23 research outputs found

    Modul Praktikum Penatalaksana Pada Kondisi Gangguan Neuromuskular

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    Cedera olahraga apabila tidak ditangani dengan cepat dan benar dapat mengakibatkan gangguan atau keterbatasan fisik, baik dalam melakukan aktifitas hidup sehari - hari maupun melakukan aktivitas olahraga yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan bersamaan memberikan dengan sosialisasi kepada siswa SMKN 10 cawang tentang pencegahan dan penanganan cidera Olahraga. Dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan siswa diajarkan bagaimana pencegahan serta penanganan cidera olahraga dengan mempraktekkan langsung. Data hasil skor kuesioner yang diambil sebelum diberikan penyuluhan menunjukan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan tentang pencegahan dan penanganan cedera olahraga lebih tinggi pada siswa yang tidak pernah mengalami cedera olahraga. Booklet tentang pencegahan dan penanganan cidera olahraga juga diberikan kepada siswa dan guru sebagai buku pegangan/ panduan dalam pencegahan dan penanganan cedera olahraga. Dari pengolahan data evaluasi kuesioner dengan menganalisa rerata hasil kuesioner sebelum penyuluhan dan sesudah penyuluhan terdapat peningkatan nilai rerata setelah siswa SMKN 10 mendapatkan penyuluhan

    The Description Of Independence Level Of Poststroke Patients

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    The main source of disability that prevents individuals from being independent in doing everyday activities is functional movement disorders caused by bodily weakness in stroke conditions. This study aims to find out the level of independence of post-stroke patients. Methods: This study employs a descriptive quantitative approach based on the level of independence, type of stroke, and the side of the brain that is affected by stroke patients in Jakarta. Physiotherapists served as the enumerators for the study, which lasted for two months. The data were collected by observing and interviewing patients using the Functional Independent Measure (FIM) instrument. Results: A total of 101 stroke patients, including 78 ischemic stroke patients and 23 hemorrhagic stroke patients, were included in this study. A total of 40 individuals have left hemispheric lesions, of which 35 have ischemic types and 5 have hemorrhagic types. The overall number of patients with right hemisphere lesions is 61; of these, 43 have ischemic types and 18 have hemorrhagic types. Hemorrhagic stroke has a level of independence of 4.16 (SD + 1.06), while the ischemic stroke has a level of independence of 4.69 (SD +0.80). Ischemic stroke patients have a higher total FIM score than hemorrhagic stroke patients. Conclusion: Patients with ischemic stroke have a better level of independence than those with hemorrhagic stroke. Keywords: Stroke; Functional Independence Measure; Ischemic; Hemorrhagic; hemispher

    Determinants of physical activity among middle aged and elderly

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    Background: Physical activity is an important role to avoid non-communicable diseases. This study aims to find out the determinants associated with physical activity among middle aged and elderly. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design on aged 45-year-old respondent that lived in DKI Jakarta. Data collection was carried out for 6 months through interviews conducted by enumerators with recording answers using g�form. Physical activity data was obtained by interviewing activities conducted by respondents in the last 7 days which will then be categorized into heavy, moderate, and low. The physical activity questionnaire used the global physical activity questioner, and the other variables were assessed through interviews with categorized results. Data processed using SPSS through descriptive data, to assess data’s frequency and correlation by looking at the magnitude of the relationship.  Results: Correlation assessed with gamma test as the data was categorical with more than 3 groups and was not normally distributed. There was a significant association between physical activity and work (p=0.001), comorbid amounts (p=0.001), and body mass index (p=0.011) with a fairly strong correlation. Hypertension and joint disease are common diseases (33%) acquired among middle aged and elderly. Conclusions: There is a relationship between physical activity and work, the number of comorbidities, and body mass indexes with a fairly strong relationship. Interviews directly with respondents can lead to better data. Keywords: Physical activity, Middle aged and elderly, Global physical activity questioner, Comorbi

    Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation approach for low back pain: A review study

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    Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is an exercise based on neuromuscular control by stimulation of proprioceptors. The PNF exercise is more popular in the treatment of neurological problems than for musculoskeletal disorders. Numerous research has been done on its application on low back pain (LBP) condition. However, there is not many studies review the application of PNF approach on LBP condition. The aim of this study is to review the PNF approach and explore on its effect on LBP condition. Method: This research uses a simple research literature review method. Data were collected through searches on research article databases such as Google Scholar and health research databases, namely PubMed, Cochrane PEDro and other scientific journals databases. Result: After searching for articles from the Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane and PEDro databases, several research results were obtained on the use of PNF in LBP conditions with the following results. There were 19 researches that has been published provided by the databases. Conclusions: All studies have shown that the PNF approach in patients with LBP, whether chronic or not, is sufficient to provide beneficial effects in reducing pain, increasing functional ability, postural control, trunk stability, the flexibility of the lumbar and hip, increasing FEV1 and increasing trunk muscle activity. Furthermore, in general, PNF also appears to be more dominant than other exercises for the management of LBP conditions. Keywords: Physiotherapy, LBP, Exercise Therapy, PNF, Revie

    Joint Complaints in the Elderly During the COVID-19

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    Background: COVID-19 has an impact on the lack of physical activity of the elderly so that it can cause complaints in the joints such as: pain, swelling, and limited movement. This study aim of the study was to find out the prevalence joint complaints in the elderly during the COVID-19. Method: Research is descriptive with a quantitative approach on 150 elderly people in Cililitan Village, East Jakarta, Indonesia, where data collection is carried out by community health worker (CHW) who have been trained. Primary data collection through a questionnaire containing six questions about complaints of pain, swelling, and motion limitation in the joints: neck, shoulders, elbows, pelvis, ankles, fingers, toes, waist, wrists, and knees. Results: Joint disorders occurred by the elderly, 133 elderly (89%) had two joint problems, followed 8 elderly (5%) had problems in one joint, and as many as 9 elderly (6%) had three joint disorders. Joint complaints in the knee joint are 44%, pain in the pelvic joint 25.3%, and pain in the fingers of the hand 24%. The second complaint of swelling occurs in the knee joints by 8%, followed by the fingers and pelvic joints, which is 5.3%. The third complaint is limited movement in the knee joint 58.6%, fingers 30%, and toes 22%. Conclusions: All respondents had joint complaints during the COVID-19 mainly occurring in the knee joints, fingers, toes, and pelvis. Keywords: Elderly, Joint complaints, COVID-19, Knee joints, Pai