585 research outputs found

    Development of systems and techniques for landing an aircraft using onboard television

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    A flight program was conducted to develop a landing technique with which a pilot could consistently and safely land a remotely piloted research vehicle (RPRV) without outside visual reference except through television. Otherwise, instrumentation was standard. Such factors as the selection of video parameters, the pilot's understanding of the television presentation, the pilot's ground cockpit environment, and the operational procedures for landing were considered. About 30 landings were necessary for a pilot to become sufficiently familiar and competent with the test aircraft to make powered approaches and landings with outside visual references only through television. When steep approaches and landings were made by remote control, the pilot's workload was extremely high. The test aircraft was used as a simulator for the F-15 RPRV, and as such was considered to be essential to the success of landing the F-15 RPRV

    Ab Initio Study of Hybrid b-bar-gb Mesons

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    Hybrid b-bar-gb molecules in which the heavy b-bar-b pair is bound together by the excited gluon field g are studied using the Born-Oppenheimer expansion and numerical simulations. The consistency of results from the two approaches reveals a simple and compelling physical picture for heavy hybrid states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses REVTeX and epsf, final published versio

    Unquenched Charmonium with NRQCD - Lattice 2000

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    We present results from a series of NRQCD simulations of the charmonium system, both in the quenched approximation and with n_f = 2 dynamical quarks. The spectra show evidence for quenching effects of ~10% in the S- and P-hyperfine splittings. We compare this with other systematic effects. Improving the NRQCD evolution equation altered the S-hyperfine by as much as 20 MeV, and we estimate radiative corrections may be as large as 40%.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Heavy Quark Physics

    Charmonium Spectrum from Quenched Anisotropic Lattice QCD

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    We present a detailed study of the charmonium spectrum using anisotropic lattice QCD. We first derive a tree-level improved clover quark action on the anisotropic lattice for arbitrary quark mass. The heavy quark mass dependences of the improvement coefficients, i.e. the ratio of the hopping parameters ζ=Kt/Ks\zeta=K_t/K_s and the clover coefficients cs,tc_{s,t}, are examined at the tree level. We then compute the charmonium spectrum in the quenched approximation employing ξ=as/at=3\xi = a_s/a_t = 3 anisotropic lattices. Simulations are made with the standard anisotropic gauge action and the anisotropic clover quark action at four lattice spacings in the range asa_s=0.07-0.2 fm. The clover coefficients cs,tc_{s,t} are estimated from tree-level tadpole improvement. On the other hand, for the ratio of the hopping parameters ζ\zeta, we adopt both the tree-level tadpole-improved value and a non-perturbative one. We calculate the spectrum of S- and P-states and their excitations. The results largely depend on the scale input even in the continuum limit, showing a quenching effect. When the lattice spacing is determined from the 1P1S1P-1S splitting, the deviation from the experimental value is estimated to be \sim30% for the S-state hyperfine splitting and \sim20% for the P-state fine structure. Our results are consistent with previous results at ξ=2\xi = 2 obtained by Chen when the lattice spacing is determined from the Sommer scale r0r_0. We also address the problem with the hyperfine splitting that different choices of the clover coefficients lead to disagreeing results in the continuum limit.Comment: 43 pages, 49 eps figures, revtex; minor changes, version to appear in Physical Review

    Genome Biol.

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    With genome analysis expanding from the study of genes to the study of gene regulation, 'regulatory genomics' utilizes sequence information, evolution and functional genomics measurements to unravel how regulatory information is encoded in the genome

    O(a)-improved quark action on anisotropic lattices and perturbative renormalization of heavy-light currents

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    We investigate the Symanzik improvement of the Wilson quark action on anisotropic lattices. Taking first a general action with nearest-neighbor and clover interactions, we study the mass dependence of the ratio of the hopping parameters, the clover coefficients, and an improvement coefficient for heavy-light vector and axial vector currents. We show how tree-level improvement can be achieved. For a particular choice of the spatial Wilson coupling, the results simplify, and O(m0aτ)O(m_0a_\tau) improvement is possible. (Here m0m_0 is the bare quark mass and aτa_\tau the temporal lattice spacing.) With this choice we calculate the renormalization factors of heavy-light bilinear operators at one-loop order of perturbation theory employing the standard plaquette gauge action.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Morphological evolution of electrochemically plated stripped lithium microstructures by synchrotron X ray phase contrast tomography

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    Due to its low redox potential and high theoretical specific capacity, Li metal has drawn worldwide research attention because of its potential use in next generation battery technologies such as Li S and Li O2. Unfortunately, uncontrollable growth of Li microstructures LmSs, e.g., dendrites, fibers during electrochemical Li stripping plating has prevented their practical commercialization. Despite various strategies proposed to mitigate LmS nucleation and or block its growth, a fundamental understanding of the underlying evolution mechanisms remains elusive. Herein, synchrotron in line phase contrast X ray tomography was employed to investigate the morphological evolution of electrochemically deposited dissolved LmSs nondestructively. We present a 3D characterization of electrochemically stripped Li electrodes with regard to electrochemically plated LmSs. We clarify fundamentally the origin of the porous lithium interface growing into Li electrodes. Moreover, cleavage of the separator caused by growing LmS was experimentally observed and visualized in 3D. Our systematic investigation provides fundamental insights into LmS evolution and enables us to understand the evolution mechanisms in Li electrodes more profoundl

    On dynamic network entropy in cancer

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    The cellular phenotype is described by a complex network of molecular interactions. Elucidating network properties that distinguish disease from the healthy cellular state is therefore of critical importance for gaining systems-level insights into disease mechanisms and ultimately for developing improved therapies. By integrating gene expression data with a protein interaction network to induce a stochastic dynamics on the network, we here demonstrate that cancer cells are characterised by an increase in the dynamic network entropy, compared to cells of normal physiology. Using a fundamental relation between the macroscopic resilience of a dynamical system and the uncertainty (entropy) in the underlying microscopic processes, we argue that cancer cells will be more robust to random gene perturbations. In addition, we formally demonstrate that gene expression differences between normal and cancer tissue are anticorrelated with local dynamic entropy changes, thus providing a systemic link between gene expression changes at the nodes and their local network dynamics. In particular, we also find that genes which drive cell-proliferation in cancer cells and which often encode oncogenes are associated with reductions in the dynamic network entropy. In summary, our results support the view that the observed increased robustness of cancer cells to perturbation and therapy may be due to an increase in the dynamic network entropy that allows cells to adapt to the new cellular stresses. Conversely, genes that exhibit local flux entropy decreases in cancer may render cancer cells more susceptible to targeted intervention and may therefore represent promising drug targets.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. Submitte