23 research outputs found

    A Machine Learning-Based Holistic Approach to Predict the Clinical Course of Patients within the Alzheimer’s Disease Spectrum

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    Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative condition driven by multifactorial etiology. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a transitional condition between healthy aging and dementia. No reliable biomarkers are available to predict the conversion from MCI to AD. Objective: To evaluate the use of machine learning (ML) on a wealth of data offered by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics Consortium (ADMC) database in the prediction of the MCI to AD conversion. Methods: We implemented an ML-based Random Forest (RF) algorithm to predict conversion from MCI to AD. Data related to the study population (587 MCI subjects) were analyzed by RF as separate or combined features and assessed for classification power. Four classes of variables were considered: neuropsychological test scores, AD-related cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, peripheral biomarkers, and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) variables. Results: The ML-based algorithm exhibited 86% accuracy in predicting the AD conversion of MCI subjects. When assessing the features that helped the most, neuropsychological test scores, MRI data, and CSF biomarkers were the most relevant in the MCI to AD prediction. Peripheral parameters were effective when employed in association with neuropsychological test scores. Age and sex differences modulated the prediction accuracy. AD conversion was more effectively predicted in females and younger subjects. Conclusion: Our findings support the notion that AD-related neurodegenerative processes result from the concerted activity of multiple pathological mechanisms and factors that act inside and outside the brain and are dynamically affected by age and sex

    What is love? Precarious lives, precarious loves in the works of Italian women graphic novelists

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    After several years of an almost exclusively male presence, the Italian graphic novel scene has finally opened to a multitude of creative female voices with multi-faceted works spanning from autobiographical themes to graphic science and beyond. Conditioned by the existential precariousness of the context in which they live and work, their production also reflects on their sentimental and sexual lives, both staging new, fluid relationships and trying to find an alternative perspective to the much-discussed male gaze. This contribution aims to discuss the role played by women graphic novelists in portraying the gendered dimension of emotional precariousness in a historical period (the 2000s) and a societal context (Italy) in which pervasive financial, geographical and identity insecurities, coupled with a persistent sexist culture, push female subjectivities to deconstruct both the patriarchal grand narrative of romantic love and the radical feminist myth of sexual liberation. Reading the graphic novels La giusta mezura (2018) by Flavia Biondi, Non so chi sei (2017) by Cristina Portolano, and Ti chiamo domani (2019) by Rita Petruccioli through a gender studies theoretical framework, this article will investigate the creative strategies adopted to represent the challenges and the opportunities that flexibility poses to female relationality and desire

    What is love? Precarious lives, precarious loves in the works of Italian women graphic novelists

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    After several years of an almost exclusively male presence, the Italian graphic novel scene has finally opened to a multitude of creative female voices gaining a certain popularity and critical success, with multi-faceted works spanning from autobiographical themes to graphic science and beyond. Inevitably conditioned by the existential precarity of the context in which they live and work, their production reflects on their sentimental and sexual lives, both staging new, fluid relationships (Bauman 2003; Penny 2014), and trying to find an alternative perspective to the much discussed issue of the male gaze (Mulvey 1975). Most notable examples are Rita Petruccioli (Ti chiamo domani, 2019), Cristina Portolano (Non so chi sei, 2017) and Flavia Biondi (La giusta mezura 2017). This contribution aims to discuss the role played by women graphic novelists in portraying the gendered dimension of emotional precarity (Butler 2009) in an historical period (the 2000s) and a societal context (Italy) in which pervasive financial, geographical and identity insecurities, coupled with a persistent sexist culture, force female subjectivities to deconstruct both the patriarchal grand narrative of romantic love and the radical feminist myth of sexual liberation. Adopting a theoretical framework that puts together reflections of gender and sentimental precarity (Bauman 2003; Morini 2010; Putino 2011; Witt 2016; Berardi 2017; Illouz 2017), the chapter investigates the creative strategies adopted to represent the challenges as well as the opportunities that flexibility poses to female relationality and desire.This work is funded by Portugal nationa funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/00736/2020, and by a BOF fellowship (01P03819) awarded by Gent University

    Brazilian trans artivism, comics and communities, between digital and print: the cases of Pequenas felicidades trans and Transistorizada

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    This article looks at the intersection of web-based comics and print graphic memoirs authored by transgender Brazilian comics artists. Brazilian comics have in recent years opened up to internet platforms, a change that has proved particularly fruitful for LGBTQ+ artists, traditionally marginalised by the Brazilian comics industry. The article examines two case studies – those of Luiza Lemos and Alice Pereira, both authors of comics originally posted on social media and later published in print. By means of a mixed methodology that brings together semi-structured interviews with the authors and close readings, this contribution investigates the dynamics regulating the creative and publishing processes of these works, as well as the relationship that they entertain with the practice of transsexual self-narration and self-portraiture

    Hydrocarbon oxidation catalyzed by a cheap nonheme imine-based iron(II) complex

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    Nonheme iron complex 1 is easily obtained by one-pot assembly of cheap and commercially available starting materials. This complex effectively catalyzes the oxidation of a number of non-activated C-H bonds by H2O 2 with high turnover numbers and good selectivity. © the Partner Organisations 2014.Nonheme iron complex 1 is easily obtained by one-pot assembly of cheap and commercially available starting materials. This complex effectively catalyzes the oxidation of a number of nonactivated C–H bonds by H2O2 with high turnover numbers and good selectivity

    Ossidazione di legami C-H catalizzata da complessi non-eme imminici del Ferro

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    Nonheme iron complexes are emerging as promising tools in the field of C-H bond activation. During the last decade several ligands have been synthesized and the catalytical activity of the corresponding iron complexes in aliphatic C-H oxidation was tested.[1] It was shown that ligand architecture have a great impact on catalyst’s activity and selectivity, with the more elaborated ligands usually performing better than the simple ones. However, this feature often leads to expensive and difficult to obtain ligands, thus hampering the diffusion of this synthetic methodology.[2] In this context, we prepared a simple nonheme iron complex (3) assembled directly in the reaction vessel from cheap and commercially available reagents (Figure 1). Complex 3 is formed immediately and quantitatively and shows good activity in C-H bond oxidation, at least comparable to those reported in literature for other Fe(II) complexes, albeit with a simpler structure and at catalyst loading as low as 1%.[3] The results of some hydrocarbon oxidations together with the full characterization of complex 3 will be presented. Some preliminary studies on the catalytic activity displayed by other imine-based nonheme iron complexes will be also disclosed. [1] L. Que, Jr. and W. B. Tolman Nature, 2008, 455, 333-340. [2] M. Cantà, D. Font, L. Gómez, X. Ribas, M. Costas Adv. Synth. Cat., 2014, 356, 818-830. [3] G. Olivo, G. Arancio, L. Mandolini, O. Lanzalunga, S. Di Stefano, submitted

    C-H Bond Oxidation Catalysed by Nonheme Imine-based Fe(II) Complexes

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    Nonheme iron complexes are emerging as promising tools in the field of C-H bond activation, as they catalyze selective hydroxylation of non-activated C-H bonds using environmentally benign hydrogen peroxide as the terminal oxidant under mild conditions. During the last decade several ligands and the corresponding iron complexes have been prepared and tested as catalysts.1 It was shown that ligand properties are crucial for catalytic activity and reaction selectivity. The more sterically encumbered is the ligand, the more selective is the catalyst. However, this feature often leads to expensive and highly elaborated ligand structures, thus hampering the diffusion of this synthetic methodology.2 In this context, we prepared a simple nonheme iron complex (3) assembled directly in the reaction vessel from cheap and commercially available reagents (2-picolylamine 1, 2-picolinaldehyde 2 and an iron salt). Complex 3 is formed immediately and quantitatively in CH3CN solution and shows good activity in aliphatic C-H bond oxidation, comparable to those reported in literature for other Fe(II) complexes, albeit with a simpler structure and at low catalyst loading.3 The results of some hydrocarbon oxidations together with the full characterization of complex 3 will be presented. Some preliminary studies on the catalytic activity displayed by other imine-based nonheme iron complexes will be also disclosed. (1) L. Que, Jr., W. B. Tolman, Nature 2008, 455, 333-340. (2) Gòmez L., Garcia-Bosch I., Company A., Benet-Bucholz J., Polo A., Sala X., Ribas X., Costas M.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5720-5723; Gorminsky P. E., White M. C.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 14052-14055; Cantà, M., Font D., Gòmez L., Ribas X., Costas M.; Adv. Synth. Cat. 2014, 356, 818-830. (3) Olivo G., Arancio G., Mandolini L., Lanzalunga O., Di Stefano S., submitte

    Ossidazione di legami C-H alifatici catalizzata da complessi non-eme imminici del Ferro

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    Mettere a punto un metodo di ossidazione di legami C-H non attivati al contempo efficiente e selettiva è una delle grandi sfide aperte nel campo della chimica organica. L’elevata stabilità dei legami C-H rende questa trasformazione chimica estremamente difficile. Nell’ultimo decennio, ispirandosi alla natura, numerosi gruppi di ricerca hanno sviluppato complessi non-eme del ferro quali modelli sintetici delle ossigenasi, riuscendo a mimare l’attività di tali enzimi nell’ossidazione di legami C-H non attivati in condizioni blande (temperatura ambiente, all’aria, con sali di ferro e H2O2 come ossidante). [1] Dopo i primi promettenti risultati sono stati sintetizzati diversi complessi con attività catalitiche sempre più elevate. Per migliorare la selettività dell’ossidazione si è spesso fatto ricorso a leganti con strutture sempre più complesse con procedure sintetiche laboriose che limitano le potenzialità applicative di questi processi catalitici.[2] Il nostro contributo allo stato dell’arte in questo settore di ricerca consiste nella preparazione di un ferro complesso (3) dalla struttura molto semplice, che si auto-assembla direttamente nell’ambiente di reazione a partire da reagenti commercialmente disponibili a basso costo: 2-piridincarbossaldeide 1, 2-picolilammina 2 e un sale di ferro (II) (Schema 1). Il complesso 3 è in grado di catalizzare l’ossidazione di una serie di idrocarburi con numeri di turnover elevati, paragonabili con quelli dei catalizzatori più efficienti preparati finora con bassi rapporti catalizzatore/substrato. [3] Schema 1: Formazione del complesso 3. Complessi imminici del ferro con diversa struttura sono in preparazione allo scopo di migliorare l’attività catalitica e la selettività nella ossidazione di idrocarburi e di altre classi di composti organici. [1] Decker A., Rohde J.-U., Que L., Jr, Solomon E. I.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 5378-5379. [2] Gòmez L., Garcia-Bosch I., Company A., Benet-Bucholz J., Polo A., Sala X., Ribas X., Costas M.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5720-5723 [3] Olivo G., Arancio G., Mandolini L., Lanzalunga O., Di Stefano S., submitted

    Hydrocarbon Oxidation Catalyzed by a Cheap Nonheme Imine-Based Iron (II) Complex

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    Nonheme iron complexes are emerging as promising tools in the field of C-H bond activation, as they catalyze selective hydroxylation of aliphatic C-H bonds using environmentally benign hydrogen peroxide as the terminal oxidant. In their design, ligand properties are crucial for both catalyst’s activity and selectivity. This feature often leads to expensive and difficult to synthesize ligand architectures, thus hampering the diffusion of this synthetic methodology. [1] In order to overcome these problems, we designed a simple nonheme iron complex assembled in one pot from cheap and commercially available reagents. This complex exhibits high turnover numbers in aliphatic C-H hydroxylation, comparable to the most efficient catalysts prepared so far, albeit with a simpler structure. Results of several hydrocarbon oxidations, together with the full characterization of the complex, will be presented