59 research outputs found

    Il sistema NILDE per il Document Delivery: dalla sperimentazione alla cooperazione, dal progetto al servizio

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    NILDE: dalla nascita del progetto nella Biblioteca di Area del CNR di Bologna allo sviluppo di un servizio basato su parametri qualitativi e su di un metodo di lavoro cooperativo tra biblioteche universitarie, di enti di ricerca e pubbliche presenti sul territorio nazionale. Le motivazioni che hanno portato alla sottoscrizione di un Regolamento condiviso da tutte le biblioteche aderenti e l\u27esperienza di tre anni di cooperazione

    Evaluation of an Internet Document Delivery Service

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    An Internet-based Document Delivery Service (DDS) has been developed within the framework of the CNR ( the Italian Research National Council) Project BiblioMIME, in order to take advantage of new Internet technologies and promote cooperation among CNR and Italian university libraries. Adopting such technologies changes the traditional organisation of DDS and may drastically reduce costs and delivery times. An information system managing DDS requests and monitoring the temporal evolution of the service has been implemented, running on the local-area network of a test-site library. It aims to track number and types of documents requested and received, user distribution, delivery times and types (surface mail, fax, Internet), to automate repetitive manual procedures and to deal with the various accounting methods used by other libraries. Transmission of documents is carried out by means of an e-mail/Web gateway system supporting document exchange via Internet, which assists receiving libraries in retrieving requested documents. This paper describes the architecture and main design features of the e-mail/Web gateway server (the BiblioMime server). This approach permits librarians to continue using e-mail service to send large documents, while resolving problems that users may encounter when downloading large size files with e-mail agents. The library operator sends the document as an attachment to the destination address; on fly the e-mail server extracts and saves the attachments in a web-server disk file and substitutes them with a new message part that includes an URL pointing to the saved document. The receiver can download these large objects by means of a user-friendly browser. We further discuss the data gathered during the triennium 1998-2000; this consists of about 5,000 DDS transactions per annum with 300 other Italian scientific and bio-medical libraries and commercial document suppliers. Use of the instruments described above allowed us to evaluate the performance of service "before" and "after" the use of Internet Document Delivery and to extract some critical data regarding DDS. Those include: a) libraries with which we have greater numbers of exchanges and their turnaround times; b) extraordinary reduction in costs and delivery times; c) the most frequently requested serial titles (allowing cost-effective decisions on new subscriptions); d) impact on DDS of library participation in consortia which allow user access to greater numbers of online serials

    The RainBO Platform for Enhancing Urban Resilience to Floods: An Ecient Tool for Planning and Emergency Phases

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    Many urban areas face an increasing flood risk, which includes the risk of flash floods. Increasing extreme precipitation events will likely lead to greater human and economic losses unless reliable and efficient early warning systems (EWS) along with other adaptation actions are put in place in urban areas. The challenge is in the integration and analysis in time and space of the environmental, meteorological, and territorial data from multiple sources needed to build up EWS able to provide efficient contribution to increase the resilience of vulnerable and exposed urban communities to flooding. Efficient EWS contribute to the preparedness phase of the disaster cycle but could also be relevant in the planning of the emergency phase. The RainBO Life project addressed this matter, focusing on the improvement of knowledge, methods, and tools for the monitoring and forecast of extreme precipitation events and the assessment of the associated flood risk for small and medium watercourses in urban areas. To put this into practice, RainBO developed a webGIS platform, which contributes to the “planning” of the management of river flood events through the use of detailed data and flood risk/vulnerability maps, and the “event management” with real-time monitoring/forecast of the events through the collection of observed data from real sensors, estimated/forecasted data from hydrologic models as well as qualitative data collected through a crowdsourcing app

    Strategies and Alliances into Action to Improve National Collaboration

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    The Italian NILDE network of libraries continues to grow through the use of the NILDE system and currently comprises more than 600 Italian librarians and about 10.000 registered end-users.The system allows to daily manage and to record all the Inter-Library-Loan (ILL) operations, with a high national coverage. This paper presents the NILDE network governance and evolution and the strategies that have been put into action to improve collaboration in resource sharing among the participants. These strategies include: − release of best practices and worst practices; − activities to promote the knowledge about the network; − cooperation with the Italian national catalogs and consortia; − data analysis about ILL and its performance, related to: turn around time, reciprocity factor, requested/supplied documents imbalance analysis, analysis of ILL requested serial titles and their relationship with consortial e-only acquisitions. The availability of such a high volume of ILL data has allowed for the first time to analyze the trends and gaps of ILL and to help future cooperative acquisitions planning

    Nano-structured magnetic metamaterial with enhanced nonlinear properties

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    Nano-structuring can significantly modify the properties of materials. We demonstrate that size-dependent modification of the spin-wave spectra in magnetic nano-particles can affect not only linear, but also nonlinear magnetic response. The discretization of the spectrum removes the frequency degeneracy between the main excitation mode of a nano-particle and the higher spin-wave modes, having the lowest magnetic damping, and reduces the strength of multi-magnon relaxation processes. This reduction of magnon-magnon relaxation for the main excitation mode leads to a dramatic increase of its lifetime and amplitude, resulting in the intensification of all the nonlinear processes involving this mode. We demonstrate this experimentally on a two-dimensional array of permalloy nano-dots for the example of parametric generation of a sub-harmonic of an external microwave signal. The characteristic lifetime of this sub-harmonic is increased by two orders of magnitude compared to the case of a continuous magnetic film, where magnon-magnon relaxation limits the lifetime

    The Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative: the NILDE case study in the frame of Italian experiences

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    NILDE (Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange) is born at the CNR Bologna Research Area Library to provide an effective answer to the needs of libraries in order to guarantee information accessibility, sharing resources through Inter Library Loan (ILL) of returnable and non-returnable items (books and journal articles)

    Document Delivery e trasmissione elettronica sicura: uno stato dell'arte

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    This paper analyzes the DD clauses in electronic licenses and, particularly, secure Electronic Document Delivery (sEDD). A review of the most used software for sEDD offers an interesting state of the art about the different ways to use them from two points of view: cooperative library networks and commercial document delivery providers. DRM systems try to give a solution to the need of implementing robust and reliable mechanisms to control copyrighted electronic material. However, the authors wonder to what extent the preventive author/publisher rights defense may fit in order not to jeopardize free circulation of information in scientific research

    Modelling the environmental impact of omni-channel purchasing in the apparel industry: The role of logistics

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    This paper addresses an identified need of quantitative models in the rising field of omni-channel (OC) purchasing sustainability. It contributes with a detailed assessment of the environmental impact of two processes, click and collect (C&C) and mobile shopping in store (MSiS), highlighting the weight of logistics activities. An activity-based model is developed and applied to a base case, that best represents the average purchasing process in the apparel industry, considering both the retailer's and the customer's perspectives. Sensitivity analyses are performed as well. Results show that MSiS is less sustainable than C&C, mainly due to the heavier impact of transport. For both configurations, the most critical parameter is the distance between the customer house and the store, whereas the customer profile and the location of the customer house (urban vs. extra-urban area) are additional significant factors for MSiS. The results of this study are also compared to previous research in the field of e-commerce environmental sustainability

    Il Servizio Document Delivery della Biblioteca di Area del CNR di Bologna. Report 2002-2003

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    This Report shows the activities and scope of the Document Delivery (DD) Department in the two year period 2002-2003, in particularly it analyzes DD service through the means of performance indicators such as turnaround time, costs, fill-rate, number of partner libraries.Il Report presenta i dati che hanno caratterizzato il servizio Document Delivery (DD) nel biennio 2002-2003, in particolare analizza il servizio DD attraverso gli indicatori di qualit?: tasso di successo, costo, tempi di fornitura e numero di biblioteche con le quali sono stati attivati accordi di cooperazione
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