19 research outputs found


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    マウンティングの特徴について ―ポライトネスの原理から―

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    本稿ではTwitter、ブログ、ドラマなどからマウンティングと意図された、またはそう捉えられた発話を取り上げ、その特徴をLeech(1983) のPoliteness principleを用いて考察した。その結果、自身の優位性を示すことに重点を置いた明示的なマウンティングから、見せかけのポライトネスを見せつつ暗示的に攻撃するものまで幅広く存在することが分かった。また、参与者B にとってデリケートな話題であると知りながらあえてその話題に触れる、ポライトな言語行動が期待されている場面で最大限に賞賛を行わない、感謝表明の代わりに不満表明をする、賞賛発話の中で否定語彙を使用するなどの特徴も見られた

    The effect of regulatory T-cell depletion on the spectrum of organ-specific autoimmune diseases in nonobese diabetic mice at different ages.

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    The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse spontaneously develops several autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes and to a lesser extent thyroiditis and sialitis. Imbalance between effector T cells (Teffs) and regulatory T cells (Tregs) has recently been proposed as a mechanism for the disease pathogenesis in NOD mice, but previous studies have shown the various outcomes by different timing and methods of Treg-depletion. This study was, therefore, designed to compare the consequences of Treg-depletion by the same method (anti-CD25 antibody) on the spectrum of organ-specific autoimmune diseases in NOD mice of different ages. Treg-depletion by anti-CD25 antibody at 10 days of age accelerated development of all three diseases we examined (insulitis/diabetes, thyroiditis, and sialitis); Treg-depletion at 4 weeks of age accelerated only diabetes but not thyroiditis or sialitis; and Treg-depletion at 12 weeks of age hastened only development of thyroiditis and exhibited little influence on diabetes or sialitis. Increased levels of insulin autoantibodies (IAA) were, however, observed in mice depleted of Tregs at 10 days of age, not in those at 4 weeks. Thus, the consequences of Treg-depletion on the spectrum of organ-specific autoimmune diseases depend on the timing of anti-CD25 antibody injection in NOD mice. Aging gradually tips balance between Teffs and Tregs toward Teff-dominance for diabetes, but this balance for thyroiditis and sialitis likely alters more intricately. Our data also suggest that the levels of IAA are not necessarily correlated with diabetes development

    Alteration in molecular properties during establishment and passaging of endometrial carcinoma patient-derived xenografts

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    Abstract Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) tumor models are known to maintain the genomic and phenotypic profiles, including the histopathological structures, of the parental tumors. On the other hand, unique enrichment of single-nucleotide variants or copy number aberrations has been reported in several types of tumors. However, an understanding of endometrial carcinoma PDXs is limited. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the presence or absence of the molecular properties of endometrial carcinomas in PDXs passaged up to eight times. Established PDXs of endometrioid carcinomas maintained their histopathological characteristics, but those of carcinosarcomas predominantly consisted of sarcomatous components when compared to the parental tumors. Alterations in the proportion of cells with positive/negative immunohistochemical staining for estrogen receptor, PTEN, PAX8, and PAX2 were observed, whereas the proportions of cells with AE1/AE3, TP53, ARID1A, PMS2, and MSH6 staining were unchanged. Variants of cancer-associated genes were compared between PDXs and parental tumors. Mutations in POLE and a frameshift deletion in BRCA1 were observed in the parental tumor tissue in each of the six cases, and additional genomic alterations, which were not apparently related to histopathological and immunohistochemical alterations, were found in the PDXs of these cases. The genomic and phenotypic alterations observed between endometrial carcinoma PDXs and parental tumors were partly associated with endometrial cancer-specific characteristics related to cellular differentiation and gene mutations