10 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Arcobacter spp. in Mechanically Deboned Turkey

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    In the winter survey, Arcobacter spp. was isolated from 92% of the mechanically deboned turkey (MDT) samples with 80% of the samples positive for A. butzleri. The summer survey had 83% of the MDT samples positive for Arcobacter spp. The high rate of positives from the two surveys, clearly indicates that Arcobacter spp. is prevalent in MDT. This may be cause for concern, especially if food testing laboratories are relying on the traditional isolation methods for Campylobacter from meat. Some of the samples could be misinterpretedCampylobacter for Arcobacter and Arcobacter for Campylobacter. This survey uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of Arcobacter spp. in the enriched samples, thus bypassing the typical plating and visual identification. Arcobacter butzleri species-specific probes were used to identify the A. butzleri positive samples

    Biphasic Culture of Arcobacter spp.

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    Arcobacter spp. have recently been genetically differentiated as a genus distinct from Campylobacter. Physiologically, Arcobacter spp. are aerotolerant bacteria, while Campylobacter spp. are microaerophilic. However, since Arcobacter spp. have been difficult to grow to high population densities in broth media, alternative culture techniques were investigated. A biphasic culture system was developed in 25 cm2 tissue culture flasks. Biphasic culture, consisting of a solid phase of 10% bovine blood agar and a liquid phase of Brain Heart Infusion broth, was found to increase bacterial population densities by more than 2 log10 cycles for strains of A. butzleri and A. skirrowii. A strain of A. cryaerophilus, which was non-culturable in broth culture, attained population densities of 109 cells ml-1 in biphasic culture. Neither the addition of fetal bovine serum to the liquid nor an increase in the surface area from 25 to 75 cm2 resulted in increased cell densities

    Prevalence and Genetic Variability of Arcobacter Species in Mechanically Separated Turkey

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    A survey for Arcobacter spp. and Arcobacter butzleri in mechanically separated turkey was conducted during the winter of 1995 and summer and fall of 1996. Arcobacter spp. and A. butzleri were identified by polymerase chain reaction and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. Arcobacter spp. were isolated from 77% (303 out of 395) of the mechanically separated turkey samples with 74% (223 out of 303) of these samples positive for A. butzleri. Of the 121 A. butz/eri isolates tested, 86 different patterns were evident following amplification of enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences. The extent of genetic polymorphism indicated multiple sources of contamination.This article is from Journal of Food Protection 61 (1998): 1623.</p

    Prevalence of Arcobacter spp. in Mechanically Deboned Turkey

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    In the winter survey, Arcobacter spp. was isolated from 92% of the mechanically deboned turkey (MDT) samples with 80% of the samples positive for A. butzleri. The summer survey had 83% of the MDT samples positive for Arcobacter spp. The high rate of positives from the two surveys, clearly indicates that Arcobacter spp. is prevalent in MDT. This may be cause for concern, especially if food testing laboratories are relying on the traditional isolation methods for Campylobacter from meat. Some of the samples could be misinterpretedCampylobacter for Arcobacter and Arcobacter for Campylobacter. This survey uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of Arcobacter spp. in the enriched samples, thus bypassing the typical plating and visual identification. Arcobacter butzleri species-specific probes were used to identify the A. butzleri positive samples.</p

    Prevalence and Genetic Variability of Arcobacter Species in Mechanically Separated Turkey

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    A survey for Arcobacter spp. and Arcobacter butzleri in mechanically separated turkey was conducted during the winter of 1995 and summer and fall of 1996. Arcobacter spp. and A. butzleri were identified by polymerase chain reaction and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. Arcobacter spp. were isolated from 77% (303 out of 395) of the mechanically separated turkey samples with 74% (223 out of 303) of these samples positive for A. butzleri. Of the 121 A. butz/eri isolates tested, 86 different patterns were evident following amplification of enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences. The extent of genetic polymorphism indicated multiple sources of contamination.This article is from Journal of Food Protection 61 (1998): 1623.</p

    Biphasic Culture of Arcobacter spp.

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    Arcobacter spp. have recently been genetically differentiated as a genus distinct from Campylobacter. Physiologically, Arcobacter spp. are aerotolerant bacteria, while Campylobacter spp. are microaerophilic. However, since Arcobacter spp. have been difficult to grow to high population densities in broth media, alternative culture techniques were investigated. A biphasic culture system was developed in 25 cm2 tissue culture flasks. Biphasic culture, consisting of a solid phase of 10% bovine blood agar and a liquid phase of Brain Heart Infusion broth, was found to increase bacterial population densities by more than 2 log10 cycles for strains of A. butzleri and A. skirrowii. A strain of A. cryaerophilus, which was non-culturable in broth culture, attained population densities of 109 cells ml-1 in biphasic culture. Neither the addition of fetal bovine serum to the liquid nor an increase in the surface area from 25 to 75 cm2 resulted in increased cell densities.This article is from Letters in Applied Microbiology 22 (1996): 195, doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.1996.tb01141.x.</p

    Uso dos solos e recursos hídricos no município de Capão do Leão – RS: possibilidade de impacto ambiental pelas atividades antrópicas

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    O município de Capão do Leão, situado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, apresenta diferentes atividades socioeconômicas gerando riscos potenciais ao meio ambiente, como a atividade de mineração de saibro e granito, o cultivo de arroz irrigado, a criação de bovinos e o reflorestamento de Eucaliptus sp. e Pinus sp. Essas atividades podem alterar a qualidade do solo, das águas subterrâneas e a recarga dos aqüíferos. A Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) e seu Sistema de Informações de Águas Subterrâneas (SIAGAS) disponibilizaram, em 2005, as últimas informações georreferenciadas do levantamento de 21 poços cadastrados no município de Capão do Leão. Estas informações relacionadas aos dados hidrogeoquímicos encontrados na literatura foram plotados através de softwares e mapas de distribuição espacial. Considerando o panorama ambiental do município de Capão do Leão associado aos mananciais hídricos que as diferentes atividades sócio-econômicas locais encontram-se situadas próximas as instalações dos poços tubulares, podendo impactar negativamente a qualidade destes recursos hídricos. Deve-se salientar que este trabalho necessita ser atualizado e ampliado em sua rede amostral visando avaliar a evolução dos cenários ambientais da região, permitindo assim tomadas de decisões e ações para minimizar os impactos, levando sempre em consideração o equilíbrio sócio-ambiental.The town of Capão do Leão, located in Rio Grande do Sul presents different socioeconomic activities, generating potential risks to the environment, as the activity of mining gravel and granite, the cultivation of rice, pecuary stocks and reforestation of Eucalyptus sp. and Pinus sp. These activities may alter the quality of soil, groundwater and aquifer recharge. The Research Company for Mineral Resources (CPRM) and your System of Information About Groundwater (SIAGAS) published, in 2005, the latest information from georeferenced survey of 21 wells registered in the town of Capão do Leão. This information related to the hydrogeochemical data found in the literature was plotted using the software and maps of spatial distribution. The environmental panorama of Capão do Leão associated with water sources showed that the different socioeconomic activities are located near the wells, which may negatively impact the quality of water resources. It should be noted that this work needs to be updated and extended in your network of samples to evaluate the development of environmental scenarios in the region, allowing thus decisions and actions to minimize impacts, always taking into account the social and environmental balance