534 research outputs found


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    The study is entitled the students’ perception on summary writing as a way to learn grammar. It is aimed to investigate the students’ opinion on summary writing as a way to learn grammar and their obstacles in the implementation. The data for this study were gained through qualitative method that used questionnaire and interview, and the respondents were first semester students who used summary writing as their learning activity. The study reveals that the students have positive perception on the use of summary writing, they were interested in the subject and give positive perceptions because the students agreed that the subject and summary writing gave so much knowledge and information that will be beneficial for them in the future. Meanwhile, it is also shown that students face some difficulties in writing the summary, such as difficult in understanding resource text, having lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar mastery also lack of idea to produce the summary. The result of the study is expected to give contribution in improving EFL teaching and learning activity, especially in learning grammar. Keywords: Students’ Perception, Summary Writing, Learning Gramma

    Clinical practice: The diagnosis of imported malaria in children

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    The present paper reviews the diagnosis of imported malaria in children. Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium and occurs in over 100 countries worldwide. Children account for 10–15% of all patients with imported malaria and are at risk to develop severe and life-threatening complications especially when infected with Plasmodium falciparum. Case–fatality ratios vary between 0.2% and 0.4%. Children visiting friends and relatives in malaria endemic areas and immigrants and refugees account for the vast majority of cases. Symptoms are non-specific and delayed infections (more than 3 months after return from an endemic country) may occur. Microscopic analysis of the thick blood film is the cornerstone of laboratory diagnosis. For pragmatic reasons, EDTA-anticoagulated blood is accepted, provided that slides are prepared within 1 h after collection. Information about the Plasmodium species (in particular P. falciparum versus the non-falciparum species) and the parasite density is essential for patient management. Molecular methods in reference settings are an adjunct for species differentiation. Signals generated by automated hematology analyzers may trigger the diagnosis of malaria in non-suspected cases. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests are reliable in the diagnosis of P. falciparum but not for the detection of the non-falciparum species. They do not provide information about parasite density and should be used as an adjunct (and not a substitute) to microscopy. In case of persistent suspicion and negative microscopy results, repeat testing every 8–12 h for at least three consecutive samplings is recommended. A high index of suspicion and a close interaction with the laboratory may assure timely diagnosis of imported malaria

    A market-based approach to scale up sustainable rural water supply: experiences from Tanzania

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    In order to reach universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking Water for All (SDG 6), SMARTechs such as Manual well drilling and Rope pumps may be a good option to scale up rural water supply and reach also the small and remote communities. A recent study looked at ways to scale up the use of these technologies in Tanzania. Trained local entrepreneurs sell the product for Self-supply (private use) and communal use. For efficient scale-up, they need to be supported in all aspects of the supply chain to reach the maximum number of households and to establish a national distribution network. The best way to create demand for Self-supply is bottom-up: by means of good-working examples and close relationships, clearly showing the socio-economic advantages for the user. First results show that SMARTechs are sustainable: production by local entrepreneurs, high functionalities due to ownership and low maintenance costs

    Mechanobiology of orthodontic tooth movement: An update.

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    The purpose of this review is to provide an update on the changes at the cellular and tissue level occurring during orthodontic force application. For the understanding of this process, knowledge of the mechanobiology of the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone are essential. The periodontal ligament and alveolar bone make up a functional unit that undergoes robust changes during orthodontic tooth movement. Complex molecular signaling is responsible for converting mechanical stresses into biochemical events with a net result of bone apposition and/or bone resorption. Despite an improved understanding of mechanical and biochemical signaling mechanisms, it is largely unknown how mechanical stresses regulate the differentiation of stem/progenitor cells into osteoblast and osteoclast lineages. To advance orthodontics, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of osteoblast differentiation from mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells and osteoclastogenesis from the hematopoietic/monocyte lineage

    Sílica nanoestruturada contendo triancinolona acetonida : aplicação no desenvolvimento de filmes orais por impressão 3D

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    O uso de glicocorticóides sintéticos, dentre eles a triancinolona acetonida (TA), é amplamente difundido no tratamento de lesões orais devido a sua ação no alívio de sintomas. A TA é um fármaco classificado como Classe IV no BCS, apresentando baixa solubilidade em água e baixa permeabilidade. A nanoencapsulação pode ser uma estratégia interessante para o uso tópico da TA, superando os desafios da administração na mucosa oral. Sílicas nanoestruturadas, como o SBA-15, são plataformas inorgânicas altamente porosas que hospedam o fármaco em seus nanoporos, aumentando a sua solubilidade aparente. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma formulação de sílica mesoporosa nanoestruturada do tipo SBA-15 carregada com TA e avaliar sua incorporação em filmes poliméricos, empregando uma técnica de impressão 3D a partir de hidrogéis. A SBA-15 foi sintetizada e sua microestrutura caracterizada como morfologia de bastonete e arranjo de poros hexagonal. A incorporação do fármaco foi determinado por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e análise termogravimétrica (TGA), encontrando-se carga de fármaco de 6,70% e 6,61%, respectivamente. Houve redução da área superficial específica e volume de poro da SBA-15 após incorporação do fármaco à sílica mesoporosa. Embora altamente disperso na formulação, uma porção do fármaco ainda foi encontrada na forma cristalina. Os estudos de liberação in vitro da TA a partir da formulação SBA-TA (dispersa em meio de liberação), sua solução em solvente orgânico e sua suspensão em meio aquoso foram realizados empregando a técnica do saco de diálise. Os perfis de liberação da TA a partir da SBA-TA e da TA em solução foram similares, atingindo 100% de fármaco liberado/difundido em 12 h. O filme impresso a partir do hidrogel contendo carboximetil celulose e SBA-TA apresentou uma liberação in vitro do fármaco de 100% após 12h. Além disso, a presença de SBA-TA no filme aumentou sua propriedade mucoadesiva. Esses dados indicam que este é um protótipo promissor para a aliança entre impressão 3D e nanomateriais no desenvolvimento de formas farmacêuticas com potencial de customização e maior aceitação pelo paciente.The use of synthetic glucocorticoids, including triamcinolone acetonide (TA), is widely used in the treatment of oral lesions due to their action in relieving symptoms. TA is a drug classified as Class IV in the BCS, with low water solubility and low permeability. Nanoencapsulation can be an interesting strategy for the topical use of TA, overcoming the challenges of administration to the oral mucosa. Nanostructured silicas, such as SBA-15, are highly porous inorganic platforms that host the drug in their nanopores, increasing its apparent solubility. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a formulation of mesoporous nanostructured silica, SBA-15 type, loaded with TA and evaluate its incorporation into polymeric films, using a 3D printing technique from hydrogels. The SBA-15 was synthesized and its microstructure characterized as a rod-like morphology and hexagonal pore arrangement. Drug loading was assayed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), where it was found drug loading of 6.70% and 6.61%, respectively. There was a reduction in the specific surface area and pore volume of SBA-15 after incorporation of the drug to mesoporous silica. Although highly dispersed in the formulation, a portion of the drug was still found in crystalline form. The in vitro release studies of TA from the SBA-TA formulation (dispersed in release medium), its solution in organic solvent and its suspension were performed using the dialysis bag technique. The release profiles of TA from SBA-TA and TA in solution were similar, reaching 100% of drug released/diffused in 12 h. The film printed from the hydrogel containing SBA-TA showed an in vitro release of the drug higher than 50% after 3 h. Furthermore, the presence of SBA-TA in the film increased its mucoadhesive property. These data indicate that this is a promising prototype for the alliance between 3D printing and nanomaterials in the development of dosage forms with potential for customization and enhanced patient acceptance

    Leven voor leven : de symbiose tussen landbouw en wetenschap

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    Vijftig jarig bestaan Landbouwhogeschool Wageninge
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