2,732 research outputs found

    Generic Multifractality in Exponentials of Long Memory Processes

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    We find that multifractal scaling is a robust property of a large class of continuous stochastic processes, constructed as exponentials of long-memory processes. The long memory is characterized by a power law kernel with tail exponent ϕ+1/2\phi+1/2, where ϕ>0\phi >0. This generalizes previous studies performed only with ϕ=0\phi=0 (with a truncation at an integral scale), by showing that multifractality holds over a remarkably large range of dimensionless scales for ϕ>0\phi>0. The intermittency multifractal coefficient can be tuned continuously as a function of the deviation ϕ\phi from 1/2 and of another parameter σ2\sigma^2 embodying information on the short-range amplitude of the memory kernel, the ultra-violet cut-off (``viscous'') scale and the variance of the white-noise innovations. In these processes, both a viscous scale and an integral scale naturally appear, bracketing the ``inertial'' scaling regime. We exhibit a surprisingly good collapse of the multifractal spectra ζ(q)\zeta(q) on a universal scaling function, which enables us to derive high-order multifractal exponents from the small-order values and also obtain a given multifractal spectrum ζ(q)\zeta(q) by different combinations of ϕ\phi and σ2\sigma^2.Comment: 10 pages + 9 figure

    Linear Relationship Statistics in Diffusion Limited Aggregation

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    We show that various surface parameters in two-dimensional diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) grow linearly with the number of particles. We find the ratio of the average length of the perimeter and the accessible perimeter of a DLA cluster together with its external perimeters to the cluster size, and define a microscopic schematic procedure for attachment of an incident new particle to the cluster. We measure the fractal dimension of the red sites (i.e., the sites upon cutting each of them splits the cluster) equal to that of the DLA cluster. It is also shown that the average number of the dead sites and the average number of the red sites have linear relationships with the cluster size.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Contour lines of the discrete scale invariant rough surfaces

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    We study the fractal properties of the 2d discrete scale invariant (DSI) rough surfaces. The contour lines of these rough surfaces show clear DSI. In the appropriate limit the DSI surfaces converge to the scale invariant rough surfaces. The fractal properties of the 2d DSI rough surfaces apart from possessing the discrete scale invariance property follow the properties of the contour lines of the corresponding scale invariant rough surfaces. We check this hypothesis by calculating numerous fractal exponents of the contour lines by using numerical calculations. Apart from calculating the known scaling exponents some other new fractal exponents are also calculated.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 figure

    Markov Processes, Hurst Exponents, and Nonlinear Diffusion Equations with application to finance

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    We show by explicit closed form calculations that a Hurst exponent H that is not 1/2 does not necessarily imply long time correlations like those found in fractional Brownian motion. We construct a large set of scaling solutions of Fokker-Planck partial differential equations where H is not 1/2. Thus Markov processes, which by construction have no long time correlations, can have H not equal to 1/2. If a Markov process scales with Hurst exponent H then it simply means that the process has nonstationary increments. For the scaling solutions, we show how to reduce the calculation of the probability density to a single integration once the diffusion coefficient D(x,t) is specified. As an example, we generate a class of student-t-like densities from the class of quadratic diffusion coefficients. Notably, the Tsallis density is one member of that large class. The Tsallis density is usually thought to result from a nonlinear diffusion equation, but instead we explicitly show that it follows from a Markov process generated by a linear Fokker-Planck equation, and therefore from a corresponding Langevin equation. Having a Tsallis density with H not equal to 1/2 therefore does not imply dynamics with correlated signals, e.g., like those of fractional Brownian motion. A short review of the requirements for fractional Brownian motion is given for clarity, and we explain why the usual simple argument that H unequal to 1/2 implies correlations fails for Markov processes with scaling solutions. Finally, we discuss the question of scaling of the full Green function g(x,t;x',t') of the Fokker-Planck pde.Comment: to appear in Physica

    Dissecting financial markets: Sectors and states

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    By analyzing a large data set of daily returns with data clustering technique, we identify economic sectors as clusters of assets with a similar economic dynamics. The sector size distribution follows Zipf's law. Secondly, we find that patterns of daily market-wide economic activity cluster into classes that can be identified with market states. The distribution of frequencies of market states shows scale-free properties and the memory of the market state process extends to long times (50\sim 50 days). Assets in the same sector behave similarly across states. We characterize market efficiency by analyzing market's predictability and find that indeed the market is close to being efficient. We find evidence of the existence of a dynamic pattern after market's crashes.Comment: 6 pages 4 figures. Additional information available at http://www.sissa.it/dataclustering/fin

    Markov Chain Modeling of Polymer Translocation Through Pores

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    We solve the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation and study the exact splitting probabilities of the general stochastic process which describes polymer translocation through membrane pores within the broad class of Markov chains. Transition probabilities which satisfy a specific balance constraint provide a refinement of the Chuang-Kantor-Kardar relaxation picture of translocation, allowing us to investigate finite size effects in the evaluation of dynamical scaling exponents. We find that (i) previous Langevin simulation results can be recovered only if corrections to the polymer mobility exponent are taken into account and that (ii) the dynamical scaling exponents have a slow approach to their predicted asymptotic values as the polymer's length increases. We also address, along with strong support from additional numerical simulations, a critical discussion which points in a clear way the viability of the Markov chain approach put forward in this work.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Endogenous and exogenous dynamics in the fluctuations of capital fluxes: An empirical analysis of the Chinese stock market

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    A phenomenological investigation of the endogenous and exogenous dynamics in the fluctuations of capital fluxes is investigated on the Chinese stock market using mean-variance analysis, fluctuation analysis and their generalizations to higher orders. Non-universal dynamics have been found not only in α\alpha exponents different from the universal value 1/2 and 1 but also in the distributions of the ratios ηi=σiexo/σiendo\eta_i = \sigma_i^{\rm{exo}} / \sigma_i^{\rm{endo}}. Both the scaling exponent α\alpha of fluctuations and the Hurst exponent HiH_i increase in logarithmic form with the time scale Δt\Delta t and the mean traded value per minute , respectively. We find that the scaling exponent αendo\alpha^{\rm{endo}} of the endogenous fluctuations is found to be independent of the time scale, while the exponent of exogenous fluctuations αexo=1\alpha^{\rm{exo}}=1. Multiscaling and multifractal features are observed in the data as well. However, the inhomogeneous impact model is not verified.Comment: 9 Latx pages for EPJB including 13 figure

    Selection mechanisms affect volatility in evolving markets

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    Financial asset markets are sociotechnical systems whose constituent agents are subject to evolutionary pressure as unprofitable agents exit the marketplace and more profitable agents continue to trade assets. Using a population of evolving zero-intelligence agents and a frequent batch auction price-discovery mechanism as substrate, we analyze the role played by evolutionary selection mechanisms in determining macro-observable market statistics. In particular, we show that selection mechanisms incorporating a local fitness-proportionate component are associated with high correlation between a micro, risk-aversion parameter and a commonly-used macro-volatility statistic, while a purely quantile-based selection mechanism shows significantly less correlation.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in proceedings of GECCO 2019 as a full pape

    Diffusion limited aggregation as a Markovian process: site-sticking conditions

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    Cylindrical lattice diffusion limited aggregation (DLA), with a narrow width N, is solved for site-sticking conditions using a Markovian matrix method (which was previously developed for the bond-sticking case). This matrix contains the probabilities that the front moves from one configuration to another at each growth step, calculated exactly by solving the Laplace equation and using the proper normalization. The method is applied for a series of approximations, which include only a finite number of rows near the front. The fractal dimensionality of the aggregate is extrapolated to a value near 1.68.Comment: 27 Revtex pages, 16 figure

    Wavelet versus Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of multifractal structures

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    We perform a comparative study of applicability of the Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MFDFA) and the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM) method in proper detecting of mono- and multifractal character of data. We quantify the performance of both methods by using different sorts of artificial signals generated according to a few well-known exactly soluble mathematical models: monofractal fractional Brownian motion, bifractal Levy flights, and different sorts of multifractal binomial cascades. Our results show that in majority of situations in which one does not know a priori the fractal properties of a process, choosing MFDFA should be recommended. In particular, WTMM gives biased outcomes for the fractional Brownian motion with different values of Hurst exponent, indicating spurious multifractality. In some cases WTMM can also give different results if one applies different wavelets. We do not exclude using WTMM in real data analysis, but it occurs that while one may apply MFDFA in a more automatic fashion, WTMM has to be applied with care. In the second part of our work, we perform an analogous analysis on empirical data coming from the American and from the German stock market. For this data both methods detect rich multifractality in terms of broad f(alpha), but MFDFA suggests that this multifractality is poorer than in the case of WTMM.Comment: substantially extended version, to appear in Phys.Rev.