1,789 research outputs found

    Strategi dakwah Yayasan Arwaniyyah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan santri Pondok Pesantren Yanbu’ul Qur’an Kudus

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    Judul penelitian ini adalah Strategi Dakwah Yayasan Arwaniyyah dalam Menanamkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Santri Pondok Pesantren Yanbu’ul Qur’an Kudus. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui strategi dakwah Yayasan Arwaniyah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan santri Yanbu’ul Qur’an Kudus. 2) Untuk mengetahui implikasi strategi dakwah Yayasan Arwaniyah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi ekonomi santri Yanbu’ul Qur’an Kudus. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis yang merupakan sebuah pendekatan logika-logika serta teori-teori yang sesuai dengan lapangan. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian di analisis dengan teknik analisis Data Reduction, Data Display dan Verification Data/ Conclusion Drawing Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Strategi dakwah Yayasan Arwaniyah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan santri Yanbu’ul Qur’an Kudus dilakukan dengan mengembangkan beberapa usaha yang dikelola oleh santri dan masyarakat sekitar seperti toko, warnet, Offset, Air Minum, Tour & Travel dan Koperasi Syari’ah. Beberapa usaha tersebut diukelola menggunakan pola manajemen yang matang mulai dari perencanaan sampai evaluasi dengan mengedepankan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan, peningkatan SDM dan menumbuhkan jiwa kewiraushaan yang akhlakul karimah, hasil dari keuntungan usaha tersebut digunakan untuk aktivitas jalannya pesantren dan santri. 2) Implikasi strategi dakwah Yayasan Arwaniyah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi ekonomi santri Yanbu’ul Qur’an Kudus yaitu menjadikan santri menjadi manusia yang memiliki SDM yang baik dalam berwirausaha dengan mengedepankan pertama, kepemimpinan yang unggul. Ciri ini terlihat pada saat mereka menyambut tamu, melayani pembeli, jalinan kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak, dan juga adanya target yang kongkrit. Selain itu juga jelas ketika memperlakukan karyawan. Kedua, inovasi terus menerus dengan selalu tanggap dengan setiap perubahan yang terjadi di masyarakat. Senantiasa berinovasi untuk melanggengkan eksistensinya. Ketiga, cara pengambilan keputusan yang hati-hati. dengan menerapkan jenis kepemimpinan demokratis dalam merumuskan keputusan. Keempat, sikap tanggung jawab terhadap perubahan. Kelima, bekerja secara ekonomis dan efisien. Keenam, memiliki visi yang jauh ke depan. Visi ini tertuang dalam target mereka. Terakhir ketujuh, sikap hati-hati terhadap resiko. Sehingga pada akhirnya membentuk jiwa santri yang mandiri dalam menghadapi kehidupan ekonomi setelah menjadi alumni dan mendahulukan akhlakul karimah dan berwirausaha


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    In human development process, media is needed which will be a channel in the da'wa carried out. Da'wa as an effort to build the existence of human beings is an entry point that supports the success of it. The more suitable the da'wah media used, the more positive and successful the da'wah will be. Conversely, if the preacher is wrong in choosing a channel causing his missionary activity to fail. This brief article highlights the importance of the media as a missionary channel. The results of the analysis in this paper state that mass media as a da'wah channel has positive implications as a da'wa channel. In addition, mass media also has a negative contribution if it is not maximized by its use and errors in the selection of themes in da'wa.****Dalam pembangunan manusia dibutuhkan media yang akan menjadi saluran dalam dakwah yang dilakukan. Dakwah sebagai upaya membangun keberadaan diri manusia menjadi sebuah entry point yang mendukung keberhasilan terhadapnya. Semakin sesuai media dakwah yang digunakan, maka akan memberikan makna positif dan keberhasilan atas dakwah yang dilakukan. Sebaliknya, apabila pendakwah salah dalam memilih saluran menyebabkan aktivitas dakwahnya menjadi gagal. Tulisan singkat ini menyoroti tentang pentingnya media sebagai saluran dakwah. Hasil analisa dalam tulisan ini menyatakan bahwa media massa sebagai saluran dakwah mempunyai implikasi positif sebagai saluran dakwah. Selain itu media massa juga mempunyai kontribusi negatif apabila tidak dimaksimalkan penggunaannya dan kesalahan dalam pemilihan tema dalam dakwah

    ISB watermarking embedding: a block based model

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    Many watermarking methods have been developed with different methodological complexity levels. Each of these methods tries to reduce exposure in different attack. In this study, the ISB watermarking method was implemented based on average of block of pixels together in order to improve the watermarking method to be more resistant against attacks than a single pixel. The results show that the quality of the images is suitable for the application of the proposed method, based on any size of block. In additional to that the robustness has been improved by increasing the size of the block for all the attacks, including the geometric transform attacks, although they were not improved when the method was applied based on only one pixel


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    In human development process, media is needed which will be a channel in the da'wa carried out. Da'wa as an effort to build the existence of human beings is an entry point that supports the success of it. The more suitable the da'wah media used, the more positive and successful the da'wah will be. Conversely, if the preacher is wrong in choosing a channel causing his missionary activity to fail. This brief article highlights the importance of the media as a missionary channel. The results of the analysis in this paper state that mass media as a da'wah channel has positive implications as a da'wa channel. In addition, mass media also has a negative contribution if it is not maximized by its use and errors in the selection of themes in da'wa.****Dalam pembangunan manusia dibutuhkan media yang akan menjadi saluran dalam dakwah yang dilakukan. Dakwah sebagai upaya membangun keberadaan diri manusia menjadi sebuah entry point yang mendukung keberhasilan terhadapnya. Semakin sesuai media dakwah yang digunakan, maka akan memberikan makna positif dan keberhasilan atas dakwah yang dilakukan. Sebaliknya, apabila pendakwah salah dalam memilih saluran menyebabkan aktivitas dakwahnya menjadi gagal. Tulisan singkat ini menyoroti tentang pentingnya media sebagai saluran dakwah. Hasil analisa dalam tulisan ini menyatakan bahwa media massa sebagai saluran dakwah mempunyai implikasi positif sebagai saluran dakwah. Selain itu media massa juga mempunyai kontribusi negatif apabila tidak dimaksimalkan penggunaannya dan kesalahan dalam pemilihan tema dalam dakwah


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    Pengangkatan kepala Negara menjadi perbincangan yang menarik untuk dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini terutama ruang lingkup pemikiran Syiah dan Sunni. Dalam konteks aliran Syiah bahwa Ali merupakan khalifah (pemimpin) yang terpilih secara khusus dari Nabi Muhammad SAW. Paradigma pemikiran Syiah tentang imamah adalah  merupakan suatu doktrin bahwa kepemimpinan tidak bersifat umum sebab kepemimpinan termasuk rukun agama dan kaedah Islam karena itu Nabi tidak boleh melupakan dan menyerahkannya kepada umat dan bahkan Nabi wajib menentukan imam bagi umat Islam dan juga imam itu harus ma`shum. Dalam konteks falsafah politik aliran Sunni secara global berazaskan atas empat kaidah. Pertama, prinsip berlandaskan azas zuriah, yaitu keturunan Quraisy. Kedua, prinsip baiat. Pemilihan kepala Negara oleh pihak yang berkompeten dalam hal ini ahlu halli wa al-`aqdi dan mereka umat Islam mengadakan suatu kontrak sosial dengan kepala Negara terpilih. Ketiga, asas musywarah. Dalam memilih kepala Negara dan lembaga yang menentukan kepala dalam suatu Negara mesti berasaskan musyawarah, yaitu orang yang terpilih dalam musyawarah. Keempat, prinsip keadilan yaitu pemimpin yang terpilih memilliki sifat adil baik sebagai calon pemimpin maupun sebagai pemimpin terpilih dan keadilan pada saat memimpin. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan dalam Islam merupakan kewajiban umat secara mutlak yang harus diutamakan dan dilaksanakan

    Failure Analysis Investigation on 2N7002LTI TMOS Device Due to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Failures

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    The common failures in the electronic devices e.g. Metal Oxide Semiconductor(MOS), and T type Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (TMOS) are due to Electrostatic Discharge(ESD) and Electrical Overseers(EOS). A review is carried out giving an account of various types of failures and failure analysis philosophies. investigation. methodology developed here, Seremban, between Gate to Source(BVGSS) Stress Test, Parametric Abnormality Test (PA T) to induce failure. It h as been observed that the 2N7002LTl lMOS device does not fail within 45 volts of positively as well as negatively biased voltage condition when applied to the gate and source of the device, during BVGSS Stress Test. On the other hand the Voltage Susceptibility Test has given a limiting voltage of 110 volts, for the device to fail. The failure of the devices have been studied using the failure analysis philosophy developed here and it is observed that the failure is due to thinning of the gate oxide layer. The detailed scanning electron microscope (SEM) study has been carried out to comment on the additional mechanics of failure. The amount thinning of the gate oxide layer in the various regions of the device has been found to be in the range of 800 to 950 Angstroms

    Factors Associated with Cocoa Farmers' Participation in the Training and Visit Extension System in the District of Jerantut, State of Pahang, Malaysia

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    The main purpose of this study was to determine factors affecting participation of the cocoa farmers in the programmes of the Training and Visit System (T&V) in the District of Jerantut. The specific objective was to determine the relationship between the level of participation in the T&V Programmes with factors such as demographic, situational, personal and attitudes as well as perception of the importance and relevance of the T&V Programmes. The respondents of the study were cocoa farmers registered under the T&V System in the District of Jerantut and 113 of them were selected as samples for the study. The data collected were analysed using the Statistical Package For Social Science subprogrammes including frequencies, reliability, correlation, anova and regression. The study revealed that the level of participation, the level of perception of importance and relevancy of the T&V were generally high. Several factors were found to be positively related to the level of participation of cocoa farmers in the T&V Programmes, namely: 1) demographic factors (number of years of education completed, level of cash income and farm size); 2) situational factors (level of cosmopoliteness, initiative of extension agents, political affiliations and number of positions held in non-political (achievement organizations); 3) orientation, efficacy personality in public traits affairs orientation toward planning and optimism); 4) attitudes (attitude towards the T&V System, change agents and change agencies, modernization, and voluntary organisations); and 5) perception (perception of importance and relevance of the T&V Programmes). Based on the regression analysis involving all variables utilized in the study, the variable achievement orientation was found to have the highest explanatory power in explaining the variance in participation, followed by perception of relevance and importance of the T&V Programmes, efficacy in public affairs, political affiliations, positions held in the farmers' group of the T&V System, and initiative of extension agents. Based on the findings of the study, seven recommendations to improve farmers' participation in the T&V extension programmes were presented. In addition, eight problem areas that need further research were also forwarded

    Acharacterization, Antioxidant Properties And Authentication Of Virgin Coconut Oil

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    A study on chemical properties and authentication of virgin coconut oil (VCO) was conducted. Chemical properties showed that commercial VCO had iodine value of 4.47 to 8.55, peroxide value of 0.21 to 0.57 meq oxygen/kg, free fatty acid of 0.15 to 0.25, saponification value of 250.07 to 260.67 mg KOH/g oil and anisidine value of 0.16 to 0.49. Lauric acid was the predominant fatty acid which ranged from 46.64 to 48.03%. Major triacylglycerol (TAG) were LaLaLa, LaLaM, CLaLa, LaMM and CCLa (La:lauric; C:capric; M:Myristic) which accounted for more than 80% TAG of the oil. Total phenolic content ranged from 7.78 to 29.18 mg GAE/g oil. VCO samples exhibited higher antioxidant activity (49.79 to 79.87%) compared to refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) coconut oil (49.58%). Comparison between different processing methods of VCO showed that VCO produced by fermentation method possessed the strongest scavenging effect on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) with the amount of oil necessary to decrease the initial DPPH radical concentration by 50% (EC50) value of 1.24 mg/mL. VCO produced by fermentation method also exhibited the highest antioxidant activity of 71% while the highest reducing power of VCO produced by chilling method was 1.02 at 10 mg/mL. The results revealed that VCO produced by both fermentation and chilling method had higher antioxidant potency than RBD coconut oil. Total phenolic content was strongly correlated with radical scavenging capacity (r = 0.91) and reducing power (r = 0.96) while no correlation was observed for β-carotene bleaching test. Some phenolic acids found in VCOs were protocatechuic, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid, coumaric acid and ferulic acid. Rapid methods were developed to detect adulteration in VCO. First, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to detect adulteration of VCO with palm kernel olein. The results showed that FTIR was capable of detecting adulteration down to 1% adulteration level. Discriminant analysis using 10 principal components was able to classify pure and adulterated samples on the basis of their spectra. A partial least square (PLS) calibration demonstrated a good linear regression (R2) of 0.9875 of actual value against FTIR predicted concentration of palm kernel olein. Discriminant analysis was also capable to distinguish between VCO and other vegetable oils.Another rapid method, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was also used to determine adulteration of VCO with selected vegetable oils, namely soybean oil (SBO) from linolenic acid group, sunflower oil (SFO) from oleic-linoleic acid group and palm kernel oil (PKO) from lauric acid group. The heating curves of SBO and SFO adulterated samples demonstrated adulteration peaks appearing at the lower temperature region starting at 10% adulteration level. Regression analysis using stepwise multiple linear regressions (SMLR) was used to predict the percent of adulterant with R2 of 0.9390 for SFO and 0.9490 for SBO. No adulteration peak was observed for PKO adulterated oils but a good relationship between the main exothermic peak height of PKO and percentage of adulteration was established with R2 of 0.9454. Finally, electronic nose with surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor was used to detect adulteration in VCO with palm kernel olein. Qualitative analysis was made possible using VaporPrintTM, which translated the sensor’s response into visualized two dimensional image. Adulteration peaks were identified from chromatogram profile and the best relationship (R2 = 0.9093) was obtained between adulterant peak F and the percentage of palm kernel olein added. Pearson correlation (r) of 0.92 was obtained between adulterant peak F and iodine value while correlation (r) of 0.89 was obtained between peroxide value and adulterant peak F. Principal component analysis (PCA) provided good separation of samples with 74% of the variation accounted for principal component 1 and 17% accounted for principal component 2. Excellent result was obtained in the differentiation of pure and adulterated samples down to 1% detection limit. In conclusion, this study provides references on chemical properties as well as presented the antioxidative potential of VCO. New methods were also developed for detection of adulteration of VCO with other oils using rapid analytical techniques