572 research outputs found

    Oscillation Results for First Order Nonlinear Neutral Dierence Equation with \Maxima"

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    In this paper we consider the rst order nonlinear neutral dierenceequation with maxima of the form:and established some sucient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the above equation. Examples are provided to illus-trate the main results. 2010 AMS Subjec

    The Perceptual Theories Pointed out by Pathinen Kilkanakku

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    The Pathinen Kilkanakku that appeared during the Sangam Dark period (The period AD 300-600) contains the concepts of morality, internal and external.  In these books, poets have explained all the necessary information for the lives of the people. The love and affection of the way of life of the people who lived during this period should be discovered and people living in today's environment should know about it and make their lives better. In the literature of the Sangam dark period, messages about the lifestyle, social welfare, occupation, personal welfare, and public welfare of the people of that period are explained openly in such a way that we can all know about it. If each of us acts on the perceptual principles of the way of life and society of the people that these books show, we can see that human life will reach a higher level without harming other living beings. This article examines the principles of perception that the following account refers to

    Lifestyle of People as Expressed in Ettuthogai Antholog

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    Ettuthogai anthology gives a clear picture about the lifestyle of the Sangam era people. This article examines the internal life of both the husband and wife. These text shows us how the elders have shared the happiness, anger, regret, division, surrender, sharing of feelings, love etc. in their life. It can be known that the internal problems between the parents are solved either by themselves or by their friends and the family life is settled well. In the present era both the husband and wife who are aware of their situation can share their stress with each other and by doing so the marriage life will be pleasant without separation. Moreover, the text doesn’t give the solutions for love, division, and regret that appear between parents, but also for the physical and psychological sufferings caused by it. This article thus conveys that if the people of follows this technique in their life, then the resentment between husband and wife can be removed and they can live a contented life

    Study of Doppler waveforms in pregnancy induced hypertension and its correlation with perinatal outcome

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    Background: Objectives of current study were to study the significance of Doppler in PIH using middle cerebral artery and umbilical artery blood flow and to analyze the role of Doppler in PIH in predicting perinatal outcome.Methods: Hundred cases of women with pregnancy induced hypertension between 28-40 weeks of gestation were studied for umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery Doppler waveforms. The perinatal outcome results were documented and analyzed statistically using percentage and Chi-square test.Results: Adverse perinatal outcome was significantly associated with oligohydramnios (P <0.0001) and grade 3 placental maturity (P <0.01). Absent end diastolic flow waveform in umbilical artery was associated with mortality of 27.78% and reverse end diastolic waveform with mortality of 100%.  UA PI has the highest sensitivity (88.88%) and positive predictive value (69.56%) in predicting low birth weight. Cerebroplacental ratio (MCA/UA) had highest sensitivity (94.42%), PPV (86.42%), accuracy (90%) for predicting adverse perinatal outcome than UAPI and MCA PI. MCA PI had low specificity in predicting adverse perinatal outcome.Conclusions: Pregnancy induced hypertension is associated with significant fetal morbidity and mortality. Oligohydramnios in PIH patients is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. Presence of absent end diastolic flow and reversed end diastolic flow in umbilical artery is an ominous sign with high perinatal mortality. Reversed end diastolic flow is more ominous than absent end diastolic flow. Cerebroplacental ratio (MCA/UA PI) is a better predictor of adverse perinatal outcome, with highest diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and positive predictive value, than either vessel Doppler indices considered alone. Colour Doppler study is a simple, quick, non-invasive procedure and is found to be the most accurate among the other tests for antepartum fetal surveillance

    Identification of a putative transcription factor in Candida albicans that can complement the mating defect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ste12 mutants

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    We have isolated an acid proteinase-related gene, ACPR, from Candida albicans using a partial clone (Ganesan, K., Banerjee, A., and Datta, A. (1991) Infect. Immun. 59, 2972-2977) as a probe. Sequencing of the full-length gene revealed an open reading frame that can encode a protein of 699 amino acids. The deduced NH2-terminal amino acid sequence did not correspond with that determined from the purified secretory acid proteinase; however, the encoded protein is antigenically related to secretory acid proteinase and has a putative active site for acid proteinase. Interestingly, the amino acid sequence of the NH2-terminal 215 residues of Acprp is highly similar to the DNA binding domain of Ste12p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gel retardation experiments showed that this region of Acprp, like Ste12p, could bind to S. cerevisiae pheromone response elements, suggesting that Acprp has a function similar to Ste12p. Chimeric constructs composed of S. cerevisiae STE12 and C. albicans ACPR genes complemented the mating defect of S. cerevisiae a or alpha ste12 mutants. Our results suggest the presence of a signal transduction system in C. albicans similar to that of S. cerevisiae mating pathway

    A comparative study of safety and efficacy of vaginal isosorbide mononitrate (40mg) with dinoprostone gel (0.5mg)

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    Background: It is essential to intervene pregnancy for safety of mother, fetus or both. Successful labor induction is clearly related to the state of the cervix. Women with an unfavorable cervix who have not experienced cervical ripening phase before labor present the greatest challenge with regard to labor induction. Therefore, it is necessary to use optimal technique for cervical ripening and safe confinement. One of the common methods includes use of PGE2 gel for cervical ripening. The rationale of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of Iso-sorbide mononitrate as pre-induction cervical ripening with PGE2 gel induction.Methods: After attaining ethics approval [PSG IHEC], a prospective randomised, case-controlled study was conducted on 182 women undergoing elective induction of labour. They were allocated to either Study or Control group by computer generated random number table method. ISMN was used vaginally prior to labour induction in the study group whereas PGE2 gel induction was used in the control group. Change in bishop score and Induction to delivery interval was assessed in both the groups.Results: There was a significant reduction in induction to delivery interval in the study group (ISMN) 15.2 hours when compared to 23.2 hours in the control group (PGE2 gel) with p=0.000. Need for augmentation of labour was reduced in the study group significantly with p=0.003. Cost of induction was less when compared to the control group. ISMN had less side effects hence can be used as OP basis.Conclusions: Vaginal Isosorbide mononitrate when used as a cervical ripening agent significantly reduces induction to delivery interval. Use of Isosorbide mononitrate was associated with very less side effects and it is a cost-effective drug. Thus, ISMN can be used safely and effectively in term patients for pre-induction cervical ripening when compared to PGE2 gel

    Pregnant women with COVID-19: a study in tertiary care centre

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    COVID-19 had become a pandemic since December 2019. Although the infection rate affecting the pregnant women is less when compared to general population, the data on the effect of coronavirus in pregnancy are limited to a few case studies This was a case series conducted at KIMS Hospital, Bengaluru for a period of 1 year from November 2020 to November 2021. All the pregnant women irrespective of the gestational age admitted at KIMS hospital with COVID-19 reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) positive and gave the consent were included in our study. In our study, out of 480 pregnant women 13 cases were COVID-19 positive. Out of the 13 positive patients, 4 delivered vaginally and 6 of them underwent lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) in view of obstetric indications. 3 cases (23%) were lost to follow up. 9 (90%) of neonates were negative for COVID 19. The results of our study concluded that COVID-19 positivity rate is 2.7% among the admitted patients. There is a risk of adverse pregnancy outcome in severe COVID-19 infections. The limitation of our study was that number of infected pregnant women was less to study the pregnancy outcome. Further studies with larger sample size will be required to study the pregnancy outcome


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    Background: Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolism of virtually all cells in the body. The frequency of thyroid dysfunction in our population compels every physician to be skilled in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. Direct measurement of serum concentration of TSH, T4 and T3 is used to establish the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The free unbound fraction of T4 (FT4) and T3 (FT3) which is less than 0.03% is the active form of the hormone. Free T4 (the biologically active T4) is less sensitive to changes in serum binding proteins and hence FT4 levels could best represent the thyroid functional status Aim: To evaluate the concordance between total T4, T3 levels and free T4 levels in patients with abnormal thyroid function test reports where the full panel of TFT has been ordered. Materials & Methods: Consecutive TFT reports of patients in whom the full panel of TFT have been ordered over a two month period were included in the analysis. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by the help of Microsoft Excel and SPSS software. Results: In the hypothyroid group, the median TSH was 6.89 microIU/ml (Mean=21.25) with a mean T4 of 6.75 microgm/dl and mean FT4 of 1.03 ng/ml .In this group, the mean T3 was 0.91 ng/ml a range 0.195-1.95. In the hyperthyroid group, the mean TSH was 0.049 microIU/ml with a mean T4 and FT4 of 11.01 microgm/dl and 2.07 ng/ml and the mean T3 was 1.3 ng/ml with a range of 0.62 to 4.33. Statistical analysis using Karl Pearson\u27s method showed a significant correlation (r = 0.8) between T4 and FT4 values. It was also found that T3 also had a significant positive correlation with FT4 and T4. No significant influence of age and gender on TFT was found. 14% of the T4 values in the hypothyroid group and 40 % of T4 values in the hyperthyroid group were in the normal range while Free T4 alone showed changes consistent with the corresponding thyroid dysfunction. Conclusion: FT4 correlates highly with T4 in both primary hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and in conjugation with TSH its measurement serves as a better tool than total T4 in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders. KEYWORDS: Thyroid function test correlation; Free T4 concordance


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    Background: Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolism of virtually all cells in the body. The frequency of thyroid dysfunction in our population compels every physician to be skilled in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. Direct measurement of serum concentration of TSH, T4 and T3 is used to establish the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The free unbound fraction of T4 (FT4) and T3 (FT3) which is less than 0.03% is the active form of the hormone. Free T4 (the biologically active T4) is less sensitive to changes in serum binding proteins and hence FT4 levels could best represent the thyroid functional status Aim: To evaluate the concordance between total T4, T3 levels and free T4 levels in patients with abnormal thyroid function test reports where the full panel of TFT has been ordered. Materials & Methods: Consecutive TFT reports of patients in whom the full panel of TFT have been ordered over a two month period were included in the analysis. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by the help of Microsoft Excel and SPSS software. Results: In the hypothyroid group, the median TSH was 6.89 microIU/ml (Mean=21.25) with a mean T4 of 6.75 microgm/dl and mean FT4 of 1.03 ng/ml .In this group, the mean T3 was 0.91 ng/ml a range 0.195-1.95. In the hyperthyroid group, the mean TSH was 0.049 microIU/ml with a mean T4 and FT4 of 11.01 microgm/dl and 2.07 ng/ml and the mean T3 was 1.3 ng/ml with a range of 0.62 to 4.33. Statistical analysis using Karl Pearson's method showed a significant correlation (r = 0.8) between T4 and FT4 values. It was also found that T3 also had a significant positive correlation with FT4 and T4. No significant influence of age and gender on TFT was found. 14% of the T4 values in the hypothyroid group and 40 % of T4 values in the hyperthyroid group were in the normal range while Free T4 alone showed changes consistent with the corresponding thyroid dysfunction. Conclusion: FT4 correlates highly with T4 in both primary hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and in conjugation with TSH its measurement serves as a better tool than total T4 in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders. KEYWORDS: Thyroid function test correlation; Free T4 concordance
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