82 research outputs found

    Concise sharpening and generalizations of Shafer's inequality for the arc sine function

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    In this paper, by a concise and elementary approach, we sharpen and generalize Shafer's inequality for the arc sine function, and some known results are extended and generalized.Comment: 5 page

    Monotonicity results and bounds for the inverse hyperbolic sine

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    In this note, we present monotonicity results of a function involving to the inverse hyperbolic sine. From these, we derive some inequalities for bounding the inverse hyperbolic sine.Comment: 3 page

    Symposium for Miroslav Hroch

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    Twelve historians and social scientists reflect on Miroslav Hroch's contributions to the field of nationalism studies. There are essays on his pioneering comparative historical studies of ā€˜small nationā€™ national movements and his distinction between nationalism and national movements. Other essays focus on concepts such as those of protagonist, the three phases of national movements, the small nation and nationally relevant conflict of interest. A further set of essays explores how Hroch's approach can be extended beyond small nations, beyond Europe and into the contemporary period.Political Culture and National Identit

    Carnal encounters and producing socialist Yugoslavia: voluntary youth labour actions on the newsreel screen

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    This article explores the role that the newsreel genre played in the production of socialist Yugoslav territory, understood as reshaping the body of the socius. We analyse news reports concerning voluntary youth labour actions, which were one of the most important features of Yugoslav socialist society and which featured heavily in Yugoslav official newsreels. We argue that the newsreel provided a specific liminal space in between the ā€˜realā€™/non-cinematic and ā€˜screenedā€™/cinematic experience, where we locate occurrences of carnal encounters between the body on the cinematic screen and the body of the audience. In this regard, we discuss two characteristic types of frame which were present in the newsreel reports on labour actions: the somatic frame and the machinic-labour frame

    Towards an Embodied Sociology of War

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    While sociology has historically not been a good interlocutor of war, this paper argues that the body has always known war, and that it is to the corporeal that we can turn in an attempt to develop a language to better speak of its myriad violences and its socially generative force. It argues that war is a crucible of social change that is prosecuted, lived and reproduced via the occupation and transformation of myriad bodies in numerous ways from exhilaration to mutilation. War and militarism need to be traced and analysed in terms of their fundamental, diverse and often brutal modes of embodied experience and apprehension. This paper thus invites sociology to extend its imaginative horizon to rethink the crucial and enduring social institution of war as a broad array of fundamentally embodied experiences, practices and regimes

    Properties of high-temperature proton conductors based on barium cerium indium oxide

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    U okviru ove doktorske disertacije je ispitan uticaj koncentracije dopanta na svojstva BaCe1āˆ’xInxO3ā€“Ī“ (BCI, x = 0,05; 0,10; 0,15; 0,20; 0,25; 0,30; 0,35 i 0,40) kao protonskog provodnika. Struktura i fazni sastav sintetisanih prahova dobijenih metodom samosagorevanja su utvrđeni rendgenskom difrakcionom analizom, pri čemu je pokazano da prahovi sa ā‰„ 25 % (mol.) indijuma sadrže In 2 O3 kao sekundarnu fazu. Optimizacijom postupka sinterovanja je utvrđeno da je termički tretman na 1300 Ā°C tokom 5 h optimalan za dobijanje guste neporozne keramike (98 % teorijske vrednosti). Mikrostruktura je analizirana skanirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM). Povećanje temperature sinterovanja dovodi do nastanka većih zrna, dok povećanje koncentracije indijuma do 25 % (mol.) dovodi do porasta zrna, a iznad te koncentracije nema daljeg uticaja na veličinu zrna. Izlaganjem sinterovanog uzorka atmosferi CO2 tokom 5 h na 700 Ā°C je pokazano da indijum u potpunosti suzbija degradaciju BaCeO3 već u koncentraciji od 15 % (mol.). Električnim merenjima u atmosferi vlažnog vodonika je utvrđeno da maksimalna ukupna provodljivost iznosi 5 Ɨ 10āˆ’3 S cm ā€“1 na 700 Ā°C za uzorak BaCe0,75 In 0,25 O3ā€“Ī“ (BCI25), zbog čega je ovaj materijal odabran kao najbolji kandidat za elektrolit gorivne ćelije na bazi oksida u čvrstom stanju. Dobijena gorivna ćelija Ni-BaCe0,75 In0,25 O3āˆ’Ī“ā•‘BaCe0,75 In0,25 O3āˆ’Ī“ā•‘LSCF-BaCe0,75 In 0,25 O3āˆ’Ī“ (LSCF = lantan-stroncijum- kobalt-gvožđe-oksid, La0,8 Sr0,2 Co0,8 Fe0,2 O3 ) je pokazala maksimalnu gustinu izlazne snage od 264 mW cm ā€“2 na 700 Ā°C, koristeći vlažan vodonik kao gorivo. Ovakav rezultat ukazuje na stabilnost i funkcionalnost BCI25 kao elektrolita za gorivne ćelije. Ispitivanjem električnih svojstava BCI25 u atmosferama različitog sastava je uočeno da dolazi do brze promene impedanse prilikom promene parcijalnog pritiska vodene pare, Å”to čini ovaj materijal pogodnim za primenu kao visokotemperaturnog senzora vodene pare. Senzorska svojstva BCI25 u vidu poroznog filma i sinterovane keramike su ispitana u temperaturnom opsegu 250 Ā°C ā€“ 700 Ā°C. Film debljine 30 Ī¼m, napravljen od praha kalcinisanog na 1050 Ā°C, je pokazao osetljivost uporedivu sa osetljivoŔću sinterovanog uzorka, ali sa značajno kraćim vremenom odziva i oporavka. Pokazalo se da je najbolja osetljivost senzora na temperaturi od 500 Ā°C. Osetljivost filma se postepeno smanjivala sa smanjenjem parcijalnog pritiska vodene pare pH2O , ali je bila značajna i pri parcijalnom pritisku vodene pare od 200 Pa. Pad provodljivosti je zavisio logaritamski od parcijalnog pritiska vodene pare sa nagibom od 0,52 Å”to je blisko tipičnoj vrednosti za protonski tip provođenja u tom temperaturnom opsegu. Posle nekoliko ciklusa, test ponovne upotrebe je pokazao skoro nepromenjen odnos između impedanse u suvoj i vlažnoj atmosferi (pH2O = 2,34 kPa), Å”to je ukazalo na dobru stabilnost i osetljivost BCI25 kao potencijalnog visokotemperaturnog senzora vodene pare.The main goal of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate the influence of dopant concentration on properties of BaCe1ā€“xInxO3ā€“Ī“ (BCI, x = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, and 0.40) as a proton conductor. The structure and phase composition of the synthesized powder, obtained by the auto-combustion method, were determined by the X-ray diffraction analysis. Powders containing ā‰„ 25 % (mol) indium, contain In 2 O3 as a secondary phase. The optimal sintering procedure to obtain dense nonporous (98 % of theoretical density) ceramics was determined to be 5 h at 1300 Ā°C. Microstructure was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Higher sintering temperature leads to the formation of larger grains, while an increase in indium concentration up to 25 % (mol) leads to an increase in the grain size with no further influence above that concentration. Exposure of the sintered sample to the CO2 atmosphere for 5 h at 700 Ā°C showed that indium completely suppressed the degradation of BaCeO3 when its concentration reached 15 % (mol). The highest total conductivity is around 5Ɨ10 ā€“3 S cmā€“1 for BaCe0.75 In 0.25 O3ā€“Ī“ (BCI25) was determined by electrical measurements in the wet hydrogen atmosphere at 700 ā„ƒ, which made this material the best choice for the construction of the solid oxide fuel cell. The obtained fuel cell, Ni-BaCe0.75 In0.25 O3āˆ’Ī“ā•‘BaCe0.75 In0.25 O3āˆ’Ī“ā•‘LSCF-BaCe0.75 In0.25 O3āˆ’Ī“, (LSCF = lanthanum strontium cobalt iron oxide, La0,8 Sr0,2 Co0,8 Fe0,2 O3 ) exhibited a maximum output power density of 264 mW cmā€“2 at 700 ā„ƒ, using hydrogen as a fuel. This result is an indication of the stability and functionality of this electrolyte and its versatility with respect to the type of fuel and performing environment. During the investigation of the electrical characteristics of BCI25, under the atmospheres of various compositions, it was observed that the impedance of the sample changes rapidly upon the change in partial pressure of water vapor, which makes this material suitable for application as a high- temperature humidity sensor. The sensing characteristics of BCI25 were investigated in the 250 Ā°C ā€“ 700 Ā°C temperature range in the form of porous film and sintered ceramics. The 30 Ī¼m thick film obtained from the powder calcined at 1050 Ā°C exhibited sensitivity comparable to that of the sintered sample with a significantly shorter response and recovery times. The sensor showed the best performance at 500 Ā°C. While the sensitivity of the film gradually decreased with a decrease in partial pressure of water vapor (pH2O), a noticeable sensitivity was still observed at pH2O of 200 Pa. Decrease in conductivity depended logarithmically on the partial pressure of water with the slope of 0.52 that is close to the typical value. After several cycles, the reusability test proved an almost unchanged ratio between the impedance value in the dry and the wet Ar atmosphere (pH2O = 2.34 kPa), which implied that BCI25, having good stability and sensitivity, is a promising high-temperature humidity sensor
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