients. The AMC did not correlate with survival. A low ALC is an adverse prognostic factor in patients with T-DLBCL. Alternative treatment options for lymphopenic patients are needed

    Low Absolute Lymphocyte Counts in the Peripheral Blood Predict Inferior Survival and Improve the International Prognostic Index in Testicular Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Low absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) and high absolute monocyte counts (AMC) are associated with poor survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). We studied the prognostic impact of the ALC and AMC in patients with testicular DLBCL (T-DLBCL). T-DLBCL patients were searched using Southern Finland University Hospital databases and the Danish lymphoma registry. The progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were assessed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards methods. We identified 178 T-DLBCL patients, of whom 78 (44%) had a low ALC at diagnosis. The ALC did not correlate with survival in the whole cohort. However, among the patients treated with rituximab (R) containing regimen, a pre-therapeutic low ALC was associated with an increased risk of progression (HR 1.976, 95% CI 1.267-3.086,p= 0.003). Conversely, intravenous (iv) CNS directed chemotherapy translated to favorable outcome. In multivariate analyses, the advantage of an iv CNS directed chemotherapy was sustained (PFS, HR 0.364, 95% CI 0.175-0.757,p= 0.007). The benefit of R and intravenous CNS directed chemotherapy was observed only in non-lymphopenic patients. The AMC did not correlate with survival. A low ALC is an adverse prognostic factor in patients with T-DLBCL. Alternative treatment options for lymphopenic patients are needed.Peer reviewe


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    Kiveslymfooma on harvinainen, aggressiivinen lymfooma-alatyyppi. Se on kuitenkin tavallisin iäkkäiden miesten kivessyöpä ja histologialtaan yleisimmin diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma. Biologisesti kiveksen diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma eroaa primaarisesti imusolmukealueilla esiintyvästä tautimuodosta ja muistuttaa keskushermoston diffuusia suurisoluista B-solulymfoomaa. Sillä on taipumus uusiutua muihin imusolmukealueiden ulkopuolisiin elimiin, erityisesti vastakkaiseen kivekseen ja keskushermostoon. Kiveslymfooman hoito koostuu sairaan kiveksen poistosta, sen jälkeisestä solunsalpaajien ja vasta-aineen yhdistelmähoidosta, keskushermostoon kohdennetusta solunsalpaajahoidosta sekä vastakkaisen kiveksen ehkäisevästä poistosta tai sädehoidosta. Taudin ennuste on nykyisin kohtalaisen hyvä. Uusia hoitomuotoja kaivataan erityisesti iäkkäämpien, hauraiden potilaiden hoitoon.publishedVersionPeer reviewe


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    VertaisarvioituKiveslymfooma on harvinainen, aggressiivinen lymfooma-alatyyppi. Se on kuitenkin tavallisin iäkkäiden miesten kivessyöpä ja histologialtaan yleisimmin diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma. Biologisesti kiveksen diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma eroaa primaarisesti imusolmukealueilla esiintyvästä tautimuodosta ja muistuttaa keskushermoston diffuusia suurisoluista B-solulymfoomaa. Sillä on taipumus uusiutua muihin imusolmukealueiden ulkopuolisiin elimiin, erityisesti vastakkaiseen kivekseen ja keskushermostoon. Kiveslymfooman hoito koostuu sairaan kiveksen poistosta, sen jälkeisestä solunsalpaajien ja vasta-aineen yhdistelmähoidosta, keskushermostoon kohdennetusta solunsalpaajahoidosta sekä vastakkaisen kiveksen ehkäisevästä poistosta tai sädehoidosta. Taudin ennuste on nykyisin kohtalaisen hyvä. Uusia hoitomuotoja kaivataan erityisesti iäkkäämpien, hauraiden potilaiden hoitoon.Peer reviewe

    Keskushermostolymfoomat: ensimmäinen kansallinen hoitosuositus

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    • Keskushermostolymfooma on harvinainen imukudossyöpä. Lymfooma rajoittuu aivoihin, silmiin, aivo-selkäydinkalvoihin ja/tai selkäytimeen. • Diagnostinen näyte on tärkeää saada välittömästi lymfoomaepäilyn herättyä, ennen kortisonihoidon aloittamista. • Tehokas primaarihoito on potilaan ennusteen kannalta oleellinen, ja hoidoilla pyritään pitkäkestoiseen remissioon. • Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kuvataan ajantasainen tieto taudin biologiasta, diagnostiikasta, hoidosta ja seurannasta perustuen ensimmäiseen kansalliseen keskushermostolymfoomien hoitosuositukseen.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Keskushermostolymfoomat: ensimmäinen kansallinen hoitosuositus

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    Keskushermostolymfooma on harvinainen imukudossyöpä. Niitä on 2–4 % keskushermoston kasvaimista. Lymfooma rajoittuu aivoihin, silmiin, aivo-selkäydinkalvoihin ja/tai selkäytimeen.Diagnostinen näyte on tärkeää saada välittömästi lymfoomaepäilyn herättyä, ennen kortisonihoidon aloittamista.Tehokas primaarihoito on potilaan ennusteen kannalta oleellinen, ja hoidoilla pyritään pitkäkestoiseen remissioon.Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kuvataan ajantasainen tieto taudin biologiasta, diagnostiikasta, hoidosta ja seurannasta perustuen ensimmäiseen ­kansalliseen keskushermostolymfoomien hoitosuositukseen.</p

    Keskushermostolymfoomat : ensimmäinen kansallinen hoitosuositus

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    Vertaisarvioitu.• Keskushermostolymfooma on harvinainen imukudossyöpä. Lymfooma rajoittuu aivoihin, silmiin, aivo-selkäydinkalvoihin ja/tai selkäytimeen. • Diagnostinen näyte on tärkeää saada välittömästi lymfoomaepäilyn herättyä, ennen kortisonihoidon aloittamista. • Tehokas primaarihoito on potilaan ennusteen kannalta oleellinen, ja hoidoilla pyritään pitkäkestoiseen remissioon. • Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kuvataan ajantasainen tieto taudin biologiasta, diagnostiikasta, hoidosta ja seurannasta perustuen ensimmäiseen kansalliseen keskushermostolymfoomien hoitosuositukseen.Peer reviewe

    Clinical findings in 25 patients with sinonasal or nasopharyngeal extramedullary plasmacytoma in a four-decade single-centre series

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    Objectives: Extramedullary plasmacytoma in the sinonasal tract or nasopharynx is rare. The aim of the study was to review data on symptoms, clinical findings, treatment and follow-up of plasmacytomas in the sinonasal and nasopharyngeal regions in order to delineate the main clinical characteristics and the optimal management. Method: Twenty-five patients with sinonasal or nasopharyngeal plasmacytoma, diagnosed and treated at the Helsinki University Hospital during a 39-year period from 1975 to 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: There were 18 males and 7 females with a median age of 66 years (range, 36-80). Sixty-eight percent received only radiotherapy or (chemo)radiotherapy. Forty-seven percent of them had a complete response to primary radiotherapy and one patient had a complete response after receiving additional brachytherapy. Four patients were treated primarily with surgery only. Two of them had a local recurrence, but were then successfully treated with radiotherapy. Altogether, four patients received a combination of surgery and (chemo)radiotherapy. Forty-four percent were alive with no evidence of disease after a median follow-up time of 78 months. Forty percent died of their disease and 16% died of other causes. Conclusions: Our study supports radiotherapy as a treatment of choice, but for small tumours surgery alone or in combination with radiotherapy may also be considered. Chinese abstractPeer reviewe