160 research outputs found

    Розпорядження життям як складова реалізації права на життя

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    The paper investigates some of the problems of legal regulation of the constitutional right to life, but the last is viewed not only as a form of biological existence, but also as a way of self-identity in the context of the possibility to dispose of own life. Based on the analysis suggested the possibility of introducing the right to voluntary euthanasia, as a manifestation of the right to life.В статье исследуются некоторые проблемы правового регулирования конституционного права на жизнь, но последнее рассматривается не только как форма биологического существования, но и как способ самореализации личности в контексте возможности распоряжаться своей жизнью. На основе проведенного анализа предложено возможность введения права на добровольную эвтаназию, как одно из проявлений реализации права на жизнь.У статті досліджуються деякі проблеми правового регулювання конституційного права на життя, але останнє розглядається не лише як форма біологічного існування, але і як спосіб самореалізації конкретної особистості в контексті можливості розпоряджатися своїм життям. На основі проведеного аналізу запропоновано можливість введення права на добровільну еутаназію, як одного з проявів реалізації права на життя

    Законодавча діяльність в Україні щодо можливих змін у КПК

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    The paper investigates the problem of legal regulation, proposed by the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (on improvement of the mechanisms to ensure the tasks of criminal proceedings)». Based on the analysis, it was found that some change in the bill is irrationality. So according to this we had presented a number of proposals to perfecting of the certain provisions of the bill.В статье исследуются проблемы правового регулирования в представленном проекте Закона Украины «О внесении изменений в Уголовный процессуальный кодекс Украины (относительно усовершенствования механизмов обеспечения задач уголовного судопроизводства)». На основании проведенного анализа законопроекта была установлена нецелесообразность некоторых предлагаемых изменений, а также представлен ряд предложений относительно отдельных положений законопроекта.У статті досліджуються проблеми правового регулювання, запропонованого проекту Закону України «Про внесення змін до Кримінального процесуального кодексу України (щодо удосконалення механізмів забезпечення завдань кримінального провадження)». На підставі проведеного аналізу законопроекту було встановлено підстави недоцільності деяких запропонованих змін, а також представлено ряд пропозицій щодо окремих положень законопроекту

    Polymorphism of the cold receptor gene TRPM8 in native populations of Siberia: putative selective role of rs11563208 polymorphism in Northeast Asia

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    The TRPM8 gene encodes the cold-activated receptor TRPM8, which has an important role in cold adaptation as well as in metabolic and immune responses. Previously, it has been found that polymorphic variants of the TRPM8 gene, which are present in human populations, are associated with different cold sensitivity. In the present study we have investigated variability of all exons and adjacent intronic sequences of this gene in samples of native populations of Siberia, including regional groups from Northeastern, Central, Southern and Western parts of Siberia. In 9 out of 21 variable loci revealed, the frequency of the derived alleles accounts for more than 10 % (loci rs28901637, rs11562975, rs10929319, rs28901644, rs7593557, rs12185590, rs10171428, rs11563208, and rs11563071). Different variants of these polymorphic loci, which are most frequent in native Siberians, generate 26 haplotypes. In addition to 7 haplotypes shared by all regional groups and present there at frequencies of 2–28 %, unique haplotypes were found in all regional samples. One of them characterized by derived allele T at rs11563208 locus is very interesting because it is spread at the frequency of 14 % only in Northeast Asia (in Koryaks and Chukchi). A synonymous substitution at rs11563208 locus may have a functional role because the amino acid residue (isoleucine at position 1016 of TRPM8 protein) corresponding to this locus is located in functionally important TRP-domain and, hence, it can influence thermoreception processes. It is assumed that the appearance of the haplotype carrying the rs11563208-T allele may be due to the necessity to counteract the inhibition of TRPM8 receptors by polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are typical of the traditional diet of native people of Northeast Asia (Siberian Eskimo, Chukchi and Koryaks)

    Evaluating the role of selection in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes of aboriginal peoples of Siberia

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    Studies of the nature of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variability in human populations have shown that protein­coding genes are under negative (purifying) selection, since their mutation spectra are characterized by a pro­ nounced predominance of synonymous substitutions over non­synonymous ones (Ka/Ks < 1). Meanwhile, a number of studies have shown that the adaptation of populations to various environmental conditions may be accompanied by a relaxation of negative selection in some mtDNA genes. For example, it was previously found that in Arctic populations, negative selection is relaxed in the mitochondrial ATP6 gene, which encodes one of the subunits of ATP synthase. In this work, we performed a Ka/Ks analysis of mitochondrial genes in large samples of three regional population groups in Eurasia: Siberia (N = 803), Western Asia/Transcaucasia (N = 753), and Eastern Europe (N = 707). The main goal of this work is to search for traces of adaptive evolution in the mtDNA genes of aboriginal peoples of Siberia represented by populations of the north (Koryaks, Evens) and the south of Siberia and the adjacent territory of Northeast China (Bu­ryats, Barghuts, Khamnigans). Using standard Ka/Ks analysis, it was found that all mtDNA genes in all studied regional population groups are subject to negative selection. The highest Ka/Ks values in different regional samples were found in almost the same set of genes encoding subunits of ATP synthase (ATP6, ATP8), NADH dehydrogenase complex (ND1, ND2, ND3), and cytochrome bc1 complex (CYB). The highest Ka/Ks value, indicating a relaxation of negative selection, was found in the ATP6 gene in the Siberian group. The results of the analysis performed using the FUBAR method (HyPhy software package) and aimed at searching for mtDNA codons under the influence of selection also showed the predominance of negative selection over positive selection in all population groups. In Siberian populations, nucleotide sites that are under positive selection and associated with mtDNA haplogroups were registered not in the north (which is expected under the assumption of adaptive evolution of mtDNA), but in the south of Siberia

    Polymorphism of the trehalase gene (TREH) in native populations of Siberia

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    Deficiency of some carbohydrates in the traditional diet of native populations of the Far North contributed to a high population prevalence of inactive variants of genes encoding, for example, amylase (AMY2A gene) and sucrase­isomaltase (SI gene). Trehalose, which is found in algae, higher fungi, lichens and some higher plants, is another of the disaccharides, poorly digested by native people of the Far North. Here, in native populations of Siberia, we studied the polymorphism of the TREH gene, which encodes trehalase, an enzyme that cleaves trehalose. The analysis of exome polymorphism showed the presence of seven haplotypes of the TREH gene in the population. Three of them are determined by the variant rs2276064­A, which is associated with the lowest activity of trehalase. The maximum frequency of this group of haplotypes is observed in the samples of native populations of Northeast Asia (about 60 %), in the remaining samples of the Siberian populations, its frequency is 30–40 %. Thus, the high frequency of variant rs2276064­A, associated with a low­activity trehalase, explains why Northern aboriginal peoples avoid food containing trehalose. It is assumed that the increase in the frequency of this variant in the populations of Northeast Asia can have been facilitated by gene drift acting in populations of a small effective size. However, it is possible that artificially induced trehalose deficiency in the traditional diet of the indigenous peoples of the Far North (due to the tradition of rejecting fungi) could also cause an increase in the frequency of low­activity trehalase, provided that this tradition has been existing among Northern aboriginal peoples for many generations

    Особливості змін неспецифічного імунного захисту при експериментальній черепно-мозковій травмі у поєднанні з цукровим діабетом

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    Проаналізовано результати дослідження титру комплементу і фагоцитарної активності нейтрофільнихлейкоцитів крові за умов експериментальної черепно-мозкової травми, цукрового діабету та їх поєднання.Встановлено зменшення активності комплементу, пригнічення загальної активності фагоцитів та дефектифагоцитозу після черепно-мозкової травми у поєднанні з цукровим діабетом, які свідчать про зниженнянеспецифічної реактивності організму, що сприяє персистенції інфекційних агентів, порушенню елімінаціїімунних комплексів з організму та визначає тяжкість і динаміку розвитку гнійно-септичних ускладнень

    Uniparental Genetic Heritage of Belarusians: Encounter of Rare Middle Eastern Matrilineages with a Central European Mitochondrial DNA Pool

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    Ethnic Belarusians make up more than 80% of the nine and half million people inhabiting the Republic of Belarus. Belarusians together with Ukrainians and Russians represent the East Slavic linguistic group, largest both in numbers and territory, inhabiting East Europe alongside Baltic-, Finno-Permic- and Turkic-speaking people. Till date, only a limited number of low resolution genetic studies have been performed on this population. Therefore, with the phylogeographic analysis of 565 Y-chromosomes and 267 mitochondrial DNAs from six well covered geographic sub-regions of Belarus we strove to complement the existing genetic profile of eastern Europeans. Our results reveal that around 80% of the paternal Belarusian gene pool is composed of R1a, I2a and N1c Y-chromosome haplogroups – a profile which is very similar to the two other eastern European populations – Ukrainians and Russians. The maternal Belarusian gene pool encompasses a full range of West Eurasian haplogroups and agrees well with the genetic structure of central-east European populations. Our data attest that latitudinal gradients characterize the variation of the uniparentally transmitted gene pools of modern Belarusians. In particular, the Y-chromosome reflects movements of people in central-east Europe, starting probably as early as the beginning of the Holocene. Furthermore, the matrilineal legacy of Belarusians retains two rare mitochondrial DNA haplogroups, N1a3 and N3, whose phylogeographies were explored in detail after de novo sequencing of 20 and 13 complete mitogenomes, respectively, from all over Eurasia. Our phylogeographic analyses reveal that two mitochondrial DNA lineages, N3 and N1a3, both of Middle Eastern origin, might mark distinct events of matrilineal gene flow to Europe: during the mid-Holocene period and around the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, respectively

    Origin and Post-Glacial Dispersal of Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups C and D in Northern Asia

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    More than a half of the northern Asian pool of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is fragmented into a number of subclades of haplogroups C and D, two of the most frequent haplogroups throughout northern, eastern, central Asia and America. While there has been considerable recent progress in studying mitochondrial variation in eastern Asia and America at the complete genome resolution, little comparable data is available for regions such as southern Siberia – the area where most of northern Asian haplogroups, including C and D, likely diversified. This gap in our knowledge causes a serious barrier for progress in understanding the demographic pre-history of northern Eurasia in general. Here we describe the phylogeography of haplogroups C and D in the populations of northern and eastern Asia. We have analyzed 770 samples from haplogroups C and D (174 and 596, respectively) at high resolution, including 182 novel complete mtDNA sequences representing haplogroups C and D (83 and 99, respectively). The present-day variation of haplogroups C and D suggests that these mtDNA clades expanded before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), with their oldest lineages being present in the eastern Asia. Unlike in eastern Asia, most of the northern Asian variants of haplogroups C and D began the expansion after the LGM, thus pointing to post-glacial re-colonization of northern Asia. Our results show that both haplogroups were involved in migrations, from eastern Asia and southern Siberia to eastern and northeastern Europe, likely during the middle Holocene

    Distribution of the arctic variant of the CPT1A gene in indigenous populations of Siberia

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    Population screening of the Arctic variant, which has arisen due to the G > A mutation at locus rs80356779 in the CPT1A gene, has been performed for the first time among indigenous peoples of Siberia (Chukchi, Koryaks, Evens, Evenks, Yakuts, Buryats and Altaians) and East Asia (Koreans). It is assumed that CPT1A Arctic variant originated from Eskimo ancestors, probably as a result of adaptation to a high-fat diet and/or to the extremely cold environment. It is also known that the homozygous Arctic variant is associated with hypoketotic hypoglycemia attributable to CPT1A deficiency and high infant mortality and occurs at high frequency in American Eskimo. On the other hand, the association of CPT1A Arctic variant with increased levels of HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 in blood plasma suggests that this mutation might have a cardioprotective role. In the present study, a high frequency of CPT1A Arctic variant has been found in coastal populations of Northeast Asia – in Koryaks (66 %), Chukchi (56 %) and Evens (30 %), and singularly (at a frequency of 1 %) in Evenks of Central Siberia. Five polymorphic loci relevant to the haplotypic structure of CPT1A gene (rs2278908, rs2278907, rs2924699, rs7112615 and rs2229738) were revealed by high-throughput DNA sequencing in addition to locus rs80356779 studied here. It was found that the Arctic variant haplotype has arisen only once on the basis of the haplotype, which is widespread in modern populations of Eurasia. We assume that the expansion of Eskimo culture of the sea mammal hunting as well as Eskimo assimilation by Chukchi and Koryaks have contributed to the spread of the CPT1A Arctic variant across the populations of indigenous peoples of Northeast Asia