493 research outputs found

    The relationship between ILL/document supply and journal subscriptions

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide insights into the relationship between ILL/ document supply and journal subscriptions and to assess recent trends in the ILL service. Design/methodology/Approach: This survey is based on data from the ILL service conducted over the five year period 2005-2009 through the Italian NILDE (Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange) network. Findings: This article bears out important previous findings that ILL is not used as a surrogate for journal subscriptions. This is supported by the analysis of a broad number of titles and over a wide time-range. On the contrary, analysis of data transactions, particularly of the most requested journals, can bring about positive effects on new title acquisitions and negotiations with publishers. This paper also shows, at least for Italy, an overall growth and vitality of ILL, in spite of the widespread availability of e-journals acquired through consortia purchasing. Originality/Value: An insight into the relationship between ILL and journal subscriptions in Italy, a country where few studies have been carried out, and none at all for such a large number of libraries and transactions

    Advanced crew procedures development techniques: Procedures and performance program description

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    The Procedures and Performance Program (PPP) for operation in conjunction with the Shuttle Procedures Simulator (SPS) is described. The PPP user interface, the SPS/PPP interface, and the PPP applications software are discussed

    Hotspots e diritti: un binomio possibile?

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    Il lavoro si occupa di verificare la compatibilit\ue0 degli hotspots per migranti con il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali a livello sia costituzionale, sia convenzionale

    Il sistema NILDE: obiettivi, stato dell\u27arte, risultati della sperimentazione

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    This paper presents the results of the 2 year experiments with the NILDE system, relating to 14,000 documents provided by 79 Italian libraries. For the first time it has been possible to compare the performance of libraries with a wide range of characteristics and exchange volumes, since all requests were carried through the same system. Since NILDE automatically saves request and delivery dates, turn-around times have been compared; it is demonstrated that participating libraries had improved their service performances during the two year experiments. However, there is a lack of equilibrium between ?providing libraries? (79) having actively joined the experiments, and ?requesting libraries? (400).La sperimentazione del sistema Nilde (Network Inter-Library Document Exchange) ha consentito di analizzare i dati relativi al servizio Document Delivery di 77 biblioteche italiane, in termini di modalit? di consegna dei documenti, tempi di evasione e tasso di successo. Vengono presentati i dati relativi a 24 mesi di sperimentazione (23 Maggio 2001 - 21 Maggio 2003), nel corso dei quali sono stati richiesti in totale 13.936 documenti, di cui 10.867 evasi con successo. E\u27 stato possibile per la prima volta confrontare le performance di biblioteche con caratteristiche e volumi di scambio diversi, poich? tutte le richieste sono transitate attraverso lo stesso sistema, che provvede automaticamente a memorizzare la data di invio di una richiesta e la corrispondente data di evasione

    Cooperazione per lo scambio di documentazione: il sistema Nilde

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    History and development of NILDE System for cooperation and resource sharing.Nascita e sviluppo del sistema NILDE per la cooperazione nello scambio dei documenti

    La ceramica come indicatore per la ricostruzione degli assetti economici e sociali in Sicilia tra il IX e l'XI secolo

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    La tesi affronta lo studio della ceramica come indicatore socio-economico in Sicilia tra IX e XI secolo. L’interesse dello studio Ăš quindi focalizzato sulla Sicilia islamica (827-1072 d.C.). La trattazione inizia tracciando un quadro della tarda etĂ  bizantina (VIII secolo) antecedente l’inizio dell’invasione araba e termina con la seconda metĂ  dell’XI secolo. Gli obiettivi della ricerca sono la creazione del quadro d’insieme piĂč esaustivo possibile delle classi ceramiche (e dei tipi) di produzione locale e di importazione presenti nell’isola all’interno del periodo considerato dalla tesi; la sistematizzazione dell’edito ed il suo inserimento all’interno di un Sistema Informativo Geografico (GIS) appositamente creato per gestire il complesso documentario relativo alla ceramica medievale al fine di elaborare cartografia tematica (sia di tipo diacronico sia sincronico-tipologico), lavorando su scala regionale; la verifica dei quadri di sintesi esistenti sui temi della produzione, circolazione e consumo di ceramica; l’aggiornamento/modifica di tali quadri sulla base del riesame della documentazione edita, integrata con dati inediti per quanto riguarda il territorio comunale di Contessa Entellina; la costruzione di un «modello socio-economico di coerenza» (CANTINI 2011) per la Sicilia relativo ai secoli VIII-XI. L’area oggetto della ricerca corrisponde all’intera Sicilia. Il complesso della ceramica analizzata, con cronologie comprese tra VIII e XI secolo, proviene da piĂč di 180 siti di varia natura, oggetto di indagini di differente valore scientifico dallo sterro, alla ricognizione di superficie, allo scavo sistematico. La parte centrale del lavoro Ăš costituita dalla discussione dei dati e dalla elaborazione dei quadri di sintesi sui temi della produzione, circolazione e consumo di manufatti ceramici. I tipi morfologici principali di ogni classe sono raccolti ed ordinati all’interno del catalogo dei materiali, corredato dalle tavole che illustrano profili e decorazioni delle ceramiche. Nella parte finale del lavoro il complesso dei materiali (classi e tipi morfologici principali) Ăš sistematizzato all’interno di una tavola cronotipologica generale elaborata per i secoli VIII-XI

    Community Nursing: Health Care Behind Closed Doors

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    Focus of nursing education in the 21st century is to teach students how to work with individuals & families within a community setting & to develop skills in providing nursing care that stresses community as the client. The expectation of the APHA is that BSN students will be educationally prepared to work with & improve the health of individuals, families, & diverse populations within the community.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/nursingposters/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluation of an Internet Document Delivery Service

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    An Internet-based Document Delivery Service (DDS) has been developed within the framework of the CNR ( the Italian Research National Council) Project BiblioMIME, in order to take advantage of new Internet technologies and promote cooperation among CNR and Italian university libraries. Adopting such technologies changes the traditional organisation of DDS and may drastically reduce costs and delivery times. An information system managing DDS requests and monitoring the temporal evolution of the service has been implemented, running on the local-area network of a test-site library. It aims to track number and types of documents requested and received, user distribution, delivery times and types (surface mail, fax, Internet), to automate repetitive manual procedures and to deal with the various accounting methods used by other libraries. Transmission of documents is carried out by means of an e-mail/Web gateway system supporting document exchange via Internet, which assists receiving libraries in retrieving requested documents. This paper describes the architecture and main design features of the e-mail/Web gateway server (the BiblioMime server). This approach permits librarians to continue using e-mail service to send large documents, while resolving problems that users may encounter when downloading large size files with e-mail agents. The library operator sends the document as an attachment to the destination address; on fly the e-mail server extracts and saves the attachments in a web-server disk file and substitutes them with a new message part that includes an URL pointing to the saved document. The receiver can download these large objects by means of a user-friendly browser. We further discuss the data gathered during the triennium 1998-2000; this consists of about 5,000 DDS transactions per annum with 300 other Italian scientific and bio-medical libraries and commercial document suppliers. Use of the instruments described above allowed us to evaluate the performance of service “before” and “after” the use of Internet Document Delivery and to extract some critical data regarding DDS. Those include: a) libraries with which we have greater numbers of exchanges and their turnaround times; b) extraordinary reduction in costs and delivery times; c) the most frequently requested serial titles (allowing cost-effective decisions on new subscriptions); d) impact on DDS of library participation in consortia which allow user access to greater numbers of online serials
