4 research outputs found

    Risk factors for oral mucositis during chemotherapy treatment for solid tumors:a retrospective STROBE-guided study

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    This study retrospectively analyzed the risk factors for transchemotherapy oral mucositis (OM). Before each chemotherapy cycle, patients were routinely evaluated for the presence/severity of OM based on the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5.0 scale for adverse effects and graded as follows: However, specific conditions such as mucositis are graded on a five-point scale: 0, absence of mucositis, grade 1 (Asymptomatic or mild), 2 (Presence of pain and moderate ulceration, without interference with food intake), 3 (severe pain with interference with food intake) or 4 (Life-threatening with the need for urgent intervention). Information from 2 years of evaluations was collected and patient medical records were reviewed to obtain data on chemotherapy cycle, sex, age, body mass index, body surface area, primary tumor, chemotherapy protocol, and history of head and neck radiotherapy. The X² test and multinomial logistic regression were used for statistical analysis (SPSS 20.0, p30 (p=0.008), radiotherapy (p=0.037) and use of carboplatin (p=0.046) and cyclophosphamide (p=0.010) increased this prevalence. Cycles of chemotherapy, sex, cytotoxicity drugs, bevacizumab and head and neck radiotherapy increase the risk of OM in solid tumors

    Obtenção de mimetismo em restauração de dente posterior através da técnica de estratificação com resinas compostas e corantes: Relato de caso / Obtaining mimicry in posterior tooth restoration through the technique of stratification with composite resins and tinted flowable composite: Case report

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    O objetivo do estudo foi relatar, através de um caso clínico, a realização de um tratamento restaurador usando resinas compostas e corantes, a partir da técnica de estratificação, visando mimetizar as características naturais de um dente posterior. Paciente com 32 anos, do gênero feminino, queixava-se de fratura de uma restauração. Após a constatação na fratura no dente 47, foi realizada a seleção de cor (A2) e a restauração foi removida. Realizou-se profilaxia da cavidade, aplicação de um sistema adesivo autocondicionante de 2 passos e fotoativação por 10 segundos. Na etapa restauradora, foi inserida uma camada de resina composta fluida, na parede pulpar, e a dentina foi mimetizada com 2 incrementos. A resina de esmalte cromtático foi aplicada e realizou-se a delimitação do perímetro das 4 cúspides. O corante ocre foi aplicado no fundo do sulco central e o branco na vertente das cúspides, e por fim, foi aplicada a resina composta de esmalte acromático, restabelecendo as características de textura. Todos os incrementos de resina foram foativados individualmente por 40º segundos. Posteriormente, foi realizado o ajuste oclusal e o acabamento e polimento da restauração. Concluiu-se que a técnica restauradora incremental, utilizando resinas compostas com diferentes graus de translucidez e opacidade associado a corantes é eficiente para mimetizar restaurações em dente posterior

    Oral rehabilitation after partial maxilectomy for removal of pleomorphic adenoma: case report

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    ABSTRACT Salivary gland tumors account for only 3%–5% of all tumors in the head and neck, 10%–15% of which originate from minor salivary glands. Pleomorphic adenoma is a benign lesion of the salivary gland, most commonly occurring in the region of the hard and soft palates. The treatment of choice for pleomorphic adenomas is with the partial or total function of the extension of the lesion, and placing palatal obturators are one method of reestablishing masticatory function and facial esthetics. This study aimed to rehabilitate a patient using a palatal implant following partial maxillectomy for the removal of a pleomorphic adenoma. A young patient with pleomorphic adenoma of the hard palate underwent a partial right-sided maxillectomy procedure which removed the hard palate and alveolar regions of the molars. Prior to surgery, the patient was assessed to make a surgical guide for resection of the tumor, as well as a provisional obturator plate using orthodontic wire clasps. After healing, the patient was rehabilitated using a palatal obturator which had been incorporated into a removable partial denture. The clinical sequence used to fabricate the final prosthesis was as follows: initial molding after surgery, prosthesis design, preparation of the mouth, work molding, structure testing and orientation planning, teeth testing and installation, and periodic maintenance. Thus, we can conclude that the palatal obturator is an excellent means of restoring a patient’s oral function, facial esthetics, and overall quality of life