615 research outputs found

    Analysis of a Waveguide-Fed Metasurface Antenna

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    The metasurface concept has emerged as an advantageous reconfigurable antenna architecture for beam forming and wavefront shaping, with applications that include satellite and terrestrial communications, radar, imaging, and wireless power transfer. The metasurface antenna consists of an array of metamaterial elements distributed over an electrically large structure, each subwavelength in dimension and with subwavelength separation between elements. In the antenna configuration we consider here, the metasurface is excited by the fields from an attached waveguide. Each metamaterial element can be modeled as a polarizable dipole that couples the waveguide mode to radiation modes. Distinct from the phased array and electronically scanned antenna (ESA) architectures, a dynamic metasurface antenna does not require active phase shifters and amplifiers, but rather achieves reconfigurability by shifting the resonance frequency of each individual metamaterial element. Here we derive the basic properties of a one-dimensional waveguide-fed metasurface antenna in the approximation that the metamaterial elements do not perturb the waveguide mode and are non-interacting. We derive analytical approximations for the array factors of the 1D antenna, including the effective polarizabilities needed for amplitude-only, phase-only, and binary constraints. Using full-wave numerical simulations, we confirm the analysis, modeling waveguides with slots or complementary metamaterial elements patterned into one of the surfaces.Comment: Original manuscript as submitted to Physical Review Applied (2017). 14 pages, 14 figure

    Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar with Dynamic Metasurfaces

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    We investigate the use of a dynamic metasurface as the transmitting antenna for a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging system. The dynamic metasurface consists of a one-dimensional microstrip waveguide with complementary electric resonator (cELC) elements patterned into the upper conductor. Integrated into each of the cELCs are two diodes that can be used to shift each cELC resonance out of band with an applied voltage. The aperture is designed to operate at K band frequencies (17.5 to 20.3 GHz), with a bandwidth of 2.8 GHz. We experimentally demonstrate imaging with a fabricated metasurface aperture using existing SAR modalities, showing image quality comparable to traditional antennas. The agility of this aperture allows it to operate in spotlight and stripmap SAR modes, as well as in a third modality inspired by computational imaging strategies. We describe its operation in detail, demonstrate high-quality imaging in both 2D and 3D, and examine various trade-offs governing the integration of dynamic metasurfaces in future SAR imaging platforms

    Metabolic and Stress Responses in Senegalese Soles (Solea senegalensis Kaup) Fed Tryptophan Supplements: E ects of Concentration and Feeding Period

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    The objective of this study was to assess the impact of di erent dietary Trp concentrations on the stress and metabolism response of juvenile Senegalese soles (Solea senegalensis). Fish (38.1 1.9 g) were fed di erent Trp-enriched feeds (0%, 1% and 2% Trp added) for two and eight days, and later exposed to air stress for three min. Samples were taken pre- and 1 h post-stress (condition). Plasma cortisol, lactate, glucose and proteins were significantly a ected by the sampling time, showing higher values at 1 h post-stress. Trp concentration in food also had significant e ects on lactate and glucose levels. However, the feeding period did not a ect these parameters. Post-stress values were higher than in the pre-stress condition for every plasma parameter, except for lactate in two days and 1% Trp treatment. Nevertheless, cortisol, glucose and lactate did not vary significantly between pre- and post-stress samplings in fish fed the 1% Trp-enriched diet for two days. The lack of variability in cortisol response was also due to the high pre-stress value, significantly superior to pre-stress control. The exposure time to Trp feeding did not significantly a ect any enzyme activity; however, Trp added and condition influenced protein-related enzyme activities. In spite of decreasing stress markers, Trp-enriched diets altered the protein metabolism

    Development of cryopreservation for Loxocarya cinerea - an endemic Australian plant species important for post-mining restoration

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    We report the development of a cryopreservation protocol for the endemic Western Australian plant species Loxocarya cinerea (Restionaceae). Shoot tips from two genotypes, SXH404 and SXH804, were cryopreserved using the droplet-vitrification technique. Control explants, which were cryoprotected, but not cooled, showed regeneration for both genotypes (SXH404, 22.1 ± 5.9%; SXH804, 67.7 ± 9.6%). Extension of incubation in PVS2 from 30 to 60 min did not lead to survival after cryopreservation. Thermal analysis using differential scanning calorimetry confirmed the beneficial effect of a loading phase but also revealed no or very little ice formation after cryoprotection of shoot tips in other treatments. Regeneration following cryopreservation was obtained for genotype SXH804 (4.3 ± 2.1%) but not for SXH404. Regenerated explants of L. cinerea SXH804 were morphologically identical to tissue-cultured plants. As an alternative to shoot tips, callus tissues of clone SXH404 were successfully cryopreserved (>66.7% post LN survival) using the same protocol

    The insertion/deletion in the DNA-binding region allows the discrimination and subsequent identification of the glucocorticoid receptor 1 (gr1) and gr2 nucleotide sequences in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata): Standardizing the gr nomenclature for a better understanding of the stress response in teleost fish species

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    Cortisol carries out its physiological mechanism of action through the recognition by the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) 1 (GR1) and GR2. Previous studies reported that the main difference between gr1 and gr2 nucleotide sequences resides in a 27-nucleotide insertion/deletion in the DNA-binding region, respectively. However, in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) the annotation for gr1 and gr2 seems contradictory. The gr2 sequence possesses the characteristic 27-nucleotide insertion that, in fact, is associated with the gr1 nucleotide sequence. Thus, this study aimed to elucidate the nucleotide sequences for the gr1 and gr2 in gilthead sea bream. The Clustal Omega alignment for different fish species corroborated the presence of such 27-nucleotide insertion/deletion in the DNA-binding region for gr1 and gr2, respectively. Then, we design specific primers set for the amplification of the gilthead sea bream gr1 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Importantly, the gr1 nucleotide partial sequence has a high similarity with other gr1 sequences already published for other fish species, being present in all of them the 27-nucleotide insertion in the DNA-binding region. We also detected that in European sea bass the gr1 and gr2 sequences had not been named according to the 27-nucleotide insertion/deletion criteria in the DNA-binding region. Thus, our study makes an urgent call to the scientific community to discuss the establishment of an updated agreement that allows homogenizing the criteria for the nomenclature defining the gr1 and gr2 nucleotide sequences for a better understanding of the stress response in teleost fish species.This study thanks to the AGL2016-76069-C2-2- R, PID2020-117557RB-C21, PID2020-117557RB-C22 grants (AEI-MINECO; Spain). EV-V thanks the support of Fondecyt iniciacion grant (project number 11221308; Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Chile, Government of Chile). AK was the recipient of a Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (Iran) fellowship. MT thanks for the support of the post-doctoral fellowship "Ramon y Cajal" (ref. RYC2019-026841-I) (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spanish Government). FER-L thanks the support of Fondecyt regular grant (project number: 1211841; Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Chile, Government of Chile)


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    This study sought to ascertain how organizational strategies affected gender equity in a teacher’s morale and productivity among male, female, and nonbinary faculty at Jose Rizal Memorial State University, utilizing a descriptive correlational research design with the use of standardized tests. The frequency count, percent, mean, Chi-square, and Pearson R statistical tests were used to total, tabulate, and further analyze and interpret the results. The findings showed a substantial association, demonstrating how organizational practices have an effect on a teacher's level of morale. The organization may implement leadership development programs to prepare upcoming deans or associate deans for their positions. Organizational practices and faculty production in research were not significantly correlated, however there was a strong correlation between organizational practices and faculty productivity in instruction and community services. Gender equity within an organization can stimulate improvements in instruction and performance in extension but does not lead to research productivity among the faculty of the university. Thus, the deans and associate deans may include in their PPMP the purchase of classroom supplies, equipment, and other audio-visual aids and projection equipment. Furthermore, a staff may be hired in the college to assist the faculty with encoding, designing, and developing instructional materials. On the other hand, gender equality among university teachers does not result in increased productivity in research. The college may conduct action research to explore the factors that may affect the research productivity of the male, female, and nonbinary faculty. Furthermore, the proposed "Action Plan for Monitoring and Evaluating Gender Equity in Institutional Work Plans and Activities" may be utilized to sustain gender equity in educational institutions

    Survival of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) larvae hatched at different salinity and pH conditions

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    In this study, we assessed the effect of environmental salinity and pH as independent factors on larval survival of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT –Thunnus thynnus) together with their whole-body Na+/K+-ATPase and v-type H+-ATPase activities. Fertilized eggs of ABFT were obtained from a spontaneous spawning of broodstock in the farming facilities at El Gorguel (Cartagena, SE Spain) and were transferred to facilities of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in Mazarrón (SE Spain). In a first experiment, eggs (200 fertilized eggs L-1 per treatment, in 3 replicates) were exposed to different salinities treatments and constant pH 8.0 (control) until hatch was completed (50 h post- fertilization, hpf, at 23 ºC): 27, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38 (control), 39, 40, 43, 46 and 49 ppt. In a second experiment eggs (200 fertilized eggs L-1, in 3 replicates) were exposed to seawater salinity (SW: 38 ppt) and four reduced pH treatments until hatch was completed (50 hpf at 23 ºC): 8.0 (control), 7.7, 7.5 and 7.3. An inverse „„U-shaped‟‟ relationship was observed between environmental salinity and number of hatched larvae. An opposite pattern was observed for both Na+/K+-ATPase and H+-ATPase activities in hatched larvae, increasing both activities in groups exposed to extreme salinities. Thus, larval survival was higher at intermediate salinities and lower at the extreme salinities tested. These results suggest higher survival rates with lower active pumps activities. No significant differences in larval survival were observed with pH treatment, but lower H+-ATPase activity was detected at control environmental pH (pH 8.0). Survival results are discussed in terms of osmoregulatory cost adapting to a salinity and pH predicted for the near future scenarios.Versión del edito

    Redistribution of the Lamin B1 genomic binding profile affects rearrangement of heterochromatic domains and SAHF formation during senescence.

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    Senescence is a stress-responsive form of stable cell cycle exit. Senescent cells have a distinct gene expression profile, which is often accompanied by the spatial redistribution of heterochromatin into senescence-associated heterochromatic foci (SAHFs). Studying a key component of the nuclear lamina lamin B1 (LMNB1), we report dynamic alterations in its genomic profile and their implications for SAHF formation and gene regulation during senescence. Genome-wide mapping reveals that LMNB1 is depleted during senescence, preferentially from the central regions of lamina-associated domains (LADs), which are enriched for Lys9 trimethylation on histone H3 (H3K9me3). LMNB1 knockdown facilitates the spatial relocalization of perinuclear H3K9me3-positive heterochromatin, thus promoting SAHF formation, which could be inhibited by ectopic LMNB1 expression. Furthermore, despite the global reduction in LMNB1 protein levels, LMNB1 binding increases during senescence in a small subset of gene-rich regions where H3K27me3 also increases and gene expression becomes repressed. These results suggest that LMNB1 may contribute to senescence in at least two ways due to its uneven genome-wide redistribution: first, through the spatial reorganization of chromatin and, second, through gene repression
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