91 research outputs found

    Reward preferences of pathological gamblers under conditions of uncertainty: an experimental study

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    Among many personality traits, impulsivity represents one of the most important traits associated with pathological gambling. Empirical research has highlighted the multidimensional nature of impulsivity, which includes different heterogeneous traits and behavioral tendencies. The present study experimentally examined reward preferences of pathological gamblers under conditions of uncertainty using the Balloon Analogue Risk Task. Furthermore it also examined the relationship between impulsivity, time perspective, inability to tolerate delay in gratification, and risktaking. The present study is the first to simultaneously examine all these variables simultaneously in a sample of pathological gamblers (n=54) and healthy controls (n=54) from Italy. All participants participated in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) and were also administered Italian versions of the South Oaks Gambling Screen, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, the Consideration of Future Consequences, and the Monetary Choice Questionnaire. Analyses revealed that compared to HCs, PGs were more risk prone on the BART, and reported elevated levels of impulsivity, steeper discounting rates and a shorter time perspective. All the measures correlated with the gambling severity and strong correlations between the BIS, CFC-14 and BART were observed. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that impulsivity and risk-taking were strong predictors of pathological gambling

    Chrysotile detection in soils with proximal hyperspectral sensing and chemometrics

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    In this work the authors present an innovative methodology, based on proximal hyperspectral sensing and chemometric techniques, aimed at detecting asbestos containing soils. Short Wave InfraRed (SWIR) reflectance spectra of reference samples containing known chrysotile fractions were collected in laboratory. Since the identification of asbestos containing soils depends on the contaminant mass percentage (weight/weight), two supervised multivariate data projection methods were evaluated for asbestos concentration prediction. The first results are reported here, together with advantages and limits of the analytical methods. Orthogonal Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression showed the lowest error in prediction and the highest coefficient of determination in prediction. This technique would support screening activities frequently conducted during environmental assessment and remediation projects

    Water buffalo mozzarella cheese stored in polysaccharide-based gels: correlation between prolongation of the shelf-life and physicochemical parameters.

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    An innovative packaging system has been developed, based on natural gels, that has shown the peculiar characteristic to strongly increase the shelf life of water buffalo Mozzarella cheese. To explain the mechanism of action of the gel, measurements of Ca and Na in the cheese and in the storage liquid were carried out, together with pH determination. A correlation has been found between the constant level of Ca and pH in the cheese and the prolongation of nutritional characteristics; in fact, both parameters diminish significantly in the absence of gel. At the same time, the weight of the cheese in gel remained constant for as long as 30 d. Confocal laser microscopy gave direct evidence of the persistent physical structure of proteins and lipids of Mozzarella when stored in gel

    Development of a petrographic classification of fly-ash components from coal combustion and co-combustion. (An ICCP Classification System, Fly-Ash Working Group – Commission III.)

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    A new system for the microscopic classification of fly-ash components has been developed by the Fly-Ash Working Group, Commission III of the ICCP and is presented herein. The studied fly-ashes were obtained from the combustion of single coals of varied rank, coal blends, and coals blended with other fuels (biomass, petroleum coke), in different operating conditions and by means of different technologies. Microscopic images of the fly-ash samples were used to test the optical criteria proposed for classifying the fly-ash components. The classification system developed is based on a small number of microscopic criteria, subdivided into six independent levels or categories, three of which are directed at whole particle identification on the basis of nature, origin and type of fly-ash particle, while the other three levels are directed at the smaller section identification on the basis of character, structure and optical texture of unburned carbons. To classify the inorganic components of the fly-ash, the criterion proposed is composition in terms of metallic/non-metallic character. To establish the classification criteria the petrographers involved in the work performed three successive round robins. Evaluation of the results by using firstly descriptive statistics and then the criteria and parameters employed by the ICCP in their accreditation programs indicated that the classification of the fly-ash components was accurate and that there was only a minor bias. The main conclusion of this study was that the proposed criteria are valuable for identifying, and classifying fly-ash components and for describing the optical properties of fly-ash particles

    Recycling process by dissolution/polymerization: Giving new life to waste expanded polystyrene

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    This work aims to provide the chemical recycling method of waste expanded polystyrene (EPS) by a closed-loop design using the dissolution/polymerization technology was with styrene as solvent
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