567 research outputs found

    Task Force Development to Provide Education and Leadership to the Meat Goat Industry

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    Chevon is the most frequently consumed meat in the world. Meat goat production is increasing because of the economic value of goats as efficient converters of low-quality forages into quality meat, milk, and hide products for specialty markets of health conscious, ethnic, and faith based consumers. Estimates of national marketing indicate that U.S. meat goat production is nearly 500,000 head less than demand. Where resources are limited, meat goats can be raised efficiently and profitably on small farms, so the country could become self-sufficient in meat goats

    Nontuberculous mycobacterial disease following hot tub exposure.

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    Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have been recognized as an important cause of disease in immunocompromised hosts. Pulmonary disease caused by NTM is increasingly recognized in previously healthy persons. Investigation of pulmonary disease affecting a family of five identified an indoor hot tub as the source of NTM-related disease

    Functional and dysfunctional conformers of human neuroserpin Characterized by optical spectroscopies and molecular dynamics

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    Neuroserpin (NS) is a serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) involved in different neurological pathologies, including the Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB), related to the aberrant polymerization of NS mutants. Here we present an in vitro and in silico characterization of native neuroserpin and its dysfunctional conformation isoforms: the proteolytically cleaved conformer, the inactive latent conformer, and the polymeric species. Based on circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, we present an experimental validation of the latent model and highlight the main structural features of the different conformers. In particular, emission spectra of aromatic residues yield distinct conformational fingerprints, that provide a novel and simple spectroscopic tool for selecting serpin conformers in vitro. Based on the structural relationship between cleaved and latent serpins, we propose a structural model for latent NS, for which an experimental crystallographic structure is lacking. Molecular Dynamics simulations suggest that NS conformational stability and flexibility arise from a spatial distribution of intramolecular salt-bridges and hydrogen bonds

    Do ACE inhibitors improve the response to exercise training in functionally impaired older adults? A randomized controlled trial

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    <br>Background: Loss of muscle mass and strength with ageing is a major cause for falls, disability, and morbidity in older people. Previous studies have found that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) may improve physical function in older people. It is unclear whether ACEi provide additional benefit when added to a standard exercise training program. We examined the effects of ACEi therapy on physical function in older people undergoing exercise training.</br> <b>Methods:</b> Community-dwelling people aged ≥65 years with functional impairment were recruited through general (family) practices. All participants received progressive exercise training. Participants were randomized to receive either 4 mg perindopril or matching placebo daily for 20 weeks. The primary outcome was between-group change in 6-minute walk distance from baseline to 20 weeks. Secondary outcomes included changes in Short Physical Performance Battery, handgrip and quadriceps strength, self-reported quality of life using the EQ-5D, and functional impairment measured using the Functional Limitations Profile.<p></p> <b>Results:</b> A total of 170 participants (n = 86 perindopril, n = 84 placebo) were randomized. Mean age was 75.7 (standard deviation [SD] 6.8) years. Baseline 6-minute walk distance was 306 m (SD 99). Both groups increased their walk distance (by 29.6 m perindopril, 36.4 m placebo group) at 20 weeks, but there was no statistically significant treatment effect between groups (−8.6m [95% confidence interval: −30.1, 12.9], p = .43). No statistically significant treatment effects were observed between groups for the secondary outcomes. Adverse events leading to withdrawal were few (n = 0 perindopril, n = 4 placebo).<p></p> <b>Interpretation:</b> ACE inhibitors did not enhance the effect of exercise training on physical function in functionally impaired older people.<p></p&gt

    Degradation versus fibrillogenesis, two alternative pathways modulated by seeds and glycosaminoglycans

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    The mechanism that converts native human transthyretin into amyloid fibrils in vivo is still a debated and controversial issue. Commonly, non-physiological conditions of pH, temperature, or organic solvents are used in in vitro models of fibrillogenesis of globular proteins. Transthyretin amyloid formation can be achieved under physiological conditions through a mechano-enzymatic mechanism involving specific serine proteases such as trypsin or plasmin. Here, we investigate S52P and L111M transthyretin variants, both causing a severe form of systemic amyloidosis mostly targeting the heart at a relatively young age with heterogeneous phenotype among patients. Our studies on thermodynamics show that both proteins are significantly less stable than other amyloidogenic variants. However, despite a similar thermodynamic stability, L111M variant seems to have enhanced susceptibility to cleavage and a lower tendency to form fibrils than S52P in the presence of specific proteases and biomechanical forces. Heparin strongly enhances the fibrillogenic capacity of L111M transthyretin, but has no effect on the S52P variant. Fibrillar seeds similarly affect the fibrillogenesis of both proteins, with a stronger effect on the L111M variant. According to our model of mechano-enzymatic fibrillogenesis, both full-length and truncated monomers, released after the first cleavage, can enter into fibrillogenesis or degradation pathways. Our findings show that the kinetics of the two processes can be affected by several factors, such as intrinsic amyloidogenicity due to the specific mutations, environmental factors including heparin and fibrillar seeds that significantly accelerate the fibrillogenic pathway

    The complementary role of histology and proteomics for diagnosis and typing of systemic amyloidosis

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    The tissue diagnosis of amyloidosis and confirmation of fibril protein type, which are crucial for clinical management, have traditionally relied on Congo red (CR) staining followed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using fibril protein specific antibodies. However, amyloid IHC is qualitative, non-standardised, requires operator expertise, and not infrequently fails to produce definitive results. More recently, laser dissection mass spectrometry (LDMS) has been developed as an alternative method to characterise amyloid in tissue sections. We sought to compare these techniques in a real world setting. During 2017, we performed LDMS on 640 formalin-fixed biopsies containing amyloid (CR+ve) comprising all 320 cases that could not be typed by IHC (IHC−ve) and 320 randomly selected CR+ve samples that had been typed (IHC+ve). In addition, we studied 60 biopsies from patients in whom there was a strong suspicion of amyloidosis, but in whom histology was non-diagnostic (CR–ve). Comprehensive clinical assessments were conducted in 532 (76%) of cases. Among the 640 CR+ve samples, 602 (94%) contained ≥2 of 3 amyloid signature proteins (ASPs) on LDMS (ASP+ve) supporting the presence of amyloid. A total of 49 of the 60 CR-ve samples were ASP–ve; 7 of 11 that were ASP+ve were glomerular. The amyloid fibril protein was identified by LDMS in 255 of 320 (80%) of the IHC–ve samples and in a total of 545 of 640 (85%) cases overall. The LDMS and IHC techniques yielded discordant results in only 7 of 320 (2%) cases. CR histology and LDMS are corroborative for diagnosis of amyloid, but LDMS is superior to IHC for confirming amyloid type

    Diagnostic amyloid proteomics: experience of the UK National Amyloidosis Centre

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    Systemic amyloidosis is a serious disease which is caused when normal circulating proteins misfold and aggregate extracellularly as insoluble fibrillary deposits throughout the body. This commonly results in cardiac, renal and neurological damage. The tissue target, progression and outcome of the disease depends on the type of protein forming the fibril deposit, and its correct identification is central to determining therapy. Proteomics is now used routinely in our centre to type amyloid; over the past 7 years we have examined over 2000 clinical samples. Proteomics results are linked directly to our patient database using a simple algorithm to automatically highlight the most likely amyloidogenic protein. Whilst the approach has proved very successful, we have encountered a number of challenges, including poor sample recovery, limited enzymatic digestion, the presence of multiple amyloidogenic proteins and the identification of pathogenic variants. Our proteomics procedures and approaches to resolving difficult issues are outlined

    Self-Reported Occupational Exposure to HIV and Factors Influencing its Management Practice: A Study of Healthcare Workers in Tumbi and Dodoma Hospitals, Tanzania.

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    Blood borne infectious agents such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immune deficiency virus (HIV) constitute a major occupational hazard for healthcare workers (HCWs). To some degree it is inevitable that HCWs sustain injuries from sharp objects such as needles, scalpels and splintered bone during execution of their duties. However, in Tanzania, there is little or no information on factors that influence the practice of managing occupational exposure to HIV by HCWs. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of self-reported occupational exposure to HIV among HCWs and explore factors that influence the practice of managing occupational exposure to HIV by HCWs in Tanzania. Self-administered questionnaire was designed to gather information of healthcare workers' occupational exposures in the past 12 months and circumstances in which these injuries occurred. Practice of managing occupational exposure was assessed by the following questions: Nearly half of the HCWs had experienced at least one occupational injury in the past 12 months. Though most of the occupational exposures to HIV were experienced by female nurses, non-medical hospital staff received PEP more frequently than nurses and doctors. Doctors and nurses frequently encountered occupational injuries in surgery room and labor room respectively. HCWs with knowledge on the possibility of HIV transmission and those who knew whom to contact in event of occupational exposure to HIV were less likely to have poor practice of managing occupational exposure. Needle stick injuries and splashes are common among HCWs at Tumbi and Dodoma hospitals. Knowledge of the risk of HIV transmission due to occupational exposure and knowing whom to contact in event of exposure predicted practice of managing the exposure. Thus provision of health education on occupational exposure may strengthen healthcare workers' practices to manage occupational exposure

    Clinical ApoA-IV amyloid is associated with fibrillogenic signal sequence

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    Apolipoprotein A-IV amyloidosis is an uncommon form of the disease normally resulting in renal and cardiac dysfunction. ApoA-IV amyloidosis was identified in 16 patients attending the National Amyloidosis Centre and in eight clinical samples received for histology review. Unexpectedly, proteomics identified the presence of ApoA-IV signal sequence residues (p.18-43 to p.20-43) in 16/24 trypsin-digested amyloid deposits but in only 1/266 non-ApoA-IV amyloid samples examined. These additional signal residues were also detected in the cardiac sample from the Swedish patient in which ApoA-IV amyloid was first described, and in plasma from a single cardiac ApoA-IV amyloidosis patient. The most common signal-containing peptide observed in ApoA-IV amyloid, p.20-43, and to a far lesser extent the N-terminal peptide, p.21-43, were fibrillogenic in vitro at physiological pH, generating Congo red-positive fibrils. The addition of a single signal-derived alanine residue to the N-terminus has resulted in markedly increased fibrillogenesis. If this effect translates to the mature circulating protein in vivo, then the presence of signal may result in preferential deposition as amyloid, perhaps acting as seed for the main circulating native form of the protein; it may also influence other ApoA-IV-associated pathologies. \ua9 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
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