442 research outputs found

    Behavioral and Climate Change on Fish Nematology

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    The impact of fish nematode on gill histopathologyl and damages are predominate in their filaments, primary lamellae, degeneration of epithelium, inter lamellar epithelium and clumping of RBCs. Results of present study on fish, Glossogobius giuris indicates that there was parasites in gill, Further studies are made to understand in terms of metacercariae in fish tissues like gill of naturally available and highly proteinaceous fish, in Cauvery delta region. Fish gills are continuously exposed to water for gaseous exchange, during this there was a possible contact of Trematode parasites. The major any favorable conditions to enhance the incidence of Trematoda parasites and water chemistry like pH, DO, BOD and COD along with the temperature have any role for abundance of fish parasites. Variations in temperature with 3-4°C are seems to be favorable for behavioral and climate change on fish nematology

    A Survey of Energy Harvesting Sources for IoT Device

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    Environmental Energy is an alternative energy for wireless devices. A Survey of Energy Harvesting Sources for IoT Device is proposed. This paper identifies the sources of energy harvesting, methods and power density of each technique. Many reassert have carried to extract energy from environment. The IoT and M2M are connected through internet or local area network and these devices come with batteries. The maintenance and charging of batteries becomes tedious due to thousands of device are connected. The concept of Energy harvesting gives the solution for powering IoT, M2M, Wireless nodes etc. The process of extracting energy from the surrounding environment is termed as energy harvesting and derived from windmill and water wheel, thermal, mechanical, solar

    Local thermal non-equilibrium effects on thermal convection in a rotating anisotropic porous layer

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    Effects of local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) on thermal convection in a rotating fluid-saturated anisotropic porous layer are investigated. The analysis has been carried out by constructing a simplified model consisting of six coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The study reveals the equivalence of linear and nonlinear stability boundaries indicating the linearized instability theory captures completely the physics of the onset of convection. Results show that the presence of rotation is to introduce oscillatory convection once the Taylor number exceeds a threshold value. The preferred mode of instability is found to be influenced significantly by the mechanical anisotropy parameter as well and it is demonstrated that it has both stabilizing and destabilizing effects on the steady onset in the presence of rotation. Besides, asymptotic analyses for small and large values of the interphase heat transfer coefficient are presented. Heat transport is calculated in terms of Nusselt number. Also, the coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved numerically using Runge-Kutta method and the transient behavior of Nusselt number is demonstrated for various values of physical parameters. © 2015 Elsevier Inc

    Linear and weakly nonlinear magnetoconvection in a porous medium with a thermal nonequilibrium model

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    Two-dimensional magnetoconvection in a layer of Brinkman porous medium with local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE) model is investigated by performing both linear and weakly nonlinear stability analyses. Condition for the occurrence of stationary and oscillatory convection is obtained in the case of linear stability analysis. It is observed that the presence of magnetic field is to introduce oscillatory convection once the Chandrasekhar number exceeds a threshold value if the ratio of the magnetic diffusivity to the thermal diffusivity is sufficiently small. Besides, asymptotic solutions for both small and large values of the inter-phase heat transfer coefficient are presented for the steady case. A weakly nonlinear stability analysis is performed by constructing a system of nonlinear autonomous ordinary differential equations. It is observed that subcritical steady convection is possible for certain choices of physical parameters. Heat transport is calculated in terms of Nusselt number. Increasing the value of Chandrasekhar number, inter-phase heat transfer coefficient and the inverse Darcy number is to decrease the heat transport, while increasing the ratio of the magnetic diffusivity to the thermal diffusivity and the porosity modified conductivity ratio shows an opposite kind of behavior on the heat transfer

    Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic leaves extract of Rostellularia procumbens by using carbon tetrachloride intoxicated rats

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    Background: Rostelluria procumbens is a medicinal plant used traditionally in the treatment of asthma, cough and constipation and as an antioxidant etc. it is rich in phytochemical compounds, which are responsible for its biological properties. The present study focused on evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of R. procumbens leaf in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxocity in rats.Methods: In this study, 30 wistar rats were used and grouped into 6 each group contain 6 rats. In this study, CCl4 is used as hepatotoxin. Four groups were treated with CCl4 and taken as disease control, standard, and two test groups. One group was taken as control treated with saline. Blood samples were collected and estimated serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin, which are key markers of liver function. The rats were sacrificed and livers were isolated and histopatological studies carried out.Results: On oral administration of methanolic leaves extract of R. procumbens to ethanol intoxicated, rats resulted in significant restoration of enzyme levels and also silymarin at a dose of 25 mg/kg. The reversal of increased serum enzymes in ethanol-induced liver damage by the extract may be due to the prevention of leakage of intracellular enzymes by its membrane stabilizing activity.Conclusion: The results confirm that R. procumbens have hepatoprotective activity againstCCl4 induced hepatotoxicity and significant hepatoprotection seen at 500 mg/kg dose

    Profile and outcome of pregnancy with congenital heart diseases: a retrospective study from a South Indian tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Women with congenital heart disease who become pregnant form an important subgroup of pregnancy cardiac disorders. The additional stress of pregnancy represents a further challenge.Methods: This was a retrospective study. Patient records between 2011and 2015 pertaining to 77 pregnant women with congenital heart diseases were analysed.Results: There was only one patient aged more than 35 years. The age of the others ranged from 18 to 35 years. The mean age was 24 years. There was a slight rural preponderance with 43 (55.8%) from rural areas. Majority 49 (63.5%) belonged to lower middle socioeconomic status. 71 (92.2%) had NYHA functional Class I. Two patients of Class II had worsening of their status. There were no cases of Atrial Fibrillation and only 2(2.6%) had CCF.ASD closure was the commonest procedure done24 (31.2%). There were 6 (7.8%)cases of device closure of PDA and no cases of VSD. Anemia and GDM were seen in 4 (5.2%). The commonest period of gestation at delivery was 37-40 in 64 (83.1%). ASD was the commonest type of lesion 42 (54.5%). 36 (46.8%) had spontaneous labour and there were 18 23.4%)caesarians. Previous LSCS was the commonest indication for LSCS. Full term normal vaginal delivery was seen in 45 (88.2%). Majority of the newborns 30 (39%) had a birth weight in the range 2.6-3.0 kgs.Conclusions: There is a significant burden of Heart disease with pregnancy afflicting young rural women and those from lower socioeconomic levels. Higher level of specialised care minimizes poor maternal and fetal outcomes

    Vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus species through polyglobule

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    Macro-propagation of Eucalypyus species is possible on large scale through relatively cheaper technique with polyglobule than automatic and low cost chambers. Further it also gives an added advantage in controlling diseases and their spread as it is confined to the specific polyglobule. The spread of the humidity and temperature in the polyglobule are uniform unlike other large mist chambers

    Study of drug utilization pattern in emergency medicine ward at a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: The emergency department represents an important platform for conducting drug utilization studies as patients present with a wide spectrum of diseases in acute form. An irrational prescription adversely affects the prognosis and recovery of patients. Hence, the objective of our study was to evaluate the drug utilization pattern and to determine the rationality of prescription using WHO prescribing indicators in emergency medicine ward.Methods: After obtaining Institutional Ethical Committee approval, a prospective observational study was conducted over 2 months. The case records of 150 patients admitted to the emergency medicine ward, with a hospital stay of more than 24hrs were reviewed to analyze the prescription pattern during the initial 48hrs of admission. Case records of patients irrespective of age, sex and diagnosis were included in the study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results (SPSS version 20).Results: A total of 1014 drugs were prescribed from 150 case records with a mean age of 47±18 years. An average of 6.76 drugs was prescribed per prescription; percentage of encounters with at least an antimicrobial was 115 (76.66%). Injections were prescribed in all patients (100%) and only 416 (41.02%) drugs were prescribed by generic name and 657 (64.79%) drugs abided to the WHO essential drug list. Majority of patients received anti-ulcerogenic drugs followed by antimicrobials.Conclusions: There was a tendency of polypharmacy with overuse of PPIs and antimicrobials. There is need to rationalize the drug therapy in terms of increasing prescription of drugs from essential drug list by generic name

    A comparative study to assess the efficacy and safety of bepotastine and cetirizine in allergic rhinitis

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    Background: Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay of allergic rhinitis and many caregivers use over-the-counter antihistamines. Bepotastine is a novel oral second generation non-sedative antihistamine and an effective treatment option for allergic rhinitis. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bepotastine versus cetirizine an over the counter drug.Methods: A prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel-group study was conducted among 60 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Group A (n=30) received tablet cetirizine 10 mg once daily and Group B (n=30) received tablet bepotastine 10 mg once daily. Efficacy was assessed by mean change in total symptom score (TSS) which is the sum of total nasal symptom score and total ocular symptom score at the end of two weeks from baseline.Results: At the end of two weeks of treatment, both groups showed statistically significant (p<0.005) improvements from their baseline TSS. Mean TSS was reduced from12.36±2.12 to 4.2±1.66 in group A and from 13.33±3.039 to 3.033±1.40 in Group B. Significant statistical difference in TSS was seen more in Group B than Group A (p<0.005).Conclusions: Both the groups showed a substantial therapeutic benefit in patients with allergic rhinitis, however bepotastine is more effective.
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