89 research outputs found

    Difference of optical conductivity between one- and two-dimensional doped nickelates

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    We study the optical conductivity in doped nickelates, and find the dramatic difference of the spectrum in the gap (ω\omega\alt4 eV) between one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) nickelates. The difference is shown to be caused by the dependence of hopping integral on dimensionality. The theoretical results explain consistently the experimental data in 1D and 2D nickelates, Y2x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5 and La2x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4, respectively. The relation between the spectrum in the X-ray aborption experiments and the optical conductivity in La2x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4 is discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of the optical conductivity of (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 in the mid-infrared range

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    We propose an explanation of the mid-infrared peak observed in the optical conductivity of the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 in terms of electronic excitations. It is based on a numerical calculation of the conductivity of the quarter-filled, dimerized Hubbard model. The main result is that, even for intermediate values of U/tU/t for which the charge gap is known to be very small, the first peak, and at the same time the main structure, of the optical conductivity is at an energy of the order of the dimerization gap, like in the infinite UU case. This surprising effect is a consequence of the optical selection rules.Comment: 10 pages, 9 uuencoded figure

    Singular Structure and Enhanced Friedel Oscillations in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    We calculate the leading order corrections (in rsr_s) to the static polarization Π(q,0,)\Pi^{*}(q,0,), with dynamically screened interactions, for the two-dimensional electron gas. The corresponding diagrams all exhibit singular logarithmic behavior in their derivatives at q=2kFq=2 k_F and provide significant enhancement to the proper polarization particularly at low densities. At a density of rs=3r_s=3, the contribution from the leading order {\em fluctuational} diagrams exceeds both the zeroth order (Lindhard) response and the self-energy and exchange contributions. We comment on the importance of these diagrams in two-dimensions and make comparisons to an equivalent three-dimensional electron gas; we also consider the impact these finding have on Π(q,0)\Pi^{*}(q,0) computed to all orders in perturbation theory

    Double Exchange Model for Magnetic Hexaborides

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    A microscopic theory for rare-earth ferromagnetic hexaborides, such as Eu(1-x)Ca(x)B6, is proposed on the basis of the double-exchange Hamiltonian. In these systems, the reduced carrier concentrations place the Fermi level near the mobility edge, introduced in the spectral density by the disordered spin background. We show that the transport properties such as Hall effect, magnetoresitance, frequency dependent conductivity, and DC resistivity can be quantitatively described within the model. We also make specific predictions for the behavior of the Curie temperature, Tc, as a function of the plasma frequency, omega_p.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Role of Collective Mode for Optical Conductivity and Reflectivity in Quarter-Filled Spin-Density-Wave State

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    Taking account of a collective mode relevant to charge fluctuation, the optical conductivity of spin-density-wave state has been examined for an extended Hubbard model with one-dimensional quarter-filled band. We find that, within the random phase approximation, the conductivity exhibits several peaks at the frequency corresponding to the excitation energy of the commensurate collective mode. When charge ordering appears with increasing inter-site repulsive interactions, the main peak with the lowest frequency is reduced and the effective mass of the mode is enhanced indicating the suppression of the effect of the collective mode by charge ordering. It is also shown that the reflectivity becomes large in a wide range of frequency due to the huge dielectric constant induced by the collective mode.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Deducing correlation parameters from optical conductivity in the Bechgaard salts

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    Numerical calculations of the kinetic energy of various extensions of the one-dimensional Hubbard model including dimerization and repulsion between nearest neighbours are reported. Using the sum rule that relates the kinetic energy to the integral of the optical conductivity, one can determine which parameters are consistent with the reduction of the infrared oscillator strength that has been observed in the Bechgaard salts. This leads to improved estimates of the correlation parameters for both the TMTSF and TMTTF series.Comment: 12 pages, latex, figures available from the author

    Quasiparticle undressing in a dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study

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    Dynamic Hubbard models have been proposed as extensions of the conventional Hubbard model to describe the orbital relaxation that occurs upon double occupancy of an atomic orbital. These models give rise to pairing of holes and superconductivity in certain parameter ranges. Here we explore the changes in carrier effective mass and quasiparticle weight and in one- and two-particle spectral functions that occur in a dynamic Hubbard model upon pairing, by exact diagonalization of small systems. It is found that pairing is associated with lowering of effective mass and increase of quasiparticle weight, manifested in transfer of spectral weight from high to low frequencies in one- and two-particle spectral functions. This 'undressing' phenomenology resembles observations in transport, photoemission and optical experiments in high T_c cuprates. This behavior is contrasted with that of a conventional electron-hole symmetric Holstein-like model with attractive on-site interaction, where pairing is associated with 'dressing' instead of 'undressing'

    Scaling theory of the Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in one dimension

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    We use the Bethe ansatz equations to calculate the charge stiffness Dc=(L/2)d2E0/dΦc2Φc=0D_{\rm c} = (L/2) d^2 E_0/d\Phi_{\rm c}^2|_{\Phi_{\rm c}=0} of the one-dimensional repulsive-interaction Hubbard model for electron densities close to the Mott insulating value of one electron per site (n=1n=1), where E0E_0 is the ground state energy, LL is the circumference of the system (assumed to have periodic boundary conditions), and (c/e)Φc(\hbar c/e)\Phi_{\rm c} is the magnetic flux enclosed. We obtain an exact result for the asymptotic form of Dc(L)D_{\rm c}(L) as LL\to \infty at n=1n=1, which defines and yields an analytic expression for the correlation length ξ\xi in the Mott insulating phase of the model as a function of the on-site repulsion UU. In the vicinity of the zero temperature critical point U=0, n=1n=1, we show that the charge stiffness has the hyperscaling form Dc(n,L,U)=Y+(ξδ,ξ/L)D_{\rm c}(n,L,U)=Y_+(\xi \delta, \xi/L), where δ=1n\delta =|1-n| and Y+Y_+ is a universal scaling function which we calculate. The physical significance of ξ\xi in the metallic phase of the model is that it defines the characteristic size of the charge-carrying solitons, or {\em holons}. We construct an explicit mapping for arbitrary UU and ξδ1\xi \delta \ll 1 of the holons onto weakly interacting spinless fermions, and use this mapping to obtain an asymptotically exact expression for the low temperature thermopower near the metal-insulator transition, which is a generalization to arbitrary UU of a result previously obtained using a weak- coupling approximation, and implies hole-like transport for 0<1nξ10<1-n\ll\xi^{-1}.Comment: 34 pages, REVTEX (5 figures by request

    Electronic dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study

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    A model to describe electronic correlations in energy bands is considered. The model is a generalization of the conventional Hubbard model that allows for the fact that the wavefunction for two electrons occupying the same Wannier orbital is different from the product of single electron wavefunctions. We diagonalize the Hamiltonian exactly on a four-site cluster and study its properties as function of band filling. The quasiparticle weight is found to decrease and the quasiparticle effective mass to increase as the electronic band filling increases, and spectral weight in one- and two-particle spectral functions is transfered from low to high frequencies as the band filling increases. Quasiparticles at the Fermi energy are found to be more 'dressed' when the Fermi level is in the upper half of the band (hole carriers) than when it is in the lower half of the band (electron carriers). The effective interaction between carriers is found to be strongly dependent on band filling becoming less repulsive as the band filling increases, and attractive near the top of the band in certain parameter ranges. The effective interaction is most attractive when the single hole carriers are most heavily dressed, and in the parameter regime where the effective interaction is attractive, hole carriers are found to 'undress', hence become more like electrons, when they pair. It is proposed that these are generic properties of electronic energy bands in solids that reflect a fundamental electron-hole asymmetry of condensed matter. The relation of these results to the understanding of superconductivity in solids is discussed.Comment: Small changes following referee's comment